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(I never got around to finishing this and I doubt I ever would've. It's a shame that my laziness got to me because this was actually pretty good in my eyes. Oh well, hope u enjoy what's in here right now. XD)

(This is a parody of the famous Dr. Seuss book named "The boter Battle Book" that I worked on around 2 months ago.)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…..

Whoops, wrong series. GODDAMNIT!

Anyways, it was a peaceful and sunny dag in the town of Cityville, (I’m serious. XD) When all of a sudden….


When all of a sudden……




I mean, it was Marvin The Martian! Right the f**k out of nowhere!


He was a beeline for Cityville! Quick, somebody do something!




God I hate being the narrator.

Marvin: Greetings earthlings! It is I, Marvin Th-

Marvin: Where is everyone? @___@

Actually, that’s a good question.

♫On the other side of the wall!♫

Marvin: What in the name of Melmacian culture was that!?

Oh no, I sense a song coming…..

♫On the other side of the wall!♫

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. :D

Marvin: Where AM I!? @__@

We’re kinda sorta… Sorta kinda…..

In a Dr. Seuss story called The boter Battle Book.

Marvin: ……… (Too many dots in this fan-fiction!)

Marvin: Well, we’re screwed.

♫On the other side of the wall!♫

At least now I realize why nobody’s even here, we’re the ONLY ones in this area, the others are over there.

Me: ♫On the other side of the wall!♫ XD

Marvin: Well, at least have the courtesy to tell me what’s going to happen! of else I’ll get out every weapon I have….

♫Butter side down! :D♫

Those red-dressed people over there like putting boter side down when they eat toast, and we like boter side up. We’re also dressed in blue.

Marvin: SERIOUSLY!? We’re starting a war over BREAD!?

Not just any brood war Marvin, this is the battle…..


Marvin: Whatever, I’ll annihilate them in two seconds! What could possibly go wrong?

Kyros: ♫Butter side down!♫ >:D

Are u freaking KIDDING ME!?

volgende time somebody says that I’ll go Mortal Kombat on them. >.<

Kyros: ♫The idiots on that side… They give me a frown. I mean, they don’t eat with the boter side down!♫

Marvin: ♫Au Contraire, u don’t even care! You’re just morons who don’t eat right, living in despair!♫

Oh this is gonna be good. :D

Kyros: Let’s skip the singing, we’re starting a war. Each of us has one dag to make a weapon and at exactly 5:00 P.M, we’ll fight with them and see who wins. There’s going to be three fights total, and the winner with the most fights won gets……

Kyros: ♫The other side of the wall!♫

Kyros: So, deal? >:)

Marvin: What if we refuse?

Kyros: Then I’ll have a good dinner….. Haha, HAHAHAH!!!!!

Marvin: Accursed earthlings! Well, now what Jared?

Who, me? I’m not even a character, I’m the narrator! >:D

Marvin: THAT’S IT! I’M NOT FIGHTING ALONE, GET OVER HERE! *Drags me into the book*

Jared: Well, that’s what happens when u push your luck. Also, I’m surprised u didn’t make a schorpioen, scorpion reference there! :D

Marvin: Really Jared? -___- Also, wasn’t there armies for BOTH sides in the book?

Jared: I didn’t even know u DID read the book. And yes, there was. But they, uh….

Jared: I have no idea what happened to them. Maybe they died, who knows. I mean, it’s not like they’re having a party.

The Entire Blue Population: YEAH! WHOO! PASS ME THE WHISKEY! ^____^

Jared: Well this is great, NOW who’s going to narrate the story? Hmm…..

Jared: How about Kirby? He’s a good narrator!

Marvin: Uh, sure I guess. :P

Kirby: Bio bio! ^___^

Jared: hallo Kirby, use this mike to speak clearer!

Kirby: *Transforms into Mike Kirby*

Kirby: *Blows everything up*


Marvin: *Shoots teleportation kanon at Kirby* There we go, he shouldn’t bother us anymore.

Jared: Great! I wonder where he went….

Entire Blue Population: OH GOD MY EARS!!!! NOOOOOO!!!! WE’RE ALL GONNA DDIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

Marvin: One last thing before we start building the weapon, my teleportation kanon is only in an alpha state, so there might be a few….. Glitches with it.

Jared: Alrighty! :D Besides, who needs narrators anyways?

Marvin: Well, we better get to work if we want to win. So, u have any ideas for weapons?


Marvin: Alright then, let’s get to work!

*One Eternity Later*

Marvin: We’ve finally finished the Tesla Cannon, and it looks absolutely extravagant! What do u think Jared?


Marvin: This’ll make a great weapon for round one, we can’t lose!

Marvin: So, we have plenty of time left, what do u want to talk about?


Marvin: Wasn’t aware you’d go Nostalgia Critic on me there. Well, let’s take the weapon to the battlefield! FOR CITYVILLE!

Nonexistent Narrator: Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall…..


Other Red Person: We should call Kyros!

Yet Another Red Person: We should make an even better weapon!



Yet ANOTHER Red Person: How the heck did PATRICK get in here?

YET ANOTHER FREAKING RED PERSON: It’s a Dr. Seuss story, why are we even questioning this?

*I hope u enjoyed that pointless advance in the story*

*Now back to the other side of the wall*

Marvin: It’s 4:45, I wonder what they’re doing? Well, all we can do is wait and hope we win.

Jared: *Makes a grilled cheese with the Tesla cannon* YUMMY! ^___^

Marvin: Hmm….. I hear something approaching us.

Kyros: Guess who? >:)

Jared: Dinkleberg….

Jared: I mean, uh, Kyros…..

Marvin: So, where’s your weapon? I don’t really see it.

Kyros: Look beyond what u see….. (Really? I’m ripping off The Lion King now? XD)

*Ground shakes*

*We’re screwed*

*Give my regards to Broadway*

*Brace for impact*

*Stop it Jared*

Marvin: Oh no! It’s UNDER us!?

Jared: WHAT DO WE DO!?


Marvin: WHAT IS IT!?

(And I stopped here. I didn't finish this because I got lazy, sorry. If I get enough positive feedback maybe I will continue this, but for now, that's not happening. Hope u enjoyed regardless of that. XD)

(Seriously though, I really had something going here. I was planning a bunch of cool twists, funny jokes, and even an epic rap battle at the end! I even finished it as well, so if u want to see that, let me know.)

(Again, I'm really sorry I didn't finish this. Oh well, lazyitis gets the best of all of us every now and then. :P)
Cas groaned from the pain. His injuries healed very slowly and he failed to stay strong.
“I’m sorry, Dean” Cas sobbed as tears rolled over his face. “I don’t want to be a baby, but it hurts so much”
“It’s okay” Dean said. “Just hang in there. It’ll all be over soon”
“Make it stop” Cas begged. He coughed and threw up blood again.
Dean frowned scared. “What can I do? Tell me what I should do, Cas”
But Cas closed his eyes.
“Don’t die, okay?” Dean zei afraid. “You can’t. There’s still so much we have to do. I’m going to teach u how to drive the Impala...
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“Daphne? It’s time to let me go” Martin zei soft.
Daphne lifted her head and stared at him with wet and bloodshot eyes. “How? I can’t”
“It’s time for me to verplaats on” Martin said. “I’ve been wandering around for too long. I’m done here. If I stay much longer, I could turn into a vengeful spirit”
Daphne shook her head. “I don’t believe that”
“You didn’t believe I would toon up in the first place, either” Martin pointed out.
Daphne pulled her shoulders. “How do I let u go? Aren’t u supposed to walk into the light of something?”
Martin laughed. “Not exactly. u have to salt and burn my bones”
“So I need to go to the cemetery?” Daphne asked.
“No. That grave is empty” Martin zei bitter.
“Then where are your bones?” Daphne asked nervous.
“You’re standing on them” Martin answered.
With Anna’s help Dean appeared in Daphne’s living room. Anna stayed behind, to try and locate Cas again.
Daphne let out a shriek when she saw Dean.
“What are u doing here? How did u get in here? I’m calling the cops” she zei scared.
“Wait, listen, I’m not here to hurt you” Dean said, raising his hands. “I just need to know where I can find your sister”
“Zoey? What do u need her for?” Daphne asked defensive.
“Look, I know u think Zoey is your God of something, but she’s been playing mind games with you. She’s been manipulating you”
Daphne shook her head. “I...
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However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped vooruit, voorwaarts and stabbed Meg in her neck with syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are u doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.

The door of the court building opened Zoey’s hart-, hart jumped up when Cas came outside. The fact that he was alone made her even happier.
“I’m glad you’re not gone yet” Cas said. Zoey died inside, but managed to stay calm.
“I waited for you” she said. She defended Daphne and tried to make Cas understand why she did it, but secretly...
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Zoey tapped Daphne’s arm reassuring. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t take u there” she promised. She took Daphne’s face in her hands. “I won’t take u there. Listen, why don’t u go take a nap? I’ll stay here to let Cas in. Gerard’s home, he can take care of Alex”
“Yeah, alright” Daphne zei and she sniffed.
“Now, come one, away with those tears” Zoey zei motherly. Daphne dried her eyes and smiled weak.
“I’m so lucky to have you” she sobbed.

Cas and Alexia were gone and Zoey was sitting at the keuken-, keuken table. Daphne’s handwritten book was lying open on a blank...
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Anna threw the phone at Meg. She caught it with one hand and examined it.
“I’m still not sure what you’re going to do with it, since Cas won’t be able to use a phone while he’s in prison” Anna said.
“You gave one to him, too, right?” Meg checked.
“Yes, and it only has your number and yours has only his number, so the two of u can start having phone sex with each other to pass the time” Anna zei sarcastic.
“Or u can finally get me out of here, so I can go stempel, punch a little common sense into Castiel’s pretty face and then he’ll leave prison on his own” Meg suggested....
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Anna waved a bag with chocolate koekjes, cookies in front of Meg.
“I know u like these” Anna zei teasing.
“When I was human, maybe” Meg snapped. “It’s been a very long time since I was human”
“Then I guess my plan to keep u happy fails” Anna said, in a tone as if she couldn’t care less.
“Why would u want to keep me happy?” Meg frowned.
“Cas is in trouble” Anna started. “Inspector Roberts has a DVD that shows how Cas abuses a little girl”
“What?!” Meg exclaimed and she jerked the bag with koekjes, cookies out of Anna’s hand. She ate a cookie, not because she was hungry,...
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The volgende morning
Dean was driving the Impala and there was no muziek playing for a change. The cassette tape player didn’t work. Instead the radio was playing.
“What station is that? Music’s awful” Jo complained. Dean changed the station, but it jumped back on the vorige one.
“That’s not a good sign” Sam zei slowly.
The muziek stopped and a voice was heard.
“Last night a woman named Lucy Dickinson was murdered in the Nite Owl Restaurant. Her insides were ripped out. There are no suspects thus far”
The muziek played again.
“Lucy Dickinson is the waitress we met last night”...
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Lucy walked out of the toilet and looked at her watch. She had to go back, but then she’d have to pass Cas’ tafel, tabel and she wasn’t sure if she could do that with a straight face. of she could just go around the building and use the entrance.
“Are u okay?”
Lucy looked up. Another woman, not much older than her, walked up to her.
“It’s alright, I’m a cop” the woman zei and she held up a card with her name and where she worked. “Anything u want to tell me? Like what happened in there?”
Lucy laughed and looked away. “Yeah, I don’t really see why that’s any of your...
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The waitress walked through the back door. She was taking a break. She felt two eyes on her and looked aside.
Cas was staring at her.
“Hi” she said. She walked to him. “You were acting strange earlier”
“I’m sorry” Cas mumbled. “You remind me of someone”
“Your girlfriend?” the waitress guessed.
Cas shook his head. “She wasn’t my girlfriend. She was my…”
“Sex buddy” the waitress helped. “I’m Lucy”
“I’m Cas” Cas said.
“Cas?” Lucy zei intrigued. “That’s an uncommon name” She came closer to him and took his collar. She dragged him into one of the toilets and locked the door. She threw her arms around his neck and jumped in his arms. She kissed him and Cas forced her against the wall.
“Aaaahhh!” she exclaimed. She pushed Cas away and looked at him terrified.
“I’m sorry” Cas mumbled concerned.
“It’s okay” Lucy said, but Cas unlocked the door and ran away.
“Hello, Meg”
Meg was sitting in the dark, but she could see perfectly well who was staring at her.
“You seem a little…trapped”
“And u seem a little…not yourself” Meg noted. “What did he do to you?”
A smile appeared on Kevin’s face. “You make it sound like he’s been awful to me” he said. “But Crowley’s like a father to me. He won’t let any demon near me and he helps me control my powers. He’s making sure my mother’s safe. Meeting him was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. I don’t have to be afraid anymore”
“Wow, I’m touched” Meg said...
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“You did what?”
Jo had told Dean about Isabel’s visit and the fact that she had told her Cas’ real name and where to find him.
“Are u out of your freaking mind? Why would u do that?” he zei angry.
“I’m sorry! How was I supposed to know we’re supposed to keep Cas’ name a secret? No one ever tells me anything around here” Jo defended herself.
“That’s because u can’t keep your big mouth shut!” Dean snapped. Jo walked to him and hit him in the face.
“Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not your dog” she zei mad.
“Oh, how I wish u were. Then at least I...
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Cas was sitting on the divan, bank of an unfamiliar house. The people who lived there were out. He looked at a box with blue pills.
Cas landed on the straat and in his anger he didn’t see where he was walking. He bumped into a man, older than his vessel, who was carrying paper bags. The man dropped the bags. The content fell on the pavers and Cas kneeled to help the man collect them. When everything, except for one small box, was put back in the bags, the man turned around. In any other circumstances he would’ve thanked Cas, but he’s was a little embarrassed and wanted to leave as fast as possible....
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“You’re a what?” Daphne exclaimed.
“Sssshhhh!” Cas hissed and he looked around to make sure no one was listening along. “I’m an angel. Literally. I have big, black wings whereby I can fly. I have special abilities, like healing people and I’m very strong”
“That explains a lot” Daphne replied with big eyes.
“Please, don’t tell anyone” Cas insisted.
Daphne raised her eyebrows. “No one would believe me if I did. I’m a nut job, remember?”
“Promise u won’t tell” Cas repeated.
“I promise” Daphne said. She shoved the annulment papers towards Cas. “I should...
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Janice was wondering around in the clinic. She had walked up to Daphne’s room several times, but each time she was almost there she stopped suddenly and turned around again.
She walked to Daphne’s room again. She gathered all her courage and put down the latch. She peaked inside and saw Daphne was sleeping. She tiptoed into the room and sank down in the comfy zitplaats, stoel volgende to the bed. She picked up the newspaper lying on the pedestal cupboard and read the headlines. She held her head diagonally and pricked with her finger at a picture of a man.
“Bad man. Very, very bad man” she zei with...
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A nurse was helping Daphne with her lunch when Zoey came in the room. The nurse looked up.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” Zoey zei apologizing.
“No, it’s okay” the nurse said. “Maybe, if u want, u can take over”
“Yeah, sure” Zoey zei and she walked to the bed. The nurse got up and offered Zoey his chair.
“Enjoy your meal, Daphne” the nurse said. “When u need something, just push the button. I’m staying close”
He walked to the door and left.
Zoey sat down on the chair and looked at Daphne’s plate. “Oooh, chicken, yummy”
Daphne shrugged. “You can...
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Meg stood behind a wall, lurking at Cas and Alexia through her field-glass. They were sitting on a terrace eating wafels and drinking milk-shake. Cas looked as if he was drinking heaven itself.
Meg wanted to go to him and explain why she had to run, but she couldn’t without telling him who he was. And she knew she was being watched. She had escaped Crowley’s demons, but it would only be a matter of time before they caught up with her. And if they did she had no chance of defending herself. She had been so stupid to leave the Angel mes at home.
As she was staring through the field-glass...
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Zoey was sitting at the keuken-, keuken tafel, tabel in Daphne’s house. After her appointment with the dentist Zoey had decided to have a coffee chat with her sister.
“How are u doing?” she asked casual.
“I’m doing fine, Z” Daphne answered.
“Are u still taking your medication?” Zoey asked insisting. Daphne frowned, annoyed. “For goodness sake, Daphne, it’s for u own good and ours. The doctor didn’t prescribe u these pills for nothing”
Daphne stood up angry. “I know what they are for” she snapped. She sighed. “I feel good, Zoey. Emmanuel is really good company. He makes...
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The volgende morning
Cas opened the door of the house and helped Daphne inside. He guided her to the sitting room and put her gently down on the couch.
“You know, I’ve been thinking” Daphne said. “With u around I don’t need a car. Makes things a lot cheaper”
“Can I get u something?” Cas asked.
Daphne shook her head. “You’re here. That’s enough for now”
Cas wasn’t used to that much gratitude and he’d have to adjust to it.
“Actually” Daphne started. “Could u give me the phone? I need to call the locksmith to tell him I won’t be needing his services after all. I gave Zoey her key back”
Cas smiled weak. “I’m glad u made it up with each other”
Meg went back to her house to cover her tracks. It was only a matter of time before Crowley’s demons would figure out where she was hiding, but when they did she would be long gone and she didn’t want to make it too easy for them to track her down again.
So when she switched the light on in her living room she was quite surprised to see three demons standing in the room. She would’ve grabbed her knife, if the closest demon hadn’t thrown a cup of holy water in her face.
“Aaaaaaaahhh! u son of a bitch!” she cursed, but before she could act the other demons came closer and dragged...
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