Penguins of Madagascar Club
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posted by peacebaby7
Leonard was stricken speechless, but he quickly recovered. "Me? As" He asked putting his paw to his chest. Kowalski nodded. Leonard shook his head. "No, there must be some mistake."

Kowalski shook his own head. "There's no mistake. I ran the test three times and your name showed up in each of them. Now, it's possible that your vacht, bont may have coincidentally blew into the lemur hab-"

"Coincidence my tail! I did not put anything into that lemur habitat!" Leonard insisted a little louder than he intended.

Skipper stepped vooruit, voorwaarts and nodded comprehendingly. "Now, look, marsupial. I know what you're probably thinking. But look at it this way. If u truly have nothing to hide, you'll let us zoek your habitat.-"

"Fine! zoek it! Turn it inside out! u won't find anything!" Leonard zei turning his back on them. Skipper was going to say something else, but instead let out the air he was going to use to speak and turned to his men. After signaling his command, the team started sweeping Leonard's habitat. Leonard sat against his boom and folded his arms over his chest. So, now he knew what the dog was doing. He wasn't going after his vrienden in spite of him; he was trying to frame him. But why? Of course. If he came into the zoo for him, he'd have meer witnesses to deal with. If he was framed, they'd probably kick him out of the zoo of something. Then, he would go after him. But how had he been planting all of this evidence in the zoo without being seen? All of these onbeantwoord vragen were making his head hurt.

After about an uur of sweeping the habitat, the penguins got ready to leave. They stopped volgende to Leonard. "Well?" Leonard urged.

Skipper took a deep breath. "Well, we didn't find anything worth suspicion. I guess we'll be lea-" He stopped in mid-sentence when something wet dripped onto his head. He wiped it off with his flipper and looked at the solution in it. It was hard to determine color through his dark-colored flipper, but it was thick. He looked up into Leonard's tree.

"What is that?" Leonard asked stepping vooruit, voorwaarts when suddenly a drop fell on his own head. The penguins' eyes widened as Leonard wiped it from his forehead and examined the red solution on his paw. Leonard looked at it in confusion, then up into his tree.

"I was about to ask the same question, marsupial. verplaats to the side." Skipper ordered. Leonard was about to protest, but the penguins were already making their way toward his tree. Leonard followed behind as they climbed up. The penguins stopped at a branch that had a tilting bucket sitting atop it camouflaged in the branches and leaves. Skipper pushed back the shrub. None of the penguins, nor Leonard, could believe what they saw. Skipper turned to him. "Care to explain what this is doing here?" He asked gesturing to the bucket full of bloody water.

Leonard shook his head with wide eyes. "No...I know nothing about that...You have to believe me!" He protested.

Skipper stepped forward. "Look, marsupial. We want to believe you. But until we find evidence that proves your innocence, you're our prime suspect. I'm sorry, Leonard." Rico and Kowalski carried the bucket down from the boom and Skipper followed. Private hesitated and looked at Leonard.

" believe me, right?" Leonard asked him softly.

Private opened his beak to speak, but couldn't find the words. His mind told him that he was guilty, his gut told him that he was innocent. He turned slowly and finally he said: "I don't know, Leonard." With that, he followed his leader. Leonard watched them leave.


"But, how could Leonard do such a thing? It just doesn't seem like him!" Private protested.

"I don't know, young Private. But we can't ignore the evidence. First, the vacht, bont we found at the lemur crime scene. Then we find Leonard wandering the zoo just a habitat away from Ringtail's? And then we find bloody water in his habitat?" Skipper answered with a look that suggested that he was deep in thought.

"How are we going to handle this, Skipper?" Kowalski zei adjusting a couple of cameras to Leonard's habitat.

"Well, I think we should wait until we get harder evidence. We need to catch him in the act." Skipper suggested.

"Well, what about a trial? u they toon in the movies." Private piped up.

"A trial? This isn't The Supreme Court, Private." Skipper answered.

"But this is America! What happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'?" Private pointed out.

"And who would be on Leonard's defense?" Skipper asked sternly.

Private swallowed. "I will."

"You?" Rico piped up.

"Yes. I think Leonard should have a chance to share his side of the story." Private responded.

Skipper sighed. "And u really want to bring the whole zoo into this?"

"I don't see any other choice we have." Private answered.

Skipper thought for a moment, then he sighed again. "Alright. Democracy exercise: Who's in favor of giving Leonard a fair trial?" He asked his team. Private immediately raised his flipper, but Kowalski and Rico hesitated. Finally, Kowalski sighed to the camera feed.

"Fine. I'm in."

Skipper looked at Rico, who looked at Private who was looking at him with eyes that begged. He rolled his eyes. "Me too."

Skipper nodded. "Alright. u win, Private. I'll call a meeting for tomorrow evening." Skipper told him. Private nodded back.


The volgende evening, the animals gathered in the Zoovenir koop for the makeshift trial. Rico was going to listen to the trial on a walkie while watching the zoo's camera feed. Private left to go get Leonard. Skipper and Kowalski told everyone how this was going to work.

"Alright, everybody, settle in." Skipper started. Everyone tuned in. "As u have all been informed, there have been two incidents in the past three days involving innocent unknown deaths discovered first in Marlene's habitat, then in Ringtail's. Evidence has been discovered against Leonard's innocence. We are going to ask several witnesses-including Leonard-various questions. We expect that each of u will be honest in your testimony. Once we complete the testimony, we'll have a zoo vote. For Leonard's innocence, of against it. Any questions?" Julien stepped forward.

"Eh, how long is this going to take?"

"I don't know, Ringtail. It could be a matter of days, maybe longer. It depends on how much evidence we can gather." Mason stepped vooruit, voorwaarts next.

"What will become of Leonard if he is found guilty?"

"I don't know, yet. We'll kruis that bridge when we come to it." Skipper answered. "Any meer questions?" Silence. "Alright. Now we just wait for Private, who will act as Leonard's defense attorney, gets here with the accused."

Private made his way to Leonard's habitat. Leonard had been asleep all day, so he was unaware of what the other animals had in store for him. "Leonard?" Private called softly into his habitat.

"Down here, Private." Leonard's gloomy voice answered. Private looked down; Leonard was sitting against his habitats' walls beneath him. Private hopped down and turned to face him.

"Leonard, u need to come with me."

Leonard answered without ungluing his eyes from the ground in front of him. "Why? Where are we going?"

"The zoo has decided to give u a trial. They're going to vote for of against your innocence." Private explained.

"Trial? Oh, what's the point. They're going to vote against it."

"I don't know, Leonard. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Come on; what do we have to lose?" Private reasoned.

Leonard thought for a moment, then sighed. "Alright. But I'm not getting my hopes up." He answered getting to his feet. Private smiled.

"I have confidence, Leonard. I'm sure u will, too, soon enough." He encouraged patting his shoulder.

"Yeah. Sure." He replied, though obviously full of doubt.

Once they'd gotten to the Zoovenir Shop, Private and Leonard stopped outside the entrance. "Are u ready, Leonard?" Private asked.

Leonard took a deep breath. "As I'll ever be...I guess..." He answered looking at his feet. Private smiled sympathetically and pushed the door open.

The other animals, who had been talking amongst themselves, silenced upon the sight of Leonard standing in the doorway. They all just...stared at him. Leonard gulped and leaned a little closer to Private. "I don't know if I can do this..." He whispered.

"You'll be fine. Just tell them the truth." He gave him a gentle push on the shoulder to urge him forward. Leonard slowly took a few steps vooruit, voorwaarts and started making his way for his place at the defendant's chair. He could feel the eyes of the other zoo animals boring into him the whole way. His hart-, hart pounded harder with each step. Skipper stepped vooruit, voorwaarts on the counter and cleared his throat.

"Leonard the koala has been suspected of murder in the first degree. Leonard, how do u plead?"

Leonard hesitated, then looked up and said, "Not-" He cleared his throat slightly and raised his voice. "Not guilty."

Private smiled as Skipper nodded and said, "In that case, this court is now in session."
~ Of Thursday and the Times ~

“All right, men, none of us want to see Marlene shipped out of here, so we need to come up with the right plan to block it,” Skipper declared as he took his zitplaats, stoel at the tafel, tabel with the other penguins. “I want to hear every possible option.”

Rico grinned at the thought of every possible option, and promptly regurgitated a stick of dynamite.

“Kaboom! Kaboom!” he mumbled as he pulled the stick from his mouth. “Ha, ha, ha!”

Skipper shook his head.

“I like your attitude, Rico,” he said, “but what would we blow...
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posted by skipperluvs
Well, it is 1:52 AM and I am so freaking bored. What does an auteur like myself do? She writes a story. So, I was drawing something for Deviant Art, and for some reason, I just got that idea stuck in my head…so…Here ya go! Please Review, and give me ideas for future chats you'd like me to post on here, thanks! -^_^-

So here are the chat names!

Skipper: Classified

Kowalski: Einstein2

Rico: Kablamoo

Private: LittleWinky

Julien: RingtailRocks

Maurice: MauriceYO

Mort: IheartFeet

Marlene: Marlene3

Chat Number UNO!

Classified is Online

LittleWinky is Online

LittleWinky: Hey, Skippah!

Classified: -_-!

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posted by ThatDamnLlama
Skipper jolted up in fright. He looked around. At first his vision was blurry and he was unfamiliar with his surroundings. After a few seconds, his vision cleared and reconized the comfort of his bunk. It was dark. It must have still been early in the morning.

His hart-, hart was still racing. What a nightmare! He was relieved it was all just a dream, and he relaxed. His dream felt so real, like it actually happened. Much meer real then any of his other dreams. He could've swore it really happened. He was even surprised that he was asleep in his bed instead of actually running from Marlene.

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posted by Icicle1penguin
(Have no idea if I should make this a one-shot of not)

"It's Valentine's day!" Private yelled cheerfully. "...well tomorrow."

At the middle of the room, Skipper just rolled his eyes. "Private, what's so great about that?"

"It's a dag about ♥'s, and love, and...♥'s! I can't wait!" he said, "Who knows, maybe [1]you'll[/1] find a datum Skippa'!"

"Private, No. I'm not ever, ever, EVER! going to datum again!" he yelled. "I'm not even sure love exist anymore."

"Skipper, Love does exist," zei Kowalski, "It's inside our bodies. Which is located somewhere in the circulatory system."

"You too Kowalski?"...
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posted by Tripenguinman
Here is part two. It features Julene (JulienxMarlene), Prilene (PrivatexMarlene), and Martino (MarlenexAntino). The last one we have never seen these two together but who cares. We might as well analyize the facts on it.

Julene- I'm sorry to all the fans of this but no way. It will crash and burn. Julien obiviously has feelings for Marlene but there are too many holes in it. One, Julien is meer important to himself than Marlene is. Marlene needs full and utter attention which also explains a problem with skilene and marski. Not enough time for Marlene. Plus Marlene has made it clear that she...
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posted by ggreen7295
Blazing Love

-NYFD, 2300 Hours

An alarm rang, the brand men sprang to the pole and slid down to the 1st floor. And most immediately went to the brand trucks. One ran to another.

“What's the diagnoses?” One fireman asked

“A brand at the Central Park Zoo.” The other said.

The first fireman lowered his head, closed his eyes, and sighed in disappointment. “Jesus, people trying to kill animals these days?”

“I don't know if that was the cause of the problem.” Then he started to run towards a firetruck. Then he turned and put his arms out towards the fireman. “But there's only one way to...
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posted by Icicle1penguin

Septenber 3, 2019.

It was peaceful...too peaceful. Normaly I'd hear Julien dancing to muziek as usual. But then again, I was gone for 9 years. Maybe he'd changed...well, u never know.

The zoo was the same as when I left it. Exactly the same. Except there is no one crying and begging me to stay. And yes, that was my team who was crying and begging.

I wonder if they missed me. Do they still remember me?...I thought to myself. Maybe I'm just a distant memory to them. I sent them letters, but they never send any back. Don't they know that I'm comming? Maybe they're angry at me for leaving....
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posted by knocktimerico
Skipper barged into the pinguïn HQ, Kowalski still close behind, his head hung low with dejection. The first thing he noticed was Private lying on the table, bandaged, bruised, and unconscious, with Rico hovering around him.

He made a B-line to where the young pinguïn lay and visually assessed his injuries. After deciding that his wounds although serious, weren’t life threatening, Skipper demanded to know what happened.

Kowalski began to explain how Private had climbed the boom to rescue the kitten, how he was so close to saving zei kitten, and how the branch gave out under his weight. His...
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posted by knocktimerico
Skipper’s eyes slowly opened; his vision still blurry from sleep. He blinked twice to regain his focus. For a seconde he forgot where he was, he wasn’t in his bunk, and he wasn’t in the HQ. A brown figure lying volgende to him caught his attention. It was Marlene. He remembered telling her he would spend the night, knowing that his team could take care of themselves. He shrugged and returned back to a prone position and went back to sleep.

Fifteen minuten later he awoke again, but this time to the smell of vis coffee brewing on the table. He sat up and put his face in his flippers and let...
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posted by KowalskiTheLich
Three days passed and Skipper finally decided that the late night training exercises were not doing anyone any good. No one really knew why he had come to this conclusion, but perhaps he thought it was affecting Kowalski’s mind, as Kowalski had changed throughout the last three days.

Kowalski used to hate muziek and generally only tolerated it if it was soft and not repetitive and annoying. Now, he already listened to every record the penguins owned and even played them while he was fiddling with an invention. On dag three, he finally packed up all of his inventions and threw them into a corner,...
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posted by knocktimerico
Skipper had taken his time to get back from Marlene’s so he could piece together the best words to explain his and Marlene’s relationship, especially to young Private.

He entered through the fishbowl entrance as he usually would, and turned to face his team. Much to his surprise the three were standing facing him, almost as if they expected him.

“Skipper I believe there’s something u need to tell these two.” Kowalski stated as he motioned his flipper first towards Rico then Private. The two of the stared at Skipper anxiously, waiting to hear what Kowalski was talking about.

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posted by Cornflak
Unfortunate for the zoek to conclude in failure. Of course, one couldn’t complain when two of the three penguins that engaged the mission had been lacking in effort. The third penguin, Rico, had found something rather interesting. A gray crowbar partially stained with blood of seemingly unknown origin. Normally, the explosives expert tended to slikken any sort of object that sparked his interest, which, in this case, was so.

Now, at this point, Skipper and Kowalski really didn’t care for Private’s case, much to the small penguin’s delight. And then, typically, life went on as it had,...
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In fact, that night, Private had much difficulty in falling asleep. Simply the thought of a friend who was in need prevented the pinguïn from sleeping. He wondered if Rico was awake, too. He certainly hoped not. Private only wished the best for the regurgitating penguin.

Suddenly, a noise from below grasped Private’s full attention. On first inspection, it was difficult to determine what the sound was. Luckily, Private merely turned his head to the side and caught the perfect glimpse of Rico’s back. The heavyset pinguïn was slowly heading towards the television. This baffled Private, for...
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posted by Cornflak
Despite the fact that it was well early in the morning, the injured Private was gegeven a few hours to himself for rest and recovery. Skipper stayed true to his word, being sure as to give Private his privacy throughout the entire day. Having done this, the leader also granted the rest of the team absolute freedom for the day. Hopefully, this would give the other penguins some time to themselves. After Private’s unexpected disappearance, it was probably for the best.

Taking advantage of these moments, Kowalski chose to sit in a corner of the room, writing all of his thoughts on his notepad....
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posted by rico911910
..YOU LOOK AT THE volgende PAGE.......................
was nurses and docters all crowded around Skipper how was laying on the hospital bed shacking will the some of them were holding him down. One of the docters puting a oxagen mask on Skipper and held it there so he could breath easier. Then a nurse came in holding a shot with meadisen filled haf way to the top. As the meadisen was injeted into skipper to calm his hart-, hart rate down the room begian to fall into silence. Slower and slower his
heart started to bet. When the docters looked at the monuter they side in releaf when Skipper's hart-, hart rate...
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S:Skipper; K:Kowalski; P: Private; R: Rico; M:Marlene; J: Julien; Mau: Maurice; Mort:Mort. A: Alice

Part Two

Alice breaks the bottle against the top, boven of the cage and the glass shatters everywhere. She places the mes right in front of the cage door. She opens the cage.

A: Now u can get out! Let’s see if u are smart enough!!!

She stares at them and waits.

S: We aren’t gonna get out like this! Rico!
R: Blaghhh (he pukes a handglider and they all hold on to some ones leg. Alice watches with fury)
A: u aren’t off the hook that easy! And I guess u are wondering what happened to your little...
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[Skipper looks around. His pinguïn lair is empty]
    Skipper: Kowalski? Rico? Private? Anyone? All my men seem to be gone. Perhaps they’re at Marlene’s.
[He sneaks over to Marlene’s habitat, careful to not be seen]
    Skipper: Marlene? Marlene! She seems to be gone to! This must be a complot, but from who? The only suspicious activity I have seen came from…[Gasps] Kowalski!
[Skipper quickly rushes to the lemur habitat. After much searching (even underneath the "RoyalThrone")he finds it empty]
    Skipper: No! Not the lemurs too!...
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Kowalski is walking down the busy sidewalk and stops when he sees Skipper sitting on a straat corner with a tin can to collect change.
Skipper: Spare change for a new lair, please? Over here, I need dough!
Kowalski: Skipper? What are u doing?
Skipper: Kowalski, I never thought I would be happier to see your brain. How far are we from a new lair?
Kowalski looks in the cup and sees one candy wrapper along with a button.) At this rate centuries.
Skipper: We are depending on Rico and Private now.
Kowalski: No we’re not.
They see two penguins, Rico and Private, heading toward them.
Skipper: Report....
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added by Kinkystar