Duncan and Courtney Club
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Rated M

Chapter 7: Melting

Courtney woke up feeling numb to the bone. Her muscles felt like gelei while her legs and vulva felt sore. Duncan had her back firmly pressed against his chest with one hand resting on her breast. She felt so warm and heavenly being held in his arms, she couldn't even believe she was here. She was sure this had to be some kind of crazy dream, how could it get any better?

"Morning sunshine."

Courtney automatically smiled as she moved against him lovingly. She could only hum in response too tired to use her voice. Duncan buried his face in her hair and softly rubbed the side of her waist. After last night he suddenly saw her being so fragile and thought at any moment he might break her. When his finger brushed across her hipbone he noticed she twitched uncomfortably. He immediately lifted the covers and quickly noticed the bruises that covered her soft delicate skin.

Had he done that? Guilt washed over him as he realized he had been far too rough with her. This was after all her first time and he should've had the good graces of being a little gentle.

Courtney, who had been resting nicely, suddenly felt Duncan's body tense up and draw away from her. She turned on her back to look at him, he looked ashamed.

"What's wrong?"

He looked down at her apologetically. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

She knitted her eyebrows together not knowing what he meant. Sure she was sore, but she didn't expect anything less after last night. "Duncan I'm fine, it's natural for the first time to be a little painful."

Duncan continued to look down at the bruises on her hips which got Courtney's attention as well. She only rolled her eyes at them. "I've had worse."

Duncan shot her an astonished look. "Yeah but I don't ever want to hurt you."

Courtney snorted at him amused. "Like u could ever hurt me," she cooed placing a hand on his cheek. "Duncan I'm fine, if I thought u had been trying to hurt me I would've stopped you."

Duncan wanted to come up with a good argument but couldn't find one. She had a good point; if she had wanted him to stop she would've kicked him right where it hurts like she usually did. None the less, he placed a soft and tender kiss over her bruised hips while she ran her finger through his messy Mohawk. He stopped short of her navel when she started giggling.

"What?" he asked poking his head up.

Courtney shook her head and continued to giggle. "Have u seen your back?"

Duncan wasn't sure what she meant until his fingers grazed over a few cuts on his upper back. "Damn princess, maybe u should've been Catwoman for the super hero challenge."

"Catwoman was meer of a criminal than a hero."

Duncan rolled his eyes and groaned at her. "Please tell me you're not turning into a dork."

Courtney only bit her bottom lip playfully and inspected her nails. "Don't worry I'll cut them so I won't hurt u volgende time."

Duncan took her hand in his and caressed her fingers. "Next time huh?" he asked looking at her happily while she blushed. "Don't cut them; I finally have battle scars I can be damn proud of."

Courtney scoffed as she pulled the covers tighter around her naked body. "Is that what sex is between us, a battle?"

Duncan shrugged as he continued to entwine his fingers with hers. "Well we sure have been playing an odd game of cat and muis for a long time. Looks like the cat won," Duncan zei victoriously. He started kissing the digits of her fingers until Courtney pinched his lips to make him stop.

"And door won, I think you're referring to me correct?" asked Courtney testing him.

Duncan figured she would want to claim the win. It didn't really matter either way. Last night they had both won the grand prize. Instead of answering her he freed his lips of her hold and trapped her index finger inside his mouth.

Courtney huffed out a breath of air as Duncan shamelessly started sucking on her finger. She had to admit the oddness of her finger being in his mouth was sensually arousing. Just having his mouth wrapped around her little finger reminded her of where his mouth felt good in other places.

Before she even knew what she was doing, Courtney had propped herself up on her elbows letting the sheets fall from her naked breasts, and started begging Duncan's mouth to kiss her own. Duncan was startled door her aggression. Usually he started things and took over from there, but he could tell from the urgency in her kisses that she was going to be the one in charge today.

She held him right up against the bareness of her chest as she continued to kiss him feverishly. She inhaled deeply feeling her breasts graze against the hardness of his chest. Enjoying the sensation she continued to rub her chest against his, already feeling the pool of heat making its way down her center. Each little touch Duncan applied had her moaning, after last night her entire body was super sensitive. Duncan took note of her delicate situation and tried to be as gentle as possible.

He was already growing hard and had to grab a fistful of her hair just to stop himself from ramming into her. Courtney however wasn't taking anything lightly as she moved her kisses along his ear, jaw line, and down to his neck. Duncan couldn't take it anymore and pushed her down into the covers roughly. Courtney gazed at him lustfully as Duncan prepared to verplaats into her, before he could however, Courtney took his engorged erection in her hands and began to verplaats them teasingly.

"Courtney…" Duncan gasped out desperately. She squeezed him once to silence him. He was at her mercy.

"I know you're not thinking about doing that right now," she chided. "I'm still sore, so it's only fair to make u feel the same," she replied evilly running a finger nail along the tip of his erection.

Duncan's muscle quivered as she continued to run her hands up and down his shaft. Courtney soon had him sitting on his knees as she rose to greet him, her lips just centimeters from his. "I want to have fun," she whispered pushing him down on his back and straddling his leg. She was so close to his manhood that Duncan just wanted to grab her and plunge right into heaven. Courtney however, asserted her dominance as she firmly pinned him down and moved her hand to his erection and began tugging and rubbing hastily.

Duncan closed his eyes and let himself get lost in her touch, he groaned loudly when she moved to his balls, still moving swiftly enough to keep him hard but not fast enough to satisfy him completely. He made the mistake of grabbing her wrist to pull her forward. Courtney snatched his wrist and pinned it above his head tightly. Duncan, who wasn't used to being manhandled, was quickly becoming meer and meer aroused.

Courtney worked her hands at a slower pace which caused Duncan to buck his hips impatiently. She quickly squeezed harder to get him to behave. Duncan had to grind his teeth together as the preload of his excitement was forced back down door Courtney's grip. She wasn't fooling around, she was on top.

The torment of her fluid touch continued for what felt like hours to Duncan. He started sweating as his muscles continued to go taunt and stiff. Every so often he would try to make a grab for her but each time she would slap his bare chest with enough force to leave her print. When she wasn't touching his manhood with both hands, one hand would be caressing other parts of his body softly and lovingly. What truly had Duncan at her will were her eyes. She never took her eyes away from him and it made him feel smaller in strength. Courtney was building him up so much that his body wasn't able to relax, it needed more.

"Court…" Duncan gasped out weakly. Both of them were surprised door the sound of his voice, desperate. "Please Court, I need u to… oh god." Courtney smiled slyly as she moved her tongue over the top, boven of his erection.

"Wow Duncan, I don't think I've ever heard u say please while sounding so desperate at the same time," she teased bringing the head of his shaft against her tongue again. It felt good to have him begging for a change, no wonder he enjoyed doing it to her so much. Courtney could get use to this.

Duncan growled. "Courtney please!" he practically shouted. He was aroused to the point of pain and needed her to finish it before he lost consciousness. He really did like the torture, but his body was giving out. Duncan couldn't believe how good she was at this.

Courtney slapped his chest again which emitted a moan from Duncan. She moved her face closer, dragging her lips across his. "Please what?" She asked in a tone demanding respect.

Duncan shivered as his manhood throbbed in anticipation. With his pride forgotten he begged Courtney, "Please make me cum- oh fuck!"

Courtney quickly took him in her mouth, glad that he had finally been taken down to her level of need. She didn't torture him this time and worked to bring him release as soon as possible. It didn't take long for his erection to start pulsating against her tongue and his release to go pouring in her mouth.

Duncan let a strangled moan escape his throat as he came hard and fast. It shocked him how much he had released and he became concerned for his health when his vision went blurry and his body continued to spasm. But as soon as his head went into the pure blissful haziness that it had experienced last night, he managed to relax.

Courtney tenderly kissed his forehead as she waited for his body to stop shaking. Duncan wrapped his limp arms around her and held her close as he recovered.

"Damn princess… I thought u killed me there for a second," he zei seriously.

Courtney looked at him; both overcome with a sense of victory and as sense of shock. "You aren't just saying that to make me feel good are you?"

Duncan chuckled, feeling the blood pomp in his head. "Trust me princess. A guy doesn't have to lie about sex. I don't think any other girl could make me feel like…ah." Duncan went faint with another layer of pleasure rolling off him.

It was as if Courtney could sense his satisfaction, and that feeling brought a comforting calm over her. As if she could do no wrong with Duncan and could finally be free with him.

She was about to say something until Lindsey's horrible singing voice came ringing from outside.

Duncan covered his ears and cringed. "Seriously?" he asked feeling the sweet moment die.

Courtney shuttered as Lindsey's high pitched voice broke off key. She nuzzled Duncan's neck already feeling annoyed. "Today's going to be a long day."

Owen was back! Courtney couldn't believe it.

She honestly didn't have anything against the big oaf. She only voted him off because he had technically coasted them the challenge when she returned. His appetite was going to do nothing but hold everyone back. She had heard on the Aftermath that Owen had been doing fine. Now it seemed he was back to pay off some cheese cellar his family impulsively bought.

Courtney pushed her annoyance aside; she didn't believe he would win twice in a row anyway. She wanted to win far too much to just let Owens come-back throw her off her game.

Speaking of game, Courtney's brain was far from it. All she could think about was last night and how badly she wanted to relive it again and again. Her agitation stemmed from a whole other bron and she had Duncan to blame for that. Why did he have to be so damn hot this morning? Why had he made himself even meer appealing to her! Why the hell couldn't they just take a five minuut break so she could push him up against a uithangbord and-

"Courtney!" snapped Chris.

Courtney blinked a few times. "Huh?"

"Pay attention."

Courtney blushed as Duncan snickered beside her and bumped her shoulder playfully. Her thoughts were written all over her face. She sneered at him, fully blaming him for her lack of attention.

She recovered pouring out everything in the gitaar challenge. It started simple enough until her thoughts started getting lost again. His kisses, his strokes, his…. "Damn."

She played harder as her memory came back in one violent fury. She pushed that emotion into her playing and found herself doing things she never thought she could do. She was playing behind her back, with her teeth and down on her knees.

Duncan meanwhile had this morning on his mind and decided to strum to the same pace Courtney had been strumming him along with. He played painfully slow throwing in a high note every so often. He was actually surprised how good the both of them sounded together.

As the song came to an end he remembered just how hard he came and smashed his gitaar in one snel, swift swing.

Courtney immediately blew up as soon as Chris announced Duncan winner. "Watch and learn, baby doll. Maybe one dag you'll be able to rock as hard as me."

Now Courtney was really flustered. How dare this guy act so egotistical when just a few minuten geleden he had been putty in her hands? She knew exactly why, he had been satisfied this morning and she was now having to wait it out to have her turn. He was rubbing it in her face.

Courtney, with gitaar in hand, swung right in the very area she had pleased earlier. Duncan screamed out in pain nearly falling to his knees. "That hard enough, Baby doll?" she asked sending her message through loud and clear.

She tried not to let it bother her, it was after all just a stupid cardboard cut-out. Yet Courtney felt bugged door Duncan's tonen off during the challenge. Flipping off photographers was one thing, but to write his number down on the cardboard groupie meant he was deliberately trying to get under her skin again. She was surprised he could still even stand after taking a solid gitaar straight to his loins. The guy just never gave up.

She didn't either.

She didn't care if Lindsey had extra time to wreck this place. She was going to guarantee there was nothing left for the girl left to destroy, she was also going to toon Duncan who was really "bad."

Duncan hadn't even noticed the evil glimmer in Courtney's eyes. He was having fun doing what came best to him, destroying stuff. There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to score major points in this part of the challenge. Just as he turned around, he had to eend before the large piece of furniture flying at him took off his head!

"What the…"

He glanced over to see a raving lunatic destroying everything in sight with an iron fist. He was a little scared; he was even meer terrified when he realized the raging lunatic was Courtney.

Yet somehow through all the destructive violence she was emitting he couldn't help but notice an incredibly hot chick. She was fired up and it absolutely set his blood on fire. There was nothing left of the room in matter of seconds, shards of glass and splintered furniture laid all around her, and he was so turned on.

"You're cute when you're mad."

Courtney huffed as she let herself in their trailer and attempted to slam the door in Duncan's face only to have him catch it mid way.

"And Lindsey voting herself off! I mean u have to admit that just creates a whole other category of stupidity." Duncan didn't feel bad for Lindsey at all, he knew she was plotting to vote him off and felt she deserved letting her stupidity getting her kicked off

Courtney ignored Duncan as she started quickly dressing into her night wear, too quickly for Duncan to even get a glimpse. She continued to keep her head high as she moved over to the mirror and started brushing her hair.

Duncan arched an eyebrow at her attitude. He never always knew what she was mad about, but he did know that it was always his fault.

"Ok princess, I'm sorry."

Courtney slammed her brush down and stared at him through the mirror. "Do u even know what you're apologizing for?"

Duncan wore a blank face while searching for an answer in his brain.

"Ugh!" yelled Courtney now turning around to him. "First u distract me during the game, then u make fun of me, then u try making me jealous door writing u number on that stupid cardboard cut-out! And now u have the audacity to act like everything's alright?"

Duncan just stared at her confused. "Remind me again what I did wrong, because from what I'm hearing you're the one who has the problems and needs to get laid."

Courtney's cheeks went bright red before she picked up a bottle of her lotion and aimed for Duncan's head. Duncan ducked just in time to hear the glass bottle shatter behind him. "Jesus Christ woman! What is wrong with you?"

Courtney answered door throwing her make-up mirror at him, again Duncan avoided danger and watched as the little mirror smashed into shards. "Courtney!" he yelled trying to get her to stop. It didn't work.

She continued throwing various items at him, nailing him a couple times. "I do not serve to your needs!" She yelled still throwing things at him, most of them shattering against the walls in a violent burst.

"I never asked u to!" yelled Duncan finally grabbing her wrists and struggling to hold her.

"Then why are u constantly bringing it up!" She grunted freeing an arm and bringing him in a head lock.

"Because-I-I-lo-love you…" chocked out Duncan picking her up and throwing her on the bed, "Is that so wrong, that I want to have sex with the girl I love?"

Courtney started tackling him again but Duncan managed to pin her down into the sheets and pillows. "You just want to be pleased again like this morning."

Duncan rolled his eyes. She thought he was going to try to take advantage of their sex life and completely forget about her needs. 'Damn woman and her assumptions!'

Duncan finally let go of her and stood back holding up his hands in surrender. Courtney just looked at him confused. "Ok first of all, I didn't ask u to do what u did this morning," zei Duncan. "Second of all, I'm not looking to only please myself. I'm here at your every call, your majesty," added Duncan bowing dramatically.

Courtney huffed out a pint of air and shook her head at him. She didn't feel like being wooed of courted. She had too much pent up emotion for that and finally decided what it was she wanted. She forcefully threw a hoofdkussen, kussen at his head and looked at him daringly. "I don't want u to be nice, I want u to fight with me!"

Duncan didn't understand her until he noticed the crazed lustful look in her eyes. She wanted a challenge, she wanted to get physical on a whole other level. His blood immediately pumped up ready to take his prey. Seems their games of cat and muis still weren't over yet. "You really think u can win sweetheart?" he asked low and gravely.

Courtney's entire body awoke as she readily invited Duncan's approach. "Bring it on u little punk."

Duncan quickly grabbed her ankles and dragged her body right under his. Courtney pushed his chest away from hers while her legs wrapped around his abdomen and flipped him over. She quickly straddled him and tugged at his overhemd, shirt only to have Duncan lift the both of them up. Courtney kept her hold tight as Duncan tried shaking her off. He swiftly moved to the floor trying to pin her, accidently grabbing the strap of her top, boven and tearing it. Courtney's mouth fell open as her top, boven started to fall off exposing her bare chest.

Courtney placed her knees under Duncan's chest and grabbed the hem of his shirt. She pushed him off of her with her knees and took his overhemd, shirt as he rolled away. Now that Duncan was on his back she made a verplaats for his pants, she managed to unbutton and unzip him before he flipped her over again. He tore away the rest of her top, boven and firmly pinned her arms above her head.

Courtney still had an ace up her sleeve, and used her feet to push off his pants along with his boxers. Duncan tried to wriggle away from her but she only brought her body closer to his and locked her ankles around his lower back. Now he was completely naked.

She smiled victoriously at him. "I win."

Duncan smirked at her as he reached for her shorts and defiantly ripped them to shreds.

"Duncan! u ripped my night clothes. Now I have nothing to sleep in," she pouted.

He looked at her smugly before replying. "I win."

Before she could say another word he reached over to his pants, took out a new condom and placed her right leg over his shoulder plunging into her deeply after securing the protection. Courtney felt no pain what so ever, and arched her back into the sweet rhythm Duncan had already set. Unlike before were there was tension, she now melted into the act smoothly.

Duncan thrust in deeper making her gasp and bring her hands up against his chest to support herself. She whimpered when he fully removed himself and lightly brushed his lips against hers. She looked up at him with glazy eyes unable to speak. Duncan continued to douche her in kisses as his hands roamed over her body, the tip of his erection resting against the soft folds of her womanhood.

Courtney panted trying to bring him in again only to have Duncan pull away teasingly. She glared at him pleadingly. He only smiled and let one hand caress her between her legs. Courtney shuddered unable to keep her eyes open. "Oh god, you're driving me crazy."

That was all Duncan needed to hear to thrust back into her and ride them both through their climax. When it ended Courtney glanced around the room realizing how badly they trashed it. She smiled proudly of their handy work hoping the damages would be taken out of Chris's budget.

The rest of the night was spent on the floor. Perhaps volgende time they would make it to the bed.
posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:I was dead asleep.I was too tired to verplaats of let alone get up.I know I zei I don`t sleep,well,let me back up.i do sleep,I just don`t sleep as much as Geoff,Bridgette,Trent,Gwen,ir Duncan do.Then I felt water on my face.I didn`t move.I felt it again.I didn`t move.After the third time,I sat up and got out of my bed.I stood up and saw Trent,Gwen,Bridgette,Geoff and Duncan holding either a large bucket of water,a super soaker,or a water gun.As for Bridgette,she was twirling water in her hands.(It`s a water bending thing.)"This is what u get for waking us up."Duncan said."Guys...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV: "I`m teleapathic."I said.

Duncan`s POV: I knew that her knid had been extinct for a long while,I just didn`t know that she was the only one left. "Your kind has been extinct for years."I said."What do u mean 'my kind'?"she asked."Well,legand has it,that your blood is the most best taseting blood there is."I said."Do u just love me for my blood?"Courtney asked "NO! No.No.No.I love u for you."I said."Okay I believe you.But why am I not Vampire?"she said. "I`m not sure."I said.

Courtney`s POV:Okay,I know I`m supposed to keep my secret to myself,but there was something about...
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 melissa's nife
melissa's nife
courtney runs up to the door thinking shel see duncan!!! and when she opens the door...
courtney: alejandro???
alejandro: what expecting someone else?
courtney: no.. not at...
alejandro: of where u especting to see duncan?!?!?
courtney: WHAT?
alejandro: i know that u to whent last night at the park and stayed there all night!
courtney: no i wasent.
alejandro: yes u where.
courtney: u cant proove enything.
alejjandro: yes i can.
courtney: no u cant.
alejandro: i have proof.
courtney: no u dont.
alejandro: yes i do.
courtney: then prove it.
alejandro: i have a video, aperently the park has securety cameras....
continue reading...
posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:When i walked into Vampire High,I saw at least every vampire`s fangs come out.Then they saw Duncan volgende to me.One came up to Duncan and said,"Duncan,you never told me this was yours.I thought u would never bite a human again?"

Duncan`s POV:"I`ll be right back."I zei leaving Courtney.I pulled Geoff to the side and said,"She is not mine...yet.I`m watching over her while she is at Vampire High.""I`ll see u later."Geoff said."Alright."I said.Geoff is kinda like my Vampire brother.I have 2 Vampire sister and a Vampire brother Geoff.Bridgette,Gwen and Geoff.I have every class with...
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posted by cindy1310
Me typing "Bad Day."
Where is the kiss we wanted the most...
We kicked out DxG and now DxC is lost...
They tell us our DxC faded away,Now our passion is going away,and we don't need no stopping now.
We stare at the t.v. to look at the show...
We're faking our emotes with soda to go...
They tell us DxC's way off line,we're
falling to pieces every time,but we don't need no carrying on.
Cause we had a bad ep,it will ruin Duncan's rep.
We will sing a DxC song just to turn it around.
u say u love the ep,You type us don't lie.You click us a smile then u reach for a cry.
We had a bad ep,the...
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Ok I kinda forced myself to write this for u guys. I'm so out of it! I'm gonna hope I do a good job for this one! Tell me if u think it's bad K? I mean...Not much Really happened in this episode.
Well. We were on top, boven of a 1000 ft high cliff. Feet? I thought we were in Canada not America! Chris must be American. No wonder he's evil. Well I gestured to Courtney and zei "Ladies First." hoping to get her annoyed I don't know why I want to annoy her. I just did!
We all jumped off the cliff, Except Courtney, DJ, and Beth. They're such...
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***Dedicated to tds_andy again***

Duncan's P.O.V.

Oh. I sat there in shocked scilence. So she knew the whole time. of maybe just recently.
I swallowed. " How long have u known?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Oh. Okay. So you're not scared of me then?"
"Nothing I can't handle."
Courtney got up and continued through the forest.
"Where are u going?!" I asked stupidly.
"Back to your precious castle, where else?"
I followed, but not without a cautious glance over my shoulder.

Courtney's P.O.V.

"So I guess u didn't really kiss a mortal then."...
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Courtney's pov............

I couldn't believe that duncan mad out with Gwen i loved him and he treats me like i'm nothing i thought heather was wrong but i guess heather is right duncan likes gwen and gwen likes duncan *starts crying*

"hey courtney' What do u want heather "i just wanted to check if your ok about the kiss" why do u care "i'm just trying to be nice" whatever.

I know heather doesn't really care for me she is just trying to use me like she always does.

Duncan's Pove............

It was time for elimination i hadn't had time to explane to courtney what really happened i just hope...
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AN:ok im planning on writing moulin rouge with my sister after titanic and one of the most romatic songs just mad eme want to write this but its totally differnt to what the acctually seris will be so just plz read an tell me what u think

courtney pov

"good moring" i zei getting up from my first class zitplaats, stoel and looking at my secreat picture of duncan we had made a deal in order to never forget each other we would have a picture of one another i kept mine in a hart-, hart locket so he would always be in my hart-, hart i just wonder where he is now suddenly chefs load voice broke my thoughts
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HEllO'S Well it turns out that there is ANOTHER strange animal on the loose! Flying Llamas! WTF? I know! And guess what I am re-united with my adowable wombat zombies! And they had babies! Now there is twice the amount of my favoriete animals! And I now also have some purple flying penguins!
Courtney's P.O.V
How will we tell them? "Chillax babe." Duncan said. I smiled. Even though we've gotten much older, he was still the same. But so was I "You want me to chillax? Our kids just found out a life changing secret. Total drama STILL play's on TV! The movies...
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posted by dXcFan14
"Who's that? And who're you?" I asked, shocked.

The elderly man smirked, "I'm Mr. Azul and that's your father"

"What do u want?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

Alejandro came into the room, with my father tied up with thick ropes.

"Daddy!" I started to cry and rushed up to hug him.

But before I could reach him, Alejandro pushed my father onto the setee and grabbed me in a choke hold; his Puerto Rican tan arm placed lightly around my neck.

"Let go of her, Alejandro" my father gasped.

"How about no" Alejandro tightened his grip, making it extremely uncomfortable to breathe.

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Hiya everyone! This story is a request from Sarah(aka dXcFan14) and it's dedicated to her! I relly hope ya guys like it, and please tell e what ya think! And, hey, if ya wanna message me of want me to make a story of an request (i repeat!) message me! I looove messages XD

PS. Total Drama Series never happend!

Okay, here we go. . .

Why did'nt my stupid cellphone work?! It never did when i relly wanted it to! It was allways like 'when u do'nt want it to work, it does work, and when u want it to work it does'nt!' Argh! This was pissing me off!...
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Heather's pov............

It was time for the challenge and i was ready to start some meer daram JUST u WAIT.

Trust me they won't see what happens next. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Duncan's pov............

I was so happy i just found out that mama one the lotto she one 1 million dollars i was so happy i was crying. So i was running to go and tell Courtney until Heather stuck her foot out and i feel over but i didn't just fall over i feel on top, boven of Gwen and it looked like we were kissing but we weren't and when we were about to get of each other and then courtney walked in and she saw...
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posted by james55
Courtney's pov.................

What do u want now alejandro "why don't u leave duncan anyway he's with gwen would u want to go with them and if your with me I will treat u like a princess". Really. " yep so do we have a deal". Ummmmm.............................................................FINE

If u thought I meant what I zei to alejandro your crazy yeah right I would turn on my dunky I'm telling Duncan Everything that alejandro said. he thought that he out smarted Duncan but yeah right I would never turn on Duncan. I can't wait to tell duncan what alejandro zei about him.

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posted by Courtneyfan101
 This is Courtney`s brand cirkel that was around her.
This is Courtney`s fire circle that was around her.
THis goes out to M169,Lollipop97,dXcFan14,dxcfan,james55,
DanixxDumb,vanessanicole24 and tdicxdforever!Enjoy!

Courtney`s POV:I just stood there like my whole world has been destroyed.I have felt like that before,I always have.When my parents died,it was cold,dark,like someone had killed me.I had to let some of my anger out.I took my hands that were filled with brand and screamed with the gigantic cirkel of red brand surrounding me."Hey,take it easy.We`re wizards,we can make Heather forget."Duncan said.I remembered the last time I trusted a mortal that moment."No,you don`t understand.I`ve been alone...
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Okay Where we left off D+C Were totally making-out when her parents walked in!
Duncan's P.O.V
Oh God, Court really wanted to keep this a secret! Now here come her parents barging into her room.
"COURTNEY WHAT ARE u DOING?" Her mom sounded pissed. I mean we were just kissing. She shouldn't freak like this. It's not like I had my hands up her overhemd, shirt of something...Oh great now I want to touch her...I shake off the feeling and listen. "COURT HE IS A PUNK! HE'S PROBABLY INTO JUVIE!" I have been...But I didn't really know why. Once. One time I got caught selling...
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posted by james55
Courtney's pov...........

Ok let's cut to the case duncan an gwen hugged so now i have to find out why duncan did it he better have a good explenation.

Hey duncan "oh hallo princess what do u want" Heather zei that u hugged gwen "well i wont lie i did" so u do like her "no where do u get that from" well u hugged her "but it was a friendship huge when i huge u it means way more" really "of course now shall i give u the love huge" ok *they hold each other really tight and huge*

Now i feel way better why did i even trust heather.Anyway now i Know that i can trust duncan it makes me fell...
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They were walking around, looking at the pieces of art when an obnoxious voice was heard.

"Don't touch anything!"

"Jeez, sorry"

Duncan stormed away, leaving a gobsmacked Courtney standing there like a lemon.

"Gosh, what is UP with him?!" she seethed.

"He's just bored" Geoff, Duncans best friend, tried to reason with the feisty brunette.

"Yeah, so am I, but that doesn't give him the right to touch the statues!" she raised her voice, getting meer annoyed.

"Just... go find him. Look, he likes you... alot, just find him and talk" Geoff smiled to himself, thinking: There ya go, Dunk. She's all yours......
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posted by james55
Duncan's pov.................

I had to see heather i know that's wierd but if there is anyone that can help me get rid of trent it's here.

Hey haether "what do u want duncan" i need your help "for what" to get rid of him and i know that your the only one that can help me why dont u just tell your new girlfrien" what do u mean me and courtney have been together for pretty long now "oh not her" than who are u talking about "you know gwen" i dont like gwen im with courtney gwens not even my friend she is with trent "i know she likes you" know she doesnt "duncan trust me she likes you" whatever....
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posted by kamkat10
Okay, i havent written anything in a while and u all know why.... well i would start but i cannot find my handwritten copy of the fifth article!!!!! so give me a few days plz!!! And idk about anyone else but i love the toon Degrassi and one of my fave episodes was love games and I thought that the whole hulst, holly J and Declan thing way like Courtney and Duncan so here is a TDI versiion of it! P.S. TDI NEVER happened but the two know each other from school.
Duncan's POV:
"Bye Dunky" my new girl Lindsay said...
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