Penguins of Madagascar Club
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Penguins of Madagascar – Byte Sized
==Scene I: Kowalski’s Laboratory==
Kowalski: I know I say this kind of thing a lot,

The door flaps open as the penguins enter Kowalski’s lab.

Kowalski: But this time I really, really mean it! Behold, my greatest inventionn ever!

He waves his flipper on a cloth and heaves it quickly then presents—

Kowalski: The Nanites!
Private: Um., I’m trying... Where are they?
Kowalski: Of course, scientifically deliberate Private, it takes a microscope to view Nanites and all their miniscule glory.

Kowalski puts down a microscope as Private steps in to peek down... The Nanites beep and begin to speak.

Nanites: Awaiting command.
Private: Oh! They’re so cute!

Private claps happily. Kowalski places the Nanites in a salt shaker while clarifying to Private about his creation.

Kowalski: If door cute u mean able to animate any mechanical object, then yes. As a teeny button.

He approaches a floor buffing machine and tests the Nanites on it. It begins to mop the floor door itself.

Nanites: Buffing floor.

Polishes the floor leaving it sparkly clean, impressing Private.

Private: Ooh! Sparkly! It’s so sparkly!
Skipper: Nope, don’t trust it.

The scene cut to a tosti apparaat, broodrooster getting operated door Nanites making geroosterd brood, toast for Rico.

Nanites: Not too light. Not too dark.

The geroosterd brood, toast pop out from the toaster. Rico catches it and begins to taste it. But Skipper quickly slaps the geroosterd brood, toast out of Rico’s flippers.

Rico: Awww... (Sadly)
Skipper: Nope! Still don’t trust it.

The scene cuts to the coffee maker pouring some coffee into a mug before dropping a vis inside. Kowalski offers it to Skipper.

Skipper: Sorry, Kowalski, but I don’t trust anything I can’t see and/or punch.
Kowalski: Skipper, my Nanites will save us tons of drudgery which will free us for meer creative pursuit.

Rico overhears this.

Rico: Oh yeah! (regurgitates a chainsaw)

Rico carves an ice sculpture of a chain saw and gazes on it with pure delight.

Rico: Ooh... Very nice...
Kowalski: (pointing to the sculpture) Like that..
Private: The Nanites do seem like they’re one of your meer helpful creations..
Skipper: Exactly, they’re Kowalski’s creation and that means they’re destined to go horribly wrong..
Kowalski: Impossible this time, Skipper. I have programmed the Nanites to never allow any harm to come to a penguin. (seriously) Rico? Stick me..
Rico: Okay! (regurgitates a dynamite stick and throws it at Kowalski)

Kowalski stands confidently holding a dynamite without worrying. A vaccum cleaner sucks up the explosive and explodes inside it.

Kowalski: See! There’s no way the Nanites can go wrong. (offers the coffee to Skipper again, and he agrees)
Skipper: Say! This is good Joe! Maybe there is something to your Ninny-ites.
Kowalski: (breaths deeply) At moments like these in the scientific community the technical jargon for this situation is... Told ya!

A fulminant yell is heard from the lemur Habitat.

Maurice: (distant) I can’t stand this anymore! (yells loudly)

==Scene II: lemur Habitat ==
The penguins quickly converges to the lemur Habitat sighting Mort crying over King Julien who is covered with red liquid.

Maurice: u messed with this for the last time!

Mort was crying. The penguins stare with a fright as they see King Julien on the ground, with a red liquid on that looked like blood.

Skipper: So it finally happened. Who had the dag when Maurice snapped?

Kowalski pulls out a calendar with a picture of Rico on it.

Kowalski: Rico.

Skipper, Kowalski, and Private hand Rico some fish.

Rico: Oh! Yeah! meer vis baby! Wow!

King Julien gains consciousness.

King Julien: Wait! The only crime here is my banaan berry smoothie should be inside of my whole tummy. Not outside, sticking out my majestic mid-section.

Skipper Kowalski and Private glares at Rico after he ate the vis when King Julien was explaining. Rico spits the fishes out of his beak.

Maurice: It’s this stupid old junkie blender.

He kicks the blender. The glass falls on Mort.

Mort: So, am I a smoothie now?

Kowalski strides over to Maurice.

Kowalski: Maurice, my Nanites can upgrade your blender and make your work look 95.6 percent less bruling.
Maurice: I don’t fully minister with your flabbing about. But I‘m 95.6 sure I like it anyway.

Kowalski uses the Nanites on the blender.

Nanites: Blender repair!

Repairs the blender quickly as possible, drilling sounds are heard.

Nanites: Blender repair complete. Commence smoothie operation.

The Blender prepares a smoothie door itself and Kowalski puts a straw in the glass.

Maurice: Sweet!

Maurice gives the smoothie to King Julien. He takes a sip.

King Julien: Oh! The feeling on this matter can only be defined... door dance! Hit it!

Mort plays the boom box and Julien dances to the rhythm while drinking the smoothie.

Skipper: And mine will be defined door leaving.
(He leaves.)

==Scene III: Central Park Zoo==
An insect careens around the air when Barry tries to catch it with his tongue.

Barry: Come back here u little flirt!

Attempting to catch it.

Barry: We’re destined to be together! u and me. Playing hard to get, eh. I like that.

He sticks out his tongue and gets stuck on a candy making machine. He pulled hardly but it won’t budge.

Barry: I suppose u think this is funny.

The fly squeals and presses a button near the cotton candy machine. It begins to spin around, pulling Barry towards it.

Barry: Uh oh! Help!!

==Scene IV: The HQ==
Back in the HQ, Kowalski and Rico are playing chess, Skipper posing to a camera and Private looking for his Lunacorn. The Nanites are doing the work for them.

Private: Wait a minute! Where’s my Lunacorn? (checks under his pillow)

The vacuum cleaner hands Private his lost toy.

Private: (hugs his Lunacorn)Oh, thank you.

Skipper connived in different poses while the camera flashes to him taking shots.

Skipper: How’s that?

The camera turned over to toon the images. First has Skipper wearing a cowboy hat and a badge with a texas town theme at the back. Then the volgende picture shows him wearing a mexican costume, holding a sword, with a desert theme in the back. The final picture has Skipper being awarded with a badge door Rico while wearing his captain's hat.

Skipper: Ooh la la! I am hot!

Marlene pops out from the opening hatch.

Marlene: (quickly) Guys! Barry the frog’s tongue is caught in a cotton candy machine and it’s winding up. And it’s going to get really ugly, real soon.
Kowalski: Wow! Never in the history of language have those been put together in that order.
Skipper: All that cotton candy is in danger!
Private: Yeah! And Barry too.
Skipper: Neh! Never a fan! Now! This mission is gonna be dangerous.

The Nanites hear about this.

Kowalski: Right! Barry’s a poison dart frog, his touch is devastatingly toxic. (writes on his clipboard)We should work out a meticulous strategy with an emphasis on caution and safety.
Skipper: of we could just wing it like we always do. I mean what is danger right!
Kowalski: Yeah! It’s just anger hiding behind applausive consonant. (laughs in a snorting matter)
Skipper: Little obscure, even for u Kowalski.
Kowalski: All right! Fine! Let’s just go!

The penguins spring into action.

Nanites: Danger? Danger!! Initiating pinguïn protection protocol.

==Scene V: The Central Park Zoo==
All the machines gather altogether as they unleash a signal to all other machines occupied door Nanites.

Maurice: (noticing the blender hopping of) Huh? Hey! Come back!

The blender flees.

Mort: Bye! Bye! Blender! I will always remember u as a friend.
Nanites: (headed to the garage) Assimilating new ordiments.

Electrical sounds and light come from inside. The machines step out with meer machines now controlled door the Nanites. Then they all drift off using Alice's zoo cart.

Nanites: Penguins must be saved.
The other zoo animals watch Barry when the penguins arrived.

Barry: This hurts worse meer than it looks.
Skipper: Everyone relax. We’re here. Cotton candy will soon be saved.

Private reminds Skipper.

Skipper: Hm? Oh ya! And uh, Barry too. Kowalski, tuck him out. Rico, frog proof me! Private, look concerned!.
Private: I’m on it Skipper.

Private looks concerned at the scenario. Skipper, holding the tongs Rico regurgitated, approaches the frog.

Skipper: Easy toxic amphibian. Slow and steady and nobody gets hurt.
Barry: I’m suffering.
Skipper: I mean me.

The zoo vehicle beeps to Skipper. The vaccum cleaner sucks up Skipper.

Skipper: Hey! Oh! This is uncomfortable!

Then he gets tied up and thrown into the vehicle door a set of wires.

Kowalski: It’s the Nanites following their protection protocol.
One door one, the penguins get tied up with wires and were thrown into the vehicle, which drove them home
Barry: Wait! Where u going?

While in the vehicle tied up.

Skipper: Tell them to stand down..
Kowalski: Verbal override, good idea! Should've done that. Didn’t but should have.
Skipper: (sighs)

The penguins manage to escape when Skipper used the wires to drive them to Barry.

Barry: Ow!

Rico regurgitates a rope and uses it as a lasso. Skipper turns off the machine. Barry was capable of breaking free and flung high. He landed on a cotton candy held door Kowalski.

Barry: u guys are great. I can hug u all.
The Penguins: No! (backs off)
A vacuum cleaner steps door and sucks up Barry.

Nanites: Amphibian threat, neutralized.

Barry: (inside the vacuum cleaner) Okay, like I was just kidding about the hug thing. Could u guys let me out now! Hello!
Skipper: Who smells Science gone wrong? Anybody?

Skipper, Rico and Private raises their flippers.

Skipper: You! Tall guy! (points at Kowalski).
Kowalski: (sighs) Yeah, okay. Maybe just a whiff.

==Scene VI: Kowalski’s Laboratory. ==
Kowalski is back in his lab looking through a microscope.

Kowalski: This should do it. (clicking on a Speak N’Spell).
Nanites: Overwriting safety protocol denied. Nice try!

Drilling sounds are heard in the HQ.

Private: What’s all that about?
==Scene VII. The HQ ==
Skipper uses the periscope to peek through. Sighting the machines containing and locking them in.

Skipper: Lincoln’s itchy beard. We’re being sealed in.
The machines surround them.

Nanites: Containment complete.
Private: Containment? There’s a trap?
Rico: What!
Skipper: This cannot stand. When Hans strikes of Blowhole. with the new guy in the reptile house! u know that guy, twitchy eye and the blinking tongue. You've all seen it right. He's troubled right! Kowalski front on the center, prepare to receive a disciplinary vis slapping
Kowalski: Ready and deserving Skipper.

Skipper starts to slap Kowalski with a vis but the Nanites were able to resist Skipper from doing so.

Skipper: Huh? Hmm...
Kowalski: The safety protocols, no harm to a pinguïn which I am.

Skipper: Right, prepare for putative cuddles and hugs.

The Nanites bind Skipper on the ground.

Skipper: Get off ! I just wanna hug him. WITH MY FIST!
Kowalski: I can fix . Give me an hour
Private: What are we supposed to do now?
Kowalski :( quickly) Talk about yourselves. Try to make it interesting

The Blender prepares smoothies for the penguins.

Private: Mmm... They are yummy smoothies.
Rico: U-huh!

Kowalski barges in holding his invention

Kowalski: Eat plunger Nanite!

Kowalski gives a snel, swift shot and short circuits the Blender.

Nanites: Retreat! Retreat!
Skipper: Cold smoke kabust , Kowalski. u did it!
Kowalski: It was a simple matter of creating a localized electromagnetic pulse--
Skipper: Have a happa-flappa-happy-beak all u want. I'm going Nanite hunting. HUHA!

==Scene VIII. The Central Park Zoo==

Rico regurgitates a dynamite stick which eventually explodes. Kowalski stares at him. Skipper gets out of the HQ and stands while holding the Electro-Pulse Cannon. He prepares to attack.

Skipper: hallo Nanite, come grab a hot steaming serving of—

The Nanites suddenly halts behind the penguins becoming larger than before. The penguins slowly turns around to notice it was behind them.

Skipper: (in shock) What the what?
Nanites: Nanite protocol engage. Protect penguins.
Kowalski: Oh, a whole bunch of heck.
Rico: Yup!

Skipper focuses in aiming the Electro-Pulse kanon at the Nanites and get a direct hit. But the Nanites grapples and flings it, making Skipper lose his grip.

Skipper: HUH! Scatter! Get the weapon!

The penguins diverge in different directions. First, Rico belly slides while the Nanites targets him and fires him with toast. Kowalski glissades from a lamp post and watches Rico.

Rico: (yelling)
Kowalski: Rico’s toasted!

Rico briskly eludes the continuous attack but gets pinned down door geroosterd brood, toast in his mouth. He grins afterwards.
The Nanites loaded itself with winkies and shoots it at Private. Private quickly dodges but gets trapped on uithangbord with winkies.

Private: I’ve been Winkied!

Skipper quickly hustles the Electro-Pulse kanon and aims at the Nanite again. A two seconde countdown starts and bursting popcorn from a microwave.

Skipper: AHA!.......AGH!!
Nanite: One pinguïn missing. Scanning. (scanning through the zoo)

Kowalski ascends from his hiding place, the manhole then sneaks up to the Electro-Pulse Cannon. He grabs it and directs it to the machine.

Kowalski: Got ya!
Nanite: Penguin’s smug levels rising…

Kowalski triggers the invention as it fires the plunger but misses. The Nanite loses its balance and begins trembling.

Kowalski: Oh nuts!

The Nanite trembles on Kowalski and painfully smacks him.

Kowalski: Owww………

It quickly returns to its composure and notices Kowalski got injured.

Nanite: Emergency! Emergency pinguïn injured! We have violated our own safety protocols. Shut down requiring…

It shuts down and the parts kept falling apart. Some parts fall on Kowalski, painfully.

Kowalski: Ow…again…(coming out from a microwave)
Private: Okay, what just happened?
Kowalski: Victims of their own programming.(sadly) They self-terminated.
Rico: Ooh…

Skipper pops out

Skipper: So that’s the end of the Nanites. (approaches Kowalski, Rico and Private)
Kowalski: I believe so..
Skipper: So there’s nothing protecting us penguins from danger
Kowalski: It would seem that way…
Skipper: Kowalski, you’ll have to test that theory. door vis slapping u into volgende week.
Kowalski: AH! Ah! ( mumbling and yelling)

Skipper: Get back here!
Kowalski: Not on the face! Not on the face!

Skipper chases Kowalski and slaps him repeatedly.
posted by skipperluvs
Chapter 6

Rico stood silently, as his right eye began twitching a little bit. His nervousness was acting up again. He couldn’t help it, it just happened when major events that would probably impact his life happened, such as the one that he stood before at that very moment. Marlene had a fake smile plastered on her face, tightly gripping Rico’s flipper, and getting tighter door the second.

“HE’S A PENGUIN!” Richard busted out laughing as he pointed at Rico’s flawless oranje beak and scampered his fingers through a couple of the feathers on the flipper Marlene wasn’t squeezing.

continue reading...
posted by skipperluvs
Chapter 4

It was a bright Sunday morning. The blue sky was clear and looked like a great ocean of baby blue. The birds chirped in beautiful melodies that sounded like a beautiful violin orchestra because of the high pitched voices. The breeze seemed to whisper as it whistled through the trees. But that morning wasn’t beautiful.

Skipper was on the platform, waiting for Kowalski to get home, himself grinning because he knew his friend would always take his side, and Private smiling because he was excited to see him. Rico, however, sat in the corner of the HQ looking around the room and had his...
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posted by knocktimerico
Unknown Confession

Skipper stood in the doorway, shocked at what he had just seen.

Was…was that a painting of…of ME?! He thought to himself, still not believing his own two eyes.

“Nah that wasn’t me, it was probably just a pinguïn from her old aquarium.” He zei to himself as he waddled out of Marlene’s habitat.

“Yea that’s what it was, just an old friend of hers that just happens to look like me.” Skipper continued, smiling as he tried desperately to convince himself that he had not just seen a painting of himself in Marlene’s habitat.

He duif to the ground and slid on his belly...
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added by Rikopriski
Source: Operation Swap-Panzee
added by Flummy
posted by mostar1219
Heyllo, fanguins. Listen, I've been thinking a bit. I know a good amount of us have moved on beyond being fanguins (definitely have myself onto the youtube fandom), yet we still haven't forgotten that being fanguins was our thing. I was thinking, if some are still able to on youtube, maybe we can all make our own fanguin related videos to put in a big playlist to toon that we are still here, maybe kinda like a digital time capsule sort of thing. Since the Penguinfest thing crumbled before it could even begin, this could be like a way for us to still reconnect. So, what do u guys think if u can make sense of it?
“Jealous Much?”
March 04, 2014

    “Hey, guys,” Marlene started as she entered the pinguïn HQ, looking around. “Where’s Kowalski?”

    “In his lab,” Skipper answered. “What brings u here?”

    Marlene held up an abacus. “I believe I found Kowalski’s abacus. I thought he’d want it back,” she said.

    “Oh, finally! He’s been going crazy looking for that thing!” Skipper said. “Like I said, he’s in his lab.”

    “He won’t mind me walking in on him?” Marlene...
continue reading...
“What u Mean To Me”
January 26, 2014

    “I raise u all my herring,” Marlene said, pushing her last four herring to the center of the table.

    Skipper eyed her with a smile. “My, the stakes are getting high. I’ll see your herring, and I’ll raise u three zalm . . . and a kiss,” he zei with a sly smile.

    Marlene gently bit her lip. “Full house,” she said, setting down her three Kings and two Fours.

    Skipper grinned and laid down his cards. “Straight Flush,” he zei triumphantly....
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added by Myopie
Source: Pizap (Meme)
posted by mouseandowl
I went on and found a Novelization of the movie to pre-order.


Here is the plot:
When Private gets kidnapped, it's up to the other penguins to save him from the dastardly Dr. Octavius Brine. But can Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico get him before Dr. Octavius Brine uses his "Medusa Serum" and steals the cuteness from all the penguins in the world?

And there u go, the plot of the movie! I don't know when North Wind gets involved, though.
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet
added by penguinccy
added by kasiaiania104
added by KJBiggestFan
Source: Me
added by Cowtails
added by Cowtails
added by Cowtails
added by Cowtails
These are bloopers from scenes in Chapter One. Just so u know, the couples in real life are Me x Kowalski, Sweet Pripper x Private, and Skipper x Bella. u don't know who Bella is yet.

Did u miss me? Take One
Cowtails: *walks into the room* I'm back!! Didn't u all miss me?!
Kowalski: YESS BABE!!
Director: *facepalm* Cut!!

Did u miss me? Take Two
Cowtails: *walks into the room* I'm back! Didn't u all miss me?!
Skipper: Uhhhh...sure...
Cowtails: Geez if you're all gonna be jerks I'll let Sweet Pripper deal with you!
Kowalski: Oh please no...I missed you....
Rico: *nods* Uhuhuhuhuh.
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