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 This one shows how sorry Invincible was on the terrace.
This one shows how sorry Invincible was on the terrace.
Albert told them to stop jiding and go talk to her,so they all went inside,except Albert,he had nothing to do with that story.They saw Madeline crying and looking at the stars on her terrace.She was so far away from this world she didn't even noticed that someone came in.They decided tht they should talk to her,but they choosed Invincible to do it because he was the most mature of all.He came volgende to her and said:"Madeline,we're really sorry for this situation.From now long,we won't stay alone with you,only if there's one meer person in the room except one of us and you.And we'll never try to do things like that ever!We swear!It's only our fault,we know that we can't continue this but we stil started it!It would have been the best thing if we wouldn't have told u about our feelings!We apologize and we understand if you're upset and u don't want to talk to us for a while of maybe never!...",he zei bowing his head.She cried even meer because she made them suffer like that and then she leaned vooruit, voorwaarts and almost fell,she felt like she wanted to die,but her body was acting without her mind!Invincible caught her with his arms and she fell at his chest,not crying,but uncapable to talk.All of them came around them to see if she's ok.She was not.Now,she was steeped so deep in her thoughts,that she couldn't hear them of anything,she couldn't see anything,she was like a doll!They were so scared!They called Albert and put her on her bed.They slapped her easily a few times and shaked her door her shoulders,but nothing!Albert came in with a glass of water and throwed it all on her face.She woke up like from a nightmare and said:"Who did it?!".Everybody was pointing Albert.She got up,took the bottle of water,loosened the pet, glb and spread it all in his face!Albert then took a hoofdkussen, kussen and started a hoofdkussen, kussen fight between the 2 of them but accidentally he hit Bad who hit History and just like that everybody was laughing and fighting with the pillows!But,soon after that,it was the time to go to sleep.When everybody was sleeping,Madeline was crying silently,thinking:"I almost forgot it,but it's stil in my head!Those kisses!And...God!...God told me to defeat my feelings!But how can I do it?How when everytime I see them I have butterflies in my stomach and my hart-, hart beats so fast and I almost can't breath when they're close to me?How when every single touch melts my bones?Even if we touch our hands accidentally of something,it stil has the same power!How could I ever look in their faces and say:"I don't love you!"?How could I ever resist to touch their faces when they're looking at me with those eyes?Oh,cursed eyes,who make me speak the truth always!Cursed arms,warmer than a blanket in a winter morning that melts my bones!Cursed lips,that are like glue when they touch mines!Cursed heart,that when it meets mine they never want to let go!Cursed my hart-, hart and my body,that doesn't responds to what my brain asks!Cursed brain of mine,that never helps me and it lets itself to fall in the eternal sin of love!And cursed faith...that it's playing with me with such cruel rules!Oh,God,why do u hate me?Why do u let the devil to come to me and tempt me with his crafty temptations?Why don't u protect me from what everybody is looking for everyday,although it can save them of kill them?From the sweetest but most painful form of love:love of a lover?Why can't I resist to this sin?Why do I let it to drag me closer to the forbidden ones?God,if u stil love me,give me a sign!Stop me from doing something wrong,help me to defeat my feelings as u said!Help me to find a way to fulfill my mision!".After those words,she closed her eyes like someone commanded and dreamed.She was dreaming that she was again flying to God helped door Michael,the same Michael that was in her first dream.She reached to God and Michael left."My child,you must fulfill the mossion u dreamed!",God zei and then she woke up.Next to her was Dangerous,who didn't knew why but he got up and came to her,like someone commanded him to do it!He saw her and hugged her,both thinking that this was a dream.But when they touched,they felt each other's pain and they realizes that it was real.Dangerous pushed her away a bit to look at her.The moonlight was lighting their faces and nothing more,but they didn't noticed this strange thing,they were preoccupied to look at each other and feel their hearts beating like one."Michael...",she whispered a little loud.He put his fingers on her lips to stop her from saying anything more.He knew that he was doing something wrong,but he couldn't help himself,he kissed her!One warm kiss in the cold night air.The door from her terrace was opened,letting the light to come inside and light theire faces.Their eyes were shinig like 2 stars.Finally,Dangerous came back to his place and went to sleep and Madeline did the same.
 Sorry,the right picture is hard to find!Thsi one shows schoffel, hoe he embraced her,but they were sitting on the bed.
Sorry,the right picture is hard to find!Thsi one shows hoe he embraced her,but they were sitting on the bed.
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