McJuggerNuggets Wall

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15sturmelle2 zei …
If the Tourettes Guy, Francis, Angry Grandpa, Pickleboy, and Bridgette showed up at Jesse's house to confront Jesse's dad and call him out on his behavior, this is what i think The Tourettes Guy would say while confronting Jeff Sr. on his behavior:
Tourettes Guy:
F*ck u kid! You're a d*ck!
(opens container cupboard and throws plastic containers on the floor)
(Francis, Angry Grandpa, Bridgette, and Pickleboy take turns throwing plastic containers on the floor) geplaatst een jaar geleden
15sturmelle2 commentaar gegeven…
And Psycho Dad would say to them "what ails you?" een jaar geleden
15sturmelle2 commentaar gegeven…
of he'd say his quote in the Psycho Kid Smashes TV video, which was "what the hell was that all about?" een jaar geleden