Duncan and Courtney Club
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Courtney was glad it was dark and that there were plenty of bushes. Her, Duncan, Gwen and Leshawna were all hiding in the bushes in front of Heathers mansion.

The plan was so mean and cruel that Courtney had immediately jumped right on board. Not only would she be getting back at Heather but Duncan assured her that the disk would be retrieved as well. The greatest thing about all of this, was Courtney was actually having fun. She wasn’t high and she wasn’t with people that would go and backstab her, sure she was probably doing some bad things but Heather had it coming for a long time.

“Hey Leshawna, do u still have Harold’s red ant farm with you?” Courtney heard Gwen ask.

Lashawna giggled evilly and held up a glass box filled with dirt and little red ants. “Oh yeah baby, courtesy of my main man.”

That was one relationship Courtney just didn’t understand. Trent and Gwen she could understand because they were both artistic, but Harold and Leshawna were complete opposites.

“OK guys we wait for her to fall asleep and then we verplaats in,” whispered Duncan who was kneeling beside Courtney. He tapped her on the shoulder lightly so he could have her undivided attention. “You sure u want to go through with this.”

She smiled wickedly and let out a short laugh. “Hell yes, this is the most fun I’ve had all jaar yet.”

He winked at her before moving to a separate struik, bush that had better access to see when Heather finally fell asleep, when she did he would signal them.

Courtney continued to lay low when Leshawna moved beside her. “So u and Duncan are tight now?” she asked curiously.

Courtney looked at her before glancing at Duncan who was fiddling with his pocket knife. “I guess u can say that,” she answered.

“Wow that’s great. Can’t say I didn’t see it coming though,” Leshawna replied.

Courtney furrowed her brow. “What do u mean? We’re complete opposites, we’re the least likely of people to connect.”

Leshawna shrugged. “Well u know what they say, opposites attract.”

“Is that true for u and Harold?” she wondered out loud.

Leshawna smirked before saying, “All I know is that boy is one of the sweetest, coolest, and weirdest white boys I have ever met. But he loves Leshawna the way no other man could. “

Courtney guessed she could understand that. She was so jealous of Leshawna and Harold, of Gwen and Trent and of Bridgette and Geoff. They all had someone, someone to talk to and to love, someone to look after. She wanted that.

“Must be nice to have a friend like Duncan doing this for you,” Leshawna suddenly said.

Courtney felt herself blush. “Um...yeah I guess.”

“You may not believe it but u two defiantly compliment each other. u need some wrong and he needs some right.”

Courtney felt her blush further deepen. “We’re just friends.”

Leshawna snorted. “OK, whatever u say,” she zei not sounding convinced.

Duncan suddenly whistled and pointed towards the back door of Heathers house. They all moved towards the door as quietly as they could. Duncan put one finger to his lips to warn them all to be extra quiet. He pulled what looked to be two metal sticks out of his pocket and started to mess around with the doorknob. Courtney had only seen things like this in movies, but if there was anyone who knew how to break into a house undetected it was Duncan.

The door suddenly popped open and they all got a rush of adrenaline. Duncan went in first with the rest of them following closely behind. Courtney looked around the nice expensive home. The house itself had to have been designed door a professional. Everything was completely furnished and elegant looking. People like Heather didn’t deserve such nice things.

They all made their way up the stairs and recognized Heather’s room right away thanks to the big sign on the front of her door that read ‘Queen Heather.” Courtney wanted to barf, talk about narcissism.

Duncan nodded his head at the door and they all nodded back enthusiastically. Duncan gave a reassuring smile to Courtney and silently opened the door to where the witch herself was sleeping.

“Do u care to do the honors princess?” whispered Duncan handing her the electric razor.

Courtney smiled and took the razor from him feeling a strange sensation when their hands momentarily touched. “I’d love nothing better,” she zei smiling appreciatively to him.

“Gwen go look for her purse,” zei Duncan.

Gwen nodded and soon found Courtney’s portemonnee hanging beside Heathers. Duncan rummaged through it and found the disk. He winked at Courtney and put the disk securely in the hem of his jeans and handed Courtney her purse, she wrapped it over her chest glad to have her stuff back.

“Gwen plug me in,” zei Courtney tired of messing around. She was ready to get down to business now that the disk was in their hands. Gwen plugged in the electrical razor to a nearby outlet. “Leshawna get the ant farm ready.” Leshawna snickered under her breath and shook the little red ant farm as hard as she could.

Heather, who apparently slept like a rock, didn’t even stir as Courtney turned on the razor and closed in on Heather. The only thing heard the rest of the night was the sound of awakened screams and uproarious laughter.

Courtney had managed to get most of Heathers head shaved when she finally woke up looking confused and then horrified to find out what Courtney was doing. It only got worse when Leshawna and Gwen dumped the red ant farm into her bed and they all made a run for it.
The whole night was spent celebrating. Not only had they gotten back at Heather for all the crap she’d put them through, but they also got the disk which Courtney couldn’t have been any happier about .

“Thank u guys so much,” zei Courtney giving Gwen and Leshawna one last hug.

“Hey no problem baby doll,” zei Leshawna hugging her right back. “Anytime for you, and especially anytime if it means getting back at Heather.”

“Yeah that was so much fun,” agreed Gwen. “Who new u could be so vengeful.”

Courtney smiled innocently and shrugged. “Ah, what can I say?”

Duncan and Courtney waved good-bye to Gwen and Leshawna before the two parties went their separate ways. Courtney tried to ignore the way Leshawna winked suggestively at her before her and Duncan left.

Courtney was still euphoric as they walked back to her house and it must’ve been written all over her face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen u this happy,” Duncan suddenly said. “If I knew u got this excited about getting back at people I would’ve started being vrienden with u sooner. The princess has a dark side.”

Courtney just laughed and shook her head. “It was like once I did something bad…it was so much fun I just wanted more!”

Duncan grinned before pulling out the disk and waving it in the air. “And we’ve got meer of that right here.”

Courtney looked at him horrified and tried to snatch it out of his hand only to have him pull it out of her reach just in time. “No Duncan! The plan was never to actually watch the stupid thing!”

She tried to grab it again but this time he held it over his head which was a huge disadvantage since he was taller than her. “Hey u still owe me.”

Her jaw dropped as she stomped her foot angrily on the ground. “What do u mean? I already agreed to be your friend!”

“Yeah but that’s not really payment for taking care of your ezel for one night, the whole friendship thing was something I already had in mind before your dumb little night with Heather.”

Courtney was surprised to learn this information. She’d deal with that news later. “Duncan c’mon. I really don’t want anyone to see what’s on there, not even you.”

He put one hand over his chest. “I swear it will only be u and me who watch it once and then we’ll destroy it if u want. But I’m really dyeing to see what’s on this baby.”

She still didn’t budge.

“Oh c’mon it’s not like I didn’t already catch a glimpse of what’s already on this thing!”

“Then that glimpse should be enough for you,” she zei reaching for the disk again. She was taken off guard when Duncan suddenly locked his hands together and put them around Courtney’s waist and pulled her close to him.

Her breath left her body in a spleet, split seconde and her mind went blank. She couldn’t even bring herself to look at his face since they were so close. She could feel his warm breath on her skin, she also noticed it didn’t have the same lingering scent of cigarettes it use to have. ‘Did he stop smoking?’

She felt her mouth go dry and her muscles turn to jelly. She even felt herself shake slightly against her control. Duncan, upon feeling this, only held her closer and whispered in her ear. “Or u could just give me a kiss, that would be payment enough, plus that’d be pretty bad.”

He didn’t know what he was doing. One minuut he saw her as just a friend, but after watching her get revenge on Heather, after making her feel better, after just one fraking day! He wanted her. Really wanted her.

Courtney felt a chill go up her spine and thought about it. The way Duncan had helped her yet again. Maybe…maybe for one second…maybe one time.


Courtney brought up her knee and connected with his groin. Duncan groaned in pain and dropped to his knees allowing Courtney to snatch the disk out of his hand. She watched in amusement as he squirmed in pain and gave her a WTF? look.

“We’re suppose to be just vrienden remember, and I think we’ll just watch the video. OK?”

Duncan just looked at her like she was crazy. “Yeah that works for me.” He had almost forgotten Courtney’s good old kicks to the balls. Nice to see not everything between them changed.
Courtney held her hands over her open mouth the whole time while Duncan continued to watch in utter amusement and entertainment. She was so glad her parents didn’t get back home pagina until the morning, it gave her plenty of time to destroy this abomination.

“How in the hell did u manage to get your leg over your head like that and then not be able to get it back to normal?” laughed Duncan rewinding the disk on her laptop to an embarrassing moment where Courtney apparently thought she was a cheerleader. The video went on to toon her flashing her boobs at some car driving past Heathers convertible.

“Oh God!” she moaned burying her head in her hands.

She reached over to stop the video only to have her hand slapped away door Duncan’s. “No, no leave it, this is getting really good.” She glared at him making him look at her defensively. “What? I’m still a guy after all.”

She kept her eyes shielded in her hands for the rest of the video, she didn’t want to see anymore. Duncan continued to hoot and laugh until the video was finally over. She ejected the disk from her laptop and looked at it in disdained.

“Oh man, that was door far the craziest thing I’ve ever seen,” zei Duncan chuckling one last time.

“Shut up!” zei Courtney slapping him on the shoulder and pacing around her room.

“What are u doing?” asked Duncan watching her every move.

“I’m looking for something to destroy this thing,” she zei desperately.

“Here give it to me,” Duncan offered pulling out his pocket knife. Courtney handed it over to him and watched as he put it on her work bureau and spleet, split it clean in half.

“Do it again,” she demanded. “Cut it up until u can’t tell it’s a disk anymore.”

Duncan did as she asked and cut the disk up until it was nothing but little shards that couldn’t be put back together even if u tried. “Satisfied,” he asked her already putting away his pocket knife.

“Very,” she answered rubbing her shoulders feeling meer relaxed.

Duncan stretched and yawned loudly. “Well I’m beat.” Courtney watched as Duncan took off his jas and crashed face first into her queen sized bed. She waited for him to get off and say he was joking but he continued to just lay there.

“What are u doing?”

He looked up at her sleepily. “I’m going to bed what does it look like.”

“Very funny,” she zei humorlessly.

He smiled lazily and only scooted farther into the bed. “You care to kom bij me?”

“Duncan go home,” she ordered.

“Oh I see…It’s OK for u to sleep over at my house but it’s not OK for me to sleep at your house,” he whined.

“First of all,” began Courtney. “I didn’t have a choice and secondly you’re not stoned of passing out.”

“But u don’t know that.”

She sighed tiredly and looked at him with pleading eyes. Duncan took the sign and hopped off her bed. “Fine let me go out into the cold night and fall asleep all alone.”

She smirked and patted him on the head playfully. “You’ll survive.”

Duncan was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something. “Oh don’t forget to wear your bathing suit tomorrow.” He was about to leave when Courtney grabbed him door the arm.

“Why?” she asked scared to hear the answer

“ Bridgette was talking about a bunch of people going to the strand this weekend, that includes u and me princess.”

She looked at him if he was serious. “I can’t go. My parents get home pagina in the morning and I can’t just leave in my bikini with a ex-convict on a motorcycle.”

He groaned hoping her good girl attitude wouldn’t come back so fast. “Then just pack your bikini and I’ll have Gwen of Bridgette come pick u up.” He made his way for the front door not wanting to hear anymore arguments.

“But I have homework to do and tests to study for and-” she was cut off door Duncan putting one finger over her lips and looking at her sternly.

“You always study and always play door the rules.” He pressed his finger against her lips when she was about to talk back, he wasn’t done talking yet. “Which is why u are going to the strand to loosen up with your vrienden and I don’t want to hear any meer protests. I’ll get Gwen and Leshawna to kidnap u if I have to.” He finally removed his finger and waited for her response.

She seemed to fighting with the decision in her head before finally nodding and saying, “Fine.” Just as Duncan was about to leave Courtney said, “I swear, I think you’re rubbing off on me.”

He came back inside and moved so close to her Courtney worriedly thought he was going to do something. “That’s OK, I think you’re rubbing off on me too,” he flicked her nose teasingly before making his way out the door. “Hey Duncan,” she called stopping him. “Did u stop smoking?”

He grinned before replying. “Smoking is bad for you.” He shut the door and left her there speechless.

Maybe they really were rubbing off and each other, since when did Duncan avoid bad things? And since when did she get into them?

“You may not believe it but u two defiantly compliment each other. u need some wrong and he needs some right.” Maybe what Leshawna had zei had some truth to it, maybe being opposites wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
*I would like to dedicate this series to dlittleangel411, crazy-yanu, fly210, crystalpotato and DxCfanlover. thanks guys u all have been great. XD*

Courtney's POV

Ow, ah, aw, oh, Labour hurts like hell. It hurts so much I wish I was dead. The nurse came in and said
"Mrs. Andrews, your 10cm now, your ready to give birth" Ah, Owie, Now I have to push, this is gonna be one long day, Owie, owie, owie, ow,.

"Come on honey u can do it!" Duncan cheered, and he was right, I can do this I told myself in my head. I pulled myself together and pushed..........
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.
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*This is devoted to @dlittleangel411, I had to change your idea just a bit because it was to gory.*

Courtneys POV

I start to freak out and crazy ideas go through my head, am I safe? Is the baby safe? What if she gets me? Why am I freaking out? and it goes on and on until we here a nurse scream. The doctor's the first out the door followed door me in a wheelchair and him pushing me.

Once we reach the screaming lady we see why. Someone's got a gun and not afraid to use it. I start to freak out again than I see the person and nearly faint.

"You" I hear the voice say......
"You come here Courtney Pontville"...
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Courtneys POV

So i'm talking to Bridgett when all of a sudden I hear a scream, but no ordinary scream this was a scream of insanity. And guess who it came from? That's right Gwen!!!!!!!!!!
"I never loved u Gwen," Duncan called, "I love Courtney and I'm having her baby"
"BUT u LOVE ME!?!?" she yelled. Didn't she get? He doesn't love her and he never did and never will. She need a physico house ASAP and I was not afraid to let her know this.
"Oh shut up Gwen, Get it through your...
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posted by reyfan01
"Courtney there u are. Now young lady u have some explaining to do."HER FATEHR zei AS cOURTNEY LAID BACK IN HER bed LAZILY.Her shoudler length brown hair hanging door the edge of the bed.

"Why did u injure prince ali, he was such a fine young man, rich, educated, and handsome i should say.."her father said.

"Yes and he was also sexist and a pig when he decided to feel up on my backside and zei i'd be his servant woman. That creep deserved that."Courtney zei getting off her bed and walking over to her balcony.

"Courtney, u are my only daughter, u must lead over land, but u also need...
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posted by DandC4evacute
( i was listening to this song and then i was like, OMG! DXC! this is in Courtney's POV. i'm sorry it sucks.)
i was just hanging around in my house, when suddenly the doorbell rang. "COURTNEY! can u go get that!?" my sister Ana screamed at me. "ok ok!" i said. i opened the door. "D-Duncan?" i said. he looks so different. he doesn't have his Mohawk anymore, no piercings either. "Yeah it's me" he said. "i want u back." he said. "oh, Duncan...i can't. i'd be lying if i zei i wasn't still into you, but, i....just...can't." i start crying. "i'm so sorry, but just, no." i said. "oh." he said....
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posted by Isabella121797
 Courtney's Outfit...
Courtney's Outfit...
A special thanks to Courtneyfan785 for being the first person to answer my question.
I gave u two days people...come on!(Spoken like Chris)

Trent's POV:
So after hiding in my house all weekend, Monday finally came.
I got up and took a shower, before I put on clean clothes and walked over to Courtney's.
I am really starting to like her.

I checked my watch and saw I had extra time.
So I ran down to the local bloem koop and bought her a her a single Daisy.
I kind of knew how much she likes them.

Courtney's POV:
I was quickly fixing my hair, trying to get ready quickly.
Then I raced off to my closet....
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posted by Courtneyfan101
 Courtney;s Eyes
Courtney;s Eyes
Courtney's POV: "Courtney! Come now!"my brother shouted and ran back out the door.I sprinted down the hall after him as everyone else ran to the door to watch.I ran out into the parking lot with my brother as we got in the car and sped away."Where are we going?"I asked."Hospital."he said."Why?"I asked."Mom."he said."What happened?"I asked.Tom started to sob silently."The car came around the curb too fast and hit her."Tom said.I looked out at the road and started to cry."Who done it?"I asked.
Tom wiped away his tears with his sleave and said,"This idiotic guy that should die a thousand deaths."I...
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posted by agtimm
*This story is based on Taylor Swift's song "Never Grow up" The lyrics are in italics and the story is just in normal, Enjoy ^-^ *

The house is silent, the sound of crickets chirping comes through the open window. I look down at my 3 jaar old son, Jacob.

Your little hands wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreaming
So I tuck u in, turn on your favoriete night light

I look down at him, his little baby blue eyes are shut tight, his dark brown hair lays softly on his pillow. His arms are tightly around his stuffed bunny and he lets...
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Courtney:Duncan,I'm scared.He's killing everyone here, we have to do something!!!
Duncan:I know,I know,but we don't know where is he now!
Courtney:I can find him
Courtney:I downloaded an app to my PDA that can locate people door their cellphone number!
Duncan:so can u find him?
Courtney:yep...he's on...Whisper Town!
Duncan:we'll go there
Duncan:*with a decided look*now
They took 3 guns one for Duncan,the seconde for Courtney and the third for emergencies.Then they went to Whisper Town.
After 2 hours of driving they were on Whisper Town.
It was scary,quiet and was full of...
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posted by bluejeans28
ok srry i was grounded door my dad whos a jerk for not cleaning my room. anyway hope u like it.

Courtney's POV:

"Wow!" me and bridgette zei in unison. We were staring at our enormous room from the doorway. "Let's get dressed up and go out!" zei bridge. "Ok i really need a shower." i zei laughing. "Me too."

As they got ready.....

Duncan's POV:

"Cool." i zei as geoff flung himself onto the bed. i rolled my eyes then went to the keuken-, keuken to try to find a drink.

Geoff's POV: lol

I walked into the bathroom to use the toilet. But when I opened the door...
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When I got back to the lodge, my parents ran up to me, gave me a huge hug followed door a ten-minute-long lecture. I didn't listen to it, obviously.
"Courtney, u cannot go on the family nature trail with us in that condition," my mom replied. Our nature guide, Fernanda, hesitated, but soon stepped up.
"We have an infirmary where u can stay and heal. She'll be okay when we get back."
I'll tell u this: I do NOT like infirmaries. They are creepy with all these gadgets and random stuff that would take forever to find what they really are and what they really do.
"I'm fine, I just..." I hissed in...
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Picture perfect memories,
Scattered all around the floor.

Duncan cheated on me with Gwen, I love'd him. Thats why no matter what I'd get back with him, but there is no way I can now becasue he odviously didn't love me. Courntey thought as she wandered off into the city. Courtney made her way into a bar, ordering shots of whiskey. She felt she needed to get away from all of the pain. She remebered all of her memories with Duncan, some so perfect


Duncan:Fine, enjoy a penut butter-less life

Courtney: Thanks enjoy prison

Duncan: I will

Courtney grabbed...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney's POV:I walked up to the school alone due to Whitney already ran away inside the school and escaped my sight.Everyone was staring at my clothes.I didn't pay any attention to them and just walked down the long hallway before the klok, bell rang.All the cheerleaders were standing together door a door probably talking about me.Then a girl with beautiful, long, black hair, short shorts, and a dark pink, low-cut overhemd, shirt with a scowl came in.She walked down the middle of the hall door herself with her head held high.Her body was curvey like a hourglass.She walked down the hall not moving from the middle...
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posted by shellgirl54
Beth pov
today i have to calm dxgxc conflict (and because chris made me because we're losing fans)

Beth-ok guys whats the problem
Gwen and duncan-her!!
Beth-are u guys still arguing about the cheating thing?
Courtney-yes i demand a apology
Gwen-we don't need one bit-h your the one whose suppose to be apologysing
Courtney-shut up who-e
Duncan-can i go now if theres no catfight
Courtney-shut up apoligise NOW!!!
Duncan-hmm let me think nope no reqrest for the princees

Beth-guys this is getting outof hand now lets...

all of a sudden the roof came off and there it was a-a


No ones...
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Sorry I have not been writing I just started high school so I have been very bisy

Duncan pov
I cant believe what happened last night. It was I cant say how it was it just. Courtney is in the bathroom. She semed really made at me.
Courtney are u ok I said
Yeah she said
In the bathroom Courtney POV
I wonder if Duncan used protection if he didn’t our parents would be right.
Are u coming out soon asked Duncan
Yeah ill be out in 5min ok I said
Ok he said
5min later
Courtney came into the room dressed
Do I have to go get my cheek zei Duncan
Ok im going to call Bridgette zei Courtney
K ill be back...
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posted by CyD12
OMG! I am so sorry I didnt updated yesterday..I just didnt had time! =S but here is the volgende part! hope u like it ;)

The days passed and I talked to Duncan must of the days, he was always with his vrienden so I started to meet them a little bit more. They all are pretty nice and I found out they are going to the same school I will be going, thats good! I was actually nervous because I wasnt gong to know anyone. But now I know a few people.

The first dag I was kinda nervous, everything was so new for me! I didnt know any teacher of class and...
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posted by shellgirl54
no ones pov
everyone was at the tdwt reounion back at camp wawanakwa and they were on the same teams like they were in tdi

chris made everyone do a challenge at night time where they have to build a boot and sail to skull island and they had to use diffrent supplies other then wood and metal so it was very hard to do

So duncan and courtney were fighting on who should be leader while the rest of the killer bas, bass ( and seirra) were looking for supplies in the supplies cabin

Courtney-I should be leader because im...
Duncan- a cit and princees we get it already...
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"What did u do!?" I continued to shout. "I did a little eh...explosion!" She exclaimed and took of her goggles. There in her suppose to be tiny closet was a big hole that went through to my room. "My mom will freak!" I freaked. "Oh relax, I can fix it...I hope." She put a hopeful finger to her plump lip. Duncan wanted to bite it off. "How?!" I asked. "Erm...I don't know." I shrugged and sat on the edge of my bed. "Better find some way, hello? Gwen? Nothing." He blushed and walked out the door.

Courtney's Pov

"Okay I guess packing is done for now." I snickered as my future husband went bonkers...
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Courtney`s POV:I didn`t go to my uncle`s house.I stayed at Gwen`s place for the night.We didn`t talk about my eye.Gwen didn`t really notice it because of all the talking."I`ll get the popcorn."I said."I got the movie.You know,I never knew u liked horror flicks."Gwen said."Yeah,I guess I watched so many with Duncan,thatI started to like them.So which one are we watching tonight?"I asked."Scary Movie 2?"Gwen asked."Cool with me."I said.Gwen and I sat down on the divan, bank and watched the movie.After a hours,Gwen and I fell asleep.The volgende morning,Gwen and I woke up to a camera flash from her little...
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posted by GhostCandy
This is from: OmegaDrive9 on Deviant Art.
Dec 11, 2010

This is their opinion about Courtney with Duncan, and Gwen with Duncan. Do u guys agree?

They had meer moments
They have a much bigger fan base with meer reasonable people.
They made out like seven times already and everyone’s happy, and Gwen and Duncan like kissed two times and suddenly it’s the end of the world.
People think Courtney was selfish, sometimes but not often, definitely in TDA
She was the first one to accept Duncan “You’re actually nice”
People hate Courtney, but does that give them a reason to hate Trent?
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