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A/N: A "Tangled" Oneshot. Hope u enjoy!

"Juliet!" I heard a little boy's voice yell frantically from down the hall
of the palace. Quickly I dropped the book I had been reading and sprinted
barefoot down the hall to the bron of the yelling.
I'm the princess of Corona, my parents are Eugene and Rapunzel
Fitzherbert. At 14 years old I'm only 5'3" with long dark brown hair
and big smaragd, emerald eyes that shined everytime I heard the beginnigs
of an adventure.
My parents have been King and Queen for 5 years now, my grandparents
of course still live in the palace with us.
My Mother spent the first 18 years of her life locked away in a tower, never
even knowing she was a princess and my Father was an orphan turned
to thief who went door the name of Flynn Rider, the Kingdom's most
elusive thief. Ofcourse the most unlikely couple crossed paths and with
a few swings of her frying pans Mother was able to convince Father to
toon her to her dream...and the rest as they say is history.
I was born a jaar after their marriage and 8 years later they had my
younger brother Noah who is currently in front of our parent's door
crying his eyes out with my Grandparents sitting in the hall chairs
trying to calm him down.
"Noah?" I asked worriedly reaching him out of breath but looking him
over once looking for any signs of injury. All he did was inpakken, wrap his tiny
little arms around my neck and hug me tightly. Looking questioningly
over at my Grandparents I realized quickly what was going on.
"Mother went into labor?" Their nods answered my vraag and I
gave my little brother a kiss on the forehead.
"Noah...it's going to be ok...in a few hours were going to have another
sibling," I whispered in his ear sitting down on the tiled floor and placing him
in my lap both his arms still wrapped tightly around my neck.
"I know...I'm just scared," He answered sniffling and crying silently into
my shoulder, causing the purple sleeve to turn a darker shade from the
"Well what are u scared of?" I asked taking Noah's grip from around my
neck and gently whipping the tears from his face.
"When the new baby comes...were going to be forgotten..." He trailed
off and the tears began falling again, Grandma beckoned him over and he
ran and crawled into her lap where she instantly craddled him. Grandfather
watched me with a worried expression as I calculated what my younger
brother had just said.
We could be forgotten...No...No we couldn't Mom and Dad would never do
that to us. I mean ofcourse the first week of Noah's life mom had been
a bit caught up in caring for him but my Father paid just as much attention
to me as he always had.
I have always been the Daddy's girl. My father and I did everything
together from reading to swordfighting to horseback riding...you name it.
My mother is amazing, don't get me wrong but I just don't have much
in common with her. Dad and I always were joking around about things and I
loved hearing about the adventures he had when he was a thief.
But what if this baby was a girl? Would that mean that I would be replaced?
Would everyone ignore me do to the fact that their was a new little
We sat in silence for uur everyone deep in thought, and the more
time that went door the meer I dreaded meeting my new sibling.
Finally as dawn was arriving their was a cry from the inside of the
room and Grandmother shook Noah gently awake from his position in
her lap, I stood up and stretched sore from sitting on the tile for hours
without barely moving.
I waited for the doors to be opened, and I was secretly hoping they
never would, that the last 9 months had just been a bad dream...but the
odds of that happening were very slim. I shouldn't even be worrying
this much I mean there is only a 50% chance that my worst nightmare
could be the child in there.
The door creaked and I jumped slightly at the noise but noting the
look of sheer joy on my Father's face I could tell that my nightmare
had come true. His brown eyes were sparkling and his brown hair was
slightly disheveled along with his black vest but nothing to wipe that
joy off of his face.
"It's a girl!" He zei excitedly as both of my grandparents and Noah
smiled at him and went closer to see if they could be welcomed in
to see the little girl. My Father moved aside for them to enter and I
took the oppurtunity to quickly retreat down the hall to my chambers.
My father used to look at me that way, his little girl. But apprently
I didn't have that role in his life anymore.
Ten minuten later I sat on on of the ledges of the kasteel high above the town
and overlooking the water that surrounded the kingdom's capital. I usually wasn't
allowed up here without my father, but today I just needed time to myself
and I did not want him here with me.
The sun was beginning to rise, purple was being replaced door dull
reds and oranges just anticipating the moment that little slip of yellow peaked its
way over the line of horizon.
Sighing I played with the kant, lace on the end of the purple dress I was wearing
and tried holding in the tears. I really was being immature...and overly emotional.
But there was just some kind of fear that kept tearing at my hearts...the
fear of being forgotten...of being replaced.
"You know...the first time I came up here in the end led me to your mother?" I
was startled out of my thoughts door the deep sounds of a man's voice, one I knew
well and the last voice I wanted to hear right now.
"Yeah...I do know I believe I have been told that story about a
million times...or have u already forgotten that?" I zei the last part quietly
so low that I doubt he even heard but turning around and seeing the almost
pained expression on his face, I bet he did.
Earlier his face had been so full of life, had I really been the one to
steal that joy?
See I already was a terrible daughter.
Sighing he began to walk over the ledge I was sitting on and sat down volgende to
me running a hand through his hair.
"Might as well tell me what's wrong now Juliet...before your Mom
get's a hold of you" I had to smile a tad at that, whenever u were sad
in my household Mother would go out of her way just to bring back
the smile to your face, but I began to frown as I realized that right now
my frown was probably the last thing on her mind.
"Nothings wrong," I stated grumpily crossing my arms still staring
stubbornly off into the horizon. Maybe if I was lucky he would become
so annoyed with me he would leave.
Another part of me wished that he wouldn't leave.
Scoffing my Father wrapped his arm around my shoudlers "Now Julie...I know
that something is wrong...the seconde I walked out of that door you
took off like u had seen a ghost...in fact u were as pale as one too," Julie.
That was the nickname only my Father called me. I remained silent still.
"Well if u aren't going to tell me...then...then...I guess I will just have to
smoulder it out of you!" I rolled my eyes at his exclamation and unfolded my arms.
"Ohhh...don't go through such drastic measures..." I told him sarcastcally
looking over at him and finally looking into his eyes. What I saw stopped me
in my tracks of saying yet another snide comment.
Those brown eyes that had been so full of joy earlier were looking at me with
concern yet underneath it all u could see the love he held for me.
"Look I..." Wringing my hands nervously and a bit out of guilt I
looked downwards at my dangling feet and the still sleeping village.
"...you know u would never be replaced right?" I heard him whisper and I looked
up shocked that he had seen right through me, I mean my father isn't the best
at reading people.
"How did you...?" I asked him quietly replaying all my actions through my
mind, I had never really gegeven away the reasons behind my instant bad mood.
"I saw the look u gave me when I walked out of the room...the second
u saw my smiling face....you knew what was going on, u knew what was
behind those doors. I could tell door the hurt expression u gave me before
walking away...that u felt that u were being replaced...that u had
never seen that kind of joy on my face," I stared at him my mouth opened
Here I was thinking I had snuck away from everyone, when one
of the most oblivious people I know could see my concerns and fears.
Was I really THAT obvious?
I could feel the moisture on my cheeks before I could register what
was going on. The tears came fast and my dad reached out to my cheek
catching them.
"You'll always be my little girl Julie...no matter what happens of who
tries to change it..." With that I finally broke down and we hugged right on
the ledge but nether of us feared falling.
"If it makes u feel any better...your sister already won't let me
hold her...she's quite fond of her mom," I had to smile a watery smile
at that. Maybe she was going to be Mommy's Girl.
"What did Noah think?" I asked remembering how distraught he had
been right when Mother went into labor.
"Well when we showed her to him this is what he zei "This is totally
stupendous!" I giggled at the words my little brother had choosen, ofcourse
he was trying to be like his father.
"I think...I want to meet her," I quietly told my father a touch of fear
still in my voice.
"I think u need to," And with that the sun finally peaked over the horizon
and we made our way off the roof.

"Rapunzel...someones here to meet her sister," My father zei as he held my hand
and peaked into the bedroom him and my mother shared. Looking back
at me I received an encouraging smile, but that didn't stop the shaking in my hands and
butterflies in my stomach.
What if she looked like me? Exactly like me! Then what? I wouldn't even
be the only me still.
But seeing the encouraging look on my father's face I pushed those
nerves down as he opened the doors wider pulling me in with him.
My Grandparents both beaming stood on one side of the king bed
in the corner of the room, where my mother sat admist the ruby red silken
sheets, tired yet looking down lovingly at a little blanket clad bundle. Beside
her lay Noah under the covers already fast asleep a small smile on his
Taking a few awkward steps in everyone seemed to register our
entrance. I looked down at my barefeet and thought of bolting from
the room when my father squeezed my hand and began pulling me towards
the bed.
My mother looked up at me and I could see concern come to her
wide smaragd, emerald eyes that we shared. I gave a small smile and my Dad and I
stopped at the side of the bed where Noah wasn't resting.
"Hello Darling...are u alright?" She asked me one hand craddling the bundle
while the other gently patted my still slightly wet cheek. I just nodded
trying to take a look at the little human concealed door the bundle.
"Would u like to see her?" Mother asked excitedly and before I could answer
she was patting the bed volgende to her, I took a zitplaats, stoel timidly tucking my knees
under me. "Here!" She passed me the warm bundle and I looked down.
Cocooned in the blankets was a tiny baby girl, her fist curled and
eyes open. The color was a very dark blue, which usually meant a child would
have brown eyes, they looked exactly like Noah's had when he was born. She had long
eyelashes and u could tell she was going to favor our mother as she
already had her mouth and nose, where as Noah and I favored our Father.
But what shocked me meer then the fact that she wasn't even crying
but just staring at the world around her, was that I could see a lock
of blonde hair from inside the blanket.
"Mom?" I whispered out of shock wondering if the child in my hands
would have the ability to heal just like my mother had.
"Don't worry...already tried...she does not have magic hair," My mom
whispered in my ear watching my expression as I looked at my younger
"What's her name?" I asked curiously looking up at my parents who
both shared the same look at eachother.
"We hadn't picked one out yet...do u have any ideas?" My Father asked
timidly as he wrapped one of his arms around my mother's shoulders. My
grandparents smiled at me seeing the instant smile that spread out on my face.
"Well...how about...Adeline Rose?" I asked the both of them as they both nodded
their heads in approval.
"Now...let's see if she is going to want to come to Daddy now...come here Adeline," My
father took the little girl in his arms the seconde she looked up she began to cry. Rolling his
eyes he gave her to my mom who was giggling and came over to me wrapping his
arms around my shoudlers and placing a kiss on my forehead.
"See nothing to worry about," He whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but smile.
Yeah...nothing to worry about.

A/N#2: What did u think?
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by Madmozell
added by Madmozell
Source: Made door missmikopete in deviantart
I'm copying alafastanzio

#10. Rapunzel
I can never articulate exactly what I dislike about her, so I'm going to copy and paste parts of what lepetitsouris wrote on her tumblr.

When I first walked out of the theater, I liked Rapunzel, until the final scene, but I was sure I would have her high on my list. But as I've re watched the movie, boy, has that opinion changed.
First of all, I was really irked door the fact that everyone in the movie adored her, even the villain, even if for superficial reasons. She never had to really work for anyone's affection. She just has to sing a song about dreams,...
continue reading...
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://briannacherrygarcia.tumblr.com/post/72346008181/toned-paper-sketches-for-sale-money-is-pretty
This artikel is about the speaking quotes only. Some Princesses are missing because I don't have particular favourites from those movies.

For three princesses, I've included the sequels quotes.

Snow White

"Oooooooh! what a cute little chair"
"Oh. u must be Grumpy"


"Maybe I should interrupt there - muziek lesson"
"Oh that clock! Old killjoy. I hear you! Come on, get up, get up, u say! Time to start another day. Even he orders me around. Well that's one thing, they can't order me to stop dreaming."
"Bad kitty!" - Cinderella: Twist in Time
"Here kitty kitty kitty. Come kitty, come on. Lucifer...
continue reading...
Okay, so before I start, I just want to say that this was what I had wanted Frozen to be like when I first heard about this movie, when there was almost no information about it. So of course this was based on one of the earliest story line Disney gave us, and I still felt like it would have been better this way. Please don't be rude about my opinions even if u disagree with them (which most people probably do) but do feel free to tell me what u thought about my version of Frozen. Sorry for babbling for so long, well, here's my version of Frozen! :)

"Psst. Elsa. Elsa! Elsa, wake up, wake...
continue reading...
Yesterday, I posed a vraag to myself: if all the princesses had special powers like Elsa and Rapunzel, what would they be? I thought the answer would make an interesting article. Thanks to Silverrose1991 and zikkiforever for their suggestions.

Snow White - Talking to animals

Snow White can be observed communicating with animals plenty of times in her movie so u can't deny that she could have 'talking to animals' as her power. The only thing debatable here is whether of not u consider that a power. But hey: If Aquaman talking to vis is a power, so is Snow White talking to animals.

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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by peteandco
top, boven 10
disney princess
Dhar Mann, inspirational filmmaker just released a new video featuring Disney Princess references and has a true message about diversity.
added by mhs1025
Source: animationscreencaps
added by mhs1025
Source: animatie screencaps
posted by Ninjago118
I've decided to do Frozen version of Crossing The Line with Elsa as Rapunzel and Anna as Cassandra since my girl Anna is the MOST underrated Disney character just like Cass here.

Elsa: Anna! This has to stop now
Whatever it is that you're going through
We'll fix it together, me and you
Just like we've always done

Anna: No! This has to stop now
This thing where u think that you've been my sister
And don't even hear how u consider
The way you've always done

Elsa: Anna, listen

Anna: (I'm listening)

Elsa: I know it isn't true

Anna: (Isn't it?)

Elsa: Just look into my eyes now

Anna: (Well?)

Elsa: I know...
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added by Disneyfan15
Source: A bunch of websites
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me