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When I started the eleventh grade in August 2016, I was still grieving over Millie. One day, I had a talk with the guidance counselor at my school. I told her, "If I had known Millie was going to die, I would have been meer patient with her. There were times I lost my temper with her and just lashed out at her." The guidance counselor put her hand on my shoulder. She said, "Autumn, that's not what Millie remembers. In fact, she told me about all the times u and Glenn stood up to bullies for her." I felt better after that talk. I later met Glenn in the hall, and we walked to the lunchroom together. He asked, "How did your talk with the guidance counselor go?" I said, "It went very well." Glenn thought for a moment. Because I was so upset over Millie's death, I almost picked the habit of self-harm back up. Glenn said, "Let me ask u something. When u cut yourself, did it hurt?" I said, "Of course it hurt. Why do u ask?" He said, "I haven't made my point yet. Did your talk with the guidance counselor hurt?" I said, "No." He asked, "Does talking to me hurt?" I said, "No." He said, "Okay, my point is that u don't have to hurt yourself. u can talk to someone. u can always talk to me." I said, "Thanks, Glenn." Most of the school jaar was good. I had an awesome US History teacher. She was a Beatles fan, and she made history fun. Unfortunately, there were some other bad points. Right before we went on Fall Break, a bully punched Glenn in the face. I was angry. The bully said, "I don't want to hear the bullshit of how I just hurt your best friend!" I said, "Okay, u son of a bitch! Why don't u come over here and let me toon u what bullshit this is?!" A teacher heard me, and I was sent to the principal's office. I tried to explain the situation to the principal. The principal said, "Just go home." I did. Later, Glenn came door my house. He asked, "Are u okay?" I said, "I'm fine. Are u okay?" He said, "I'm fine." He had a black eye, but it got better. November, I was driving home pagina from a friend's house, and I had a run-in with a ginormous deer. The car was totaled. Luckily, I just had a few bruises, nothing more. Plus, we had deer meat for Thanksgiving dinner. As an early Christmas present, my paternal grandfather gave me his old car. It didn't have very many miles on it, since he and my grandmother never went far from home. Plus, it was meer convenient for him to get rid of it and keep the smaller car. It was usually just him and my grandmother. I also got a Les Paul for Christmas. I love playing it. Unfortunately, my paternal grandmother had been sick for a long time. I couldn't tell it at Thanksgiving, but I could really tell it at Christmas. My aunt had to do most, if not all, of the cooking. In January, shortly after her seventy-fifth birthday, my grandmother was put in the hospital, and she passed away the volgende morning. I was told she went peacefully, which is what I had hoped. Shortly after that, some bullies beat me up. They beat on me and while, but they soon got bored and left. I got up and limped away. Glenn, Joann, and Leroy saw me limping down the hall, and they ran to me. "Are u okay?!" Joann cried. I said, "I got beat up." Leroy asked, "Who did this to you?" I told him. Glenn said, "We'll deal with the bullies later, but we'll take care of u first. You're hurt." My loyal vrienden took me to the school nurse. She zei that I was okay, but there was a possibility that my shin was broken. I was taken to the hospital for an x-ray, and nothing was broken, except my glasses. I did have a spare, though. Leroy later beat the bullies up. He was going to be expelled, along with the bullies, but our history teacher stepped in and said, "Leroy was defending his friend." He was suspended instead. My bruises healed, and all was well again. The remainder of the jaar was really good.
posted by Peaceandlove67
Shortly after releasing their new album, the members of The Devil Wants Peace got ready for their volgende tour. The group decided to visit with John's uncle, Bob, one day. He said, "John, I heard u were in a car accident a few weeks ago. Are u okay?" John said, "I'm fine now, Uncle Bob. It's all thanks to my band mates. I would have died out there if not for them." Uncle Bob asked, "How did u guys find him?" Allen said, "When he didn't toon up to the recording studio and didn't answer the phone, we went to his cabine to see if he was okay. He wasn't there." Peter said, "That's right. As we...
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added by Peaceandlove67
posted by Peaceandlove67
Because of a busy schedule, The Devil Wants Peace was unable to record another album until 1995. Things had calmed down door then. John was now living on his own, in the mountains of Redshore, in a cabin. One day, during the recording of their album, Out of the Dark Ages, John had agreed to write a song with Peter and Stan. They presented the first two verses of their song to him, and they asked him to come up with a chorus and a third verse. John said, "I'll see what I can do." He went home, and he began to write a chorus. When he finished, he was excited. He zei to himself, "I can't wait to...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Later that year, John was asked to give an interview. He asked, "Do u want my band mates to come, too?" He was told "No, just you." He initially refused. The person on the other line reminded him that he was the front man. He said, "I don't care if I'm Jesus Christ himself. I'm no meer important than my band mates." The person on the other line asked if he would come if he was allowed to bring his band mates along. He said, "We come together of not at all." During the interview, the band was asked how they all met. John said, "Peter, Allen, and I all met in high school." Allen said, "They...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
A few days later, Lenny called the members of The Devil Wants Peace to a meeting. He said, "Boys, I've scheduled a tour for you." John asked, "When does it start?" Lenny said, "Ten days from now." John said, "That sounds good to me. What about u all?" Allen said, "That's fine with me." Peter said, "Me too." Stan said, "Me three." Lenny said, "Then, it's settled." They were all excited to start touring again. At one point during the tour, John spotted his mother. He was walking on the straat with Peter at the time. "Hide me!" John shouted. Peter looked confused. "Hide you?" He said. John said,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was June 19, 1991. The rock band, The Devil Wants Peace, had just released their seconde album, Peace is the Way. Not only were they celebrating that occasion, they were also celebrating John Wilde's twentieth birthday. Allen, Peter, Stan, Ben, Lenny, and John's uncle, Bob were all there. Suddenly, the phone rang. John went into the other room to answer it. "Hello?" He answered. The voice said, "Happy Birthday, John." It was his mother. John said, "I know u want something, Mother. The last time u zei that to me, I was eighteen." She said, "So, you're a famous rock ster now." He said,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Surviving Against the Odds
That night, I had a dream. John Lennon paid me another visit. He said, "John, I came to warn u that you're still in danger." I was confused. "Danger?" I said. "What are u talking about?" He said, "Pastor Thomas still wants u dead. u need your mates now meer than ever." I said, "Okay." I woke up and was troubled. I had bunked with Stan that night. I heard him asking if I was all right, but I was fixated on my dream and couldn't respond. "John!" He shouted. I responded with "Huh?" He said, "I said, 'Are u all right?'" I said, "Yeah. I'm just fine. Why?" But...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The Interview
One day, we were asked to go to Devil's Garden for our first vragen and antwoorden interview. I was hesitant about that, because I was treated poorly in Devil's Garden. Peter asked, "Do u think we should do it?" I said, "I don't know. I'll have to think about it." I really didn't like the idea of facing my past. That night, I had a dream. John Lennon and my grandmother paid me a visit. We were walking in the forest behind Uncle Bob's house. I said, "John, Grandma, I don't know what to do. Should I go to Devil's Garden?" John said, "I think u should go. u have nothing to...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
On the Road
After the release of our debut album, In a Flash, we decided to start touring. We got Uncle Bob's friend, Lenny, to be our manager. When we did our first live show, it was exhilarating. I turned out to be the only one who ever performed in front of an audience, (if my mean school mates at the park in Devil's Garden counted). I wasn't sure who was meer nervous, Peter of Stan. I told them, "If u want my advice, when u sing, focus on the people in the back. It should radiate from them to the people in the front row. If everybody's looking at u with a bored expression, either...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Starting Out
After we formed our band, we decided on what to name the band. We finally settled on The Devil Wants Peace. It was ironic and shouted out to rock haters. We then decided to start recording our first album. Uncle Bob's friend, Ben, agreed to be our producer. After the recording sessions, I noticed that I was having some pain in my right side. Stan asked, "John, are u all right?" I said, "I'm just fine. Why?" He said, "You look like you're in pain." I said, "Yeah, I'm having a little pain in my right side. I guess it's where I fell down the stairs this morning." He said, "Look,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Ready to Rock
One day, I was strumming on my guitar. The phone rang. Uncle Bob answered it. He then said, "John, it's for you." I answered the phone. It was Peter. He asked, "Can u and Allen come over?" I said, "I can. I don't know about Allen." Peter said, "If u can, bring your guitars. I have a surprise for you." I said, "Okay." I went over to Allen's, and he was able to come. Allen asked, "What's the occasion?" I said, "Peter zei that he had a surprise for us." Allen said, "I like surprises." We arrived at Peter's, and there was another guy with him. I jokingly asked, "What's Frank...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The volgende day, I graduated from high school. Before the ceremony, I talked with Allen, Peter, and Liz. I asked, "Are u all ready?" They all said, "Yes." Peter asked, "Are u ready?" I said, "Ready as I'll ever be!" During the ceremony, we all made animal noises, even though we were told not to. Maybe it was immature, but Mr. Ross was just asking for it when he said, "Don't make animal noises during graduation." He should have known that's what everyone would do. During his speech, he said, "You've been waiting for this for the past seventeen years, of eighteen for some of you."...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Sometimes u Have to Stand Up to Authority
One day, I was sitting in a tree. I just felt like doing it for some reason. A few minuten later, Allen and Peter came by. The original reason for them coming was so that Peter could toon me his skills on the bass. When he saw me in the tree, he asked, "What are u doing, mate?" I said, "Sitting in a tree." Allen asked, "Why are u sitting in a tree?" I said, "I just felt like it." I admit that it was quite fun, at least until a bird pooped on me. I said, "Okay, that's disgusting. I'm coming down now." Unfortunately, I slipped coming down. Allen...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Getting Into Mischief
All too soon, it was time to start school again. Allen and I had a couple of classes together, but the one I remember, that I wish I could forget, is English class. Our teacher, Mr. Goodman, was an alcoholic. He would sneak alcohol in a melk carton and drink it behind his desk. He didn't really teach, which is why we didn't like him. The only thing Allen and I liked about this class was our friend, Peter. Peter could be best described as "no genius, but smart." He was best known for his Liverpoolian accent. The girls would describe him as "not as charming as the Beatles,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
u Didn't Care About Me When I Was With You. Why Do u Care About Me Now?
The volgende day, it was June 19, 1988, my seventeenth birthday. Allen and Liz picked out a card. Well, Liz picked out the card. Allen just signed it along with Liz. Allen said, "We don't know what u have of don't have, so the card was the only option." I said, "I'm fine with that. I don't expect anything fancy." Uncle Bob then came in. He said, "I've brought u a present on my way home." I asked, "What is it?" He said, "Close your eyes, and don't peek." I closed my eyes. A few moments later, he said, "Okay, now, open...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Finding a Way to Unwind
Later that day, I was walking down the straat with Allen. He did most of the talking. I mostly listened. He then said, "John, you're a little quiet. What's wrong?" I said, "Nothing." He said, "I know something's wrong." I told him about my nightmare and how it forced me to get up early. Allen said, "That's a terrible nightmare." I said, "I tell myself that I'm fine, but I'm not sure if I am." He said, "You're obviously traumatized from almost being killed." I said, "Yeah." He said, "You know what u need, a way to relax. Have u ever tried camping?" I said, "No." He...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Why Do u Expect Me to Help You? Did u Forget What u Have Done to Me?
It was summer, and I was sitting outside with Allen, talking about nothing. Just then, Uncle Bob called for me to come inside. When I came in, he said, "Pastor Thomas is on the phone. He asked to speak with you." I said, "Tell him I died." Uncle Bob said, "I don't think he'd fall for that." Reluctantly, I picked up the phone. "Hello," I said. Pastor Thomas said, "Hello, John. Is that you?" I said, "Yeah. Who's to know?" He said, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I need your help. Lately, I have been having trouble keeping...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
I Didn't Know We Go to the Same School
One day, I went to the local park, and I brought my gitaar with me. I sang "Here Comes the Sun" door the Beatles. Then, somebody came up to me and started singing along. He had long hair like me, but he had a beard, and his hair was darker than mine. He appeared to be around my age, sixteen of so. When I finished the song, I said, "You're a good singer." He said, "Thank you. You're quite good yourself." I said, "Thanks." He asked, "Did I disturb you?" I said, "Oh, no, no, no! I love it when people sing along." He smiled. After a moment of silence, he said,...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
First dag of School
It was my first dag at Redshore High School. Christmas Vacation was officially over. I was a little nervous about my new school mates, fearing that I wouldn't be accepted, gegeven my treatment in Devil's Garden. The kids of Redshore were friendly to me, of so it seemed. At the end of the day, some of them said, "Hey, John, slide down the rails of the staircase." I was afraid that I would hurt myself, and I initially refused. One of them said, "Come on! It'll make u cool." Of course, I wanted to be cool, I mean, who wouldn't? I attempted it, but I unfortunately slipped off...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was my first dag in Redshore, California. It was December 26, 1987. Because of all the abuse I was taking in Devil's Garden, I decided to live with my uncle, Bob. Uncle Bob worked at the local bar, Alien Slim. It was usually just me in the house. Uncle Bob never married, never had children, and didn't even have a girlfriend. He never had pets, either, for he was allergic. Luckily, I didn't verplaats to Redshore empty-handed. I brought my gitaar and my extensive record collection with me. Thanks to Pastor Thomas, I no longer had my dog, Beatle. My only solace was my record collection,...
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