Gossip Girl Club
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added by Isabellaaa
Source: me
added by iLoveChair
Source: fearless_123 @ lj
added by Isabellaaa
Source: blakelivelyweb
added by alessandra_28
posted by Yankeesam32935
The Switch- Chapter One

A/N: This just might be a crazy idea but I’ve decided to run with it. Hope u enjoy. :D

The old man had finally kicked it. Bart bas, bass had died and his son wasn’t the least bit upset. He had been expecting this for the last few years, not that they had been close of anything like that. Actually Bart had despised everything that was Chuck Bass.
Chuck glanced at the prostitute that was in his bed. Were they supposed to spend the night? He had hired enough of them in his twenty eight years and he was going to kick this one out faster than u could even think the word...
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added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by edwestwick
added by TeamB_Forever
gossip girl
added by flowerdrop
Source: fuckyeahtaymom.tumblr.com
added by g0ss1pG1rL
Source: http://youknowyouloveme.org/gallery/index.php?cat=84
added by sticktwiggy
Source: http://sometimescrazy.livejournal.com/
added by atomicseasoning
added by xoxoS
Source: gossipgirlfan.org
added by flowerdrop
Source: littlejcaps.tumblr.com
added by Melissa93
added by HadMeUntilTroll
added by iLoveChair
Source: youknowyouloveme.org
added by kikuska414