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As some of u may remember, I made an artikel about what I consider to be the worst Disney Channel shows. So now I made an artikel about what I consider the best. These shows were where it was at for Disney. They had great humor, enjoyable characters, good life lessons, real stuff, talented people, awesome cartoon, and they even had shows that were based off their movies. Some of these didn't start off on Disney Channel but later were added to the channel because they were so awesome and successful. Please commentaar and keep in mind this is just my opinion. If there's a toon that's not here it doesn't mean I think it's bad, unless it was on the worst list. If u want to know what I think of the shows not listed here please ask and I'll tell u in the comments, but don't have that be the only thing u talk about.

12.Lizzie McGuire

I know I'm going to probably get a lot of hate for not putting this toon higher but I still really love it. This toon was pretty funny and it's weird since it's one of the few shows on Disney Channel without a laugh track. Instead it just had weird sound effects. I loved Lizzie's cartoon self, it's always to funny and amazing. I've even made my own cartoon self inside my head that does silly things too when I think. The characters are all pretty entertaining, though kind of generic. Lizzie and her family act like a real family; the fighting siblings, the mother always trying to help, the dad trying to help as much as he can but of course when it comes to girls problems he's awkward with it. Okay maybe that's not everyone's family but it's definitely meer believable than Good Luck Charlie. This toon is actually pretty unique, since it's one of the few that's just about a regular kid trying to go through real life. I mean u have your super stars, psychics, world hero, nanny, dancers on a show, TV stars, etc. So this toon is pretty unique for being just about a regular teenager going through life. Lizzie is my favoriete character and Hilary Duff is great for this role, I wouldn't choose anyone else to play her. However I do find the movie meer enjoyable. Gordo's crush on Lizzie, while nice, to me isn't that interesting. I mean with other relationships on Disney Channel shows they were meer interesting and engaging but it's still nice. The characters aren't as memorable as others and the humor isn't as funny.


Everyone's favoriete part of school as a kid, RECESS! I love that all of the kids are different types of kids with their own distinct personalities; the leader and mischief maker, the jock, the hard core tough girl that everyone is scared of, the huge guy who's also peaceful and against violent, the nerdy girl who's the smartest of the bunch, and the wimpy military kid. They could have just gegeven them all the same personalities like some animated shows do, which does also work because it means they're kindred spirits, but this gives us meer variety. It also means that no matter how different some people are they can still have things in common and be best friends. My favoriete is Spinelli, talk about the Disney Channel version of Helga G. Pataki (one of my favoriete animated heroines BTW). Ms. Finster is a pretty epic character and while she's mean and grumpy she has her soft side too. I think while she against TJ and his vrienden she does kind of like and care about them. The conflict is entertaining and I think it's interesting it reminds us all of a simplier time when we went to school and always looked vooruit, voorwaarts to Recess and playing with our friends. It's not higher because it's a little bit simple, I kind of find the movie meer enjoyable.

10.An American Dragon

Has anyone noticed that most Disney Channel show's protagonist's are always females? This is one of the few that's actually about a guy. One thing that's really awesome, though it doesn't really have too much to do with the show, is that Jake and rose are voice door Dante Basco and Mae Whitman, the voices of Zuko and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender (BEST toon EVER). The animatie style and designs is very interesting, especially in the seconde season. The characters are all enjoyable. I love the fantasy of it and how they have unique ways of doing and explaining them. It's a pretty funny toon too, it's no Avatar: The Last Airbender of anything but still pretty funny. The conflict is enjoyable and suspenseful, I'm always on the edge of my seat. I especially got interested in season 2 because there was also some drama too and really good development. The romance between Jake and Rose is great, I always keep wanting them to get together and every time something gets in the way I get angry and almost pull my hair out. The ending is great, especially since they get together. My favoriete character is either Jake of Trixie, they have the best lines. However one big problem is the fact that the toon is too short. It only has two seasons. I think they should have had the first two seasons be when they're in middle school, which they did, but have the animatie style from the first season and not be as serious as it was in season two. I think it should have had four meer season with them in high school and get meer serious, while still having good humor, and then change the animatie style. This toon could have had the qualities of Avatar: The Last Airbender, which managed to have all the perfect qualities in just three seasons. But why continue to compare apples and oranges?

9.Life With Derek

This is one of those shows that didn't start off on Disney Channel, I think it was some toon that started off in Canada. This is a toon that Good Luck Charlie could have been but absolutely failed at. Sure, the main character is Casey and the seconde biggest character is Derek, but they're not always the main focus. The toon focus' on the other members of the family too and sometimes they're even the main focus of the show. It's a great mixture and even though it has two main characters it doesn't only focus on them, it's a good family show. While the family does have their problems it doesn't go over the top, boven with it of come across as dysfunctional like Good Luck Charlie of a lot of the other new Disney Channel shows families. The characters are realistic and pretty much everything about the toon is. I can believe everything about it, I believe that they have conflict but they do love each other. The have real development throughout the show. They don't just have one specific love interest for either of the main characters that's always there throughout the show. They datum several people throughout the toon and this makes it real and unique, especially for a Disney Channel show. My favoriete characters are the three younger kids, I can't decide which one I love more. It's not higher for a few reasons and one of them is the main characters. Casey is naggy, a kill joy, thinks all the things that aren't fun are fun, and really up tight, though she kind of likable, kind of depends on what mood I'm in. Derek is not likable at all, he's just an idiot and a jacka**. Plus to me it just doesn't stand out as much compared to the other shows.

8.Lilo and Stitch: The Series

How could u not love this show? I was absolutely obsessed with this as a kid and would always try to make sure that I saw an episode of it when it came on. The characters are still as amazing as they were in the movie. I love how they actually teach good lessons while they capture the experiments while not forcing it of making it cheesy, it's just so natural. This show, just like the movie, has good humor and action. It even has some good emotional stuff, though not as much as the movie, like the episode revolving around the dag Lilo an Nani's parents died. Mertle is still annoying as ever and really needs to get hit door a truck. Anyway, the experiments are all really interesting and fun to watch. I also love how this toon had crossovers with other shows; An American Dragon, Recess, The Proud Family, and Kim Possible. I really love crossovers and this toon does them really well. Just like in the first movie, my favoriete character is Lilo, talk about a relate-able, hilarious, and epic character. However the problem with this toon is the villains, they're so lame. I mean a hamster that doesn't even look like a hamster but instead a fat rat with rabbit ears. The other is Gantu, who was already a lame villain to begin with. Also the jokes aren't as good as others and I just find the others meer interesting also.

7.The Suite Life of Zack and Cody

As u may know from my WORST list, I hate the spin-off, Suite Life On Deck, however I absolutely love this show. I mean the humor in this toon is just hilarious and always entertained me. The actors are really talented and I love all the catch phrases. The funniest character was the redheaded maid, Muriel. I mean she's always so funny and I love her voice so much, too bad she's only in season 1 and the last episode. The characters are all entertaining and great, though Zack can be a little annoying at times. My favoriete would have to be Maddie, she's such a sweet girl but also is funny, sassy, smart, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. I love the life lessons it teaches. For example there's this one episode where Maddie is told she has chicken legs and London is told her butt is huge. So Maddie starts stuffing her face and London goes on a crash diet and exercises a lot. Also going on is Zack's diet changing because he eats too much sugar and Chef Palo's diet is also changing because in his blood test they found spek bits in it. First of all it's awesome that they're addressing something serious like eating disorders, not just about trying not to eat but also about stuffing your face too. Maddie and London later accept themselves the way they are and realize that they are two very beautiful women who don't need to change who they are. With Zack and Palo, this shows u how much health is important. Kids who eat too much sugar increase their risk of getting diabetes. Eating a bunch of rommel, ongewenste isn't good for you, eating in moderation is a better life choice, which this episode shows. This toon not only has great humor and characters but great life lessons without being forced. However it's not higher because I just enjoy the others more.

6.The Proud Family

u just need to watch the opening theme song to know how awesome this toon is. Sugar Mama is the most awesome character on the show. She's absolutely HILARIOUS! How can u not love her? The animatie is fun and colorful. The characters, except Lacienega, are great and so funny. The humor is also fantastic, especially with Sugar Mama. I also love all the life lessons this toon teaches us. Like this one about a foreign family and how at the end of the episode their house gets vandalized with words saying "GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY" and later Penny gives a speech about how different cultures, all the struggles they go through, how amazing they are, and how there are those who are prejudice to them. There's another that shows the true meaning of Christmas, ironically it's tonen it through the African Holiday, Quanza. People care too much about presents, money, and the material things with Christmas but this shows the true meaning and beauty of the holiday; family, the people u care about, being grateful, and tonen love and compassion for others, even a stranger. The movie is also really awesome and I always look vooruit, voorwaarts to seeing it. It's not higher because the other shows are meer serious and less goofy, but don't get me wrong, I love the goofiness, I just prefer others.

5.Kim Possible

Come on, who out there doesn't love this show? I mean the humor is great, the action and fighting is fantastic, it's clever, it's fun, and just awesome. It kind of has a reverse roles from Superhero stories, instead of the girl constantly getting in distress it's the guy constantly getting in distress and having to be saved all the time door our heroine. Speaking of Kim, talk about the most unlikely character to be the most heroically bada** fictional character in existence, I mean a girly girl and a cheerleader at that. This proves that u don't have to be a tomboy of a hard core tough girl to be strong and tough. I love this girl, she's my favoriete character. She's a Mary-Sue but in my opinion she's one of the few good ones. She's sassy, smart, pretty, funny, makes some mistakes, and is fully capable of taking care of herself. Dr. Draken is a lame villain but at the same time he's really enjoyable and funny, I love him. Shego is an awesome character too, talk about a character who should have been the main villain the whole time. Could u imagine how meer epic this toon would've been if she was the main bad guy? Although we probably wouldn't have gotten all of her entertaining sarcastic and witty comebacks. There are other villains who are cool, and others that are lame, but let's face it Draken and Shego are the only ones worth mentioning. Ron is just okay for me. He's just a comic relief and I don't even find him very funny, he's kind of just the useless sidekick who always needs to be saved. I'd explain that further but I already explained it in My top, boven 10 Biggest Animated Dumba** Damsel's In Distress. I love Rufus though, he's funny, clever, and cute. I wanted for a long time for Kim and Ron to get together and was so happy when they did in the movie. This toon is great but there are others I just find meer entertaining.

4.The Emperor's New School

I absolutely love The Emperor's New Groove so naturally I was excited about this toon when I first heard about it years geleden and it didn't disappoint. The humor is hilarious, just like in the first movie. The characters are all great, I really love Malina and I wish they had found some way to put her in the first movie, like make her Pacha's daughter who travels with him and Kuzco. The animatie is pretty good, especially when u compare it to some other shows based off Disney movies. Yzma/Amzy is absolutely hilarious and in my opinion is the best character in the franchise. I love that constant joke about Kronk forgetting Amzy's Yzma and Yzma's Amzy. I also really love the wrong lever joke and the first over the top, boven plan the Kronk criticizes, though neither are as good as the ones in the first movie. Kuzco and Malina are a really great couple and really well developed. I think this toon does perfect justice to the movie and I don't think they could have made it any better. It's not higher because the others are meer interesting and serious.

3.The Little Mermaid Series and The Aladdin Series

It's hard for me to decide which one of these shows is better so I just gave them both the number 3 spot. Both have amazing adventures, awesome characters we know and love, suspenseful conflict, interesting villains, and the characters are portrayed perfectly. The animatie is awful but I wouldn't call it the worst animatie I've seen. When u compare it to other shows animatie it's really a prize door comparison. Besides I don't really think about the animatie because of how amazing the shows are. They both had great humor, though meer so Aladdin. The Little Mermaid Series is a believable prequel, unlike that awful Ariel's Beginning, and if only it had an episode that talked about Ariel's mother it would be a perfect prequel, but she still gets a small mention. Plus the great songs. The Aladdin Series is a fantastic continuation of the story. I love How the sequels and the TV series tie together as a continuing story. If these shows just had good animatie they'd be absolutely perfect, though make the Aladdin Series longer and give The Little Mermaid Series meer mention of Ariel's mother and how Ursula became who she is. Besides those reasons I think the others are better because they're so hilarious and are two of my top, boven 10 favoriete shows.

2.Hannah Montana

Yes, I know a lot of people hate this toon and for some reason they consider it the worst Disney Channel toon but clearly they haven't seen a lot of Disney Channel shows. Just watch all of the shows from my WORST lijst and if u still think Hannah Montana is the worst you're obviously lying. The humor is hilarious, the characters are great (except for Jackson and Oliver), the acting is good, the songs are awesome, and the messages they sent are amazing lessons. I mean there's lessons about how lucky people are to have their parents because some are shipped over seas, people with diabetes, standing up against bullying (which is really important because before she was famous, Miley Cyrus was bullied), being honest, not cheating, being a true friend, never turning your back on your family, and eventually being able to let go of something no matter how hard it is. Miley Stewart is my favoriete character, actually my favoriete of all Disney Channel characters. I mean she's gorgeous, smart, sweet, cares about her vrienden and family, has an amazing voice, and is absolutely hilarious. She's so hilarious that when Miley Cyrus played in The Last Song I found it kind of hard to take her serious in a serious film because I'm so use to her in comedy. It's not just with her, it's like if Lucille Ball played Katniss in The Hunger Games, I know that's impossible but just imagine, I wouldn't take her seriously because she's so hilarious on I Love Lucy. Her bodyguard, Roxy is the also hilarious "Roxy like a puma!" and "I've got my eyes on you!". I was so sad when the toon finally ended and I was surprised when Miley finally revealed she was Hannah Montana. It's an absolutely amazing toon and truly one of Disney Channel's best. However it's not higher because there's just one toon that's better.

1.That's So Raven

There is no vraag about it that this is absolutely the best toon to ever come on Disney Channel. No toon has ever topped it and I don't suspect there ever will be because Disney Channel sucks now. The characters are all amazing, especially Raven, obviously. Her and Miley are like the Disney Channel versions of Lucy Ricardo from I Love Lucy, only not as funny but still absolutely hilarious. The jokes are so funny that it should be a crime. I love all the situations Raven gets into where she has to wear disguises, I love the voices and the the way she acts when she's in disguise. I love all the catch phases, especially "Ya nasty". This toon gave a lot of good messages. Most specifically are the one where Raven is told she can't model her dress because she's not thin and another where Raven doesn't get a job just because she's black. First of all raven is a very unique Disney Channel girl because she's not thin of the supermodel gorgeous type like Miley, Lindsay (before the drugs), of Hilary. However she's still beautiful in her own way and shows u don't have to look like Miley for example to be beautiful. Raven is very beautiful and just makes fat look hot, she's not even that fat. That supermodel look maybe thee ideal look but it's not the only look that's beautiful. As for the other one I wanna say first that this toon is awesome because, with the exception of Chelsea's actress, it's an all black cast. We don't have that in any other Disney Channel shows. It's great that they tackled a lesson about how there are still racist and prejudice people out there and we need to fight against them. I'm sad that the movie planned for this like two of three years geleden was cancelled but let's hope it'll come back into production.
Chapter 6—The Rescue Begins

    Lady and Tramp bustled past their street, following the rails, and gradually, the tranquil atmosphere of their home pagina suddenly vanished, as the streets became rugged and the fancy houses and neatly kept houses became less and less prim and proper. Lady was worried and a bit uncomfortable with the uncertain atmosphere. “Tramp, we’re not going… well, we’re veilig from the dogcatcher, aren’t we?”
    “Oh, of course!” Tramp confidently told Lady, with a lot of energy radiating from his voice. “We have collars,...
continue reading...
Recently I've been making character countdown enquêtes dedicated to each Disney movie, this is the countdown info for "The vos, fox and the Hound" (the first movie only).


11. das, badger

10. Amos Slade

9. Chief

8. Porcupine

7. Dinky

6. Boomer

5. Vixey

4. Big Mama

3. Willow Tweed

2. Tod

1. Copper

added by Pyjamarama
Source: Behind The Scenes
added by cherl12345
added by mmeBauer
Source: kateverdeen.tumblr.com
added by cherl12345
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Life Magazine
added by adamarthur2010
added by cherl12345
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Disney Plus
added by cherl12345
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Disney
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Disney / Pixar
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Disney / edited door me
added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Disney / edited door me
added by PrincessFairy
Source: https://twitter.com/disneyplusactu_/status/1413074199183249414
added by cherl12345