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NOTE: This story was written exclusively for a great friend of mine as a birthday gift. Keep this in mind when reading the story. Thank you.

In the dark town streets, a young girl was walking along the barren roadway. Not a hint of light was seen as she blended in with the darkness door the color of her dress. Smoke from the cold could be seen out from her mouth as she was breathing heavily. She knew she needed to get home pagina and getting there on her own was the only solution.

She walked for about two blocks when something caught her attention. It stood nearby in front of her direction and carefully approached it. Her expression soon changed after she realized it was just a cat. This particular type was black all over and had golden eyes, which were key indications that it was a purebred Bombay. She cuddled with it for a while until she realized she needed to continue her way home. She apologized to the cat for not sticking around longer and bid it a farewell before walking through. The cat meanwhile watched as she quickly disappeared within the darkness.

While the encounter with the cat calmed her, she still felt uneasy. She had a feeling that someone was following her and was too afraid to turn. Instead, she picked her peace up a little faster. This wasn’t helping as the footsteps behind were also equal to hers. door this time, she started to panic and decided to just try running without tripping of stepping on her dress. She ran for a good while until she was trapped between large wine barrels that blocked the path. She quickly turned and shivered with terror.

The girl was able to witness the ones who followed her and gasped loudly with horror. She remembers their faces on the weekly newspaper as the two rapists who don’t only rape their victims, but murder them as well. It turned out that these two men had their eyes on her the whole time and were going to do their dirty deeds to her. The girl quickly closed her eyes as she was crying. She slowly slumped against the wine barrels as she slowly lowered herself to the ground. All hope was lost.

However, something then happened. One of the men was under attacked door a black cat. The other guy turned to his buddy and tried helping. As the girl slowly uncovered her eyes, she then remembered the cat as the one from earlier. She was completely relieved to know that it was rescuing her. She decided to pitch in a little and grabbed the nearest object, which was an old cane. She used it to hit the one guy who was trying to help the other one in the head and quickly passed out. The cat managed to knock the other one out as well with at lease a hundred scratches all over his body.

The girl thanked the cat for rescuing her, but before leaving the cat then revealed its true nature. It was really a young man who had the ability to transform into multiple animals. His name was “Kasey”, a name that the girl certainly would never forget.