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posted by princesslullaby
 Belle as Beast
Belle as Beast

For ppgbelle4! This is a Christmas gift for you!
This story details what would happen if when Beast had turned back into a human, Belle had turned into a Beast.

The last petal of a breath escaped the Beast, and his paw dropped to the ground, defeated.

“No. No! Please, please. Please don’t leave me. I love you.” Belle choked.

Clinging to the Beast’s clothes, nails digging in, as if she was trying to drag back what was just lost; a sob crawled out of her throat. Tears swam down her face and peaked off the tendrils of wet hair, mixing with the rain on the ground.
The rose, sitting on the table, let the last petal fall. The iridescent glow that had clung on to the last appendage of the bloem faded, leaving it an ordinary faded rose, no longer a symbol of the magical enchantment the Beast had been under. Instead, it was now a metaphor for death, as wilted and limp as the Beast was. Belle continued to cry, her tears soaking into the Beast’s sodden fur.
Her eyes shut tight, all she saw was blackness. Then, behind her cave of darkness, she saw a flash of light with the sound of a quiet ringing accompanying it. She ignored it, until she saw another, then another, then another. Fireworks of light shot down on to the ground, a multitude of colors. They struck like bullets around her. A rosy roze veil of light lifted off of them, surrounding her and the Beast. Her eyes grew wide as she felt herself being lifted, and the Beast as well. Desperately, she clutched at the ground, but only her nails scraped the stone as she continued to rotate upward. Spirals of light swirled around her hands and arms, engulfing her in a strange energy she had never felt before. She could no longer see the Beast; the dark pinkish fog between them was too thick now. She vaguely heard the cries of Cogsworth & Lumiere, but it was like thick blankets were layered over the sound. Even the lights were silent around her, no longer the ringing sound in her ears. She could only hear a dim voice of a single note being sung, in the most beautiful voice she had ever heard. It never paused; it sounded like a mythical siren she had read about in her books.
Suddenly, a bolt of energy shot through her arm. It was the strangest, most exhilarating sensation she had ever felt. She experienced the same sensation in the other arm, and it start to spread all over her body. It felt like little arrows were shooting around inside her, being shot through her shoulders, and toes, and hips. Her skin felt like was lifting off her and being replaced with new layers. Her right arm began to lift of its own accord, and a stream of light shot out of her fingertips. The light began to expand down her arm as it turned into one glowing bar. She felt the same thing happen in her other arm. The light began to slowly spread down her body, like a high tide rising. It flowed through her, creating a rippling wave of sensation throughout her whole body, until eventually she was entirely glowing, just one human shaped figure of light. She could no longer see; her eyes were two glowing coals. Even her hair had turned golden, sparks glistening off the ends like ember. It felt like electricity was flowing through her, jolts of power shooting up her spine. As it glowed brighter and brighter, she felt meer and meer disconnected from herself, like she was crawling out of a shell, and something else was growing underneath.
    All at once, the light grew blindingly bright, then suddenly exploded off of her, encasing everything around her in a white flash. The light turned into a million pieces of golden pebbles, falling to the ground, and then dissolving onto the kasteel surface. The fog was fading, the pinkish hue turning almost gray, then faded out. The magic that was supporting her fell, and she crumpled to the ground.
    A couple of seconden later, Belle felt her eyes flutter open of their own accord. A blinding whiteness was around her, and pressing her palms against the ground, she tried to hoist herself up. Her palms felt thick and padded. She looked at them to check for scrapes and a jolt of horror shook through her. A fur-covered arm ending in thin fingers, long claws at the end, was there. She jumped up in terror, and almost immediately fell over and crashed to the ground again. Looking down, she paled to see two furry legs, looking almost the same as her hands only with large paws. She screamed, and a roar came out instead of a high-pitched sound. What the hell was going on?

“Belle. Belle!” she heard a voice cry. A gorgeous man with long, blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes came into focus, eyebrows furrowed in concern. He gaped at her for quite some time and she stared back, unable to move.

“….Belle, is that you?” the man zei with hesitation, eyebrows arching. She looked up at him, staring him dead in the eye.

“Who…. who are you?” She choked out, a small growl behind every word. She clutched at her throat, only to feel meer fur. Her eyes darted around everywhere. Was she still at the castle? She was too frozen with astonishment and fear to register anything.

“Belle, it’s me…Beast.” He leaned down and whispered, observing her closely. He studied her face for awhile before letting out a sigh. He held out a hand and she reached out to grip it, but pulled back in shock when she saw the hairy limb was still attached to her. She turned her hand over and stared at it, shaking, mouth agape. The man grabbed her door the shoulders and pulled her up. She broke her gaze long enough to stare at him. Studying his face, eyes still watering in fear, nothing about him was recognizable- until she looked at his eyes. The soulful, deep blue eyes of the Beast were the only physical remainders of the monster she loved. Her mouth creaked open

“It is you.” Belle stammered. When she spoke, she felt her tongue run along sharp ridges protruding from her gums where her teeth were. She had fangs.
Hands still gripping her shoulders, the Beast bent down and stared into Belle’s eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Belle..” he sighed. “I can tell those eyes anywhere. But…I don’t understand. What’s happened to you? The enchantress never zei anything about someone else getting the curse…..”

“What are u talking about? What curse?” Belle gripped his arms frantically. “Why do I look like this? Am I dreaming?”

“I don’t know…” the Beast said, looking at the ground, then back up at Belle, mouth hanging open at the sight. “I’ll do anything I can…I need to figure out a way to change u back…figure out what’s going on…”
Belle shook her head, no words coming out. She backed away from him and nearly tripped over something furry behind her. She turned around to look but it wasn’t there. She backed up again and the same thing happened. This time she just turned her head and gasped out loud. A long, flocculent tail swished back at her, almost a wink. She let out a breathy scream and nearly stumbled over herself again rushing back into the West Wing. Finally catching her breath door gripping onto a table, she heaved. She felt like she was going to throw up. Shoulders swelling up and down, she looked up and caught a horrible glance of herself in a cracked mirror on the wall. She had a long, wolf like snout, and with her mouth hanging open, she could see fangs. Her eyes were no longer round, but slanted like cat eyes. Even her irises were slits like a feline, only a hint of her hazel gleaming in the lines around her diamond shaped pupil. Two pointy wolf ears poked out through her scalp. She still had her brown locks, but she was also now covered in downy fur, thick and warm against her body. She couldn’t see past her shoulders, but saw the cape and dress she was wearing was torn because of her increased body size. Looking back outside, she saw Beast bent around the rose, picking it up with his fingers, observing it, grumbling to himself. He raced over to Belle and pulled her back onto the balcony. Tucking her hair behind her ears, he cupped her chin with his hand.

“I’ll figure out a way to make things right.” Beast promised, tightening his grip on her hands for emphasis.
But his eyes didn’t convey the same confidence. They locked eyes with each other, the confusion and terror shooting in between both of their gazes. Their breathing was heavy.

    Suddenly, the petal that had fallen last began to glow. Belle and Beast, still clinging to each other, turned and started. The petal lifted off the tafel, tabel and reattached itself to the stem. All the other petals began to do the same, until they were all reattached and a wilted rose lay there. The rose lifted off the tafel, tabel and became upright again, petals reblossoming into a rose. They then shrunk back in, so the rose looked like it was about to come to. Suddenly, it bloomed and an explosion of roze spirals rocketed out. The vines of vapor curled out meer and more, the smoke becoming larger and larger. A human size figure began to pour through the smoke, and the air began to take shape around the foreign being. Belle could hardly see. She had to squint her eyes because of all thick air making her eyes water. The watery figure touched the ground, and the smoke faded away. When she finally wiped her eyes clean, her mouth dropped open in shock. Standing there was the most beautiful, ethereal woman she had ever seen. Her, perfect, amandel shaped eyes sparkled like blue jewels, literally reflecting light in different directions. Her face pointed down to a regal chin, and her skin was polished to the point of marble. Her lips were sculpted into the shape of a heart, and were the same shade of roze as the rose. They let off a slight glow identical to the enchanted flower. Her hair cascaded down in luminous golden locks. They look like they had been spun out of pure gold. It shined, so bright and stunning that looking at it too long hurt Belle’s eyes. The figure wore a dress that was simple yet upon close inspection, looked like every single piece of thread was made from a blade of grass. It was the healthiest green shade Belle had ever seen. The little details looked like vines etched into the fabric. The whole dress looked like a field personified into fabric. Upon her head was a crown adorned with three goud stars on each point. It sparkled and shone against the castle’s sheen. Belle subconsciously registered that the kasteel had changed, something she hadn’t noticed before. But she was too focused on the goddess in front of her.
She tore herself out of the penetrating gaze she was under to look at the Beast. His mouth was open but his eyes showed a sign of surprised recognition.

“It’s you…!” He said, a surprising humbleness spreading over his expression.

“The spoiled prince.” The woman let the words escape her plump lips. Each word sounded like a beautiful note being sung. Her voice was nothing like Belle had ever heard before. It was like the song of the siren she had heard earlier when she was surrounded in the glowing light. This woman’s voice sounded so pure, like an angel’s chime ringing. Each word carried a chord that Belle could feel resonate inside of her.

“How you’ve changed.” The otherworldly creature uttered again, the edges of her mouth curling in a slight smile. “How you’ve grown.”
The Beast bowed slightly.

“If it had not been for you, Enchantress, I- I would not have learned to love. Thank you.” He said, not making eye contact with the woman-like being. He turned toward the girl standing volgende to him “But Belle-”

“There is nothing I can do about girl.” The Enchantress zei coldly, making eye contact with Belle for the first time, pillars of light still curling off of her body. “When I cast the spell on you, as part of the punishment, I did not tell u the full extent of the spell. There is another half to the curse, and it some ways, it is a meer terrible affliction than what u received before.”
The woman’s eyes narrow, and a flicker of darkness flashed across her face.

“Once the cursed is cast, it cannot be removed from existence . Whoever receives this curse, therefore, to lift it, must lay the curse upon another, the one who loves them most. Since this girl is the one who proclaimed her love for you, she will be burdened with the curse the rest of her life.”

“Is there anyway I could take the curse back and become a Beast again, and Belle could return to being human? I know Belle will still love me.” Beast pleaded.
The enchantress chuckled evilly; flowery lips parting to reveal pearly teeth underneath.

“The lesson was not the girl’s to learn. Once u have broken yourself of the curse, u can never receive it again. u can never again be a Beast. ” The enchantress stated unemotionally. Her sharp gaze returned to the Beast. “But I am prepared to offer u a deal.”

“You have two choices, and the girl cannot interfere, of speak with an opinion. u can choose to let the girl remain a Beast and u a human, and both of u will be together, assuming u can still love her while she is a hideous monster. Or, u can take my deal. I can turn Belle back into a human. But as a replacement for getting rid of the curse, I will eliminate any memory between u two. Belle will go back to her village, and u will go back to your castle. u both will be human. u will have no memory of ever having met of loved each other.” She hardened her gaze specifically on the Beast, eyes no longer bouncing back and forth between him and Belle.

“You will forget u were ever cursed of that u even met me, and the servants in your household will forget this as well. Your changed nature will keep, and u will forget u were the greedy, selfish prince that u once were.” The notes floating out of her mouth were icy and staccato, no longer warm and flowing like they were before.

“What do u choose?”
The Beast kept his gaze lingering on the Enchantress for one beat before turning to face Belle. Taking both of her hands in his, he gazed into her eyes. He studied every inch of her face, gauging a reaction, but she felt herself unable to express anything. She stood their, helpless and vulnerable, waiting for his choice, a statue posing but not really knowing what she was expressing.

“I’m sorry, Belle.” He zei to her, every word pouring with emotion. He turned back to the Enchantress, his face no longer modest. His eyes were filled with pride and stubbornness, and she recognized him a little better.

“I cannot allow Belle to turn back into a human. I have to let her live with the curse.” He spoke, each word an arrow of poignancy.

“Even if I stay a changed man, without Belle, there is no point to my living. Before meeting her, I was living a half-life, barely breathing. Each breath I took stung me and filled me with pain. My loneliness was a sword piercing my gut everyday. I cannot beer to let Belle go and feel that horrible hurt once again. She is the girl who saw past the Beast, who looked past the vacht, bont to see the man within. I can’t let her go. I love her.” He looked at Belle as he spoke the last few words. His eyes were filled with love and something even more, something Belle couldn’t recognize. She couldn’t react.

“Then she will remain a Beast for all time.” The enchantress threatened darkly.
But the Beast just smiled at her and continued to gaze at Belle.

“When I look at Belle, I don’t see a beast, even now. I see the girl who learned to love a beast, who taught him to dance and read, who came back even when he had set her free. She is everything to me, and no matter what she looks like I will love her.”
Belle wanted to do something, to reach out and touch his hand, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t move.

“I’m sorry.” The Beast said, his eyes returning to the Enchantress. His gaze was sturdy and strong, his shoulders held high. “I cannot lose her. I cannot survive without Belle’s love. I cannot take your deal.”

The icy chill in the Enchantress’ eyes began to melt away, becoming warm again.

“I can see that your hart-, hart has truly changed.” She spoke, the words once meer inviting, their chilly tone lost. “Her transformation was one final test I had to give you. So many men I have laid this curse upon fail this final tribulation. They have learned to see inner beauty but still cannot see past outer. u are one of the few men who have made a true change of heart. I will return the girl to her proper form.”
With a flick of her wrist, Belle suddenly felt herself hoisted into the air once more. This transformation was much quicker. She spun in the air, the pinky fog surrounding her, before falling to the ground back again. Eyes widening in delight, she saw that her hand was in its normal flesh. She stood up and the Enchantress smiled at her.

“It takes a strong hart-, hart to fall in love with a creature who is so unloving, inside and out, and change him for the better. I have been around longer than this earth and met countless people, and I have only seen a few with a hart-, hart like yours. u are blessed to be so blind as u are. Most people see too much.” The Enchantress’ gaze returned to the Beast.

“You will be blessed with a happy life from now on. I can see it in both of you. Your love will be as timeless as this rose.” She said, gesturing to the enchanted bloem upon the table. “Your affection for each other has brought it back to life, and it will not wilt until the dag your love for each other dies.”
The Enchantress looked towards the sky and raised her arms, and in a fast swirling of smoke, she was gone. Belle was left gazing at the sky.

“Then the rose will never wilt.” The Beast said, turning towards Belle. They both faced each other. Belle stared at the man who once was a monster, and couldn’t find a trace of the Beast in him any longer. Only his eyes were recognizable, and they conveyed the emotion of a changed man, filled with love for the girl looking at him. The Beast studied Belle, seeing only a girl who had done everything for him, who had been so noble to change him inside, who had gegeven everything and meer for others. Their lips met in a kiss. There was a sound of fireworks, but neither could hear the noise. They could only feel the love flowing in between their kiss. A love so strong it could make even the most destroyed of roses bloom back to its full power.
added by laurenhaa
Source: Tumblr
posted by _CatWoman_
This will be determined door points. Each princess starts off with 0 points, for every dumb action points are taken away, for every smart action points are given. For scales -1 for naïve of dumb +1 for witty of quick thinking, -2 for stupid of pointless +2 smart of insightful, -3 for deadly of incompetent +3 for intellectual of thought out.

13.Anna Points: -13

Not listening -1: Elsa clearly zei "Wait" but she continued to jump. This can be overridden door the fact she is a child of that she didn't hear Elsa though.

Being lonely -2: She could have left the palace ANY possible time. Not to mention...
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 Aren't I lovely?
Aren't I lovely?
Aloha! So, when I first joined this place 5 months ago, I made a getting to know me article, but, as it was the first artikel I ever made, it was quick and pretty dumb. So, I have taken the liberty of thinking up some stuff about me that u don't care about, now that I have sentence structure. Also, there are some dope new users who know basically nothing about me besides what they see typed up on a screen. So, without further ado, my getting to know moi article!

Basic info
My name is Darby-Adele, but most refer to me as just Darby of Darbz. I live in Arizona, in the US of A, which is fine...
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Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Each morning I get up looking crazy
Can barely stand on my feet
Take a look in the mirror and cry
Who is gonna build a snowman with me
Elsa, I have spent all my years in believing you
But I just can't get no relief,
Somebody, somebody
Can anybody find me somebody to love?

I play door myself every dag of my life
I play till get bored
At the end there's nothing left to do
I look at the pictures on the wall
And I start talking to them
Till I go downright insane
Lord - somebody - somebody
Can anybody find me - somebody to love?

Everyday - I try and I try...
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Source: Silverrose1991
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Source: MalloMar, disney
posted by dclairmont
Creds to the amazing dimitri_ for coming up with this idea for an artikel :)

I would change my name to Kristoff
I'm basically obsessed with all things Norwegian; culture, language, names, so I'd love to have Kristoff's name! Scandinavian names are my favoriete type of names besides Russian :3

I would want Anna's selflessness and boldness
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I would want Fa Zhao as my parent
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added by zikkiforever
Source: Tumblr