LillyBlack Eos Fantasy RP

LillyBlack posted on May 29, 2023 at 01:31AM
Within the ground of the beautiful planet of Eos flows a strong magical energy that moves throughout all of the lands and nature. On this planet of Eos, there’s a region of land largely dominated by a Capital City, Selfarion, and its surrounding cities: Yeres, Aralos, and Easea. Within each of these cities is an enormous tree that emits abundant amounts of magical energy. There’s a phenomenon that states that each tree was grown by its respective gods in order to encourage advancement in humanity and further the potential of mankind. These trees, it has become the central source of magical energy for these neighboring cities and has been the reason why they have prospered. Controlled by the Central Council located in Selfarion, the cities Aralos, Easea, and Yeres have all formulated their own guilds in order to not only protect their own cities but to come together and protect all their lands as a whole!

Selfarion, The Capital City
Native God: Selfarion, God of Fortune
Noble Family: The Walker’s
Elite Families:
The Forrester’s
The Voss’
Central Council Members:
Kaius Ida
Claudia Steel
Kurota Jaeger
Rylon Alves

Yeres, The City by the High Mountains
Native Goddess: Yelena, Goddess of Earth
Tank Guild of Yeres Members:
Guildmaster Kurota Jaeger, the Dark Knight
Available Guild Classes:

Aralos, The City by the Mystical Forest
Native God: Arafel, God of Nature
Damage Guild of Aralos Members:
Guildmaster Rylon Alves, the Swordmaster
Available Guild Classes:
Dark Mage

Easea, The City by the Elegant Sea
Native Goddess: Elysia, Goddess of the Seas
Support Guild of Easea Members:
Guildmaster Claudia Steel, the High Mage
Available Guild Classes:
White Mage

Other Places
Village of Astrola (Between Selfarion/Aralos and Yeres)

Height: (because why not)
Guild: (only if you’re in one)
Class: (if in guild)

Ize Konda
Marlene Steel

**wanna mention that you can also put your class as "unclassified" if there's something unique you wanna do but doesn't fit under any of the available classes... or we can always add new ones too**
last edited on Jun 18, 2023 at 07:26AM

LillyBlack 602 antwoorden

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 602

·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Thank you....
Yuma: So that's the basis of it... I've got an understanding of Aether itself, but seeing the limiters be removed for the first time... It's an interesting concept.. How did it feel?
Ize: That form.... It was interesting.... In the moment when the Prophet was talking about what Eos ordained... I had a feeling he was going to use that hand to cast something, so I stopped him in his tracks..
Yuka: Heightened instinct, faster speed and good boost of power to boot. *She then looked at Marlene* Those horns of yours are quite interesting... Hmm... Unfortunately I don't know anything of this species...
Isana: Call me crazy, but I don't think you're any ordinary mage... Born with abnormally high Aether needing to keep it in check. I suspect there's a big story there somewhere..
Yuka: Like Ize has his form as the guard dog to the reaper, I'm sure Marlene has a form of her own..
Yuma: I bet it's even more badass...
Isana: Don't you have anything Yuma?
Yuma: Just a sword passed down from my family... I like to think that my ancestors guide me through that blade.
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"That's sweet... I'm sure you cherish that blade with all of your heart.. It's always so interesting to learn about people's background since there's so many things thay can happen in a world like Eos. I may not know so much about my species, but that's why I'm living in a city like Selfarion. Hoping to get as much info as I can find and make some connections..." Marlene smiled, "But, I'm in no rush... Ize knows the story behind this but leaving Easea has been pretty freeing for me already.."
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Isana: Being able to explore the world for the first time, it usually is a freeing experience. I always wish the circumstance was better though..
Ize: Well, who says it isn't now? You're gone from under the cult.... You're free to do as you wish.. Plus, you've got a good man with you..
Veras: Ize...
Ize: In the long term, I'm thinking of my sister's happiness.. She's happy with you, so am I... I don't have to tell you, but-
Veras: Don't do anything to hurt her or break her heart. You don't need to worry, I'll always be here for her.
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"That reminds me of something else Ize has told me that Yuma would probably chew his ear off about...." Marlene said with a giggle. "But, that one can stay between Ize and I. Anyways! Enough on all of this, you guys made a really big accomplishment today and Veras prepared all this food for us!! We should celebrate!"
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Isana: He sure did, thanks a bunch for this Veras!
Veras: Of course.. So much has come together in this time.. I figured it'd be worth a bit of a celebration.. All you can eat, and even drinks... Alcohol and non alcohol choices....
Ize: I'll stick with non alcohol, but this is heavily appreciated.
Yuma: Yeah, I can't say I was expecting this level of hospitality...
*They then began to go through the spread, getting different food stuffs and drinks*
Yuka: You know if I didn't know better, I'd say your hands are magical.
Veras: Thanks, but it's all in technique..
Isana: And you've got quite the technique when it comes to cooking.
Yuma: Seriously, you know how to make a spread.
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
Marlene gathered a bunch of food on her plate from Veras' spread. She tried to keep an equal balance between the foods, but there were definitely a lot more sweets on her plate compared to anything else. She comfortably sat down, starting to dig in. "Woah, you guys really aren't lying.... Where did you even learn to cook like this?!" She said, immediately deciding to taste some of the desserts right afterward, "Mmm, don't even get me started on the desserts..!"
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Veras: A sweet tooth huh? I learned from a master chef..
Yuma: A master chef huh? Did they own a restaurant?
Veras: He never owned one, but he works at a restaurant in Selfarion.
Ize: Selfarion huh?
Veras: I wanted to learn for myself how to cook, so he took me under his wing. After a month I truly began to get it down. After a few months I got tons of recipes down, I can cook from the top of my head now.
Yuma: You really are good.
Veras: I figured I'd learn how to bake as well... A man can make dinner, but if his lady has a sweet tooth...
Ize: You prepared yourself....
Veras: Mhm.....
Yuma: Heh, seems like you really don't need to ask too many questions on him..
Yuka: You're a man a woman would dream to have..
Veras: Aw.. I appreciate that.. But, I just try my best you know?
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Hehe, sounds like Isana is a pretty lucky woman then... You know if you ask me, you should be taking some notes, Ize.." Marlene grinned, "You never know if your future lady has as much of a sweet tooth as I do. It's no deal breaker but it's definitely a plus..."
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: [She's right... Maybe I could take notes, never know if she- Wait a second, what is she talking about my future lady?] I mean, sure... It wouldn't hurt to learn how to bake something up... Deal breaker or not, Veras is living example of a good man.
Veras: So, you wanna learn?
Ize: At some point yeah, it'll be a bit strange to get it down.. But, I want to learn to nonetheless.
last edited ·6 maanden geleden
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Oohh, just the thought of it is already exciting... I wonder what's the first thing you'd try making.." Marlene said, taking another bite from her food. She then raised her hand, "I call dibs to be the first one to try it whenever it happens!"
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: [When I do it.... You would be the first one.. Because when I get it down..... I'll have it down before we go to Selfarion.]
Isana: My little brother learning to cook... Not to mention, baking sweets..
Ize: [All I need is a cookbook... More importantly, I need a place to cook.]
Yuma: I bet he'll learn just for Marlene... Isn't that right.
Ize: Wha... What makes you think that?
Yuma: It's becoming harder to hide... There's no need, just let it happen.
Ize: *He blushed* So what if she is? It's only because I know she has a sweet tooth and all. *He said, knowing he was partially lying*
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
Marlene smirked, practically sensing the lie. "Oh? If that's the case, I didn't think Mr. Grumpy would be so nice where he'd learn an entire new skill just for me.." She giggled, "Who knows, maybe you are just being sweet? I wouldn't push it too much, Yuma.."
last edited ·6 maanden geleden
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: No? Perhaps I won't... But it's interesting to see...
Isana: If there's anything I like to see, it's when people improve for the people around then.
Yuka: It's not that much different than getting stronger to protect those close to you..
Veras: Regardless of what it's for... It's good to see people wanting to learn a skill like that. Not all skills need to be applied to the battlefield.
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"That's true... Plus, if it's something you enjoy, it's can be a pretty nice release." Marlene scratched the back of her head, "I say that as my interests only really extend to magic and traveling.... Although sometime in the future when I'm more settled, I do want to grow my own flower field.."
(After maybe this lil convo, would you wanna do a mini time skip?)
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
(Yeah, we can do that.)
Ize: Grow your own field...... I see...You mentioned how much you like the field in Aralos.. You said the ones in Easea don't compare to that field in Aralos.. I shouldn't be shocked...
Isana: Which reminds me, looking at your clothes Ize... Those are nice threads..
Ize: Thanks, Yuka's gramps had it custom made... I put it on after I got patched up.
Yuka: I never mentioned, but it does look good on you.. Even the cloak..
Isana: Whoever did them, they did amazing on all of it.
Ize: Thank you... [I guess I'd been so focused on this whole thing, I never thought about what I'd do outside of battle. Perhaps learning from Veras could help with that.]
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
(Alright, noted!)
"For some reason that got me thinking.. If we are going to stay in Yeres for a little longer... Where are we gonna stay?" Marlene looked to Veras, "Would you mind if we crashed here? Don't know how much space you have, but if the couch ended up being an option, I wouldn't mind!"
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Veras: Of course.... Though I do apologize for the lack of rooms....
Yuka: I'll have to pass.. Now that everything's clear.. I'm gonna be staying with my parents.
Ize: Fair enough....
Yuma: Ize did mention that your parents stayed here in Yeres... I'm guessing you moved to Aralos to stay with gramps to train with him.
Yuka: That's the gist... I'd been updating them for as long as I can remember.. Ensuring them that I was still alive... It'll be good to finally stay under their roof again..
Ize: I see...
Veras: I do have one guest room...
Isana: And since I'm gonna be with Veras.. *She then looked at Ize with a mischievous look*
Ize: Hm? ..... *He then caught on to why and blushed* Will you stop that?
Yuma: I'll take the couch.... Besides, I'd rather make room for the soon to be couple...
Ize: Soon to be?
Yuma: Mhm, you can keep trying to deny it.. It'll do you no good. Besides, it turned out alright at the inn.. I'm sure it'll be fine here too.
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
Marlene just giggled at Yuma's response, avoiding from instigating more on it. "Yeah, everything did go pretty well at the inn.. If anything it was a nice little bonding moment too." She smirked, "Heh, and I confirmed that I can trust being around him like that.. So, I wouldn't mind sharing a room again!"
(Do you think we should time skip to night time or just the next morning?)
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
(We could time skip to the next morning.)
Yuma: Soon enough this'll be a normal thing to you..
Ize: ....
Yuma: Look, the fact that you aren't rejecting the idea.. That means you're coming around to the idea... You just need to accept where you stand..
Ize: [I won't say it out loud... But.... That being the case... I don't want to mess things up between us.. If I move too fast..... But what if I'm making myself wait so long that someone else could come in..... No, everything will be fine.] She isn't wrong about our bonding moment...
Yuma: Well, I'm sure you got to have a pleasant talk.. Regardless, it's good to see this Ize.. Rather than lone wolf Ize.
Ize: Yeah yeah...
Isana: [He won't say it completely out front, but he's appreciative of her. He would refuse the room with her if it were otherwise..]
*The next morning, Ize woke up beside Marlene. The night from the inn replaying in his head*
Ize: .... A unique girl..... Honestly, there are people in this world who'd be lucky to have her. [No one breaks my trust, and I'll never let anyone make you cry again.] Anyone who hurts you..... I promise I'll make them pay.. *He said as his hand gripped the bed*
·6 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
With Ize awake, Marlene was still asleep for a few moments longer, going through her dream.

~ marlene's dream ~
In her dream, she was back in her small place in Selfarion. She was tidying things around the home until she heard a knock at the door. It's not often that Marlene gets visitors, but she still happily checked on who it was. But to her surprise, it was the last person she ever expected to be at her door... Zeno. He stood there, with flowers and sweets in his hands, hoping to apologize to Marlene and move everything past them. Marlene instantly grew furious at the sight of this and argued. How could he ever attempt to apologize after everything!? All the damage has already been done and its left deep scars in her. An apology was never going to fix anything for her. So, she didn't even bother to hear him out. She slammed the door on Zeno and ignored any calls he made to her.
She just turned away from the door and took a big deep breath. Glancing at her bedroom ahead of her, she could actually see Ize sleeping peacefully in her bed. Thankfully, none of the noise from the argument got to him. Honestly, just looking at him put Marlene's heart at peace. With him, she just truly felt comfortable and felt like she could relax. There was no one else she'd rather stay around... But, of course her brain gives her no rest as Zeno breaks down the door behind her, getting into the house.
~ end of dream ~

The ending of Marlene's dream jolted her awake, instantly bringing her back to reality. The first thing she noticed was Ize's hand gripping to the bed. Rubbing her eye, Marlene sat up and tried to control her breathing from the dream. "Is.. Is everything alright, Ize?"
·6 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He jumped a bit as Marlene jolted awake* .... Well.. Yeah.. But I should be asking you that.. You woke up like you had a nightmare or something.. I'm fine, but what about you? *He said to her as he held her hand, hoping to calm her down*
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
Marlene started to feel a little more relaxed, glancing down at their holding hands. "Sorry... I'm alright, I just didn't have the greatest dream.. I was peacefully at my place in Selfarion until Zeno decided to visit me. He tried apologizing to me about everything but it just ended in arguments... So, I slammed the door on him so he'd leave me alone, but he just broke it down." She looked back up at Ize. "You were actually there... Well, asleep.. But, you were there. You were my brief moment of peace... I just instantly felt at ease again, you know until he broke down the damn door.... That's when I ended up waking up.."
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I see.. So even in your dreams Zeno's a bastard... And... I was your brief moment of peace huh... [Thinking now, I've never really held her hand like this.... It feels..... Warming..] Maybe... Next time I should be more than a brief moment of peace... Marlene.... Look.. I know we've had our differences in the beginning... Yet, you didn't stop... You've promised me a world I thought I could only dream of.. You've helped me come this way.... Helped me reunite with those I held dear.... I guess what I want to say is.... Marlene, I- *He was then cut off by a knock at the door*
Yuma: Yo, lovebirds.. Veras made breakfast! Fluffy pancakes and some bacon.
Ize: Thanks Yuma.... [Perhaps another time... Maybe that's the universe telling me something there..] But hold up! We aren't lovebirds! *He said as Yuma was already away from the door* Guess we should go then.
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
Marlene giggled, "I guess we should, hm?" Letting go of his hand, Marlene got up from the bed to start changing into her usual dress and fix up her hair. "There were only so many ways he could finish that sentence, right? Would my heart be ready..? She thought.
Marlene avoided overthinking it, but she didn't want to ignore it. "Oh, Ize.. I was thinking after we go around Yeres together, I actually want to go back to Selfarion with you.." When she finished fixing up her hair, she turned around to look at Ize with a soft smile. "I hope what you wanted to say wasn't super important, but.. Do you think you can wait until then to tell me?"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: .... *He blushed upon seeing her soft smile* Y-yeah.... I can do that.. It's nothing urgent... [So that's why... Maybe it'll be more special if I do it in Selfarion..] *He got himself together, getting his usual assassin outfit on* ... [To think, I'll be able to go there... Not to mention, with Marlene too.. We'll see how it all goes.]
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
Ize's blush just made Marlene's smile brighter, "Perfect.. Maybe this time I can be the one to give you a little tour? There's only so much I can show you in such a big city like Selfarion, but I'm sure that's what'll make it fun! To be honest, just thinking about it already makes me excited..." Marlene then shook her head, "We can talk about all that later though. Think you're ready to go eat some breakfast now?"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He nodded* Yeah.. I'm good to go.. And... Thanks, I appreciate the tour around Selfarion.. Even if only a little bit, I'll still appreciate it. *He then opened the door, heading out to the dining room* Morning.
Isana: There he is.. Good morning Ize, Marlene.
Veras: Sleep well?
Ize: Yeah... The bed is quite comfortable... You know how to make your picks.
Veras: Of course.. I like to make sure all possible parties are satisfied.
Ize: Well, you accomplished that. Nicely done Veras.. And now you made breakfast.. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were quite the host..
Yuma: You know, with all of your talents.. You could be a business man.
Veras: So I've been told.... But I'm not after financial gain.. As long as I can do all I can, that's the only gain I need. I'm grateful for the smiles that I can put on faces.
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Aww, that's so sweet.. It's so comforting knowing how genuine you are and how much you care..." Marlene said, sitting by the dining table and starting to eat her breakfast. "Mm... Actually, Veras, I wanted to ask you about something! I'm sure you been here in Yeres for quite some time now... Are there any specific places you'd recommend on visiting for a first timer?"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Veras: For a first timer huh? Well, since we're the city by the mountains.... I'd definitely recommend the springs we have here. Like Astrola has one of the most reputable inns, Yeres has a very reputable hot spring bathhouse.
Yuma: A bathhouse huh? I know a good night's rest is good, but a time in a hot spring is revitalizing.
Veras: They say the water has quite a bit of restorative properties, your body feels rejuvenated to completion.
Yuma: Do they have couples bath?
Ize: ... Yuma!!
Yuma: What? Come on now Ize.. You two are pretty close, I'm sure this won't kill you.
Ize: Can't you have some tact?
Yuma: What? As a fellow friend who's also in a relationship, I'm sure you two will be fine.
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"A spring does sound pretty damn nice..." Marlene then giggled, "Grumpy's already slept beside me twice now and that hasn't killed him. Going to the springs together would probably be alright. Hmm, what if we start with our own lil exploring around Yeres first, then we can save the springs as best for last! End the day with some nice relaxation. How does that sound?"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: [She's entertaining the idea?] Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt. It'll be a nice way to wrap up and close out our time here.
Veras: Well, if you're saving that for last.. Why not check out the shopping district.. Since you come from different cities, you might find something intriguing. Thinking about it, Ize.. Your blades could use a bit of a sharpening touch..
Ize: Could they?
Veras: Remember, you're by the mountains.. So we've got all kinds of different ores.. Perhaps the smithy for our town could use some material to enhance it a bit..
Yuma: That's not a bad idea.. Maybe I could get something for my sword as well...
Veras: Then she'll be as good a place to start as any... But uh... Fair warning.. She's a bit of an interesting one..
Isana: She's a bit.. Eccentric, if you catch our drift.
Ize: Interesting personality.... Got it..
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"You already got me all curious and I'm not even the one mostly dealing with her.." Marlene said, taking another bite of her breakfast. "Today's agenda seems pretty fun though! Stop by for some upgrades for Ize and Yuma.. Do some more shopping... And then finishing it all with little nice trip to the springs!"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Isana: Sounds like you've got quite a day ahead of you..
Yuma: Yeah we do... Well, Ize and I are getting upgrades to our blades...
Ize: *He looked at Marlene* We're gonna be in the district, but I wonder what you'll end up getting for yourself... And I mean aside from some sweets.
Yuma: That is the question here... Considering she has an accessory that keeps her Aether in check as it is..
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"My Aether Gem?" Marlene looked down at her necklace, gently touching her Aether Gem. "Mages usually upgrade their gems if they're ready for higher aether flows. But, since mine essentially stores my own Aether, I don't need really need upgrades unless this Gem gets worn." She looked back up, "Hmm, but I have been thinking... I kind of want my own weapon.. Sort of as a second layer of defense, you know? Though, something small of course."
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: A second layer of defense.... So what? You want a dagger or something?
Yuma: You know, if you were to get her a dagger.... *He then looked between Marlene and Ize*
Ize: I didn't ask that question for you to start doing that Yuma... Back to the question... Though, maybe you could double as a magic gunner?
Yuma: A gunner.... I don't know, I think the dagger is more fitting.. I mean that for real, no teasing.. I think a Kris blade will do her justice..
Ize: I won't disagree, magic and a Kris dagger... Kind of badass actually...
Yuma: Oh, is that s big ol compliment from Ize I hear?
Ize: I'm just saying Yuma... I think that's a step in right direction..
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Gunner definitely wouldn't work out since my magic already allows me to be pretty effective in range... It's mostly close-range that worries me a little more." Marlene rested her chin on her hand with a smirk, "So I'm definitely liking the Kris dagger idea... If Ize think it's badass, that's all the more reason to go for it, right?"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: See? We've reached an easy agreement... So, we find a weapons shop and get her a nice Kris dagger...That way we all walk away with a little something... Afterwards, I'll head back to Aralos.
Ize: Really?
Yuma: Yeah.. Besides.. I know after Yeres you two won't be back in Aralos for a while...
Ize: Wait, how did you-
Yuma: Well, there's nothing stopping you to get there from here.. Not to mention, if I am correct in that.. I'm sure you two would like your alone time...
Ize: Yuma.....
Yuma: Plus, I've got my own relationship to keep up with.. And someone has to go and check on the Daggers...
Ize: I.... I see..
Yuma: I know I'm welcome, but I don't want to be in your way... I'll let you two flourish together...
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Well as much as I'll say, you aren't wrong... After Yeres, I wanted to go back to Selfarion with Ize.. I wouldn't say you'd be in the wayyy, but.." Marlene grinned. "If that's what you wanna do, I definitely wouldn't mind. Just make sure you check up on Aya too, alright?" She giggled, "Tell her I'll be back with her big brother soon enough!"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: That I can do! *He said with a thumbs up* I'm make sure to tell her the progress her big brother's made.. Tell her that when he comes back, he'll be stronger than when you seen him last.
Veras: Seems this Aya holds you in high regard..
Yuma: Believe me, if it wasn't for Aya and Elena, I'm sure Ize would've put himself on a path of self destruction..
Ize: Self destruction?
Yuma: Don't even try to deny it... The way you were so lone wolf before... It's not good for the long term.. That much I will say.
Ize: I can't deny that.... But you're right... Which is why I'm glad I was able to meet all of you.... I've still got purpose to Eos... There's... Much that I still need to do.. *He'd say, referring to what he wanted to tell Marlene and his future onward*
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Oh, is that so?" Marlene said, somewhat catching that. "Well, it's already nice to see how much you've changed since I first met you.." She smiled, "So, I can't wait to see how much more you grow from here."
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Yuma: Oh, I bet there will be a ton of growth.... Oh, it almost slipped my mind... Before we go on our shopping spree and whatnot... Yuka wanted to meet us at the Yeres' central section... Something about some kind of transfer...
Ize: A transfer? What could that be about?
Yuma: Not sure.... But, she made it sound pretty important.
Ize: If it was important why did it almost slip your mind?
Yuma: Hey, I'm human too... Sometimes the mind's a fickle thing..
Ize: *He sighed* Regardless, I'm glad you said something... Worst case, we may have run into her midway through..
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"A transfer, huh?" Marlene just shrugged, "Guess we'll find out when we see her. Whenever you guys are ready, I am! I'm basically about done with the delicious breakfast that Veras made us."
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
*Everyone finished up their breakfast, Veras washing up the dishes and ands he used to cook the breakfast*
Ize: It was very good Veras. Thank you..
Veras: Of course, like I've said... I'm just glad to put smiles on your faces..
Yuma: Well, mission accomplished....
Ize: Agreed.... Thanks for the hospitality...
Veras: Of course..
Yuma: So... There's something I wondered... *He looked at Isana* Now that your whole thing with the swords is over.. What's next for you?
Isana: Hmm...... It's not something I can quite say out loud... But, I'm sticking around in Yeres.
Ize: Yeah?
Isana: Besides, I know you're in good hands Ize... I'll let you spread your wings...
Yuma: She knows how much her brother has grown. I'll agree to that growth..
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"I mean, who could ever disagree with that?" Marlene got up and stood by Ize, ruffling his hair. "But don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid! I'll make Grumpy here face the consequences if he does, hehe."
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Isana: I appreciate that Marlene...
Yuma: Don't worry, I'll make sure he hears all about it too... See? *He stood next to Ize with his hand on his shoulder* Don't do anything stupid....
Ize: Right right.. I won't.. But, it's really good to have seen you... Alive and well.... Till we see each other again, take care..
Isana: You too Ize... Perhaps when I see you next time, I can officially tell you what's truly next for me..
Ize: *He nodded, as he hugged her*
Veras: Make sure you three aren't strangers now...
Ize: We won't be.... Perhaps either we'll have you in Aralos, or perhaps we'll come back and see you again..
Veras: Well, guess we'll see which one comes to pass.. Until next time... Marlene, Yuma, Ize...
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Until next time, Veras and Isana!! Even during the times we're all apart, I'll make sure Ize and I can send some letters to check in! It was really nice getting to meet everyone and thank you again for everything, Veras." Marlene waved them goodbye as she left, "See you!"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
*Yuma and Ize then made their exist alongside Marlene*
Yuma: So.... First things first... Let's meet up with Yuka.... See what this whole transfer thing is about...
Ize: Yeah... Let's get going... *They then made their way to the central section of Yeres, meeting with Yuka*
Yuka: There you are...
Ize: You wanted to see us, something about a transfer...
Yuka: Mhm.... You remember how I'm the one with the contract to turn off your Aether limiter...
Ize: Yeah? What about it?
Yuka; Well, I'm transferring that power to Marlene..
Ize: Wait... For real?
Yuka: Seeing as I'm gonna be staying here in Yeres.. I know you aren't.. Plus, I understand the bond you two have.. I don't think I can give it to a better person.
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
"Oh? I didn't even think transferring could be possible." She grinned, "But I'm honored you see me as the best fit for it. Plus, I guess I don't really see a point where we split anytime soon.... Right, Ize?"
·5 maanden geleden TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He nodded* Since we're going to together, it does make sense.
Yuma: You know... Since you're going to have this power... This would truly make you a power couple..
Ize: Don't push it Yuma....
Yuka: *She giggled as she watched Ize and Yuma* Alright, I'll begin the transfer. *The reaper sigil appeared on her hand* Beginning transference.... *Her hand moved close to Marlene's chest* I pass the contract forth to the next bearer. They who shall use the reaper's power to exterminate this world's evils. *The reaper sigil then appeared on Marlene's chest* May the mark's new bearer find their way through this world, and may the mark's bearer carve their path to their destinies. *After she said that, her mark disappeared and the mark glowed on Marlene*
Yuma: Incredible..... So, Marlene can do that thing now...
Yuka: That's the beauty of this contract.... Only certain people can remove Ize's limiter... Or rather, a certain person...
·5 maanden geleden LillyBlack said…
Marlene stared down at her chest as the contract was transferred over, feeling like a small stream of Aether temporarily flowing through her body. Her hand hovered over the sigil until it eventually faded, "It's so cool how the contract works... So, that link you made between you and Ize back at the Cathedral.. Would I have to do that every time too?"