Gossip Girl Club
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It's a heartbreaking thing, the end of summer. And yet, fall comes almost as a relief. As the air turns crisper and invigorating winds sweep across the land, we're happy to wave good-bye to our summer friends, the ones with whom we've engaged in superficial conversation for the past few months, and go back to our real friends, our city friends. To leave behind that slow-minded pool gossip and partake once again in rapid, reference-rich conversation, with smart people who know (maybe?) who Anaïs Nin and Truffaut are. And with the new season, too, comes a fresh start, a chance to do something, to be something different. This is what we felt last night, during the season premiere of Gossip Girl, the Greatest toon of Our Time.Last night's episode was all about new beginnings. About taking on new roles — of shaking off old ones. The Humphrey family, now conjoined to the Bass–Van der Woodsens, were adjusting to their new social and economic positions, with varying degrees of success. Meanwhile, Rufus and Lily's son, Scott, had been playing the part of Vanessa's innocent love interest, though clearly his sights are set on something bigger. Nate Archibald was trying to resist playing the role his family wanted him to, though he will likely be foiled in this endeavor, for he is an imbecile, and his grandfather has a Ferrari. Blair and Chuck were finding that a little role-playing was helping them come to terms with their new, monogamous selves, and even Carter Baizen appeared to be in the process of transforming himself from a cocky, arrogant ******* into a sensitive, thoughtful young man. Serena, however, was basically the same. What was realistic about these scenarios and what was not, u ask? Let's recap! Realer Than Rufus Drinking Out of a Welcome Back, Kotter Coffee Mug Every Morning
• Everyone on this toon has developed Famous Body. This is not really a points thing, it is meer of an observation. Jenny is skinnier, Vanessa has approximately ten pounds meer dreadlocks, and Dan's shoulders are so massive they are threatening to engulf his head. Again, however, Serena has stayed the same, and kept her special, breastial body. That is all.
• Also, can we just say that we love Jenny and Eric's new relationship? How fun would it be if u and your best gay (or u and your best hag) were suddenly in the same ridiculous, super-wealthy family? If Intel Chris and Intel Jessica were suddenly rich relatives, they'd already have quit their jobs and be doing exactly what Jenny and Eric have been doing, which is stalking the Barefoot Contessa through the Hamptons and pretending only halfheartedly to keep other people's juicy secrets. Plus 1
• Nate is terrified that he won't be able to find Bree at Columbia, which, granted, is a school with a big population, but which occupies approximately the same amount of real estate as Vatican City. Plus 1, because remembering is hard.
• Nate creates a horrifically awkward moment door introducing Bree to his grandfather, her grandfather's archrival. The he gets distracted door another person and walks away, leaving her standing there alone. Plus 1, because remembering what you're doing in the moment that u are doing it is especially hard.
• Even stupid, random Serena knockoffs who "have an Abercrombie campaign" and know the security code to "Clooney's kasteel on Lake Cuomo" are aware that they need to prepare for back-of-the-limo sex if they want to get with Chuck Bass. Plus 3. (And an additional plus 1 for "Now take your American Girl hair and your poreless skin and get out!")
• Ugh, Vanessa fell for Dan's gay-looking half-brother. So, so correct. Plus 3. She'd have slept with Rufus long geleden if she wasn't concerned about getting her hoop earrings caught in his chest hair.
• Plus 1 for Vanessa and Nate having "hooked up in Prague, but it didn't mean anything." This is so true. Making out in Prague never means anything. After a few shots of Becherovka, you'll make out with anyone. Intel Jessica has a blurry yet fond memory of one night in which she kissed a British rugby player, a Senegalese telecom worker, a Canadian hockey player, and a Czech poet with a goatee on only one side of his face (on purpose?), and at some point rubbed the bellies of a group of Japanese businessman for good luck. True story. She wishes she could include the Elvis impersonator from Las Vegas in that list, but that was actually a different night.
• We thought Chuck's double-breasted military thing with the wire boutonniere was heinous until we realized it was Thom Browne. Which made it perfect. Plus 3.
• Chuck has a "whole Ivanka thing." Plus 2.
• Blair thinks settling down "means death. Less sex, meer silence." Plus 1, because she's only 19, and one dag she'll realize what she's really afraid of is turning 30.
• Blair: "I know what u did this summer, and who. Cristiano Ronaldo? I hope u got your shots." Plus 2, because obviously Serena didn't actually rest between the Thighs That Are the Pride of Portugal. But kudos to Blair for making the point.
• Dan: "Do u know how hard it is to break one of those things [A hundred dollar bill]? I don't know why they even make them!" Oh, Dan, it was only a matter of time. Plus 1.
• Vanessa:: "Even Frodo eventually gave in to the power of the Ring." Plus 1.
• Carter's pants, throughout this entire episode, are flawless. Plus 1.
• Vanessa is thrilled she was able to give up being a barista, but goes to the same coffee koop three times in one day. Plus 1.
• Vanessa, on the polo match: "I'm sure Blair and Chuck will be there, if the murder-suicide I've predicted hasn't happened yet." Plus 2, because u know she's actually written out the murder-suicide in a series of marbled black Mead notebooks, in blue ballpoint ink, in all capital letters. With drawings in the margins.
• Blair, on the models emerging from the agency doorway: "Adam's apple! Catalogue!" Plus 1.
• Plus 1 for the teenagery way Serena rolled her eyes after getting rid of Rufus at the polo tournament. Like, yeah. Thank God she lost that old square, now she can finally get down to acting out her secret plan, which is to be photographed door as many paparazzi as possible, in hopes that her estranged father will want to see her after being bombarded with foto's of her acting like a skank in the international tabloids.
• Actually, now that we think about it, Serena's plan is so ludicrous it's actually realistic, in the way that teenagers love to conceive of elaborate revenge fantasies that don't actually have any hope of working in the way that they imagine they will. That said, in this case, we don't even know what she's imagining. What does she think is going to happen? That Daddy busje, van der Woodsen's going to see the picture of her topless in Heat and be like, "That skank's my daughter!" and hasten Stateside so that he can personally throw an overcoat over her ****? of worse: That he's going to be like, "Hey, my girl's got a nice rack!" and finally start returning her phone calls? What? Still, Plus 8.
• Okay, Serena and Carter stealing the galloping polo ponies right out of Nacho Figueras's award-winning hands is not realistic. But if they did manage to pull it off, they'd obviously have sex in the well-manicured shrubbery immediately following, so, even.
• Alexandra Richards and Nacho Figueras play Alexandra Richards and Nacho Figueras, respectively. Plus 3! And Nacho's polo team, the real Black Watch, is way hotter than its opponents, which is so plus 1.
• Nate and Bree at least seem to be a little bit aware that when Gramps Vanderbilt says, "I want u to be happy," it's an obvious lie. Plus 1.
• Half-brother Scott wears blousy Oxfords and boxy khakis. Plus 1.
• When constructing her lie about the self-healing trip she's on, Serena says she relied on Gwyneth Paltrow's newsletter as a reference, particularly in describing a "cold-water colonic." "At least GOOP is good for something," she says. Plus 7.
• When Vanessa confronts Dan at the polo match, he presents a lijst of totally valid and sympathetic reasons he's not the same old Dan, which includes an illness in the family and major life changes, and brings up the very valid and obvious point that Vanessa is a shrew with class issues. Confronted with all of this, Vanessa calls Dan an *******. Plus 2, because sometimes the truth takes a while to sink in. Total: 49 Faker Than Serena Knowing How to Pronounce Anaïs Nin.
• That anyone who knows Serena would have bought the "Serena is at an ashram and took a vow of silence" story for even five minuten is not even remotely plausible. Minus 5, because everyone knows that her cleavage would deafen even the quietest room.
• Jenny shows up to breakfast at the busje, van der Woodsens' looking like she's spent all night hooking in Atlantic City and no one even blinks. Minus 1.
•Minus 1 for Nate and Bree's "We met on the airplane and then were making out the entire way home pagina from Europe" scenario. Maybe we're just bitter about the fact that we fly coach, but we find it hard to believe that people actually make out with their seatmates on a plane ride. Even on the slim chance that u were seated volgende to someone worth making out with, and not a fat businessman of a crying child of a woman with a small dog in a bag, wouldn't it be super weird to just start making out with a total stranger? We know that we just confessed to making out with strangers above, but on a plane there are so many different risks! Like what if they had bad breath, of were a biter, of one of those people who do the darting-tongue thing? As soon as u realized this, you'd want to stop making out with them, but there u are, stuck right volgende to each other, with like four hours left to go on your flight. Would it be acceptable to pull away, put on your headphones, and say, "Okay, so I'm going to watch The Bourne Ultimatum now"? On the plus side, if it does work out, you'd get breakfast delivered, which is nice. Still, minus 2.
• Why would Scott be looking creepily at his birth certificate while talking on the phone to his mom? It would be one thing if he was at his desk, but he's just standing there in the coffee shop, crinkling it like a psycho killer. Minus 1.
• Nate Archibald lives in Gramercy, and hangs around Irving Place? Not quite. Minus 2.
• Serena is being followed door the only cute, doable paparazzi squad in the entire world. Minus 2.
• Have we all so quickly forgotten that Dan, who was so desperate to get into Yale he basically mortgaged all of his beliefs, was forced to go to NYU because his dad wouldn't accept money from Lily? And now they're all laughing about all the riches they have piled upon them, and the "emergency fund" Rufus has been carrying around all summer. No. Dan is way too petulant to let anybody forget that. Minus 5.
• Also, it bugged us that Dan asked Serena who "that guy" was that Serena was pictured with in the international tabloids. He knows full well who Carter Baizen is. They met in December of 2007, at Serena's old place in the Palace. Carter had just returned from Dubai, and Serena's grandmother Cece, who was visiting, had invited him over. She planned to get the heir to escort Serena to the debutante ball — after she intimidated Dan out of taking her door giving him a speech that included these words. "Girls like Serena don't end up with Dan Humphrey. They end up with the Carter Baizens of the world." The plan worked: Dan was put off, and Carter escorted Serena to the ball. But later, Dan showed up and they got back together and slow-danced together in the foyer of the Palace. Minus 5, because do we have to remember everything? GOD. And minus another 5, because we're now weeping for our wasted lives.
• Vanessa's Navajo short shorts. Minus 2.
• Even we don't believe Dan would take a limo home pagina from a coffee shop. Not a stretch one, at least. Minus 1.
• Dan: I see the cat's out of the bag.
Rufus: And topless on Valentino's yacht.
Jenny: That's not fair. Everyone's topless on Valentino's yacht.
Rufus: What about this one where's she's dancing on the table?
Eric: Well, that's what u do in Barcelona.
Rufus: And this one with Prince Harry doing shots off of —
Dan: That's what u do in St. Tropez! We'd give points for the sibling protection of Serena, but the fact that Rufus isn't weird about seeing his stepdaughter's splendiferous rack makes this a wash.
• The In Touch and Life & Style knockoffs are stylistically flawless, but sadly, those two magazines don't meld on socialites. Tinsley Mortimer has barely even broken into "Who Wore It Better?" Minus 1.
• Minus an additional 3 because, as Intel Chris's British roommate pointed out, Hello and OK! would never score pictures of "Prince Harry doing shots." "Off of" anything.
• Okay, we may hate Vanessa's hair extensions, but they are clearly expensive, and too expensive for her. Minus 1.
• Where is Lily busje, van der Woodsen? ON MARS? There is nowhere on the planet Earth that a billionaire could be where she would not be within reach of a single phone call. Minus 3.
• Dan and Serena's secret brother, Scott, was born in 1988. No points deducted, but shudder.
• We'd believe the polo if there were meer Perrier Jouët, and less pewter. We are in the North, u know. Minus 1.
• Serena still only has a flip phone? Come on. Minus 1.
• Wait, Nate's grandpa was for abolishing DOMA? No. Minus 3. Total: 45 That puts us just four points on the real side — a good tonen for a premiere episode, where the stakes are high and the instinct for absurdity is at its strongest.
added by crazyMaSha
added by lilie2
posted by wrightmatthewm
Men’s suit is the link of the millennium. Aside from giving that professional look, it is designed the wearer impressive and fashionable. So it is a must that u choose the perfect fitting suit for you. If this is too large of too small for you, u will be in big trouble aside from being uncomfortable.Of course, not all men can very well afford to buy business suits because it will cost u a little. Save your worries because Megasuits is bringing this end of summer sale so u can take advantage of our great saving promos. We are the one stop koop that provides discounted men’s suits,...
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posted by LoveLiesAndLust
Real Life Fairytale; One-Shot

A/N: Yet again, another new fic door me this week, hehe. Except it’s a one-shot, which makes it different from the rest of the fanfics I wrote this week. XD

So I haven’t written a one shot in quite some time (like, two months), and I realized tonight how much I despise episode 2x20 (‘Remains of the J’). I mean, CV and NV and NB all in one eppie? *gags* Worst. GG. Episode. Ever.

Anyways, I decided to write this, and I know Chuck might seem just a tad bit out of character but I kinda had to make him, LOL, to make this fic work. ;)

Oh! And I know it's not very...
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The Gossip Girl Chronicles

A/N: Hey. I'm back to scripted. hallo I'm gossip-girl999 u may remember me from such fan fictions as The Chuck and Blair Chronicles. LOL I just watched The Simpsons Movie! I love Troy! LOL =D Okay hallo so I was just in the mood today to start writing my new fan fictions and I'll just be updating this one when I get time to write a new episode. And cos I only got one review on my latest chapter of 'A Million Love Songs Later' I'm just giving up on that story. I've written chapter 10 already so I'll post that one then I'm done cos there is no point for only one review...
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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter One

His brain was addled from the lack of sleep, but even in his semi conscious state he knew what he had done. He only prayed that it had only been a dream. That would be his only excuse. It had to of only been a dream, right? He would never have had sex with his best friend’s girlfriend and not only that, but he was the one that took her virginity.
Fuck. Who was he really kidding? He was Chuck bas, bass and he knew he would do it if he wanted too, nothing ever stopped him. Chuck slowly pried his eyes open and found that he was lying on his side in the middle...
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 Annoyed B?
Annoyed B?
[Read Part 1 if u haven't already:)]

Okay to start off THANK u GUYS SO EFFING MUCH for those who read it and reviewed. u all literally made my day<3
I actually am clueless about how many majority shippers are either DS of NS. Lol, so bare with me if it’s not your ship.
Honestly I have no idea where this story is going,,, so pretty much every chapter is what just comes to my mind, and whatever floats my boot that day=]

[omg my computer is so screwey right now, its posting multiple times, and it is so slow, so if any multiple chapters occur i appologize for my stupid computer:(]

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 Wedding Prep!
Wedding Prep!
Chair Tales S02E15- The Wedding Fate


...The wedding has arrived and everything is chaos, but in a good way.

Serena/Dan's house is already full of people, all helping Serena get ready.

Blair is the maid of honour and is Serena's sidekick for the day. Blair has of course been living at Serena's house since her and Chuck broke up.

Chuck has already made plans to leave New Haven after the wedding is over. He would have left immediately but doesn’t want to let Dan down door refusing to be his best man and not attending the wedding. Dan is...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Five

He bit down on her lip, and Blair gasped. As she opened her mouth, he used the opportunity to sink his tongue inside her mouth. They both groaned out loud at the contact. His tongue swirled around inside her mouth, memorizing every crevice and corner and making Blair his. She tangled her tongue with his, and Chuck had to grip her hips to steady himself. The passion was threatening to overtake them both.
She tangled her hands in his hair, and they kissed for what felt like hours. He finally broke the kiss and looked at her face, and he had to admit he loved what...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters-Chapter 1

Blair’s alarm clock rang and she reached with her hand to turn it off. But instead of getting up, she snuggled further down into her covers. Her alarm rang again, and she decided that it was time to get up if she didn’t want to be late for school.
She had a smile pasted on her face; everything was finally turning out right in her life. After a few rocky years of feeling misguided, she was feeling perfect. For starters, she was going out with the perfect guy. Nate Archibald. He had finally asked her out about three weeks ago, although she had been trying to land...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 6

“You want to go have dinner?” She asked, shocked that Chuck had suggested it.
He moved away from her a little bit. Chuck was dismayed door her reaction and embarrassed no less. “Well if u don’t want too Blair, I can just go door myself. It’s up to you.”
Blair held up her hand to stall him from saying anything else. “Don’t be silly. Of course, I want to go with you. But I have to go back to my hotel and change clothes. Should we just meet there?”
His mind started whizzing. This was it. Even though he was the one that suggested dinner, he was...
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 Will u Marry Me?
Will You Marry Me?
Chair Tales- S02E07- Desperate Housewives.

Serena's house.
There are house keepers and other employees rushing around on Serena's order. She is hosting a pre-engagement party. Dan is confused because they are already engaged, but Serena wanted to have a pre-engagement party before having an engagement party!
Her plans include ending the night with Dan formally proposing to her in front of their guests to officiate their engagement, this would then be followed door an announcement to inform guests of an engagement party which would be held the following weekend.
Dan is arguing with Serena about the...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Okay I zei I'd post this on Thursday but I got busy revising my ICT work. God I hate revising! I can't wait until my GCSE's are over with! But then there's A-Levels *cry*. But anyway since I didn't I just read through it and was not happy with the ending so I changed it around a little and added another scene. Just to say thank u to u guys, I really appreciate u taking time to read and leaving me comments, Thank u and I'm so glad u who left commentaren on chapter 1 liked it. I thought It was bit trashy but I guess not that bad right?! Anyway leave...
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 Queen J?
Queen J?
(Sorry but this one is kinda long, we had a power cut and I just started writing galore! Couldn't stop, I think I wrote like 4 episodes in one night =] )

Episode 20: The Changing

GG: To quote Christina Aguilera “Some days I'm a super bitch”, Define that quote; Blair Waldorf. Just days after being de-throned Blair is back on top, apparently... Sources say B is not giving up her crown without a fight, Who's ready to fight the former Queen?

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

(It's been a week since Blair has been dethroned, Jenny is now starting to become the new Queen B. Blair has done nothing so far,...
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posted by GGLover_1
 it's christmas eve!
it's christmas eve!
-So i'm a first timer... hope u like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG: What will happen this christmas eve?! Is B gonna get her C present???

* It's christmas eve finally, blair and nate just broke up. Nate forgave her because he realized she really did have feelings for chuck. Now at the busje, van der bas, bass apartment, Serena needs to get chuck to forgive blair and go to her.

S: hallo eric, have u seen chuck?...
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posted by GGLover_1
 serena's sweet gift
serena's sweet gift
-So i'm a first timer... hope u like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG:Hello upper esat siders, Gossip Girl here. It's that time of the year, when all of our elite tries to outshine themselves with the best gifts and the best sweets. Yes it's Christmas... What about you, any sweets for me? scandals i mean!

*at the waldorf's penthouse: blair is all alone, sitting in her living room, still confused...
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I think I know the reason. I love chuck and Blair, as do most of you. We don't want to betray chair. We think about it like this, Chuck and Blair.. That's it, that's love,that's Gossip Girl. We can't imagine either of them being in love with anyone else. We don't want nair, we want chair! But, there will always be nair. nate and blair will always have history that we chair fans can't ignore. So that leaves us with the ultimate question, who's it gonna be, nair of chair. Although most of us think it'll be chair, there's still that chance that nair could fall back in love like in the books, and crush all of us chair fans. They, wouldn't do that, the writers know we all love chair, right?? well, the writers always surprise us. I know chuck and blair will end up together, so while we wait, why not give nair a chance to have a cute little fling?? we don't have a choice.
posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
A/N: Okay, now that I’ve finally updated my three lingering CB multichaptered stories, I have gone insane and decided to write yet ANOTHER one shot. I know…crazy. And as we speak I do not know if it will turn depressing of into crazy CB fluff….at this point we NEED fluff desperately to get through the volgende few episodes of CB angst. Aww…poor Chuck! Poor Blair! *sighs* But perhaps my mind is sucking up the angry tension of the volgende depressive episodes and exploding it in this simple 5-pager, if even I write for that long…or for that little. Lol. XD But anyways! I’m getting ahead of...
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A/N: hallo all! Sorry this has taken me so long to update….but I plan on updating my stories a lot quicker now, so hopefully you’ll all keep up! ;p
Ch.4—Faulty Evidence
    Chuck stopped right outside the Waldorf residence and waited for his limo to arrive. He had expected the meeting with Blair to last longer, but apparently she hadn’t needed him for that much. Come to think of it, it was he, who had excused himself early with the insistence that him walking out of the penthouse would cause enough stirring on Gossip Girl’s part. However, his phone did not...
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posted by bl0ndy
Edward "Ed" Westwick (born June 27, 1987) is an English actor best known for his role as Chuck bas, bass amongst the main cast on the American televisie series Gossip Girl. He is also the lead singer of the English rock band The Filthy Youth.

Westwick was born into a family of two older brothers, his father a lecturer in Business Studies and his mother an educational psychologist. He attended St Ippolyts Church of England Primary School and the Barclay School in Stevenage, England. He was attending North Herts College when he made his first film, Breaking and Entering, directed door the late Anthony...
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