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They went inside the house and Aislinn saw a boa constrictor. She looked at it and Michael looked at her. "You scared of snakes?" He asked. She smiled and carefully picked up the boa. Michael looked at her, shocked, but then told her, "That's Muscles." She looked at him while Muscles was slithering around her neck and onto her arm. "Muscles? That's a good name for a boa." She looked at Muscles and he licked her nose and she giggled. "Snakes love me. I've played with them since I was about 8." Michael smiled at her.
Pretty soon, his phone went off. "Hold on, I got a call." She nodded and he left the room. "Yes, Frank?" "Michael, I was just calling to tell u that u start your tour volgende week." "Next week? That soon?" "Yes, Michael." "Couldn't u get it assigned to volgende month?" "No, Michael, I couldn't." Michael sighed. "Alright. I'll get my things together tomorrow after Aislinn leaves." "Wait a minute, Michael...you have a girl staying with you?!" "Frank, don't freak out on me. She's not like the other girls I dated. She relates to me. Plus, she was only staying here because her car broke down. Her car is almost fixed. She's heading back home pagina at midnight tomorrow." "You have a soft spot for her, don't you?" "Look, I'll tell u later, ok?" "Alright then, Michael. Just start getting ready as soon as possible." "Alright, Frank. Bye." "Bye." Then he hung up. 'How am I gonna tell her about the tour date?' He thought to himself. He looked at Aislinn and Muscles. She was giggling while he tickled her with his snake tongue. Michael smiled. "Aislinn?" She looked over at Michael. "Yes, Michael?" "I start my tour volgende week." "That soon?" "Yes. And that was my exact reaction on the phone." She giggled. She placed Muscles on the divan, bank carefully and walked over to Michael. "I bet you'll have fun on tour." Michael bit his lower lip. "I'll try to at least." He told her. "Shouldn't u be packing up for that long tour?" She asked him. "Yeah. Wanna help me?" "Packing?" "No, jumping into a body bag and coming with me. Yes, help me pack?" She giggled at his sarcastic commentaar before. "Sure, Michael. I'll help you."
They went into his room and started gathering clothes that he'd need. Aislinn went into his closet and found all his old outfits, including his brand new Dangerous World Tour outfit. She pulled it out and looked at it. "This looks really cool, Michael." "Huh?" He looked up and saw her holding his outfit and chuckled. "I would say it's a little strange how they are making me wear a leotard..." "It brings out a better you. Real men wear this all the time for dance classes and ballet recitals." Michael chuckled yet again. Aislinn started folding it carefully and placed it in his bag. "Michael, once my car is done, I want to be able to see u on stage during the tour. It's been my dream to literally watch the master at work and in person." Michael sighed and thought of a great idea. He pulled out a V.I.P pass out of his pocket and remembered what Frank said. Find someone who will want to see u for sure. Michael was a bit shy, but he handed her the pass. "Here, now u can see me backstage, too." She was in shock and took the pass. She looked at it, then at him. She hugged him and kissed him. "Thank u so much, Michael." "Frank told me to give that to someone who really wants to see me. You'd be that someone, Aislinn." She smiled at him and continued helping him pack until it was time to sleep.
The volgende day
Aislinn woke up and Michael wasn't around. No douche running, either. "He must be making something..." She spiering, spieringen the air and she did smell something cooking. She got up and walked out of the room, seeing Michael cooking. She snuck up behind him and looked at what he was cooking. "You didn't tell me u can cook." He jumped slightly. "Whoa, Aislinn. u scared me." "Sorry, hehe. Is my car ready yet?" "Yes it is. They worked on it all night to get that last bit of it fixed. u can be ready to go in about a few hours." Aislinn looked down. "To be honest, Michael...I don't want to leave. I've been around my aunt for 13 years and I don't like it...I want to be closer to you." Michael got a couple plates out and placed them on the counter. Once it was clear in his mind that he heard she wanted to be closer to him, he turned to her. "You do?" "Yeah, Michael...I've grown attached to you. It's the honest truth. The now 5 days/4 nights I've been here...I haven't felt love like this from my family." Michael hugged her and she hugged back. He pulled away and got their plates ready. He handed hers to her. "Made in my own special way. Hope u like it." She took a fork and started eating it and smiled. "It's really good! I didn't know u can cook something like this. I love it." He smiled and he started eating with her. Once they were done with breakfast, he was going over which song he was going to put in the show. Aislinn was getting her stuff together after changing into her outfit which consisted of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, her black riem that looked like a zitplaats, stoel belt, her black fedora she dragged with her, and her black boots with buckles on the side. Michael was on the bed, still thinking of what songs to go with the show. Aislinn noticed he was having a hard time and sat volgende to him. He had a lijst of his songs on paper and just couldn't decide. Aislinn took out a pencil and marked which ones he should do. Michael took a look at the lijst and was in shock. All the songs he thought of using, she marked as ones he should do. He looked at her and smiled. "Thanks, Aislinn." "No problem, Michael." She smiled at him when she zei that. She got her stuff and it was almost 1. "Now I gotta get going. Come with me?" He smiled and nodded. He followed her as she was carrying her stuff to her car. He looked at it and it was a Firebird style car. He's never seen anything like it and he got in the passenger side and sat down and she got into the driver side. She thanked the mechanics for fixing it and they handed her the keys. She took them, started the car, and then started driving. Michael had Jackie follow them to her house, just in case something happened to her car.
Arriving at her aunt's house
Aunt Kathy was waiting for Aislinn on the front porch in her rocking chair she always kept outside. A few minuten later, she saw two cars drive up. Aislinn got out of the driver side and Michael got out of the passenger side. Aislinn got her stuff out of the romp, kofferbak and walked up to the porch and placed her stuff down for a minute. Jackie got out of his car and walked up to them. Aislinn looked at Michael and he looked at her. "Thanks for letting me stay at your place, Michael. It was really sweet of you." He smiled at her. "It was no trouble whatsoever, Aislinn. u take care of yourself, ok?" She nodded and they kissed and hugged each other. He let go slightly and moved her hair behind her ear and kissed her one last time. Then her aunt cleared her throat. They looked at her and chuckled nervously. "Bye, Michael." "Bye, Aislinn." They waved goodbye and he got in Jackie's car and they drove off. Aislinn got her stuff inside and Aunt Kathy was questioning her. "Why did u let him kiss you?" "He loves me, Aunt Kathy. He told me himself." "What do u know about his guy? He could just be a creeper in a disguise." "He's no creeper! He's a 31 jaar old male who seeks love in the right girl! He's had a hard past as a child. He's making up for the childhood he never even had. He's kind and sweet and generous. He's the kind of guy I'm looking for!" Aunt Kathy couldn't believe what she heard. Aislinn was standing up for Michael. She's never argued like this when she was 16. She always stood up for her family against the kids at school, she even stood up for her friends. Aislinn was sick of staying here already and she just got back. She went into her room, called Cory, and told her that she's moving in to her house. She didn't mind it at all. Aislinn packed her things and started aan het uploaden her car. She didn't have much, just clothes and her phone charger and her lamp and a couple books. She got in her car after leaving a note on the door and drove off to Cory's house.
At Cory's house
Cory heard the doorbell and went to answer. "Hey Aislinn! Come on in." Aislinn smiled and walked in with a couple suitcases. Cory took one of them and took her to her new room. It was definitely bigger than the one at her aunt's house. "This all u brought?" "That's all my stuff, Cory. Remember, I don't have much stuff." "Oh, right. Haha. I forgot. What's that?" She pointed to the tag hanging out of her back pocket. Aislinn took it out and showed her. "Michael gave me this V.I.P pass to one of his tour shows." She was in shock. "Really?! That's so cool!" Soon after, Aislinn was finished unpacking and thinking how Michael is doing.
At Michael's house
Michael had just a couple meer things to do before he has to go tomorrow. "Ok...fedora? Check. Dangerous outfit? Check. Song list? Check. Loafers?" He looked in his bag and didn't see them. He went into his closet and grabbed one of his favoriete pairs and placed it in the bag. "Check. Picture of me and Aislinn? Check. I think that just about does it. I have everything. Sets of clothes, loafers, my white socks, my outfit, everything checks off."
Michael heard a knocking at the door. He went to the door and found this guy there. "Who are you?" he asked the guy. "I'm Rick. I'm Aislinn's ex." "Oh, Aislinn told me about u and everything that went wrong with u two." "You don't mind if I come in, would you?" "No, not at all. Please come in." Rick walked in and sat down on the divan, bank and Michael sat in a chair. "Did she tell u about how we were almost married?" Michael was in shock. "No, she didn't." Rick went on and on about how when they were dating, they never kissed, but did do things they shouldn't have done. He did propose to her and she accepted, but soon found out that a dag before they were married, some other girl had his baby. Michael was in total shock, it seemed like he was gonna go into a hart-, hart attack. "Sorry, but that's the total truth, Michael. She never told u this?" "No she didn't tell me that." "Well, I gotta go. Gotta get to work. Later." And Rick walked out of the house and headed to work. Michael was still in shock. He could feel the anger building up, but he couldn't express it. He didn't want to express his anger. He felt hurt. He pulled out his phone and dialed Aislinn's number. "Pick up, Aislinn..."
At the avondeten, diner Theater
Aislinn was finishing up with her outfit to start working. Her phone rang and she picked up. "Hello?" She asked. "Aislinn, it's Michael." "Oh hey, Michael. What's going on? u sound a bit tense." "You never told me u were almost married!" Aislinn was worried. 'How did he know I didn't tell him that??' She thought. "Look, I think we should take a break from each other. This is stressing me out before I have to leave for the tour." "But Michael, I-" "Bye, Aislinn." And he hung up. Aislinn could tell her hart-, hart had been ripped halfway. She knew now that Michael was mad at her, and he sounded hurt from what he heard...she knew Rick must have gone to his house...now she has to find a way to make up with him for what happened.
Da Fucc Outta Here Says:

November 13th, 2010 at 8:00 pm
Will this foolishness never cease!!!!!!
SONY, pull these f…n’ fraudulent songs from the record already!!!!!!!
Are u in bed with these damn Cascio’s of something?
Is the real forensic investigation that needs to be conducted
Sony’s relationship with the Cascio’s?
Why else would a major corporation risk not only the legacy of one of it’s crown jewels
but the already questionable integrity & reputation of itself as an entertainment conglomerate?
& for what?
A handfull of sub par songs?
From some individuals who have,...
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posted by Reis7100
When Richard Nixon died in 1994, The Times observed that he had "resuscitated his reputation and emerged as an elder statesman," but "he never got his freeway back."

The reference was to California 90, between the 405 Freeway and jachthaven, marina del Rey, which state lawmakers had named in his honor in 1971.

In 1976, with Nixon's image tarnished door Watergate, lawmakers quietly responded to the request of local Chamber of Commerce officials and took his name off the 2.5-mile roadway. The Nixon Freeway became the jachthaven, marina Freeway.

The episode illustrates how naming a geographical place in honor of a living...
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Joe Jackson is now revealing why he put a $500 million price tag on his wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray. His theory -- "The meer u go, the less u get ... so I went high."

During Joe's interview with GOOM Radio -- in which sported some severely oversized MJ bling -- he zei Dr. Murray was just "the fall guy" ... and that a lot of other people were to blame for his son's death.

Joe also took issue with our story that he was following Oprah Winfrey around like a puppy dog during her sit-down interview with the Jackson family earlier this maand ... but you'll have to watch the video for the lowdown.
Michael Jackson's eldest two children want to buy back Neverland, the ranch the singer called home.

Prince Michael, 13, and Paris, 12, are zei to want to turn the ranch into a shrine to their dad after having made a secret pilgrimage to the late singer's £50 million home.

Jackson, who died in June last year, was forced to sell the sprawling ranch after losing control of it to an investment company when the King of Pop fell into debt, according to the News of the World.

A bron told the newspaper: 'Paris and Prince remembered the rooms from their childhood.'

The bron went on to say that the...
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The Way She Came Into The Place
I Knew Right Then And There
There Was Something Different
About This Girl

The Way She Moved
Her Hair, Her Face, Her Lines
Divinity In Motion

As She Stalked The Room
I Could Feel The Aura
Of Her Presence
Every Head Turned
Feeling Passion And Lust

The Girl Was Persuasive
The Girl I Could Not Trust
The Girl Was Bad
The Girl Was Dangerous

I Never Knew But I Was
Walking The Line
Come Go With Me
I zei I Have No Time
And Don't u Pretend We Didn't
Talk On The Phone
My Baby Cried
She Left Me Standing Alone

She's So Dangerous
The Girl Is So Dangerous
Take Away My Money
Throw Away My Time
continue reading...
posted by House34
I mentioned in the other artikel that I would stop being so opened to everyone.

Well I will. As much as it hurts, I will :(

This is for the persons I think are true MJ fans.. I think these persons can help me bring the love back.

This is for you:

I know maybe there are other fans who feel what I feel..and who carry the LOVE from Michael. But this is especially for...
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posted by paloma97ppb
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I’d need u there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I’m alone
And the bed where u lie
is made up on your side

When u walk away
I count the steps that u take
Do u see how much I need u right now?

When you’re gone
The pieces of my hart-, hart are missing you
When you’re gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you’re gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I’ve never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes u left
they lie on my floor
And they...
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Joe Jackson says his heavy parental hand kept Michael Jackson away from gangs.


The interview with Joe was shot door Jacksonsecretvault.com over the summer and will be used as part of a movie Katherine Jackson is producing with Howard Mann.

In the clip, an interviewer asks Joe what he thinks about Michael's past commentaren about Joe's parenting -- alluding to allegations of physical abuse. Joe says, "I had to be like that because when raising him, in those days, so many gangs out there getting into trouble, going to jail. Most of them are dead now. He didn't have to worry about that."

The interviewer also asked if Joe had any regrets, "No! They tried to make a big issue when I spanked Michael of some of the kids, ya know? Just like they didn't spank their kids when they did wrong. The media twists everything."

posted by All4loveMJ
I really hope this isnt offensive in anyway. It`s just saying the reasons why MJ got the surgurys so u can tell people why and they will stop making fun of him cause i`d had enough. Thanks :)

Michael, as we all know, had many Plastic Surgurys in his life, and here are the reasons why...

-He hated his nose since he was 13.
-He broke his nose many times
-He did`nt want to look like his father
-He wanted to change him self

Thank you! And pass this on! <3


________________Change the World________________
It's pretty shocking ... Joe Jackson is blaming the inaction of his wife, Katherine, for Michael Jackson's demise ... allegedly because Katherine didn't want to penetrate MJ's zone of privacy.
Joe sat down with News of the World to explain his theory, that he was concerned that Michael was "looking kinda funny and and frail" and asked Katherine to see Michael to "keep him cheered up." But Joe says Katherine refused because she didn't want to invade his privacy.

Joe says he and Katherine argued about it before Michael's death, but Katherine was firm.

Joe says after Michael died, he zei to Katherine, "I zei this would have never happened if u had went and been with him."

Joe -- who was intentionally cut out of Michael's will -- is fighting to get an allowance from the estate. And get this -- we're told Katherine has been giving Joe money and going along with his efforts to earn a living off MJ.
Lisa Marie Presley just sent a "thank you" bouquet to the florist that decorated Michael Jackson's tomb with sunflowers -- because if there's one thing a florist needs, it's meer flowers.

TMZ has learned Presley sent the flowers to sunflowerguy.com -- along with a personalized card that said, "Thank u so much for donating the beautiful flowers."

As we previously reported, the florist sent meer than 1,500 sunflowers to Forest Lawn Cemetery on Friday , after Lisa Marie begged MJ's fans to do a better job of decorating Michael's tomb.
 TMZ sunflowers
TMZ sunflowers
Originally geplaatst May 14th 2010 12:35 AM PDT door TMZ Staff
Lisa Marie Presley's prayers have been answered -- TMZ has learned a bloem company is about to deliver a field's worth of sunflowers to Michael Jackson's burial site in Glendale, CA.

Jason Levin from sunflowerguy.com tells TMZ he's shipping several thousand sunflowers -- which were Michael's favoriete -- to his mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery today.

Levin's donation follows Lisa Marie's MySpace posting Wednesday, complaining that Michael deserves meer than the few bouquets, candles and gifts that currently surround his tomb.

Ask and u shall receive ... sunflowers.

See also
Lisa Marie Presley Wants Flowers at MJ's Tomb
MJ fans Dispute Lisa Marie's Cemetery Claims
The Force Is Strong with Blanket Jackson
Tags: Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley

Read more: link


And this is the moment……….Here it is a great interview with some really passionated and mostly REAL fans of Michael…….I will write their antwoorden exactly how they’ve wrote them….no corrections no changes………….I hope u enjoy and may share your thoughts in comments…..!!!!!!!
This is The seconde part

I'll change it a bit...First I'll give u the vragen and then for each fan the answers...all together...

The choosen are
1.tatajackson ->the lucky MJ fan
2.House 34 ->the peaceful MJ fan
3.aitypw ->the loving MJ fan
4.depp-fan ->the artistic MJ fan
5.LostChild ->the...
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Don't walk away
See I just can't find the right thing to say
I tried but all my pain gets in the way
Tell me what I have to do so you'll stay
Should I get down on my knees and pray

And how can I stop losing you
How can I begin to say
When there's nothing left to do but walk away

I close my eyes
Just to try and see u smile one meer time
But it's been so long now all I do is cry
Can't we find some love to take this away
'Cause the pain gets stronger every day

How can I begin again
How am I to understand
When there's nothing left to do but walk away

See now why
All my dreams been broken
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Love was taken from a young life
And no one told her why

Her direction has a dimlight
From one meer violent crime
She innocently questioned why
Why her father had to die

She asked the men in blue
How is it that u get to choose
Who will live and who will die
Did god say that u could decide ?

You saw he didn't run
And then my daddy had no gun

In the middle of a village
Way in a distant land
Lies a poor boy with his broken toy
Too young to understand

He's awaken, ground is shaking
His father grabs his hand
Screaming crying, his wife's dying
Now he's left to explain

He innocently questioned why
Why his mother had...
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No sense pretending it´s over
Hard times just don´t go away
You gotta take that chip off your shoulder
it´s time u open up
Have some faith

Nothing good ever comes easy
All good things come in due time
Yes it does
You gotta have something to believe in
I´m telling u to open mind

Gotta put your hart-, hart on the line
If u wanna make it right
you´ve got to reach out and try
Gotta put your hart-, hart on the line
If u wanna get it right
Gotta put it all on the line

You see yourself in the mirror
And u don´t like what u see
And things aren't getting much clearer
don´t u think it´s time...
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What meer Can I Give lyrics

How many people will have to die before we will take a stand
How many children will have to cry, before we do all we can
If sending your love is all u can give
To help one live, mmm

How many times can we turn our heads
And pretend we cannot see
Healing the wounds of our broken earth
We are one global family
Just sending your prayers
Is something u feel
Helping one heal
What have I got that I can give
(What have I got that I can give, tell me)
What have I got that I can give, yeah, oh
To love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What meer can I give (what meer can I give,...
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All alone wishing on stars
Waiting for u to find me
One sweet night I knew I would see
A stranger who'd be my friend

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells u never be afraid
Then somewhere in your hart-, hart u can feel the glow
A light to keep u warm when the night winds blow
Like it was written in the stars I knew
My friend, my someone in the dark was you

Promise me we'll always be
Walking the world together
Hand in hand where dreams never end
My ster secret friend and me

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark...
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(with Eddie Murphy)

Sun is gonna shine
Flowers gonna grow
Clouds'll sprinkle showers
Rivers gonna flow

Man ain't got the power
To kill nothing but himself
Man is a creation
Man is nothing else

Whatzup, whatzup, whatzupwitu
Whatzup, whatzup, whatzupwitu

Always is the mountain
[ Find meer Lyrics on link ]
Always is the tree's
Always is the ocean
Always is the sea's

We can't stop this world
'Cause it's not
Our world we can just jack
Each other up

Heavenly father been mighty patient
He got your number peeped
Your disease
He knows your falling,
Your falling, your falling,
Man is a creation
Man is nothing else

Whatzup, whatzup, whatzupwitu
Whatzup, whatzup, whatzupwitu

(Repeat and fade out)

posted by 2468244
i wanna know something. when did u kom bij this club? a jaar ago? a maand ago? does it matter? i just read a pick about what u think about people suddenly joining after he died. and some choices are putting down anyone who joined after June 25, 2009. and for anyone who thinks that anyone who joined after isn't a real and true fan is completely and totally WRONG. i sadly didn't have a chance to be a fan when he was here. and i'm sure that at least some of u fans didn't know about him either. it makes me feel horrible to know that i did miss out. and having people say that u SHOULD feel horrible...
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