Hugh & Lisa Club
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posted by maverickangel35
    “Lisa!” Hugh gasped, putting his hands on her waist and pulling back even as the sounds of cameras being reset and the directors calling for them began to float over from behind the wall. “Ok. Do not do that again.” Her eyes were shocked as she looked at him. “I’m serious. Unless u want me to haul u over my shoulder and take u back to my trailer, whether people are watching of not… stop it.”
    Lisa blinked slowly at him and then smiled flirtatiously, grabbing his arm and pushing him back out toward the hallway. “Come on, Hugh. I think David wants us.”
    “Lisa, hang on, let me touch u up…” Makeup was gesturing for her and David waved her in their direction.
    “It’s ok, go ahead,” he said. “I need Hugh for this one first.”
    “What’d I do wrong?” Hugh asked, completely straight-faced. Lisa almost choked. As the makeup artist flitted around her, adjusting here and there, Hugh and David bent their heads together and conferred about the scene.
    “We were talking,” David was saying. “What would it look like if House carried her down the hallway? of at least part of the way? There’s already been plenty of stumbling around the living room, this could just add another dimension to it… Hugh, what do u think? Can u lift her?”
    Hugh raised an eyebrow and looked in the direction of his co-star, who had finished with her makeup and was standing near one of the cameras, her hands on her lower back, stretching backwards.
    “Oh, I don’t know…” he drawled. “I suppose we could find out…” A crew member rushed up and handed his jas back to him, and as he pulled it on he looked again at Lisa. She had been gegeven another overhemd, shirt to wear, one that hadn’t been wrinkled and possibly ripped beyond repair in their frolicking… Hugh walked over to her. “Hey. We gotta go again.”
    “Aw, man!” Lisa whined over-dramatically.
    “Very funny,” Hugh said, putting his hand on her back and walking her back into House’s apartment, toward the hall. “Here’s the thing: David wants me to carry you, somewhere from around this point, until we’re off camera.”
    Lisa’s eyebrows flew upward. “Carry me? Ok… how?”
    “Well, I’m guessing not over my shoulder… either—”
    “Well.” Her voice had gone impossibly low. “I think I know what would work best. So why don’t we just see how things go and take it as it comes?”
    “Fair play to you,” zei Hugh, grinning. “As u wish.”
    The scene was set.
    Hugh and Lisa eyed each other from off-camera, and Hugh reached out a hand to her.
    “Madame?” He said, his eyes dark and serious.
    “Sir…” Lisa took his hand, set it firmly on her back, and reached up to kiss him soundly, pulling him into the shot to begin the volgende take. As the back of her legs encountered the couch, she again started to pull at Hugh’s jacket, and got it halfway down his arm before—
    Shit, it’s stuck! She thought suddenly to herself. The jas was caught on his watch, and was hanging ridiculously off the end of his right hand, but Hugh was not about to be stopped door a wardrobe malfunction, not when the alternative was to continue to feel the softness of Lisa’s skin in his arms… and speaking of which…
    Suddenly Hugh reached, the jas sweeping around her dramatically, and tore her overhemd, shirt upwards, hearing seams rip and Lisa gasp as it flew past her face—but not off her arms. The material tangled at her wrists, binding them loosely together, and the two actors spun around, heading for the chest of drawers, their lips sealed so tightly that no one could tell they were both laughing hysterically inside. Hugh’s jas was being flung around like a matador’s cape until finally, as he lowered Lisa against the hard wood of the chest, he took half a step back and ripped the jas away from his wrist before grabbing her back to him, pulling her up into his chest as he stepped backwards toward the hallway. Feeling her lips part slightly under his, he grabbed the opportunity to quickly venture his tongue slightly in her direction, catching on her upper lip and tickling her gums. Lisa gasped appreciatively, her overhemd, shirt still hanging from her wrist and resting on his shoulder as they moved. The scent of her hairspray was distracting him to no end…
    Suddenly they were past the doorframe and Lisa’s back was to the closed door on the right side of the hall. Taking a deep breath, she pulled him inexorably into her embrace, speaking every so softly against his lips as he crushed her to him again.

    “Ok…” she gasped into his mouth, “brace yourself, ok?”
    And as if she had drawn him a detailed portrait of her plans, Hugh suddenly knew exactly what she was going to do, and his entire body shuddered in anticipation of what was coming. In one fluid movement, Lisa tensed against the door at her back, Hugh bent his knees slightly, and then all at once she threw all her weight upward as his arms slid down her body, coming to rest just under her waist. Lisa hissed as the door scraped long and shallow against her bare back, and Hugh gasped into the skin of her neck as she somehow managed to steel herself for just enough time to inpakken, wrap her legs around his waist while his hands formed a wieg under her thighs, setting her just above his hips in a hugely dangerous place…
    “God…” she breathed, feeling him under her and taking his head into her hands to lower her lips onto his once meer as he started toward the bedroom. It was, however, their first time trying this little maneuver, and so they must be forgiven for not being the most coordinated pair in the world—as Hugh tried to kraan his head upward to press his lips even harder against hers, he took an uneven step toward the open door they were aiming for, and landed awkwardly on the runner in the doorway. Just as they left the camera frame he lost his balance—Lisa’s arms tightened convulsively around his neck as she tried to steady herself, and they pitched headfirst into House’s bedroom, Hugh just barely making it to the bed before dropping Lisa out of his arms and landing on top, boven of her, his face buried in the hollow of her throat. Lisa’s hand was idly caressing the back of his neck as her chest rose and fell rapidly under him, and he slowly raised his head to look at her.
    “Jesus, Lisa…” he whispered as he propped himself up on his elbows, their lower limbs still entangled. They regarded each other in disbelief; the effect of the last few seconden was far too obviously apparent in their eyes and in their bodies, and now they had to go back out there… Ducking his forehead against hers briefly, Hugh gasped out a faint smile at her and pushed himself backward to his feet. “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he added as he reached a hand to pull her to her feet. “But I hope to God they don’t have us do that again. I don’t think I can take it.”
    Lisa looked him very slowly up and down, her eyebrow reaching epic heights, and when her gaze reached his eyes again…
    “Wuss,” she breathed wickedly, brushing tantalizingly close past him as she went back out into the hallway to meet up with David and Katie. Hugh looked down at his shoes and focused very, very hard on remembering that nature documentary he had seen a few years back… it had involved lions and antelope, and quite a lot of mastication and not a little crunching of bones…
    He sighed heavily. Good. I think you’re presentable now.
    As Hugh came back after Lisa, who was still clad only in the lacy tank top, boven that had been under her shirt, he stopped and frowned first at her, and then at the director.
    “We’re not doing that again, are we?” He asked David, reaching a tentative hand out to gently brush his fingers against Lisa’s back. She visibly jumped at the sting his touch evoked, and turned toward him, her eyes plainly asking what the hell he was doing. “I mean, look at her back. She’s mauled herself on that door…”
    “Let me see,” David said, turning his actress around to see the raw red scratches that ran the length of her spine. “Ouch—geez. Guys, do we have any Neosporin around? Get it for me, would you?”
    “Right here,” Eddie said, jogging up. “Holy hell, Lisa, what did u do?”
    Lisa rolled her eyes at Hugh. “For God’s sake, it is not that bad. We can do it again if we have to…”
    “No.” David zei finally, watching as she tried to reach around herself to apply the balm between her shoulder blades. “Hugh, would u give her a hand? She can’t reach.”
    Lisa turned to hand him the tube, her eyes meeting his. “Do u mind?”
    “Does it come with a raise?” He cracked, taking the medicine and gesturing for her to turn back around. “You were saying, David?”
    Lisa hissed at the first contact of Hugh’s fingers, then slowly relaxed her back muscles as he began to gently massage the area, rubbing the salve in gently, not missing any spots—and getting, Lisa suspected, a good many spots that hadn’t been affected. She made a mental note to thank him for that… later.
    “Well, we were just thinking maybe we shouldn’t use that take u just did,” the producer continued. “I think it was just that side of pushing it—our viewers are going to be suspicious enough that House has somehow managed to detox in one night; just wait ‘til they see House carrying his boss through the hallways on two good legs without a problem.”
    “You didn’t witness the head-first pitch through the doorway that nearly had me dropping her on the floor?” Hugh said, finally capping the tube and handing it back to Eddie. “It wasn’t my most graceful moment.”
    “Even so,” Katie broke in. “Between those two takes we’ll be fine. We’re going to take a quick break, and then we’ll get the scene in Cuddy’s office… and then Lisa, I think you’re done for the season, no?”
    The light was extinguished behind Lisa’s eyes as she registered that fact, and she unconsciously turned toward Hugh for confirmation. The slight tilt of his head told her that he had not realized this either… and neither of them quite knew what to do with that piece of information.
    One of the doors swung open, and the four of them all turned to see that some of the other cast members were starting to float in—right on time, here was Anne for the scene in Cuddy’s office, and Kal back for just the smallest little piece of that scene as well, and then Robert came in on their heels. Lisa and Hugh exchanged glances one last time before heading off to wardrobe to change for the volgende scene.
    Coming back out, dressed in one of her meer casual Cuddy outfits, all things considered, Lisa hovered around on the edge of the set watching the activity. Hugh was talking animatedly with Kal, catching up on what he’d missed since he had left. Anne was perched on the divan, bank in Cuddy’s office, and Robert’s voice was floating around a nearby corner. He sounded…
    Lisa frowned and leaned back against the wall, just a few feet away. His voice sounded funny; not angry, but…
    “I’m just surprised you—I know, you’re right, it’s better, just—”
    Shrugging, Lisa closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall. It took the threat of Armageddon of a badly cooked hamburger to get Robert riled up; everything was surely fine.
    “Yeah, no, I understand—I do, it’s just filming, we’re doing the finale and u know how late that goes sometimes…”
    How in the world did u forget that today’s your last day? Lisa was berating herself as the indistinct sound of Robert’s voice faded into white noise behind her, lulling her into sleepy complacency. Just days geleden u were counting the hours until u could be on vacation, and now…
    “No, I understand. I do."
    Lisa smiled. Robert sounded so comforting, so in control. Hugh was so lucky to have a good friend like him around that he could relax with… someone besides her, anyway. Robert was his staunchest supporter, never envying Hugh his position in the spotlight, always there to lend a hand and—Lisa winced—always willing to open his big mouth and warn her when she was going just that littlest bit too far in her flirtations. She sighed slightly, turning her ear toward the corner slightly to hear better. He did mean well. And then Lisa picked up the tail end of his conversation, and her entire head went cold.
    “Ok. I’ll send him in your direction as soon as he’s done, I promise. All right. I’ll talk to u later, Jo.”
posted by douglas80
hallo sinners! This is just a little one shot(maybe a little long), hope u like it anyway! Hopefully it´s not too boring at all! Enjoy, rate ánd review! Love u all!!! :))

Dear Hugh,
hope you´re fine. Happy New to u and your family btw. Well, i miss you! L.A. is just boring without you. volgende week we start shooting again. Oh, sister is pregnant! She told us at Christmas Eve. I´m sooo glad that she and Todd will be parents soon. New Years Eve i spent with Michael, Robert and his family in Aspen. We laughed a lot and had much fun! Greatings...
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posted by Belle0308
I have NEVER written a Huli fan fiction and in fact, I feel semi evil for writing this.(muhahaha)
I wrote this just for fun, so it isn't accurate door any means. The song lyrics are to be credited to the original writers of the songs. I won't lijst them all here, but they can be googled. Hope u enjoy this little one time shot.
; ) Belle

It was New Year’s Eve and Lisa had a number of parties to pick from. At all of them she could have easily found a fine specimen of manhood to lift her spirits. She tossed the idea around in her mind of which one to go to, but the meer she thought about it, the...
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posted by Kaddison
I decided to go through with this whole story today. Since this is my Christmas gift for you, I wouldn't want to keep u waiting :)

[Later] The mood was buzzing, everyone was joking and having a grand time. The divan, bank corner Hugh, Greg and Robert had occupied earlier was beginning to develop into the hot-spot of the lobby.

Lisa: I need something to drink. Anyone want me to bring something?

Hugh: I'll kom bij you. Wouldn't wanna risk to sober up too quickly, right? (he grins)

This elicited an eye-rolling from Lisa and she grabbed him at the cuffs to...
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posted by Kaddison
In which Hugh discovers his manliness in meer ways than one...

Monday, Dec 14, 8.00 p.m.
The lobby of the Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital looked as if Santa Claus himself had taken care of the decoration and gegeven it the full treatment: Fake snow on the walls, Christmas trees, candles, advent wreaths and an obscene number of light strings that illuminated the setting and set it into a beautiful, soft glow. David and Katie had hired a jazz combo and they were already engrossing the small stage that centered the lobby where usually fake clinic...
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posted by huddyislove
hallo guys... So so sorry for late update.. As u know, I'm not feeling too good these days :/
The only thing that's keeping me (somewhat XD) cheerful is fanfics and u guys :D
And, yeah... I'm back to being a bitch... what can I do?
Thank you, as always, for your lovely reviews :)

Chapter 12: Let me change...

Three hours later

Hugh was pacing through the hallway in front of Lisa's room in the hospital. The kids were sitting on the bench near the door. This all resembled the terrible night Hugh had gotten a phone call, the one that had changed his life dramatically.
This, was possibly even...
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posted by Noeloe
Hey! I loved your reviews! Here's your reward! It's a long one!:) Enjoy!

Chapter 4: The Arrival

David had come back to sit with Hugh and Lisa and had taken a picture of Hugh and Lisa, sleeping and cuddling, with his phone. The bus arrived at Lake Arrowhead at 9am and Hugh and Lisa both woke up. Lisa opened her eyes to see David sitting across from her grinning like a fool. She frowned at him, but then looked up to see Hugh staring at her. ‘Hey sleepy, time to wake up and check out Lake Arrowhead!’, Hugh zei to her. Lisa jumped up immediately, ‘We are there already?! Ooh! Let’s get out...
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posted by xoHULIxo
 The Color of Love
The Color of Love
This is my first fic I’ve actually geplaatst and I’m sure (I hope) I’ll progress in my writing skills. Also, I’m pretty sure I spelt pizza and excentricity wrong…LOL!!! Anyways enjoy, review, and rate please(:

August 15, 10pm

A thousand words whirled around in his head. ‘You love her don’t you?!’ ‘Why are u telling me this now u asshole?!’ His angry wife’s face appeared in his head. ‘I-I just can’t do this now.’ ‘I…I have to go, Hugh. I’m leaving for Paris tonight.’ Lisa’s soft and beautiful face pulled at his heart. He downed the rest of the bourban and...
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She didn’t know what’s happening. The last thing she remembered were his words whispered to her ear. Then she felt his hand taking hers and they both were walking fast toward the door, hiding from cameras.
“Hugh!” they both heard Jo’s voice behind their backs. She was standing up, volgende to her sit “W-what…” she started, but she couldn’t find the words, she barely could stand straight as she felt weakness in her legs seeing her husband with another woman.
Hugh turned around, still holding Lisa’s hand in his it was kinda encouraging him to do this “Jo, I’m sorry.” He...
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posted by LisaLover
She arrived at the Emmys as the one of the first guests - he arrived as the last one.

She sat on the left side of the way – he and his wife sat on the right.

He barely zei Hi to her when she greeted him with hands open. He barely talked to his wife.
She didn’t know what’s wrong with him, maybe he was nervous.

From time to time she glimpsed at him since the Emmy results came.

His name was called. Twice. He won, he finally won.

She automatically stood up and wanted to hug him, but he just passed by. He went onto the stage and started his speech.

She was looking at him with the tears in...
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posted by huddyislove

So, guys, first of all, thank u so much for your reviews!!!
And thank u all for reading my fic.
You have no idea how hard it is for me to tell u this is the last chapter of my fic...
Yeah, this had dag had to come *cries*

Well, tell me if u liked it in the reviews, u know I love those <33333
ALL of u leave a review!
I wanna know all your opinion :))))))

So, enjoy...
I think ;DDDDDD

A straal, ray of light hit Hugh’s face and made him open his eyes. They were so heavy. He looked at the ceiling above hm. White. He looked around himself. He was in the hospital. And he was still alive....
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hey guys! Thanks for the reviews! This is a happier one, enjoy it while it lasts!

Oh,the song Rain is from Madonna;)

Stephen didn’t pick up the clue, ‘So this affair, it’s pretty serious then?’ ‘Could u please not use the word affair. I really like Lisa. I can’t help it okay, we just fell in love. And now I can’t stop thinking about them.’, Hugh zei on purpose. He really needed to talk to someone about the situation as a whole. ‘Them?’, Stephen asked surprised, then his eyes widened when he realized what it meant and looked questioningly at his friend. Hugh blushed, ‘She’s...
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posted by huddyislove
Oh, I'll be quick.
I'm busy this days (I'm having a violin concert) so I'm not sure if I'll be able to come on for the volgende three days.
So sorry v.v
so, enjoy with this chapter :)

“Charlie, Charlie, u won’t believe it!!!” Billy ran out of the room shouting.
Nice. A little bit meer of drama. Hugh would lie if he zei it wasn’t entertaining though.
Lisa got up from his lap and gave him a hand so he could get up as well.
“Good thing he didn’t overreact” she joked
“When we told him about Nick he was almost about to have a panic attack. I always thought you’d react that way” she giggled....
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Thank u for your lovely reviews!

To find out what is behind the 12th of July we are going back in time...

1st of April one jaar earlier...

‘And… Action!’, the director shouted. They were recording a scene in ‘Cuddy’s office’. Lisa was sitting behind the bureau pretending to do paperwork as Hugh barged into the office the House-way. ‘What do u want now, House?’ ‘Well now that you’re asking, I…’, he zei smirking while ogling her breasts. ‘Want to voluntarily work in the clinic for the rest of your life?’, she finished his sentence. ‘Not exactly what I had in mind....
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posted by huddyislove
Hello my sinful readers! :DDDD
Your reviews make me love sinning even meer :DDDD
I'll be gone starting tomorrow and ending Monday of Tuesday.
I hope you'll wait for the volgende chapter :DDDD
Cause I sure can't!! XD
Oh, if u wanna know what happened with Nicky,
scroll and enjoy :P
It's a long one...

“I have no idea what happened to him…” Lisa said, confused.
She was making the bed and Hugh watched her from the bathroom door. It was almost midnight and he was partially glad the dag was almost over.
At the lunch, Nick chose to point out his father wasn’t there. Of course, everyone...
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posted by biancaweatherly
Ok guys, I just came acroos this and I know its a few months old but it just really pissed me off. Just the fact that people bother coming to spots they don't even follow, having a look around and then leaving nasty comments. It just pisses me off. If u dont like, DONT LOOK! What do u guys think? Did the 2nd commentaar piss u off aswell?


Not sure if this person is still using fanpop, but it still pissed me off. Do u think Ive zei how pissed off I am too many times? =P
posted by LisaLover
I know that vorige chapter was quite boring, so I'm giving u a new one, I think meer interesting this time :)I really enjoyed writing this. I hope u will like it :D Please R&R

Hugh parked and they both stepped out of car. They went to a caff and after taking a sit, they ordered a breakfast and coffees. While they were sitting almost in complete silence, Hugh heard some excited voices coming from the other side of the room. When he turned his head, he saw a group of young people looking at them and he heard his name. He smiled discreetly when he heard Lisa’s name too. After a while,...
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Ok guys... this is 19th chapter...and the volgende one is last, and unfortunately, you'll have to wait for the last one for 5 days...
I'm going away tomorrow :D
So, I'm sorry that u have to wait, and judging door a teaser I'm about to post, you'll kill me XDDDD
So, scroll guys :D

Jennifer felt like she was in between two fronts. Lisa was staring at Hugh almost like trying to kill him with her piercing gaze, almost like she was telling him “this means war”.
Hugh had just one answer to that. A big devilish grin, a big “bring it on”.
Jennifer could only imagine what was going on with these two....
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posted by Noeloe
hallo everyone! So I had this story flowing through my mind for a while and I thought I should write it down. It is maybe a little different from other huli fics as it is a little meer Hu than Li ;)

Disclaimer (think i need one this time;)):
I don't mean to offend anyone with this story, I don't know Hugh of Lisa personally and this is complete fiction.

[The words in italics are from a song 'Miracle', door ilse delange.

I hope u enjoy! Rate and Review please!

Someone put a lock on this old door
It's been beaten up and used and more
It's been kicked a hundred thousand times
It's keeping all the memories...
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posted by huddysmacked
So Hulies again THANK YOU. THANK YOU, THANK u for the reviews =DDD They make me smile =DDD So well isn’t it time for them to get out of that villa? We’ll see, but meanwhile I can tell you- Wait I can tell u nothing until u read the chap…

So go ahead, read and review =)))

Lisa brought 2 cups of hot coffee and sat in the spot volgende to Hugh.

“So?” Hugh asked turning to see Lisa.

“So what?” She zei not looking up from her cup.

“Are u pretending nothing ever happen?” He put the cup down at the coffee table. That vraag pissed Lisa and so did the way she was acting.

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posted by jatehuddy
I know, I know. This is lousy fic. but i had to let it out. This is my first Huli fic. I hope you'll enjoy. The idea made sense in my head. Don't know how it is to the outside world :p
Hope you'll enjoy anyway and not feel like your time was wasted :)

Lisa cheerfully entered the studio, she went straightly to her wardrobe to prepare for another dag at work. She waved happily at everyone in the filming hall. She got her decaffeinated coffee in her right hand, and her mobile phone in the other. She was walking yare and laughing to the person
‘I can’t see you!!!’
Suddenly she bumped into Hugh...
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