Once Upon A Time Club
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5. Ruby
I love her because she has gone through SO much and she's still one of the kindest/sweetest people in town. That makes her incredibly strong. She's unconditionally helpful to others. Even people she doesn't know that well of people she doesn't seem to like much. She's also such a loyal friend (especially to the Charmings and to Belle). Plus, she is full of personality and I love her bold style. And whenever she shows up on screen working as a waitress I get reminded to "Twin Peaks", which is something I love. She grabs all the attention. Ruby is also sassy and sexy without even having to try. Despite being so kind she does things when they have to be done, she's brave and she's a badass. I also love the twist to her fairy tale and that she's a were-wolf. Another positive thing about her is that she has managed to make a huge impression on people considering how little we see of her in comparison to other characters.

4. Hook
There's the fact that he's really, really hot... but that's not just it xD He's one of the most passionate characters: passionate in love and in revenge (and in kissing like we have seen lol) I like that he's funny and flirty but that he's much meer complex than he seems at first. Hook has self-confidence but I don't think he's arrogant like some people say is because he knows he's own limits and accepts them. I love that he acts like a gentleman (even when he was a villain). He can be really sweet/adorable to the people he loves. I liked him in season 2 as well because I honestly found hilarious how often he changed bands and his own plans. And no matter how much he gets beaten up door almost all the other characters he still gets up and keeps trying! I like the type of half-villain that he is. It was kinda new to the show. For example (when he was still considered a villain), we got a good idea of this when he captured Regina; he was evil enough to do that to get his way but he didn't like how they tortured her so he got out of there so that he wouldn't have to watch. Anyway, I also love that this season he has finally gegeven up on his revenge (cuz constantly trying to kill my favourite character got him some minus points for me haha)... and the way he has. The only way for him to give up on revenge was his love for Emma. Even if I'm not a Captain zwaan-, zwaan shipper I still find this beautiful <3

3. Emma
Even if she's the character in this lijst who has annoyed me meer times I still love her even when she annoys me lol:) She's the fist character I fell in love with from the very first scene where she very calmly walked through the middle of all the traffic like a boss to chase that guy to then stamp his face into he's own car after he asked her what she knew about family anyway. Just to then answer "nothing". I saw in her so much loneliness and longing for love when she was blowing the candles that it broke my heart. Eventhough, she always tends to hide her own feelings even to herself as a mechanism and puts up walls between her an everyone else. I love when we see her break those walls <3 Deep inside she's vulnerable but she's a survivor and has a huge strength. I've really enjoyed watching her development throughout the show. What I love most about her is that she'll give everyone a chance. She's defended Regina when nobody else would (even when u could say Regina ruined her life right from when she was born). She gets in everyone's shoes and understands them through her own experience and pain. I think she's a really good person and always tries to help people. Nextly, she has a great chemistry with most of the characters (not just romantically) and a great stage precense. I also really like Emma's dry sense of humour and that even without magic of bows she's a badass.

Now tied for firsts are (*drums* lol):

1. Rumpel: What I love the most about him is probably how smart and manipulative he is. I think he's the smartest character in the show. He almost always gets his way and he won't let anything stop him. He's terribly patient, he sees the big picture. u can't understand his motives unless u look at the whole story. Like, all he did to get Neal back. He's done awful things, he lost everything for power but ultimately he's moved door love. I think he's why everything in the toon even happened. I like to think of him, Emma and Regina as the three points of a driehoek (meaning the curse). I think he's the perfect villain and tragic hero. He's so dark, complex, mysterious... both as goud and Rumpel. His thoughts about fate are intriguing. Also, he's just so funny (and he knows it xD), the way he moves, the way he talks, his evil giggles, his awkward moments and he's great quotes. I think he can be so adorable and lovable. He probably couldn't care less about the people in town (except that he likes them to be afraid of him) but he really needs the love of two people (Belle, Neal) and would do anything to get it. He's done mistakes and he's going to definitely make a lot meer a long the way but I still love him. I think he has a very impulsive nature (you can see this when he gets pissed and starts breaking his own things lol) which he is fighting against all the time. He's a real charmer too. Robert Carlyle plays him perfectly (he's so so so talented and I find him so attractive, sexy in an unusual way). He has chemistry with everyone and I mean everyone and he has an interesting relationship with everyone he encounters. I think Rumepl started off as an excellent person (even after his past with Pan, before he became The Dark One) and one of the most important things of the toon is his journey to becoming a good person. But I don't think it's a journey "back". It's always going to be a forward. He will never be the man which he once was but I believe he can still be the "best version of himself, just different. He'll be strong, not a coward anymore. I think that he's going slowly from just being good to please his loved ones to being good for himself. And that's it, dearie;)

1. Regina: u probably knew she was coming door now haha. My dear heart-breaker, queen <3 I love all the versions of her, from the deliciously evil Evil Queen, to the classy mayor, to vulnerable Regina. She's been told who she should be since she was born, her life was part of a huge plan since before she was born. Cora wanted a queen that would stop at nothing for power, Rumpel wanted a person that was so desperate, sad and evil that she could cast the biggest curse ever. I think she's never really even had a chance. It's so sad. She's so strong to keep going. I think Regina is an amazing contrast to Rumpel. She always does what her hart-, hart tells her (good of bad). Like Rumpel zei "Cora is dangerous because she doesn't have a heart, Regina is dangerous because she has one". She is controlled door her feelings all the time, she's meer impulsive, impatient. And she wants to be good so much. That's why she feels the need to justify what she does to herself. She seeks love from everyone, not just her loved ones. She wants to be accepted and to finally be free. Moving on, Regina's sass xD Everyone loves it and no wonder they do. She has this incredible one-liners, she's so funny and sexy. Also, she's such an iconic character but makes it completely her own, so dark and complex. The original Evil Queen did everything out of jealously and Regina isn't at all like that. But some small part of that remains. She sees everyone get their happy endings and wants her own, she'll do anything for it. I enjoy seeing her development and redemption so much. And alike Hook, her only way to give up on revenge was love (for Henry this time). Regina's style is also amazing. I want all of her outfits, the Evil Queen ones and The Mayor ones *-* Last thing, like I zei for Robert, Lana is perfect, I couldn't imagine anyone else as Gina. I hope she and all the characters finally get the happy ending they deserve!

Hope u enjoyed the article^^
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Source: ouat-obsessed