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Here they are! My top, boven favoriete Disney Princess Couples!!

10) Mulan and Shang
I know I seem like I'm sipping Mulan-Flavored Haterade, but I genuinely don't dislike the movie. It's entertaining and hearing the muziek puts me in ninja-mode, but the romance is not only unnecessary, it's also unconvincing. Mulan and Shang both seem infinitely lovable (after all, lots of guys like women who can kick their asses,) but I just don't buy it. Is it funny? Sort of. Is it convincing? Definitely not.

9) Snow White and the Prince
u can't get some things right immediately, I suppose. The prince's song is adorable and his lipsticked mouth sings it beautifully, but I just can't get over how saccharinely sweet (and yet extraordinarily unbelievable) this romance is. I think the best point of their romance is when she wakes up and immediately gets him to carry her away. She's like, "Oh, sorry. I was dead for a while, I can't walk just yet." Talk about high maintenance. :)
In all seriousness, I find this couple so sweet, but almost too sweet.

8) Pocahontas and John
This is undoubtedly Disney's most passionate romance, and the nostalgia goggles I inevitably wear when watching the film get to me. However, once the rosy glow fades away, I can't get over my aversion to Pocahontas' dull character. It's a nice romance, but it's not easy for me to get swept away in romances when it's difficult to see why this couple would love each other. They're both gorgeous, but when it comes down to it, both of these characters have the depth and insight of a pair of Barbie dolls.

7) Aurora and Phillip
They're both shallow, underdeveloped, and kind of vapid, but damn it, they're SO CUTE. Their epic amount of cuteness elevates them in the list. SO CUTE.

6) jasmijn and Aladdin
He's straat smart, savvy, a quick-thinker, and a genuinely good person. She's fiesty, quick-witted, and a sort of spoiled. Match made in Heaven? Not exactly, but they are unbelievably cute together. It's easy to see why they would fall for each other. They each have so many positive traits (and yet so many negative ones,) that they sort of seem like a real relationship. Do I think they'll still be together in 20 years? No, but damn it, they're adorable now.

5) Rapunzel and Flynn
I love him. I love her. I love them together. To me, Flynn and Rapunzel are the epitome of love in its first stages. Everything seems new and exciting, and even the quirks that gave u misgivings at first just seem endearing. Flynn loves Rapunzel's innocence, curiousity, and spirit. She loves his charisma, sense of humor, and larger-than-life personality. This is truly a match made in Disney Heaven.

4) Tiana and Naveen
This pair would be far lower on the lijst if Naveen wasn't so darn adorable. I don't know what it is about them, but I love them together. The way he falls for her is so abrupt, and yet so natural. He sees in her a better life, a dignity and a sense of dedication. She loves his sense of fun and his passion for living. It's a flawed movie, but a great romance. :)

3) Cinderella and the Prince
u just can't beat the classics. Cinderella and the Prince are the epitome of fairytale love. It occurs when u least expect it, and sweeps u off your feet in a magical setting. However, when u find it, it can save u from the life you're living. Cinderella's romance is what every little girl longs for: a love that needs no words and no actions.

2) Ariel and Eric
I can't get over the nostalgia of this pair. I'm not a huge Prince Eric fan (he's got the personality of an underwear model), but I really enjoy how smitten he becomes with Ariel. There's a lot about her to love, and I'm crazy about love stories in which one of both partners will go to the ends of the earth and back. This is a love that is unending and unconditional, which is what we all want, isn't it?

1) Belle and the Beast
In my opinion, this is the ultimate love story. True love is transformative, not just sweet, and true love has the power to change people. Belle's love for the Beast isn't overly scripted, and his attraction to her is nothing short of genuine. They're friends, they're enemies, they're perfect for each other, and that is a love that extends beyond fairytales.
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
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