Identity Central Club
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posted by smartone123
Name:Rimilia kalashishi

Identity of lushia parka,venus

"A large purplish black spaceship has crashed pa!"a red freckled boy of about 14 was telling a balding 40 jaar old man with green eyes and a bier belly
"that's non sence johnatan earth does have "alians"except the mexican imagrentes that just started coming in meer frequently"
"come on pa!"drags the man out of the house in a fit of excitement and drags him to the ship.
"well I'll be a monkeys pape!"says in amazement"let's call the news paper the head line"glore jaar ,in 1956,alien has emerges!"grins with greed in his heart.
"where's the alien...
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posted by TakTheFox
Identity Origins

Kenfi: Identity of Iblicis

A large crash of what was thought to be a meteorite door the local hunters in a large formerly plentiful and nice-looking wood. The two hunters, who names were Travis and Nel, decided, after much cowardice, to inspect the strange falling object.

Both of these men were Overlanders. They lived in the Overlands o-third, which was basically where all the people who hated Mobians lived. In there they had non-souled-mobians; regular animals, whom they would hunt, keep as pets, eat, and take care of, in meer ways than one. These men were no exception to this...
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posted by TakTheFox
Kenfi Identity profiel Udated
Story-Basis-time for Profile: Identity Wars


Name: Kenfi “Idens” Identity
Nickname: Kai
If character has one, REAL name: Nope
Reason for Name: It means “Beautiful Oblivion”

Birthdate: (Evolve date) (Iblicis-Mobius-time) Fourth-After-Ashes, 5499, December 24st, Saturday

Age currently
Appearance-wise: 27
Evolve Date-Wise: 10
Age at beginning of story: 1 XD


Species: Identity (Cat-Mobian-base)

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Pink
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Pink

Eye-color: Blue
Other Eye-details: Shard-of-glass look to it

Does character have hair?:...
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posted by TakTheFox
Identity Info


Origin of the Identities
All but two Identities are the offsprings of the Virus-Soul, who was originally a fusion of Iron-Nicole (Rin), and Anti-Nicole (Virus). When they first fused, they were electrically, and Nanite, based. Later on she was caught in a Seven Server energy wave, which charged her with random energy. She became very unstable, but was able to use chaos energy to keep herself intact. Near the end of the first Virus-Soul, Virus and Nicole were in an immense battle. Seeing how they were both versions of Nicole Prime, they accidentally connected though...
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posted by TakTheFox
Virus Profile
Based in Identity Wars storyline time


Name: Virus
Nickname: V
If character has one, REAL name: Anti-Nicole
Reason for Name: She is the anti-verse NICOLE

Birthdate: Moebius-Time: 3222
Age currently: 3-million-and-80
Age at beginning of story: 3-million-and-75
Age character appears to be:


Species: Elder-Identity-Lynx-form

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): red/brown
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): black

Eye-color: red
Other Eye-details: her pupils are red

Does character have hair?: yes
(If so, the following)
Color of hair: black
Style of hair: long, spread out
Does character have...
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posted by TakTheFox
Slender Profile


Name: Slender
Nickname: None
If character has one, REAL name: Coris Huntress
Reason for Name: “Coris Huntress” was the name gegeven to this creature. It means “Souless Hunter”

Gender: It is not completely verified if Slender has a gender, but she is called female on occasion and has a sort of disguise that makes her look like a female bat.
Birthdate: Unknown
Age currently: Unknown if she does age


Species: Unkown. Some say that she is a Negitive-Element Identity, but no one knows for sure.

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): White
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.):...
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posted by TakTheFox
Sonic fan Character profiel Creator



Name: Kaiya
Nickname: None
If character has one, REAL name: Not-Available
Reason for Name: Not-Available

Birthdate: unknown
Age currently: three-million-and-something
Age at beginning of story: three-million-and-something


Species: Identity-Lynx

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Light brown
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, hands, ect.): Black

Eye-color: green
Other Eye-details: circular lines on eyes

Does character have hair?: Yes
(If so, the following)
Color of hair: Black with red at edges
Style of hair: a bit spikey spread out, shoulder-length
Does character...
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posted by TakTheFox
Rin profiel (Base Identity Wars version of Time-line)


Name: Rin Elder Identity
Nickname: None
If character has one, REAL name: Anti-Nicole
Reason for Name: Her original name was gegeven to her door the Iron Queen after taking the place of Nicole-Prime briefly

Birthdate: Sometime in the Iron Dominion Era
Age currently: Three-million and seventy-four
Age at beginning of story: Three-million and seventy-two


Species: Identity

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Black
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Black

Eye-color: Pale blue
Other Eye-details: Changes to red depending on mood.

Does character have...
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posted by TakTheFox
Identity Origins

Jenna: Identity of Mercia 5

Prelude: The comet Aya, as the Mercian’s called it, appeared only one other time in existence. It was recognized as this due to its change in color, from black, to red, to purple. This time however, it landed. A large explosion came from the Left Wood of the fifth-Mobius’s Mercia. The current king; Mevrik the Mighty, sent out many suited-troops to zoek the premises.

I crashed in what I thought at the time was the Wood of Mercia from the prime zone. I hadn’t… evolved yet, and knights with black and silver armor were everywhere. They didn’t...
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posted by TakTheFox
An Encounter with Slender
By Trisell Chronos

Not one, but two identities, one a male offspring-identity, and the other a female offspring –identity, sat together in what was meant to become a romantic evening, at 6:34 P.M. They were on Mobius-Zone-221, driving to the Mercian Lake.

The boy, Jep, was sixteen, and spending his birthday week with his girlfriend. This was always a special dag for Identities, because on their sixteenth birthday they enter their evolutionary-state of which they can unlock all of their natural abilities such as morphing and chaos energy.

Jep was a normal teenager, aside...
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posted by TakTheFox
Rin’s Diary

Entry one

“That’s a lot of pages… IMMA FLIP THROUGH EM!”

“Okay I DEEEEEEEED IT! How ya like that BOOK!? … u don’t do much.”

Entry two

“I’m so BORED! Dimi’s being boring! Kaiya’s been emo! Kenfi’s being girly! WITH PINK!!!! Save me pages of boring paper!”

Entry three

“I drew a kitty on the pages. Then I wrote ‘I drew a kitty on the pages’. Then I wrote what I just said… I gotta ask Dimi what this thing’s for.”

Entry four

“GOT IT! So Imma talk about what I learned today. So… Kenfi’s annoying. She keeps flirting with the BOYS! … I’m jealous....
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