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Was Innocent of Guilty: The FINAL Verdict
Complete Public Exoneration Way Overdue

It is sad how we've plummeted into a judgmental, tabloid addicted society that formulates weak opinions based on media fed hearsay and propaganda. One of the biggest victims of this media lynch mob was the late .
In addition to a corrupt media that fails to inform people with facts, we also have hordes of people who lack the intelligence, research, of the proper resources to provide insight on highly publicized cases, but still take it upon themselves to spread fraudulent information on independent, amateur blog sites disguised as reputable news sources.
When searching around the net, it's very easy to find lots of misinformation from both fans, and haters. One person in particular was so unforgivably inept and irresponsible that he published a scathing blog in the summer of 2013 supported entirely door fictitious FBI files that were already exposed as bogus and non-existent back in 2005. This person obviously still has no clue that all of the information he used was publicly dismissed almost a decade geleden with finality. The blogger still went in head first and released a new blog based on the old false information calling Jackson a "monster" and a "serial paedophile". In reality, the FBI already confirmed with attorney Tom Mesereau who shared that information in several media outlets and news programs, that there were no such files on regarding accusers and child molestation. None of it was true, yet this blog among others still using that old and fabricated information from 2005 in 2013, currently has nearly 140 commentaren and counting. This just goes to toon us the power and influence that one fool with a laptop can have.
Unlike many suspect blogs and artikels in existence out there, rest assured that all the information here was carefully researched without bias and fact-checked. The result is as follows: After much scrutiny of his child molestation allegations and examination of evidence, of lack thereof, it became clear to many investigating journalists like Aphrodite Jones, that he most likely did not do what he was accused of. He was definitely an eccentric man with an odd relationship with children which is perhaps as deep as his transgressions go. However, boldly claiming he was guilty of molestation is slanderous and nonfactual. There are only unsubstantiated claims from alleged victims, all of whom exposed a financial motive of a history of criminal-minded activity of deception. The media did not meld of make common knowledge those who were caught in lies. Below are a few listed reasons in a nutshell why if nothing else, deserved the benefit of the doubt.

1. Innocent Until Proven Guilty
I could rest my case on this premise alone: u cannot call a man guilty unless it has been proven. was tried, all the accusers were assembled for questioning and statements, but he was acquitted of all charges in a US court of law door a jury convinced of his complete innocence. In addition to that, every other accuser Jackson ever had never made it to court on its own merit. All the other cases fell apart because of lies, inconsistencies, of insufficient evidence and never had enough meat for Jackson to have to respond to them. At least legally, Jackson's innocence needs to be respected.

2. There Was Never Anything There
What many people still do not realize is that none of Jackson's accusers should have even made the news. There was never anything there to begin with. It was all sensationalism, hearsay and hype. was crucified largely because of his fame.
It all started with the first accuser. befriended Jordan Chandler and his mother June. Jackson met them after being helped door them in a car situation and soon invited them to Never Land Ranch. The boys father, Evan Chandler became estranged from Jackson because Evan Chandler began to hound Jackson to buy them a new house and to support his script-writing endeavours. Because of Chandler's endless and aggressive pursuit of Michael's assistance, their relationship soured and the older Chandler was cut off. Evan Chandler eventually grew jealous of Michael's relationship with his ex-wife and son and plotted to make something out of his connection to in one way of another. Chandler hooked up with lawyer Barry Rothman who was known to be one of the most ruthless, and who was also very familiar with child abuse cases, and the plot began. Chandler became the first to use 's well-known love of children against him.
Through Evan Chandler, was accused of having inappropriate contact with his son, Jordan Chandler. It was an extortion. What was undisclosed to the public was that even the boy's mother June refuted the truth of the allegations. Also, several people already knew it was an extortion because Evan Chandler had been bragging about it around Hollywood. Carrie Fischer wrote about it in her book, "Shockaholic." She described Chandler as her greedy dentist/drug dealer who told her the whole plot. Chandler was a shady, failed dentist in need of cash who used to use his profession to write drug prescriptions for Hollywood stars, and to get in with their crowds. He was often loose-lipped and mentioned what he intended to do to Jackson to many people. No one proudly brags about that sort of a case regarding their children. Carrie Fischer among many, did not find him amusing and was repulsed at what was going to happen.
Lawyer Barry Rothman, who was very experienced with child cases, knew exactly what Chandler needed to say and coached him for months. Rothman went over all the details and fine-tuned the logistics. After Rothman's instruction, Chandler boasted to MJ's people how air tight they had gotten things to look. After everything had been organized, Evan Chandler threatened to publicize the accusation and was threatening to go to court if they didn't give him what he wanted. They approached Jackson with the threat and Jackson refused to pay Chandler anything. Consequently, Chandler went public and things got very serious very quickly.
Jackson's advisers knew it was a well designed extortion and they advised Jackson to just pay a settlement. They advised Michael that a settlement was his best option because he would avoid exorbitant legal fees, bad press, costly time away from his career, and it would be over and done quick. They assured Michael that people would quickly forget it and he'd be able to verplaats on with his life. It later became clear that Jackson's handlers gave him that advice primarily because of their greed. They knew that if Jackson paid the settlement they wouldn't lose any of their investments in his schedule, concerts, appearances of engagements. Going to court would have. Regardless, Michael agreed that he wanted it over as quick as possible and the settlement was paid door Jackson's insurance. Unfortunately, not going to court turned out to be the biggest mistake of 's short life.
After Michael paid the settlement with Evan Chandler, there was a media frenzy and a " goud Rush." Everyone who had anything to do with went wild trying to sell stories to the media of tried to win a settlement thinking he would just pay it.
Known Hollywood hustler Janet Arvizo stepped up volgende to accuse of harming her child. Yellow journalist Martin Bashir famously edited his documentary to make Jackson look guilty so that it could be meer shocking, compelling and juicy for a catapulting of his career. He was privately commending Jackson on what a great father he was, but simultaneously editing his documentary to destroy him. The very misunderstood Jackson made the mistake of voluntarily tonen himself with the children including the Arvizo boy thinking that people would get him. In stark contrast no one understood him and people instead began to judge and scrutinize. This is when Janet Arvizo who's son was featured, chose to strike.
Unbeknownst to the public, Arvizo has a long history of welfare fraud and several other attempts to hustle money from beroemdheden and businesses. She once won a settlement from JC Pennies after she was caught shoplifting with her family. She claimed the security guards that collared her roughed her up and sexually assaulted her in custody, so they paid her a $75,000 settlement to go away. Even though Michael had helped her family and her sick child, Janet Arvizo turned around to try and win a settlement from him too—as is her nature. However, the plan backfired against her. Michael had learned from his first mistake and this time, Michael went straight to court. As expected, Janet Arvizo and her family were caught in several lies and Jackson was acquitted of all charges.
After Jackson's acquittal, all the other accusers began to drop like flies. The accusers either withdrew their cases themselves of they fell apart with inconsistencies before ever making it to court. was fully vindicated, all the accusers disbanded, and he would never have to go to court ever again. Unfortunately however, the damage was done and Jackson's image would never be the same.

3. The Tom Sneddon Snow Job
It has been zei many times in no uncertain terms that Santa Monica DA Tom Sneddon should be in jail. He almost single-handedly helped create the fiasco around because he planted much of the "evidence" when there wasn't any. Unbeknownst to the public, almost everything publicized as "evidence" in the media was an invention of Tom Sneddon. Lawyer William Wagener who left much public commentary on the Jackson trial has stated emphatically that there is no way Tom Sneddon should not be indicted and serving deserved time in prison.
For example, was accused of tonen a child an adult magazine that was sent off to get fingerprinted. However, Tom Sneddon had the boy touch the magazine while compiling the evidence before it was sent out. He created a reason for the boy to handle the magazine to see if he remembered the magazine which made no sense. It was later revealed that Sneddon had the magazine taken out of Jackson's home pagina that had nothing to do with anything, and then he created a story behind it. To make matters extremely worse in the sick and twisted world we live in, the media simply publicized that the boy's fingerprints matched.
Sneddon also falsified the fictitious existence of incriminating phone records. He also had police officers pressuring, and coercing confused children for hours, trying to get them to make statements. The children were subjected to psychological trauma. Even though nothing happened to them, the officers were pressuring them saying, "Come on. We know that he did it and it's okay. Just tell us." When the children denied that anything happened of didn't choose to cooperate the officers kept pressuring them. They just needed anyone of them to break and they would've added it to the case. It didn't matter if it was true of not. If they were able to get meer children to break they knew it would work against Jackson's credibility.
As Tom Sneddon worked primarily to demonize Jackson, he and the prosecution helped to block several people who wanted to be called in as witnesses to vindicate Jackson. One of these people was Jeanne White-Ginder, the mother of HIV victim Ryan White. Jeanne White-Ginder and her afflicted son had access to Jackson and The Never Land Ranch and a perspective that most others didn't. With White having HIV, obviously there was no sexual motives on Michael's part and Ryan White was treated just as affectionately. White-Ginder and her son had been with Michael for several days and had seen him in action with the other children. White-Ginder is eternally touched and grateful for the work Michael has done for her child and many others and wanted to put the allegations to rest. She was prepared to explain the atmosphere with Michael, the children, and many of their parents who were often present. However, they successfully kept her and others from being called as witnesses.
Tom Sneddon is a very mentally disturbed man who deliberately tried to to fix the case against Jackson. When it was revealed that much of the presented evidence against was all rubbish orchestrated and assisted door Tom Sneddon and the prosecution, no one was brought to justice. Nor did the media ever bother to expose the truth of correct the public misconceptions of what had been promoted in the media for weeks.
Tom Sneddon is everything wrong with law enforcement personified. He had a personal vendetta and personally tried to bring Jackson down despite the lack of evidence and his probable innocence. was acquitted and all the accusers eventually dispersed. However, the actions of the Santa Monica law enforcement under the direction of Tom Sneddon have mysteriously been kept under a bushel.

4. The Media Spin
Tom Mesereau and investigative reporter Aphrodite Jones who covered the Jackson cases had it absolutely right: They and countless others have proven that it was clear was railroaded door the media.
One very conspicuous reality became extremely clear regarding 's cases: The media was hooked on it and it was the gift that kept on giving. In a nutshell, Jackson's innocence did not interest the news media publications. The once innocent and angelic star's presumed guilt and fall from grace is what interested them, and that's how the news was reported. Jackson appearing guilty and about to be sentenced to prison is what they revealed in despite how far from the truth it actually was.
There was nothing legitimate to stick on Jackson from dag one. In the first case, Evan Chandler exposed his guilt door taking money to drop the case. No one has accepted money to drop a case regarding justice for their child in US history. Nor did the media focus on Chandler's financial difficulties, of the fact that he made incriminating statements with several people about his motives. All of the rest of the accusers each exposed financial motive, and they were all caught in lies. Regardless, the news media never published the evidences of Jackson's accuser's being caught in lies that probably would've ended things earlier. Jackson's presumed guilt sold papers and the news media was committed to that agenda. was thrown under the bus. Even though there was never any evidence to convict him, the media had been portraying him as a guilty man for months.
After the media had its way the , his guilty image was handed over to the entertainment industry where he was roasted several times over. Scores of comedians and TV shows went to town making fun of Jackson incessantly and spoofed him as an abuser and as if the allegations were true. They did this for years and fortified that image despite his innocence. Just speaking truthfully, many people in this country are stupid, ill-informed and lack a certain integrity. Networks don't have standards anymore. If Jackson was an innocent man and there was no evidence for his guilt, realistically no network should have condoned his public defamation out of principle. However, Jackson didn't live in a world in which he would be treated fairly and with respect. Pop culture out of control continued to destroy him and spread these false notions. It would only begin to subside after his death.

5. Jackson Doesn't Fit The 'Ped' Profile
was analysed door psychologist Dr. Katz who was assigned to the case and it was confirmed that he didn't find him to be an abuser, nor did he fit the profile. Jackson was described to be meer of a "regressed ten-year-old" himself. People who take advantage of children have certain predatory behaviours and characteristics, none of which existed in Jackson. Jackson wasn't shy about his affinity for children in front of whomever, and he saw them meer as vrienden who were meer genuine and honest with him than adults.
Jackson's personality also made it extremely unlikely for him to be a sexual abuser. Jackson was extremely bashful and kind-hearted. He was also somewhat prudish and easily embarrassed door any lascivious connotations. According to the word of professionals and friends, it was extremely unlikely for Jackson to ever be guilty of luring children into harmful of sexual situations. Jackson
didn't have the personality of aggression for it.

6. All Other Kids Say "Not Possible"
Emmanuel Lewis, Macaulay Culkin, Donald Trump's children, and many other children had similar relationships with MJ and they all say nothing ever of would ever happen to them. The atmosphere was loving and the furthest thing from sexual of unsafe. They all confirmed that in their opinion, MJ "wouldn't hurt a fly".

7. The Accusers Vanish Without Public Defence
After failing to prove their case with scepticism building toward the family in the first case, the accusing families avoid the public eye and say nothing. Your child was abused door the biggest ster on the planet, u lose the case, and u say nothing? They lost and publicly appear to be gold-digging liars, and there isn't any public defence, no book, no TV time. No close friend, relative, of concerned grandparent has anything to say? Nothing.
All living beings are creatures of habit and of a nature. We can be counted on to act of do certain things in specific situations. And quite frankly, the mother of an abused child doesn't lose a case then slither away. The true crime is right before our faces; innocence is always an open book with nothing to lose. In this TMZ age in which everyone clamours for their 15 minuten and a dollar, they simply cannot be believed and shame keeps them in the shadows.

8. It Doesn't Feel Right For Any Who Know Him
There is not one former friend of associate that feels he may have had a problem. From Donald Trump, to Elizabeth Taylor, to Jermaine and the rest of his family, they all steadfastly don't believe he did this and will hear nothing else about it. Macaulay Culkin, Whoopi Goldberg, Miko Brando, Donald Trump and many others who knew him went to great lengths and made many passionate public statements to further vindicate him. People wouldn't step forth and put their name and celebrity on the line to protect an abuser of children. No one would, even in our own families. They knew him. They've seen him in action around kids. They were privy to information the public wasn't and they knew he didn't do it.
There are lots of people who knew him and spent a lot of time with him, famous and not famous, who've always dejected the allegations. was a man with strong religious beliefs. Nor was he lasciviously motivated. He was an extremely kind, compassionate person who was also extremely bashful. Most people who knew him personally felt strongly that there was absolutely no way he'd even be capable of such allegations.

9. Evan Chandler's Greedy Ambition
There's enough evidence between Evan Chandler and his known-to-be greedy lawyer, Barry Rothman, to raise reasonable suspicion. Barry Rothman is very experienced. He knew just how to doctor child abuse cases and what needed to be charged. meer likely than not this was a well designed extortion.
Way before any allegations, Evan Chandler was behaving strangely and repeatedly suggested Jackson build an extension to their house so he could stay. When Chandler learned he wouldn't be allowed to add any extensions on his home, he began asking Jackson to buy them a new home. After he became meer obvious in his hunger for money, he slowly became meer alienated from Michael as MJ grew closer with his ex-wife and children. MJ, the ex-wife and the children grew closer and went on trips together without him. Chandler began to complain about being cut off. In his growing jealousy and greed, he went in for the kill. There are also very interesting taped conversations that incriminate him clear as day.

10. The Phone Call
"Everything is going according to a plan that isn't just mine...and if I go through with this, I win big time. There's no way I lose. I've checked that inside and out." Evan Chandler. If that tape recorded message sounds like it wasn't an extortion plot and it genuinely sounds like a concerned dad whose son was abused, u are a fool. That phone call is as blatant as can be, and there is no way that can pass through the mind of an intelligent person as Kosher. That phone call was not the words of a concerned dad who's son was victimized. That was the phone call of a man who was clearly excited and optimistic about scoring big monetarily.
Evan Chandler lived out the rest of his days miserably, in seclusion, and estranged from his family including his son Jordan Chandler whom he used for the case. In November of 2009, Evan Chandler eventually killed himself in his home. Case closed.
 what he was wearing when he took Aislinn to work.
what he was wearing when he took Aislinn to work.
The volgende day
Michael woke up and looked at Aislinn. He smiled at her and moved her hair out of her face. She opened her eyes and say Michael right volgende to her, smiling. "Morning, beautiful." He told her and she giggled slightly. "Morning, Michael." She looked closely at him and she didn't see a overhemd, shirt on him. She blushed. "Did we..." Michael chuckled and shook his head. "No we didn't. I was getting hot and took it off in the middle of the night." She sighed in relief. "For a minuut I thought we had done that. It scared me." Michael hugged her and she hugged back. "There's no need to be scared,...
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They had stayed like that for about 5 minutes, but Aislinn pulled away. Michael was a bit confused. "What's the matter, Aislinn? Did I do something?" He asked, a bit worried. She shook her head. "No...I don't think you'd want to see me after I tell u this..." "You don't like me?" "No, its not that, Michael...its just...I've had this same problem with another guy I used to datum named Rick. I'm worried about how it's gonna be if he finds out about us." Michael held her close and tight. He didn't want to let her go. "Don't be worried about that." "No, Michael! u don't understand! He and I...we...well...he...
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posted by MJlover101
It was 6am at the All Smiles Orphanage. The old, tatty building stood on the outskirts of London and was home pagina to twenty children from the age of four to the age of twelve. All the children had just been woken up door the ear-splitting klok, bell that went off and the terrifying yells of Matron Helen and Matron Hazel.

The children all scrambled out of their small, stiff beds and went to the messy bathroom. Everyone was wide awake and out of their beds except for one five jaar old girl. Rosabel Diamond was still fast asleep. She had lost her mother when she was two years old and her father abandoned her...
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The following day, Aunt Kathy woke Aislinn up. "Aislinn? Where's your car?" she asked. She opened her eyes, thinking about her car. Then it hit her. "Oh crap! I forgot it broke down halfway to Los Angeles!" she shouted. Then she slapped her forehead. Aunt Kathy shook her head. "You know we don't have the money for this problem. Not even you." "I'm so sorry, Aunt Kathy! I completely forgot!" She waved her hand and walked out of the room. "You'll have to fix it, Aislinn."
Aislinn looked down and seemed like she was going to cry. Then she remembered something. "Oh wait!" She took out the piece...
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“Hey Mike, u ready to go again?” Chris zei as he walked in. Michael quickly let go of Brooke.
“Yeah sure, hold on,” Michael wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to Brooke, pretending it was an autograph as he gave her a wink, “Here u go, it was nice to meet you.”
“You too, Michael.” Brooke zei as she walked out the door. She looked at the message on the paper... “Brooke, meet me at my hideout tonight at 7. I wanna know meer about u than just your beautiful face. I’ll make sure security lets u in. The address is 25 East-end Avenue. If u can’t make it,...
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"Ok so what was that verplaats u were just doing?" Leanna asked. "Oh this one?" Michael asked as he dimistratred the moonwalk. "Yea that one how did u do it?" Leanna asked. "Well u just kinda put all your weight on one foot and use that weight to push the other causing it to slide." Michael zei as he dimstrated it step door step for Leanna. "Ok i think i got it." Leanna zei as she began to do the moonwalk with no trouble at all. "Hey u did it!" Michael exclaimed happliy. "I did didint i." Leanna zei happliy. "Yea u did and on the first try too, must people i toon that to cant do it."...
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 Ali looking into the carmera :)
Ali looking into the carmera :)
"What?" Ali said. "I would rather u not say that! i dont want thousands of women commeting on this video thinking that im going to datum them! This isnt Eharmoney!" Michael zei angerliy. "I guess this would be a bad time to tell u i made an eharmoney account in your name." Ali said. "You did what?!" Michael excalimed. "Nothing." Ali zei turnng her attention back to the carmera. "Well it looks like its time for this video to end." Ali zei as if she was going to stop recording. "I am so mad at u its not even funny." Michael zei as he stromed out of the room. Ali looked back at the carmera...
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First of all the Michael Jackson ( bad Tour) I deleted becuz I couldn't think of Nothing sorry for that!!!! carry on with new story name Complicated !!!! Michael and Tatiana they been dating for 5 months now and Michael thinks Tatiana is cheat will see whats happens ?!

Michael wakes up at 6:00 in the morning just to get ready for work Tatiana still sleeping wakes up in morning cranky because she got her period oh well well back to Michael Michael zei " what's wrong with you?" Tatiana zei " well Michael I got my period to let u know" Michael zei " well I been thinking have u been sleeping...
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Madeline and Albert were talking in the garden about how are the things going with the school."Maddy,you're so lucky that your school is not ready to be reopened!Mine is almost ready,that brand distruyed almost everything!But they fixed it so quuek!I wish my school was as poor as yours!The principal makes everything for making our school the best,and that makes me crazy!"."Albert,my school is so lucky that it was just s minor incident,'cuz if it would have been through a fire,it wouldn't be there anymore!But I'm not lucky!I wish I could stay with Michael more!Maybe he can live with me and my...
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 Michael Jackson 24 years old
Michael Jackson 24 years old
Michael wakes up early because he has to make Billie Jean the video so he got up from his bed. He walk to bathroom yawning because he still sleepy so he brush his teeth and he got in douche and he wash he hair and he got out the douche got dress and he call Matt Fiddes (Michaels bodygaurd) Mat zei " hello Mike" Michael zei " hello where are you?" Matt zei " I'm in limo driving to NeverLand" Michael zei " good how are you? BTW:" Matt zei " I'm good you?" Michael zei " I'm good 2 so see u when u get here". Matt zei " yea alright bye" Michael zei " yea ok bye" so then 5 mins later...
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Michael and the detective went to the police station and someone told them that that was not Madeline's body,it was another girl's body,wth a mask."Seems like they really want u to know that she is dead!",the detective said."But why they didn't just killed her!",the other man said.Michael looked at him and nervously said:"If u want her dead so much,why don't u find her and kill her,huh?!",while grabbing his collar."Michael,please calm down,this won't help us!",the detective zei while he released the man from mJ's hands."I'm sorry.",Michael said."It's ok.Now,what are we going to do?",the...
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posted by droberson1104
 MJ- the beautiful human being
MJ- the beautiful human being
I wrote this artikel with ALL the love and good intentions as possible. I wanted to make this very clear.

I see MJ as MANY things. Lovely man, best father, brilliant genius, magical entertainer, humble humanitarian, perfect artist, hot husband, caring son, and loving brother. Why is it impossible for others to see that MJ was much more??? The media limited our view of MJ door what it did of did NOT portray him as. Just because some see his SEXINESS, is it impossible to see his GREATNESS?!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT.

If u haven't seen the movie, "Black Swan", I suggest u do. Spoiler sorry... this girl...
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 <3 :)
<3 :)
Our story begins with two different stories of two very different people. A handsome young man who's just reached the top, boven of the charts in muziek and films and is now on top, boven of the world. A young girl who aspires to become an actress,and only dreams of what it would be like to be on top, boven of the world. But in the city of Detriot dreams like hers are nearly impossiable to accoplish....until one dag that changed forever....

The dag began like any other dag in her life, 23 jaar old Leanna Mitchell sat in front of her vanity fixing her hair. But today was going just a little bit different. Today Leanna...
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 History Teaser Picture taken probably 1994 of 95
History Teaser Picture taken probably 1994 or 95
ok so im hear this time writing a review on this album i would be willing to do a video but im bored so hear i go. HIStory and Blood on the Dance Floor (BOTDF) ERA is probably one of Michael's most populair eras even tho its zei botdf isn't his most populair tho but he did get a reward for something diffrent which was not as populair REMIX'S yes remix's don't get as much popularity as the regular album its self. The album BOTDF got a reward for number 1 remixed album i don't know if it still remains number 1 but in the 90's it was cause it was something new MJ wanted to try out he also added...
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After Diane was gegeven her prenatial vitamins and payed for the visit she quickly headed back onset. Once she arrived back onset she went looking for michael. While looking she ran into tj and alicia. "Hey diane long time no see?" Tj zei happily as he gave her a hug then walked away."Whats wrong diane u seem like something is bothering you." Alicia stated. "Um...alicia can i speak with u in private?" Diane asked. "Well i cant i have to go back to work." Alicia said. "Sorry.", "It's ok hallo do u know where i can find michael...i really have something important to tell him." Diane said....
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 Michael sees Diane watching his every verplaats :)
Michael sees Diane watching his every move :)
"Ok everyone places, we begin in 5...4...3...2..1 ok smooth criminal dance scene take 1 and action!" Michael and Alicia began to dance to the song "Smooth Criminal". As michael danced he glaced over to see Diane watching his every move, she wouldnt take her eyes off of him. Alicia also noticed this, but kept on dancing. Finally after about 5 takes, it was time for their 1 uur break. "Ok everyone 1 uur break, be back on this set at 12:30pm sharp!" The director called as he made his way off set back to his trailer. Michael walked offset to the cast breakroom which was off the main set. Just...
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posted by msmj2012
 Michael, the sexy man caught in between Breanna and Tatiana
Michael, the sexy man caught in between Breanna and Tatiana
For the rest of the week, Breanna did not get to see Michael because she was consumed with helping Ayanna plan her wedding This is did not make her happy and she complained vehemently. It also annoyed that Ayanna had dragged her to several bridal shops in zoek for the perfect wedding dress.

"Why do I have to help you? Where's Jason and why isn't he with you?", she demanded on the way to David's Bridal in Malibu.

"Because u are my little sister and I really miss you. We rarely get to spend time together anymore.", zei Ayanna. Besides guys don't really like to get involved with wedding plans.",...
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posted by droberson1104
I wanted to share some of the beautiful photographs of Michael Jackson that were supposedly taken in 1999. They were previously considered "never-before-seen" photos. They were shot door French photographer Arno Bani. These pictures were rumored to have been the afbeeldingen that were going to be used for Mike's "Invincible" album. However, the record label decided otherwise. These foto's were auctioned off in 2010.

The photographer offers an explanation for the photographs taken of MJ. The words are quite poetic, insightful, and MAGICAL. So MJ, in other words:

"Silver hand on his heart, a young man...
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 MJ- Spots Another hater!!!
MJ- Spots Another hater!!!
Read this article. The writer gets called-out on his sh*tty and poor reporting.HEHEHEHEHE!!!

In the days following the self-proclaimed king of pop’s death on June 25 aged 50, reports of prescription-drug abuse have served as eerie reminders of the pharmaceutical cocktails that Presley was taking before he died in 1977.
(As originally reported door Reuters writer Stefan Wermuth from the article: "Fans Overlook Michael Jackson's Dark Side")

Now here are the readers' responses to the article-

I normally have great respect for Reuters, but I am disappointed in your lack of journalistic standards...
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posted by natasajackson
u ever want something
that u know u shouldn't have
The meer u know u shouldn't have it,
The meer u want it
And then one dag u get it,
It's so good too
But it's just like my girl
When she's around me
I just feel so good, so good
But right now I just feel cold, so cold
Right down to my bones
'Cause ooh...
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away

Wonder this time where she's gone
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home pagina
Anytime she goes away

I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, know, know, know, know,
I know, I know,
hallo I ought to leave
I ought to leave her alone
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Only darkness every dag
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home pagina
Anytime she goes away