Penguins of Madagascar Club
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Weeks had passed. Manfredi, Johnson, and Rico had gotten to know each other considerably. Rico felt a little awkward for the first several days, afraid that Manfredi and Johnson wouldn't accept him after they'd discovered just how deep his secret ability went. But even after he upchucked the pipe wrench, crowbar, clipboard, and an assortment of nuts and bolts that he had managed to get into his gut at the facility, Manfredi and Johnson still treated him like any other penguin. Eventually, he found his comfort zone and started to enjoy his time with his new brothers.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Shouted Manfredi and Johnson simultaneously as Rico put another vis in his beak.

"Eleven!" Manfredi counted. "One meer and u owe me twenty herring." He told Johnson, grinning deviously. Rico had to refrain from laughing; if he did, he'd spit out his beak-full of fish. He picked up the last vis from the pile and started to push it into his beak. Though with some difficulty, he managed to wedge the vis in.

"Twelve! Yeah! I win!" Manfredi cheered.

Johnson put a flipper on his shoulder to calm him down. "Whoa, whoa, there. Slow your role, there, fishcake." He turned to Rico. "Can he actually close his beak?" He asked slowly, the corners of his beak lifting and a crease forming between his eyes.

Rico took a deep breath through his supraorbital gland and attempted to close his beak. A few moments later, his lower jaw met his upper, concealing the fish. Johnson turned and kicked some snow as Manfredi threw his flippers up in triumph and high fived Rico.

After celebrating, Manfredi stepped behind Johnson and patted his back. "Sorry, my friend. Maybe volgende time." He was trying to be sympathetic, but he couldn't hide a mild teasing tone in his voice.

"You're really gonna make me do this, aren't you?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

Johnson sighed and cursed under his breath. "Fine."

"Hey, a bets' a bet. Besides, u woulda made me do it." Manfredi pointed out folding his flippers.

"Good point. I'll be back soon." Johnson zei making his way for the ocean.

Manfredi turned to Rico-whose cheeks were no longer bulging with fish-waddling over to him. "Hey, pipsqueak, where'd the vis go?"

Rico patted his stomach. "Yum!" He replied happily.

Manfredi chuckled. "Well, if u like that, wait till u try some herring. It's really hard to find in these parts, but it's worth it when u do." He explained.

About eight minuten had passed and Johnson had only surfaced once to lay four herring in the snow, then duif back under to continue his hunt. Manfredi and Rico had busied themselves in a game of Twenty vragen as they tarried.

"Is it hard to find?" Manfredi asked. Rico nodded. "Is it found in the ocean?" Rico shook his head. "Can it be-"

Johnson broke through the surface of the water and hit the snow, belly-sliding between them screaming: "Run!"

For a moment, Manfredi and Rico remained sitting in the snow, processing what had just happened. Though, a microsecond later, they were broken out of their daze when a leopard zeehond, seal the size of an iceberg broke through the ice and caused the the defenseless penguins to be thrown onto their feet. They turned and belly-slid after Johnson with great speed, the adrenaline in their bodies racing through their veins faster than Halley's Comet. It didn't take long to catch up with Johnson.

"What the hell happened down there?!" Manfredi asked Johnson over the sounds of their bellies scraping along the snow and the hungry growling behind them.

"I was swimming and he just came out of nowhere!" Johnson replied. The leopard zeehond, seal was just inches from their very feet.

That's when the unthinkable happened.

The leopard zeehond, seal grabbed Manfredi's legs in his teeth and beg an thrashing him about. Rico and Johnson skidded to a halt and watched in horror for a moment before Rico did the first thing that came to his mind; he regurgitated the crowbar and threw it as hard as he could at the beast attacking his brother. It turned through the air a couple of times before the end buried itself into the leopard seal's neck. The savage creature cried out in pain, causing Manfredi to fall free from his jaws and into the snow. The leopard seal, terrified for his own life, took off in the other direction. Johnson and Rico rushed to Manfredi's side. There was a lot of blood; it pooled into the snow, leaking quickly from the deep bit marks in his side.

"Manfredi! Manfredi! Man, can u hear me?!" He asked in a panic, pulling his head and shoulders onto his lap. Manfredi groaned in response; sweat had began to accumulate and shine on his forehead.

"Whaweonnaoo?" Rico asked, meaning to ask what they were going to do.

"I dunno, pipsqueak. He's losing blood fast. Do u happen to have anything in that wondertum that can soak up some of this blood?"

Rico nodded and regurgitated some sweatrags that he'd collected at the facility long before they'd escaped. Johnson pressed them firmly to Manfredi's side.

"Rico, since Manfredi is incapable of moving, and he doesn't need to be left alone, I'll stay here while u go try to find help, okay?"

Rico nodded.

After around an uur of shuffling through the snow, Rico stumbled upon a village. He could hardly fathom his good luck. He awkwardly waddled through the streets of snow, catching leery glances from other penguins as he made his way through. Finally, he worked up the courage to ask someone where he might find a doctor.

"Doctor?" He asked an elderly woman who was busy chopping up a fish.

"Down the street, go left, third house on the right, dear." The elderly woman instructed kindly, pointing down the street. Rico nodded in understanding and appreciation and did as he was told. He knocked four times then waited for a response. A young female pinguïn answered; she was about half his age.

"Yes? This is Dr. Mavis's office."

Rico attempted to speak as best as he could. "Friend...hurt...blood..." His voice was very rough, which made a crease form between the girls' eyes.

"Um, is something wrong? u sound hoarse."

Rico shook his head. "Doctor!"

The girl nodded. "Okay! Okay! Come on in. He'll see u momentarily."

She pushed the door open further and gestured inward. Rico stepped in. There were four beds on one side of the room, only one was filled. A pinguïn about the girls' age laid upon it, sweating and shivering. The sight made a chill run down Rico's spine. He heard the door shut behind him and the girl appeared at his side with a smile.

"I'm Kari. What's your name?" She asked kindly.

"Rico." Rico grunted.

"Well, Rico, I'll go get Dr. Mavis. It was nice meeting you." She turned and went into another room. Rico looked once again at the boy that lay in the bed. He was awake now, and was weakly trying to reach the glass of water on his bedside table. Though hesitant, Rico waddled over, picked up the glass, and handed it to him. The boy accepted the glass and drank gratefully, looking at him through thankful eyes.

"Thank you." He whispered. Rico nodded. volgende thing he knew, Kari returned with an older man, presumably Dr. Mavis.

"Hello, young man. I'm Dr. Mavis. I see you've met Tom." Rico glanced at the boy in the bed, then relocked his eyes to Mavis's. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Friend, trouble." He grunted.

"Excuse me?" Dr. Mavis replied, perplexed door Rico's inaudibility.

"I think he was trying to say that his friend is in trouble, and that there's blood. For some reason, he can't seem to speak properly." Kari explained.

Mavis nodded. "And where is this friend of yours?" He asked him in a calming tone. Rico simply just walked over to the door and came to a halt, looking at Mavis with pleading eyes.

"I think he wants u to follow him." Kari suggested.

Mavis nodded. "I'll go get my bag." Mavis turned and entered a room, emerging a moment later with a bag in his grasp. Rico opened the door and lead Mavis out.

It didn't take long to reach Manfredi and Johnson. Johnson had slowed the bleeding enough to get Manfredi to his feet and the two of them were following Rico's trail. "My goodness! What happened?" Mavis asked in shock when his eyes met Manfredi's side.

"A leopard zeehond, seal attacked." Johnson answered.

Mavis took a quick mental survey of Manfredi's condition, then supported the side that Johnson wasn't. "We'll discuss this further once we get to my office. Come on." He instructed as he lead them to his office.

Once they'd arrived, Mavis immediately set to work, not wanting to waste a single second. He cleaned the wound and bound it tightly. "So, one of u wanna tell me what happened?"

"We told you, sir. We were attacked door a leopard seal." Johnson repeated.

"And how did u three escape zei leopard seal?" Rico and Johnson exchanged a glance. "Well?" Mavis urged.

Rico nodded to Johnson, permitting him to reveal his secret. Johnson sighed. "Well, Rico here has somewhat of a gift." Rico demonstrated door regurgitating a pipe wrench without difficulty.

Mavis was speechless for a moment, but quickly recovered. "I'm not even going to ask." He muttered. "Where are your parents?"

"We never knew our parents. We've spent most of our lives in a drug-testing facility run door humans. We only escaped from there a few months ago." Johnson explained. Mavis didn't look convinced. "It's the truth!"

Mavis sighed. "Alright. I'll bite. I'm Dr. Mavis. u two are?"

"Manfredi, and I'm Johnson" He answered gesturing to Manfredi, then himself.

"Well, Manfredi, you're going to need to stay with me for a few days to recover. As for u two, you're going to have to go to foster care, I'm afraid. u can visit from nine to seven."

"Foster care? What's that?" Johnson asked.

"It's where children that have no parents go to live until their either adopted of have reached adulthood."

"We're not children!" Johnson pretested.

Mavis cocked an eye. "Oh? How old are u three?"

"Rico's eight, Manfredi's twelve, and I'm almost thirteen."

"Well, I'm afraid that's considered children. I'm sorry."

"But we can't just leave him. We're like brothers." Johnson zei taking Manfredi's flipper in his, who had long since fallen asleep due to how weak he felt.

Mavis looked at them sympathetically. "Alright. u can stay the night. But tomorrow, you're going to have to go to the foster home. Understood?" Rico and Johnson nodded. Mavis sighed and returned to his office. Not ten seconden after he did, a voice was heard from behind.


Rico and Johnson turned their heads toward Kari, who was holding her flippers in front of her and bowing her head slightly, her cheeks a faint shade of pink. "Hi. I'm Johnson. This is-"

"Rico. I know. We've met. I'm Kari. I hope your friend gets better." She replied bashfully.

"Thanks. And u don't have to be shy. We may be different, but we won't bite." Johnson assured her with a kind smile. His attention shifted to Tom, who was in the neighboring bed. "What's wrong with him?" He asked.

"He was a late hatcher. He's lucky he's lasted four years. He recently became ill and we've started an untested therapy to try to save him." Kari explained.

"So he might die?"

There was a long silence. For Kari, it felt like years had passed before she replied. "It's a possibility, yes." Kari answered softly, the words hurting.

Johnson took notice of the pain in her eyes and a twinge of guilt pinched his stomach. "I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He zei slowly.

Kari shook her head. "No, you're fine. I just can't stand the thought. He's the only true friend I've ever had." She replied slowly, not taking her gaze away from Tom.

Johnson smiled sympathetically. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

"I hope you're right." Kari zei with a sigh, glancing at him, then returning to her place volgende to Tom's bed, dabbing his forehead with a wet cloth.

There was silence for the rest of the afternoon.


"Ready, Rico?" Johnson asked.

Since neither of them liked the idea of this 'foster care', they decided that they're best option was to sneak out at the dead of night.

Rico nodded; he had consumed a few of Mavis's supplies that they deemed necessary to keep Manfredi alive. Johnson helped Manfredi out of bed and the three of them started for the door on their tiptoes when they heard a groan. It was Tom.

"Where are u going?" He asked propping himself up in bed.

"We can't end up in foster care. We're getting out of here." Johnson answered.

"But Manfredi might not make it if u go." Tom pointed out.

"No, he'll be fine. Please, just go back to sleep." Johnson insisted.

"Yes, I think we should all go back to sleep."

Johnson, Rico, and Manfredi turned to the voice behind them. Mavis stood there with a dim lantern in his flipper. u could just make out his disappointed expression in the faded yellow.

"Busted." Rico muttered with a sigh.

"Damn, right, you're busted. What were u thinking? Manfredi, out in the cold in his condition? u could have killed him!" Mavis told them. The three penguins looked down with guilty expressions. Mavis sighed. "Look, I know u three don't want to be separated, but I have no choice. u need to be taken care of."

"But we were taking care of ourselves just fine." Johnson protested.

Mavis examined Manfredi with his eyes. "Oh, really? He zei sarcastically.

"So? Accidents happen. We're doing just fine on our own." Johnson insisted.

Mavis thought for a minute. "Alright, I'll make u a deal. u two stick around while Manfredi heals, and u can help me out around the office."

Johnson and Rico exchanged another glance, then looked back to Mavis and nodded, agreeing to the terms of the deal.

"Good. Now let's get him back in bed."

After getting Manfredi in bed, Rico and Johnson slept in the other beds for the night. They'd never slept in anything so comfortable, so falling asleep was like falling on a cloud.
"Earth?" asked Private. "Is it like our planet?" Kowalski paused, then he continued. "Originally it was a beautiful blue and green planet. Millions of lush plants and and polar ice badges were on the planet, it had vast oceans, like ours, that would roll and rumble across the sandy beach. Many things lived there, us penguins, otters, and even this group called, humans," zei Kowalski. "Then why is it called, the Black Star?" asked Private. Kowalski sadly sighed. "Too much work," zei Kowalski. "What happened?" asked Private. "You see, humans are greedy, evil, never-satisfied beings that always...
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When Private continued crying for Dr. Murdoch's death, they heard a loud bang, apparently, what Dr. Murdoch fell on when he died was a self-destruct button. They then saw parts of the roof break off and fall. "We must leave now!!" yelled Kowalski. "The place is falling apart!! We gotta go now Private!!" yelled Marlene. "I will go with you, but we will take Dr. Murdoch's body with us!!" zei Private, tears in his eyes. "Rico!! Lift the body out of here!!" zei Skipper. Rico lifted up Dr. Murdoch's body, and slung it over his shoulder. Another part of the roof broke off and hit the ground, making...
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posted by Cherpeng
As continued, Kowalski found a magical tonic that makes people smart and wants to drink it but Skipper wont allow him to drink some ,since he might get parilized.The stemmen are clear that I should continue, enjoy! :D

Kowalski sat on his bed in depress and mumbled "It's just not fair." Over and over to himself.Skipper looked at Kowalski and then stared down on the floor. Private walked cautionary near Kowalski and zei "When Skipper zei u can't drink it, it really was for your own good." soothing Kowalski a bit,"I know but he wont even allow me to look at it of read who it was from."Kowalski...
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posted by Metallica1147
Chapter 2

Marlene was getting an ice pack for Private's sprained flipper. Private was looking over at her. His crush was starting to grow on him, and then Marlene got the ice pack.

"Here u go Private!" Marlene zei happily.

"Thanks Marlene." Private zei happily as well.

He was getting nervous around her. There was tension building up in his body. He wanted to say something but he just couldn't.

"Marlene, do you…by any chance…like anyone here?" Private asked.

What kind of a vraag was that? u dope. Private thought to himself.

"Sure. Everyone here is my friend. Well…mostly everyone." Marlene...
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Indescribable, that's all Marlene could think when she saw what lied beneath Lilly's ribbon, it was so grotesque that Marlene had almost screamed in disgust, but she couldn't, she had to let the team rest. That was a night ago. Now they had to go find Herelde, the woman with the mirrors. When Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico woke up, Marlene was curled up in a fetal position, shaking and sweating. "Marlene, what happened to you?" asked Kowalski. Before Marlene could speak, Lilly started to talk, tightening her ribbon. "She merely had a nightmare, she should be fine," zei Lilly, giving Marlene a...
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The monster charged at Skipper, with full intent on killing him. Skipper ran between the monster's legs and panted. "Rico!! Gimme all the weapons u have!!" yelled Skipper. Rico nodded his head and threw up all of their guns, knives, and chainsaws, but before Skipper could grab a hold on any of them, the monster slurped up all the weapons, except for a small knife. "Skippah!! We're gonna die!!" yelled Private, screaming and crying. Then, Skipper grabbed Private and smacked him as hard as he could. "Listen Private!! We can do this!! All we need to do is stick together!!" yelled Skipper. "Guys!!...
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They felt disappointed when I told them about the commercial incident. So, I went straight to the manager that told me that and bailed out of the agreement. He went furious with me and decided to close my kiosk.

"It was the right thing to do, Private," Skipper explained.

We decided to post some banners about new recruits applying for the war for Dr. Blowhole. We were all astonished on what we saw. It was some of Blowhole's old Crustacean Warriors. They quitted a long time ago, just after we exited through our recent victory when we stopped him in our last battle.

So, we headed to his headquarters...
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Me:but who why when
Skipper:we don't know who and don't know why but it happen right now
Harry:I know why a gryffindory did this because some how they want to go the chamber
Hermonie:we'll ask Hagrid
Ron:oh sure we can go like: " oh hello Hagrid do u know anything about the chamber"
Hagrid:no talking about are u
All of us:no
Me:some how he knows
Wood:today we'll toon hufflepuff we'll bet them
Fred(or greoge) : Harry will stop them with his starting thing that can freeze them
Me:Harry the games called off u have to see this
At the hoptil wing
Me:hermonie been...
Harry and Ron:hermonie
Me:she was in the bibliotheek
End of part 9 well hermonie live *dramcie music*
I woke up with an excited attitude of mine on the go. I was really excited to open my new kiosk in the Safari Hotel (which is here), on the ground floor.

Everyone went outside to koop for their needs. Julien and his vrienden went to the Department Store and supermarkt to shop. While Skipper, Rico, and Kowalski went out to buy, too. I was left alone here on the ground floor with no one who is buying my product. But suddenly, a customer came, it was Leonard! I was shocked and asked myself, How did he get here?

He zei that he went here after the "Me Talent Show" just finished. He built his airplane...
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Me:soooooo that's wasn't so hard was it
Harry: oh really then was
Skipper:it's really great to be here Alex because u
Me and the wizard:...........?
Skipper: I mean u know
At defans art and dark magic
Proffeser:today you'll learn how to make sure a vampire doesn't bite you
*bells ring* ringgggggggg
At lunch
Me:well what do we have in the-
Ron:we don't have anything
Precy:are u leaving Alex with the penguins?
Me:yeah! Harry,Ron,Hermiome u can come
The three of them:really!
Me:yeah my parents think it's okay
Harry:well now we know who you-
Me:should we go to bed
Harry:right penguins following me and Ron
Hermione:good night private *blows a kiss*
Me:night skipper
Skipper:night Alex
Harry:night Alex
volgende moring
At dark defense and dark magic
Professor q:a-a-and remaeber that I-I-f u ever find a v-v-v-aprime use garlic *bells ring*
at lunch
Me:I am telling u mayfol is going to get u in trouble
Harry:don't worry
Skipper:who mayfol
Me:someone u don't want to me
Mayfol:why not Alex
Me:no reason jerk
Mayfol:I'll see u griffdory at flying lesson
Me:ahggggggg again
Harry:don't worry it won't happen like on the 1year
Private:what happen?
Hermoien:you don't want to know
Part 3 ends
Part 4 coming soon to a fanpop near you
posted by Marika_1996
u may like to read it as an introduction to my stories (yes, there will be meer of them!).

I zei it about 124th time today, though. But I still, still can't believe it. I've been here for three months, and I still say 'Wow' every day. Why?
I'm living in the middle on New York ina secret HQ with a command, including 4 guys and 4 girls. u know, the Penguins.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Before u leave, just let me tell u that it isn't a Mary Sue story. I'm not a Super Cool And Wonderful Girl Who Saves The World And Finds Her True Love. No. I'm just a fifteen years old nerd, who isn't sure...
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posted by Bluepenguin
 "I can't believe Ester, a girl I've known for a third of my entire life, would decide to just flirt with Rico, and in front of my very eyes!"
"I can't believe Ester, a girl I've known for a third of my entire life, would decide to just flirt with Rico, and in front of my very eyes!"
Writer: Bluepenguin
Idea and Credit: skipperfan5431

Kowalski stares at Ester skipping away gleefully, dragging the completely baffled and perplexed Rico with her.

Skipper: Well, I guess that settles that.
Private stares sincerely up at Kowalski.
Private: Kowalski? Are u alright?

Kowalski does not respond for a moment, what with this being the seconde woman that has rejected him, Doris being the first and now Ester. He does not look down at Private, and keeps gazing into the distance.

Private: ....Kowalski?
Kowalski: I'm... I'm fine Private. I'll be in my lab...

Kowalski leaves, still stunned door the...
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posted by Colonelpenguin
Everyone was gone except for two of the penguins.
the others where on a vacation with Kaitlyn's sister Leah which she was very annoying.
So I didn't go but my cell phone ranged a pinguïn zei "Do u know I'm a dimwit?"
"I'm a dimwit?"i zei and the pinguïn zei "You're sure are!" I hanged up angrily and zei "it could be Skipper,Lily,or Rico."
Private's phone ranged volgende a the pinguïn zei "Is you're refrigerator running?" "I don't know," zei private. "If it is you'd better catch it!" The voice said.
Private zei angrily "It could be Kowalski,Rico,or Lily" he complained. But as soon as he zei it Skipper ran in. me and Private gasped like if the winkies were going out of business.
"Don't be alarmed I was here the whole entire time,and sorry if I didn't let one of u go instead," He said."But Private all the penguins u zei were wrong,"

Kowalski managed to get back to the HQ, crawl into bed and pretend to sleep for a while, all before warm-ups began. He participated as normally as possible - until Alice showed up. She was shocked to find one enclosure of the Reptile House had been burned horribly - as was the inhabitant of the enclosure.

Skipper was equally shocked upon overhearing this, and had his team investigate while Alice called the police.

One of the first things Skipper noticed was that the secret flipper-scanner had been opened. He had Rico cough up a flipper-print duster, and had Kowalski dust the scanner.

"No prints,...
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Julien is not the kind of lemur,
Who should be speeding on a stolen news busje, van towing a pine tree,
And Skipper is not the kind of penguin,
Who should be stalking a bunch of Santas…

Marlene would rather make some peace,
When there’s a conflict between Charles Dickens vs rock and roll,
In the decorations committee,
Instead of getting involved in a snowball fight,
Something that Burt definitely started,
Thanks a lot for squishing the snowmen guitarists,
We all lose ourselves in a flashback,
Where Santa comes and says:

"Don't give up, pick yourselves off the floor,
Ya-You can save Kidsmas,
By cleaning...
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posted by anna447
But the king still fearful for his girls life decred that all spining weels shall be burned.and so it was done.the 3 good sorsoris know a bonfire was not going to stop jane so they made a plan. the plan was to raice the child themselfs without magic.and so the king and qween wacthed as there only child disappered into the night.

marlene keeped her name and grow up to be the most bueatifulist otter in the land.she was loved door all she the forbiddin pcik jane had not yet found was marlene's 28th bday.the dag jane's corese was to come true.meanwile tamon was takeing his horse for a storel when he heard marlene's singing he sing along.
posted by skipperfan5431
The clone hung Lilly and Marlene upside-down from the monument. To make matters worse, Lilly is afraid of HEIGHTS! (go figure huh?) " Lilly,Lilly,Lilly.You had the chance to be mine forever, but instead u wanted to hit." The clone turns his head to reveal an eye-patch covering his other eye! *lol! She poked his eye out!* Lilly smiled proudly. " Yeah, volgende i'll go for the other one and make it even!" She mocked. " Oohhh, BURRRN!" Marlene teased. Then, he lost his temper, he cut the rope that was teathering Lilly to the ground, and down she fell.
The clone moved to...
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posted by skipperfan5431
The boys are in the HQ doin'n their own thing, when suddenly, another Skipper (real) springs in. " What the?!" Asked the clone, trying to play it off. " Got ya now CLONE! Get him boys!" Skipper commands, pointing his flipper to the imposter. None of his teammates obeyed. " How are we so sure YOURE not the clone?" Kowalski asked skeptically. " Yeah! Get them BOTH boys!" Lilly adds. On her command, everyone jumped onto a Skipper,and tied them each to a chair. "Come on boys, u know it's me!" The clone Skipper pleaded, but all of a sudden,one of his contacts fell out! He was...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Kowalski ran into the room as soon as he heard Lilly's voice. " You're on the plane. Skipper saved your life outhere. A-few meer minuten and those fumes would have killed you!" Lilly smiled. " Aww. How sweet." she zei to Kowakski. " When X took me off the ride, what did u guys say?" Lilly asked suspiciously. " Uh nothing! Nothing at all." Kowalski replied in a nerveous way. " Really? Because I could hear u boys giggling like little school girls from outside the door." Lilly said. " Well...." Skipper walked in. "Here he is, MR.HERO!!!" yelled Kowalski as he pushed Skipper twoard's Lilly's...
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