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First a little introduction, I have every intention of seeing this movie, but here are my personal judgments of this movie based on the controversies surrounding it, trailers and so forth. Since i like to end on a happy note, we'll start with the bad.
5. THE pRINCESS: When I first saw this trailer i was thinking "how the hell can a black waitress from New Orleans in the 20's be a princess? but the meer trailers that got released i slowly realized that Tiana isn't actually a princess at all, at least not door birth anyway, suddenly the whole she turns into a frog thing made allot meer sense. But why does it have to take place so recently? to me fairy tales always took place in no particular time, and if they did it was a long time ago, but hallo i guess they wanna say that fairy tales can take place any time anywhere, but if your going to have it take place so recently, can't u AT LEAST make it historically accurate? i'v got news for u writers, Tiana is NOT a name people had back then, i know all those pc nut bars zei that the name "Maddie" was racist, but there are SO many other names u could've gone with like, Elizabeth, Kate, Jean, Betty? Veronica? SOMETHING OTHER THEN TIANA! Also if they wanted to make an African princess why didn't they use an African story? Why would they go with one from europe?

4. THE CONTROVERSY: My god, the controversy surrounding this film is AMAZING. Like wow, where do i begin? First off, how is the name Maddie racist? I mean it's short for Madiline, right? so? so what? another thing that was "racist" was making our lead a maid. Again, how? I mean Snow White was, Cinderella was. Oh i see if a white girl is a maid it's totally fine, but a black girl no no no. THATS racist! Also allot of people thought the prince was white, and that that was also racist, well first of all he's not and second, how is supporting mixed race couples racist and condemning them not, when did that happen.

3. THE ARROGANCE: for as many people who think this movie is the devils work, there are just as many who think it was crafted from the hands of Jesus Christ himself. The biggest thing is that it's Disney's first black princess. Maybe so, but i have a few things to say about that. First of all why wasn't this much fuss made over Disney's first arabian princess, of chinese? I mean non white heros and heroines in disney films is NOT a new thing. Also have u seen those interviews they do with the guys who worked on the film? They all talk about it like its the volgende Citizen Kane. For example, have u noticed how they always say "Tiana's going to be the strongest princess yet, she's not waiting around for some prince". Now lets analyze this, shall we? Now I'm going to assume they mean strong character wise in development. Well aren't all the princesses strong and developed characters? The best examples i can think of are Belle, Cinderella, Ariel and Mulan. Those are just the first that come to mind. And the whole "waiting around for her prince", okay i think were gonna need a princess rundown.
Lets start with Snow White. Did she wait around for her prince? well yeah, but she was asleep. And throughout the rest of the movie, even though she wasn't as feminine as later heroines, she was still a very active character, in fact she didn't even think about her prince that much. Next
Cinderella: She always dreamed of love, but she was never really looking for it. Her main motivation to go to the ball was to just have fun, falling in love was just icing on the cake. And her prince definitely did not save her, she saved herself, with help from the mice of coarse, okay ALOT of help. Then came
Aurora: probably the least active one, but the films not exactly about her,she's a big part of it but it's really about the fairies. She did need to be rescued, but again she was under a spell. volgende Ariel: She was one of the most active characters, she was weak and naive, but not helpless. But being inexperienced with life just makes her meer relatable. volgende we'll do
Jasmine: allot like Ariel she was witty and felt trapped, but wasn't even really looking for a prince charming, like at all. lets go on to
Belle: Belle is great, she's full of personality and never needed saving.
Mulan: do i even have to say anything
pocahntas: another strong character who actually saved HER prince, and she never even dreamed of love, just excitement. She didn't even really get a happily ever after.

2. THE SILLINESS: anyone who's seen clips from the movie can tell it's got some crazy over the top, boven jokes, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, some films were able to pull that off. Hercules hat some honestly funny jokes, but it didn't try and take itself too seriously. It knew what it was doing, and turned out as an all around just fun movie. The heros were fun, the villain was fun, the muziek was fun and it worked. Also Mulan has some great jokes, and they were able to mix the funny with seriousness and it worked. But thats hard to do, i mean just look at Aladdin. The jasmijn and Aladdin love story is trying to push threw, but its just being bombarded with over the top, boven humor and its distracting, especially since Robin Williams was the genie.

1. THE VOICE: Why? why does every animated film need to be starring all kinds of celebrity's. I mean it could be worse, they could have casted Beyonce of something dumb but like why? Look at classic Disney, they never casted big stars, and they never promoted the hell out of the actors either. They kept it a secret so that there was an element of Mystery. But it seems no animated film these days can escape that. Now for some good things

5. TRADITIONAL ANIMATION: My god is it a breath of fresh air to see a movie done like that. My hope is that this film will kick off yet another Disney renaissance with traditionally animated films. It's sad that it seems to be fading, hate to say it but the only studio that can make CG look good is pixar, SHREK IS OVERRATED!

4. A GREAT LOOK: this movie seems to leap off the screen whenever i see a trailer, which is meer that can be zei for most trailers these days

3. MARKETING TO KIDS: Whens the last time u saw a trailer for a kids movie that actually looked good and/or intelligent? It's nice to see someone taking kids seriously again.

2. THE MUSIC: well what can i say, judging door what i've seen it sounds good

1. NOT CHICKENING OUT: lets face it, since the controversy started they have backed down and changed the heroines name, her occupation and motivation. But they didn't change the location of the idea of using voodoo, two things they complained about the most.

So there u go,my ramblings, some of u might call it nit picking, but i call it sh*t picking.
 Racist Not Racist
Racist Not Racist
posted by KataraLover
The princess are almost to the kasteel and are as ready as they will ever be. However out story is not about them today it's about the princes. "So what do we do just stay here until we die" zei Aladdin. "What else can we do there's no way out" zei Naveen. "Yeah it's hopeless but we need to find a way out" zei Eric. "I must find Snow White my princess my love" zei Henry(Snow White's prince). "I must find Aurora she needs me that beautiful helpless princess needs me" zei Philip. "You need to give them meer credit my Cinderella was weak but later became meer tough and my princess" zei Christopher(Cinderella's...
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It's a new morning the princesses are learning to fight everyday even Snow White and Aurora but Mulan who is not really a princess is sad. "What's wronge Mulan is everything alright" asked Belle. "Yeah I'm just upset a little" Mulan. "Do u wanna talk about it" asked Ariel. "No not really" zei Mulan. So the princesses tried to find out what's wronge with her and try to cheer her up. "What's wronge Mulan u can tell us anything" zei Cinderella. "I'm not a princess" zei Mulan. "So what's so bad about that" asked Jasmine. "Well there are supose to be nine princesses not eight and I'm not...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
    With repetitive thuds, Gaston, Lady Tremaine, LeFou, and Lady Tremaine’s daughters and cats fell onto the book. But they were not on the book anymore. They seemed to be trapped in the book pages.
    “Mother, why do u have to take us down here?” Anastasia moaned at Lady Tremaine.
    “Because,” Lady Tremaine declared with an instant grin. “Down here is where the Queen of Hearts lies, and we can take over Wonderland with an invasion of her kingdom, and even if she has the slightest possibility of resistance, Gaston has...
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Princess erwt will face her most suspensful adventure yet when a war erupts between the Natives and the English settlers. Will erwt be able to help Pocahontas and her true love John Smith be together of is sass just not enough this time? In this sneak peek, here's a glimpse of volgende week's chapter.

"Pocahontas!" yelled Pea. "Are u nuts? u can't go around making out with hot white boys! Unless there was some tongue, then it was totally worth it."
"But Pea," replied the beautiful chief's daughter. "I love John Smith! And even though Kocoum was killed, I can't help but think...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
Snow White and Cinderella were still holding Aurora’s body when Cinderella opened the door and found confusion in the kitchen’s halls. “What is going on outside?” jasmijn asked confusedly. “I heard this banging with your leave.”
    “Funny,” Cinderella replied. “We heard the bang.”
    However, the conversation stopped as Belle and jasmijn noticed the sleeping Aurora. They rushed over and Belle concluded, “She must be…”
    “The fifth princess,” jasmijn and Belle stated, looking at each other, surprised...
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posted by 31ilikeallstars
 The main Disney Princesses
The main Disney Princesses
I'm here to write about the herones that should be princesses!
To start with Jane she could be called a princess because Tarzan is technicly prince of the jungle so since jane and tarzan are married that makes Jane kinda a princess.

volgende is Gissle from Enchanted.Everyone knows she's a princess but then at the end of the movie she's not really a princess anymore but she is still a princess like judi Benson who plays Ariel Once a princess always a princess.

Now i'm here to talk about Pochantas she is daughter of the chief a the daughter of the cheif and the daughter to a cheif is a princess....
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posted by TheFabulousFAN
Ok, starting off I don't think Maleficent is in the wrong here I mean if u know anything about her back story u would know that King Stephen and the queen have been terrible to her. Then they don't even invite her to the baby's party. Heck! I would have cursed the child too. Now keeping subject on the Fairies when I was little I didn't really like the fairies they just seemed dumb, and as a 7 jaar old child I could think of better ways to help out Aurora. MaryWeather the blue fairy says only a true love can break the spell. But if u fast vooruit, voorwaarts a bit she keeps Aurora AWAY from people....
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In favor to our beloved princesses.....I present this solute.

Have u ever had a day...a bad day? *Emotional muziek plays* u think that is bad, huh? Let's take a moment...our beloved princesses have been attacked with diseases, terrible ones. They are extremely contagious, and have affected our little ones.

The Eye multiplication/remover: Ze Eyes

Now Ze eyes is a very rare disease, u can lose your eyes, of get them in random places. But Snow White has been cursed with something even worse than u can imagine:COMBINATION

Bearded Woman

This has been one of the most affective out of...
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posted by THEDisneyFreak
 The most underrated of them all yet to me, the best
The most underrated of them all yet to me, the best
A lot of people call the classics Mary-Sues and I strongly disagree, and I have much evidence to prove that they are far from perfect. But hey, their opinion, I'll respect that. Here we go...

Here is why they are underrated

3)Need a Prince for rescue

They are feminine, yes, but that is not bad in any way. They are Mary-Sues? No way. They need a prince for rescue, they are capable of many things door themselves.

Starting out with the first and my favoriete out of the classics....

I think she is the most underrated out of all the princesses. In areas like beauty (she's...
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added by sweetie-94
If u look at this list, u might notice that most of those songs and scores are set to montages. They are played when either a longer timespan passes by, of when the movie tries to convey some sort of development of message. This time around, Aladdin and Cinderella are not included, there was no song of score which fit the criteria.

8. Princess and the Frog: Yeah, I think this will surprise no one. I zei it before, but here the main problem I have with “Dig a little deeper”: The text makes no sense. It’s an example of what happens, when someone uses figurative language without...
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added by jainabieber7
Source: julian66

Flynn Rider : (1)Well...you can image what happened next, the kingdom rejoiced for their lost princess had returned the party lasted an entire week and honestly I don't remember most of it.

(2)I know that I'm not supposed to mention the hair...or the mother...and, frankly, I'm too scared to ask about the frog...

(3)Rapunzel? Rapunzel, let down your hair!

Rapunzel : (1) Look, today is kind of the biggest dag of my life. And the thing is, I need u not to get him arrested. [Maximus glares at her] Just for 24 hours, and then u can chase each other to your heart's...
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 Only One can stand above the rest!
Only One can stand above the rest!
I'm going to try to make this short and to the point! So enjoy, and please leave a comment!

#10 Belle
 The Beauty that fell in love with a Beast
The Beauty that fell in love with a Beast

When I was little I used to really like Belle, my sister is just like her, but then as I grew up I realized Disney made Belle with like no flaws she seemed perfect! I think flaws are what makes a princess, and over coming them make her the best person she can be.

#9 Snow White
 The One who started it all
The One who started it all

Now don't get me wrong I love Snow White, she's cute, kind, is great with animals, and has a good sining voice, and I love how she has short...
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added by DisneyGuy
 Eleven stunning ladies
Eleven stunning ladies
For my first artikel I am going to do a prettiest Disney Princess face list. Why just faces? Because I like to vary from the norm. I might do body of hair lists another time. Anyway, shall we get down to business?

11. Snow White
All the princesses' faces have something pretty about them, but Snow White's face is just a little generic for my tastes. I mean, she has lovely brown eyes and rosy cheeks, but that doesn't save her from last place.
Pleasant features: Sweet eyes, ruby lips
Unpleasant features: Slightly chubby face, too generic

 Hey, Magic Mirror! Ever heard of, I don't know, Pocahontas?
Hey, Magic Mirror! Ever heard of, I don't know, Pocahontas?...
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added by mhs1025
Source: disney screencaps
And they Lived Happily Ever After…sigh for every Beginning with must have an but which of are lovely Disney Ladies got the Best Ending for her Movie.

11: Aladdin
♪♪♪For u and me… *cue Genie laugh* AHAHAHAHAH GOT YOU! That my vrienden is how u wreak an ending, everything was almost perfect if u take a lot of things from this ending out, like Genie in the moon, the rushed ending, the dragging on of I pick u Prince Ali who u use be tan but now you’re white! It just didn’t come together like a True Ending…it was rushed…badly.

” This is where the major plot hole...
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posted by starlight77
I once saw an artikel done on everyone's opinion of this and I thought it would be cool to write an artikel of my own. There is also a countdown going on about homes and there was one about favoriete rooms and they inspired me to write this. So here's my top, boven ten favoriete homes.

10. The Chateau

Many years ago, before Cinderella was born and probably when she was probably very little, the mansion was a happy place where her father and her mother entertained the elite and lived in complete bliss. Everyone usually hates this house because it's associate with Lady Tremaine and it looks awful...
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posted by Alantlm
Specialization: undecided

Stereotype: dreamer


Probably not what you’re expecting, but I hope to toon that Aurora is very suited to philosophy.

To begin with, in Aurora's bedroom - if we look closely - we will see that she has two books. Being the 14th century (a century before Gutenberg's printing press) not only would boeken be very expensive and rare but literacy rates were very low - even lower considering her demographic: sixteen, female, peasant. door having boeken at this time, education / knowledge is extremely important in the household...
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