Hetalia RP(roleplay) The official Rp!

musicgirl68 posted on Mar 12, 2012 at 11:40PM
Ok only 3 OC's(own characters) a person!
As for the characters from the show, I could care less!NOOOOO HAVING THE SAME CRUSH AS SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romania: Bloodsucker3
Romano: luckystar247
Sealand: me
Iceland: luckystar247
Australia: wa391488
Spain: Spainofhetalia
And I forgot all the others xD

Form for OC's!

Basic facts!
State/country name:



Eye color:
Hair color:

My OC's!

Basic facts!
Name:Kumori Aika/Kouri Aika
State/country name:Iowa/Arizona

Personality:Funny, quiet, sarcastic, sweet, shy, loner, mean to some people, spacey, clutz./Sweet, funny, outgoing, cute, and hyper.

Color:Silver, blue, and red.
Animal:Cat, panda, penguin, and wolf./Dog, wolf, fox, and snake.
Drink:Pepsi and water/Water, and Dr.Pepper
Person:Iceland, because he is the only one that understands her./Mexico, they share a love of tacos!
Book:All The Lovely Bad Ones/Hatchet
Song: link / link

Height:"5"4/ "5"8
Eye color:tourqoise/gold
Hair color:Blonde/Redish brown
Picture is Kumori
 Ok only 3 OC's(own characters) a person! As for the characters from the show, I could care less!NOOOO
last edited on Mar 19, 2012 at 08:07PM

Hetalia RP(roleplay) 2431 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: AHHHH -pulls out watergun and sprays Iceland-

Iceland: -pulls out watergun and sprays back- take that!!

Lux: -puts away phone- Huh- gets face full of water-

Sweden: -sopping wet-

een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: THAT IS IT!*grabs a hose and sprays them both*WOULD YOU 2 QUIT IT

Arizona: ooh someones mad*holding an umbrella*

Colorado: *laughs and puts the book away till they stopfighting*

America: *soaking wet*

Canada: aghh
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: He started it daughter!!!

Iceland: You did!!!!!

Lux: -wipes face-

Sweden: -glares-

NJ: Yo bro's nt cool~
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: AGGGHHHHHH!*stomps off*

Arizona: dude you just crossed the line

Colorado: Boy is she pissed now

Finland: *comes out from hiding*

America; drama!
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
England: -sigh- were doomed..

Iceland: Iowa come back!! -runs after her-

Denmark: -growls- its his fault....

china: aww this bad ~aru

een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Arizona: oh calm down England, we're gonna be fine*hugs him*

Iowa: *walking*

Colorado: *facepalm*you just screwed that one up Denmark

America: *nods*yeah

Canada: not good
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: -cries- Iusually do~

Iceland: Iowa I said stop!!! -grabs arm-

England: -leans head on shoulder- i hope so

Lux: -eyes narrow-..yeah we will


een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *looks at him*

colorado: ohhh*pats his back*don't cry, I hate seeing people cry. Just go after her...............*thinking: Geeze I sound like a therapist*

Arizona: *nods blushing*

America: we'll be fine

Finland: right!
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: -sniff- Your right!! Iowa my love Imma comein!!! -runs after her-

Iceland: please calm down.... and Im sorry.. that was childish of me..



Lux: -phone rings and picks up- You found them..

France: no... They ..t-there gone ..

Lux: What do you mean!!

FrancE: they seem to be scattered around the world!!!

Lux: this is bad!! We only have one we need the other Five!!

France: I don't know...
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *kisses his cheek*

Colorado: Whats gone?

Arizona: What are you talking about

America: yeah

Canada" and who are you talking to

Sealand: yeah

Colorado: Lux?
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: Iowa!!!!

Iceland: Iowa.. -blushes-

Lux: -blushes- What oh y-you guys heard that hahaha!!!
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *looks at them both*

Colorado: of course we heard

America: now what was it

Arizona: what happened?!
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: ...Iowa..


Lux: umm I-i was talking to France..you see... We are looking for the elements of harmony..

England: I completly forgot about those!

Lux: right the only thing able to defeat draco and his army of darkness and chaos..
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Arizona: ohhh

America: wow

Iowa: s-sorry......

Colorado: hmmmm

Arizona: eh

Colorado and Arizona: *look at each other*
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmrk & Iceland: Huh?!!


england: -nod-

lux: yeah, The six elements of harmony...Magic,Loyalty,Generosity,kindnes­s,l­aug­hte­r,a­nd honesty! ...Sad thing is we only have one... -looks at england- Magic...but we barely even have that..
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *laughs*

Colorado and Arizona: I think we have a pretty good idea of laughter..!

America: who??

Canada: yeah who?

Sealand: WHO!?!?!

Arizona: Should we tell them?

Colorado: I don't see why not.

Both: Who is the one person that laughs most out of all of us?

America: *thinks back*

Canada: *thinks*

America and Canada: Iowa.......but Arizona's loyal. And Colorado is honest......And Lux is pretty generous
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: -smiles-

Iceland: -laughs-

Lux: Are you suggesting the elements of haromy are people?!!

England: That would make...sence... finland...kindness..
Lux: and friendship...with the additional bravery,heroic,wisdom, and compassion.... I can't believe it
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Finland: *smiles*

Arizona: that is exactly what we are saying!

Colorado: Yeah!

Iowa: *smiles*

America: AND I'M HEROIC!!!!!!!!!!!!


Iowa;*hugs them both*
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark & Iceland: -hug back-

england this makes complete sence me magic!


Lux: yeah Iowalaughter, arizona loyalty, colorado honsty, m generosity, Finland kindness, Iceland wisdom,Denmark compassion, and Canada friendship.. its all there ...
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *thinks: I feel warm but...............it's raining, how is that?*

Arizona: *looks up*It's raining

Colorado: And to be completely honest, I feel funny now, knowing we are one of thos elements of harmony.

Finland: *smiles*

Canada: *laughs*

All except those with Iowa: Wait, how the he** is Iceland wisdom?!??!?!

Iowa: *thinks: It's almost......*magic........no........it's..­...­...­...­...­rea­l*h­ugs tighter*
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Iceland : -contiunes to hug Iowa- Im simply a genius compared to you all~

England: mabye we have a chance...

Lux: ...mabye...wait how am I generous?

Denmark: Awww~ -hugs Iowa- Im compassion~
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: me, laughter, how so?

Arizona: I completely understand why I am loyal *smiles*

Colorado: You're laughter cause you laugh the most.

Iowa: ohh*still hugging them*

Arizona: You're generous because you like to help others

Finland: *smiling*

Colorado: right......everyone knows why Denmarks compassion*sweatdrops*

Iowa: I'm confused though

Everyone else: with what?

Iowa: who does Denmark really like?
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Denmark: -blushes- o-oh welll I sorta like...

Iceland:.... -Hugs Iowa tighter- Mine~

Denmark: not like that!! -blushes- sorta I mean....not a specific ...

Lux:....-blushes- Generosity~ ...Denmark Imma guess who ypi like~~~ -smirk- hmm Between Iowa/Norway

Sweden: .... M'nw'ore..

England: come on Sweden thats alittle harsh
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: m-me?!

Arizona: oh come on Sweden, at least he doesn't 'share' someone.

Finland: *facepalms*

Canada: oh no

America: Aww man, Sweden thats gonna piss him off

Colorado: Oh come on thats not nice guys.

Iowa: w-wh-why m-me I mean y-you g-gu-guys c-cou-could g-get a-any-anyone, y-yet you chose me?
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Lux: -glares- Whats wrong with shareing~

Denmark: -glares and blushes- am not!! I-Its just really hard...when you love so much!! or when you can't choose and iowa... your -blushes- just a ... good person
iceland: To anwser your question~ Your just perfect and the only person I know that gets me~

Sweden: -glare- ..... M'wife..and H'sband

Lux: OHHH!!! I get it know!!! Im generous because Im shareing Finland with Sweden...Generously~ haha Im so smart -smiles-
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Arizona: *facepalms*you people are weird

Iowa; *blushing*

Colorado: I'm not weird!

America: neither am I!

Finland: *sweatdrops*

Iowa:.........it's raining......
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
England: I ...love...rain..

Iceland: Im not weird..

Denmark: -blushes- Im not

Sweden: -glare- n't weird

Lux: -laughs- Im weird but in the good away unlike some people~

een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *falls to the ground laughing*

Arizona: see thats why she is laughter*points to Iowa*

Colorado: what the he** is she doing

America; is something wrong with her

Iowa: *watching the video*

Arizona: what the he** was she watching this time

Colorado: it's always something
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Iceland: -facepalm- kumori~ really?

Denmark: buwhahahahahhaha -rolls on floor holding sides- too funny!! penutFoo!!!

Lux:.... -twitch- I hate puppets...scary!!!

Sweden: uhhhhh

England: yupp defiantly the element of laughter~
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *stops laughing instantly and stands up*thats the first time.........you've said my name

Arizona: *laughing*

Colorado: *laughing*

finland: *shaking*creepy puppet

America: *laughing loudly*

een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Iceland:....Am I not suppose to -blushes- i mean you can call me by my real name if you want... its

Denmark: Emil!!! oh Iowa you can call me mathias!!

Lux:....Is it a ape..Why is it waring one shoe!!! -scared- Who is couarnel sanders!!!??...M-My real name is Katie....

England: -covers ears- yuppp ~

Germany: Let the penut~thingy have his moment~ bruder

Sweden: M'name is Bewlard...
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Iowa: *blushes* n-no y-you c-can it's just, I'm not used to it is all

Arizona: MY NAMES KOURI!*smiling*

Colorado: I'm Mika

Prussia: NEVER!!!!!!

America: I'm Alfred

All: And all the sudden everyone is useing their first name

Japan: Kouri to Kumori wa Nippon karadesu.(Kouri(means Ice in Japanese) and Kumori(means Shadow in Japanese) are from japan)

Kumori: Thats right Japan.

Kouri: what did he say?

Mika: *nods*

Kumori: he said Kouri and Kumori are from Japan, well the names are at least*laughs*
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Emil: okay.. -smiles- As of this moment You can call me Emil as much as i hate that name it shall give a sweetersound comeing from your lips~

Mathias: -growls: thinks: Why did'nt Think of that: -

Bewlard: strong vikeing n'me~

katie: awww~ Japanese names always sound so cute... My brother named me similar to my sister hence the bell after katie.... -pouts-

Arthur: hmmmm.... i can't remmeber who named me...
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Kumori: *blushes*

Kouri: you don't remember?

Mika: so is my name

Japan: *nods*

Alfred: For reals this is awesome!!!!

Finland: My name is.......*sighs*Tino

Norway: Mine is ......Norway.

Kouri: Apparently Kouri means Ice in Japan

Kumori: And Kumori means Shadow

Mika: Mika means song
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Emil: -smirks-

Mathias: -growls- thinks: Damn him!!!!-

Arthur: I only remmeber wakeing up ... in a tree and meeting a couple of Fair- nevermind -blushes-

Katie: My name means Pure :D

Bewlard: .....S're...H's'band..

Greece: Hercalecs...
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Kumori: *thinking: Awkward.....*

Kouri: *laughs and hugs Arthur*

Mika: *snickers*Awkward.....

America: you're telling me.


Kumori: *wipes the wet hair from her face*

Kouri: *wipes hair from face*

Mika: *wipes face*
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Arthur: -blushes- Kouri... Wait what day is it?

Katie: -sweatdrops- Is it still raining?

bewlard: ..........

Mathias:AGHHH!!!!!!!!!! SO BORED!!!

Emil: -blink- ...Wisdom -stares at sky-
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Kouri: the 29th

Kumori: 2 days.....

Mika: yeah.....

Kouri: what exactly

Kumori: are we going

Mika: to do about it

All: what is there to do?

Kouri: I don't know but

Kumori: I'm scared

Mika: what if we all die?
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Arthur: I-I don't know..

emil: We all need to stay calm...

mathias: Such words of wisdom~

Emil:Shut up!!

Bewlard: We'll be fine

Katie:... Were going to live... I won't allow any of us or the kirklands to die...

een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
All: Alright

Kumori: *hugs Emil, and Mathias*

Kouri: *hugs Arthur*

Mika: aww, I wanna hug someone.

Sealand: *hugs*

Mika: YAY!*hugs*

Kumori: aww

Kouri: so cute*smiles*

Mika: to bad he's way to young
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Katie: -twitch- Yeah he is...

Yao: You couldve hugged me~aru

Denmark: -hugs kumori

Iceland: -hugs Kumori-

Arthur:...... Kouri..~ -hugs tighter-

een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Kumori: *smiles*

Kouri: yes?

Mika: what? It's not like that Katie, he's more of a little brother

Kumori: *smiles*

Kouri: something wrong?
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Iceland: -smiles-

Denmark: -blushes- thinks: Damn Draco ruining my preacious daughters world:

Katie: huh~ oh Im sorry Mika~ Yeah total little brother hahahah

Arthur: no matter what ... Just know I will always love you!
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Mika: *laughs*you thought I meant it like that!

Kouri: *blushes*

Kumori: *thinks: Do not let this moment end*

Sealand: *laughs*

All: *thinking: Please do not let this moment end*
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Arthur: -thinks: Please god...help us-

Katie: -blushes- n-no!! Mika! I-I was just referring to how old he is ..He's only twelve..

Emil: -leans to kiss iowa-

Mathias: -grabs Iceland- no way!

last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Mika: *laughs*

Kumori: *blushes*

Kouri: *smiles*

Sealand: *laughing*yep

Mika: I know he is
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Katie: -nods- yeah

arthur: -smiles-

Emil:Mine denmark~

Mathias: -smiles an grummbles- mine~
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Kouri: *hugs tighter*

Kumori: *thinks: here we go again* *smiles slightly*

Mika: *nods*yep

Sealand: *lets go*
een jaar geleden luckystar247 said…
Arthur: -laughs- Kouri~

Mathias: bite me!!

Emil: No you probaly taste like garbage!!

Katie: -facepalm-

Bewlard: ....
een jaar geleden musicgirl68 said…
Kouri: *laughs*

Mika: here we go again

Tino: yeah

Sealand: *laughs*

Kumori; *facepalms*