Penguins of Madagascar Club
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posted by peacebaby7
Pitterpatterpitterpatterpitterpatter... zei the raindrops as they made contact with the roof of the HQ. That, and the tick-tocking of the clock, were the only sounds that filled the air. Kowalski and Rico sat at the tafel, tabel in silence, occasionally exchanging glances. Skipper leaned against a nearby uithangbord staring out the window, even though there was nothing to see but the blueness of the water in their pond. He had made some coffee and was holding a mugfull, but he hadn't drinken any of it and had allowed it to get cold. None of them had zei a single word since they'd returned.

Kowalski and Rico exchanged another glance. Though they did not speak, they knew they were wondering the same thing: When was Skipper going to realize his mistake? Kowalski developed a lump in his throat and he coughed lightly to try and clear it, causing Skipper to flinch. His attention immediately went to the hatch in hopes that Private had returned. His eyes shifted to Kowalski when he spoke.

"Sorry, Skipper. That was just me."

The corners of Skipper's beak fell in disappointment and his gaze returned to the clear blue behind the glass.

"Skipper, if u want to go after him, no one would blame you." Kowalski finally said.

For a moment, Skipper remanied silent, but it was hard to tell if it was because he was considering his answer of if he had even heard Kowalski's vraag in the first place. Finally, he answered. "No. He'll be back soon. Probably any minuut now."

"Skipper, now, u and I both know that that's not true.-"

"He's fine. And he'll soon realize his mistake. He's obviously capable of taking care of himself and doesn't need us. End of discussion." Finally, he took a sip of his coffee and frowned at its temperature.

Kowalski took a deep, frustrated breath and approached Skipper and turned him around door his shoulder so Skipper and he were face to face. "Skipper, this is where I draw the line. Who knows what Private is going through right now? He could...what if he's caught? Or-Or gets lost? He's just a boy! You're telling me you're just gonna sit back and do nothing?! That's not the Skipper I know." He finished folding his flippers. Skipper wanted to respond, but was unsure of how to. Kowalski, hart-, hart pounding, continued. "Skipper, are u really gonna let your ego and stubborn nauture get in the way of doing what's right? I know deep down, some part of u knows that Private needs us right now. That Private needs you right now."

There was another awkward silence. Longer this time.

"Fine. Then I guess Rico and I will go look for him ourselves." Kowalski turned and started for the hatch, Rico followed. But the sound of Skipper's voice stopped them.

"Wait." He spoke up softly. Kowalski and Rico turned to him as he gently set his cup on the tafel, tabel and waddled over to them. He came to a stop just inches from them. "With all due respect, I'd like to take point." He zei meeting each of their gazes. Kowalski and Rico exchanged a glance, then turned back and saluted their leader with a smile.

Normally, Skipper would return the salute, but Kowalski had gegeven him something to think about. If he hadn't been so stubborn...if he'd just have listened to Private...If anything happened to him, he wouldn't know how to live with himself. He didn't feel as though he deserved a salute. He just nodded and pressed on.


So this is what pure guilt feels like. As if your hart-, hart had just twisted into a ball, draining it of its blood, then falling into the pit of your stomach, weighing u down and causing your thoughts to focus on one thing: Making sure it's not too late before u can make things right again.

They'd been searching for almost an uur and couldn't find a trace of Private. The storm wasn't helping. Skipper recalled the last time Private snuck away to help the Amarillo Kid 'borrow' the famous Westchester Putter. He told Private to add some sneakaway drills to his training resumé because of the trail he left for them to follow. In the weeks that followed, Skipper was sure to do just that. It certainly paid off, and Skipper cursed himself. He wasn't sure how to feel. Aside from the guilt, he was worried that something might happen to Private. He was proud that Private had such guts and bravery to defy his orders to help a friend, yet annoyed that he had succeeded in getting away without a trace. He was also furious...with himself. He let this happen. And if something did happen to him, it'd be his fault. And it was turture to think that if something did happen to him, he'd of never gotten the chance to apologize to him. Private's theory may have been a little unbelieveable, unlikely, even. But not impossible. And he wasn't incompetent. He was a wonderful soldier. No... Skipper thought to himself. He is a wonderful soldier. He couldn't think of him in past tense, not as long as the feeling in his gut told him he was okay. He looked up at the clouds. Please, if there is a God, give me the chance to tell him that. Even though I don't deserve it.


Skipper flinched at the sound of Kowalski's voice.

"Are u alright?" He asked through worried eyes.

Skipper looked away as he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just keep moving." He answered.

Kowalski hesitated, but zei it anyway. "You're a lot alike, u know. u and Private, I mean."

"What are u talking about?" Skipper asked peering around a corner.

"He learned a lot from you. And during your argument, it was as if u were arguing with a mirror."

Skipper thought about their argument. When he did, he realized that Kowalski was meer right than he realized. Whenever Skipper crossed his flippers, Private did the same. If he raised his voice, Private matched his volume. And vice-versa. When Private pointed at him, Skipper pointed an angry flipper back at him. The thought made Skipper feel worse. Private was turning into a little Skipper. A better one than himself in his own opinion.


" dare he call me incompetent..." Private muttered to himself as he waddled through New York in zoek of Leonard.

He'd searched the streets that were closest to the zoo and found nothing. He searched the park-nothing. Worry began to mix in with the anger that remained burning in his cheeks. As afraid as the thought made him, he only had one option.

He had to go to the junkyard.

If Leonard was there, there's a chance that he could save him. If he wasn't, then he'd have to keep searching the streets of New York and try to find him before someone else did.

It didn't seem to take as long to reach the junkyard last time. Maybe it was the fact that they took the car. of the fact that they didn't know how dangerous that place was before. Private's little webbed feet seemed to have a mind of their own. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, his feet gradually began to drag through the water that pooled on the sidewalk.

He started to wonder what Skipper was doing right now. Probably laughing at me... Private thought. I'll toon you, Skipper. I'll prove u wrong. He promised himself. He was so deep in thought that he didn't realize that he'd arrived at the junkyard.

He slowly approached the gates; his hart-, hart started beating faster...beads of sweat gathered at his forehead, at the back of his neck, at the palms of his flippers...a lump formed in his throat. He slapped himself.

"Come on, u nancycat!" He muttered to himself. "You are not afraid. u are not afraid." He told himself. He took a deep breath and peered into the junkyard.

From what he could see so far, it was empty. He took another breath and entered. The rain poured down on him from above. the clouds roared and cracked. The mud beneath his feet pushed between his toes with each step. The rain made it nearly impossible to see nor hear. He stayed close to the piles of junk, trying to stay hidden. He peered around a corner. He saw no one. He was about to go on when a voice behind him caused him to turn on his heel, getting into combat position.

"Looking for someone?" The voice said.

Private's eyes widened when he saw who owned the voice.



One uur and Seventeen minuten Ago...


Slowly, Leonard opened his eyes. His vision was blurred slightly and he rubbed his eyes. His surroundings were unfamiliar, and damp. There was some sort of large rusty canopy-like thing overhead, acting as an umbrella, keeping him dry...for the most part.


Leonard shook his head and ran his paw though his vacht, bont to clear it of the rusty water that was dripping on him from the crack of the rusty sheet of metal from above. Just as he was getting to his feet, a voice was heard to his left and he turned.

"Where do u think you're going?"

Leonard turned to meet the face to the voice. "Who are you?" He asked a crease forming between his eyes.

"Who I am is none of your concern."

"Well, considering I have no idea where I am of how I got here, I'd say it is my concern." Leonard protested crossing his arms.

"Don't know where u are? Look around, teddy bear."

Leonard wasn't sure if he should take his eyes off of her, unsure of what she could do if he did, but he did anyway. He looked at his surroundings beyond the canopy. This place did look familiar...his face fell in realization.

He was in the junkyard. It looked different soaked in rain, and during the day.

"Why did u bring me here?" He asked turning back to her.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"And if I try to leave?"

She just evil smile that sent a chill down Leonard's spine.

At least he thought that was a chill.

The smell of fresh blood and flesh that suddenly filled his nostrils and the constant air that moved up and down his back changed that. He closed his eyes and let his arms fall to his sides with a sigh.

"I'm sure u remember Killer?"

Leonard, now angry, opened his eyes slightly. "How could I forget?" He replied. "But what do you have against me? What have I ever don't to you?"

"You? Nothing. But those penguins should be here to rescue u any time now. Then I will have satisfying revenge."

"So you're gonna use me just to get to them?"

"Well, when Killer and I met-long story short-we made a deal. I'd help him get to u if he'd deal with a couple of enemies of mine. He'd get five meals, I'd have my revenge. It seemed like a fair trade. And everything went just as planned. Now we wait."

A little over an uur had passed. Leonard started to think that they weren't coming for him. That they all thought he was crazy. Maybe it was for the best. Whoever this chick was obviously had it out for the penguins for some reason. And with Killer at her side, she was bound to have the advantage. That's when she came back from scouting the zoo and told he and Killer that Private had just come into the junkyard. Leonard's hart-, hart plummeted.

Private came back for him.

Killer pushed Leonard vooruit, voorwaarts and the three of them crept around the rommel, ongewenste and through the muddy dirt of the junkyard. Rain poured from overhead. Finally, he saw Private ahead, peering around a corner. He wanted to call out to him, but Killer put his paw over his mouth.

"Make a single noise and I'll kill u and your friend on the spot." He hissed into his ear. When they got close enough, she spoke up.

"Looking for someone?"

Private whipped around and his face fell in shock.

posted by kivamarie
the story starts with me waking up in the rainforest. yup that's me I'm Kiva a muis I look like minnie muis but different. I wear a roze bow a roze dress and roze shoes. and I have brown eyes.

Me: (wakes up) ugh my head (looks around) hallo where am I? one moment i was sleeping and the volgende thing I know I'm in a rainforest, I better get up and get a better look (tries to get up but lays on the ground) ow! why can't I get up (looks at my leg it was broken and it had blood stains on it) oh no oh no my leg i think it might be broken! but how am i suppose to check to see if my leg is broken? there's...
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In DreamTropolis
Tom Tucker: Well, it seems the Masked Power Racer is in front and he seems to have Team pinguïn in the car.
P: Are u sure u don't mind sharing your titel with us?
Power Racer: What matters is that u guys are alright. (the car crosses the finish line)
Kent Brochman: THE MASKED POWER RACER AND TEAM pinguïn WIN!!! (everyone gets out of their cars)
K: Thanks for helping us during the race.
S: But, still, why did u help us?
Power Racer: Well, guys. This might be shocking.
Tom Tucker: It seems like the Masked Power Racer is about to take off his mask. (the Power Racer slowly takes...
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posted by andresandru
"Marlene?!" Skipper said, coonfused

"you heard me comando,
don't seem a dumb,
get this out
or I'll break your lung!" Marlene sang

"hahaha! it worked!!!!" Private shouted

"so the real cause was actualy you,
what a liar, what a no-good,
you annoying rainbow-lover, yes you,
you're completly crazy, u should be mr. bad mood!"

Suddently Private changed, he was wearing a half-broken skull T-shirt and was eating a brown lollypop

"Private?" Kowalski zei lowly, Private turned andthrew his lolypop at the brainy

"Private!" Skipper zei "those aren't modals of a-" Skipper stopped himself seeing that Private didn't...
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posted by stlouisfan
A shadowy figure grabbed Skipper's tape recorder and moved into a seperate and meer private room. The figure closed the door and made sure that he was alone. He pushed the record button on the tape recorder and began speaking.

"Private's log. June, 8th. I am very frightened now. It has been only a couple of days, but I fear that my life may be in danger. I've had some frightening enemies in the past. Dr. Blowhole, The Red Squirrel, and even the Amarillo Kid. But this guy frightens me meer than any of them combined. Who is this person that frightens me? I don't even know who he is. No, not he....
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posted by legendary7
It was a frozen Central Park winter morning. All the penguins had just woke up from their night snooze. Every pinguïn except Kowalski had just awakened. Kowalski had been up all night in his lab creating his latest invention.
S: "Up and at 'em, boys!"
P: "Good morning, Skippah! Where's Kowalski?"
Skipper shrugged
S: "He's probably still in his lab. Kowalski?!"
Kowalski exhaustedly strode out of his lab.
K: "I'm finished! Well almost anyway."
S: "What do u mean 'almost'?"
K: "The one chemical I need is only found in the forest's leaves around a vacant hotel upstate."
S: "Splendid! And you're suggesting...
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"(Snore...Snore...) OW!!!" Starlite yelled, something had hit her head while she was sleeping. She rubbed her eyes and then opened them. Her beak dropped. It was a oasis, the gras was go green u would say it was plastic, palm trees and fruit trees surrounded a crystal-clear river, the river was fed door a beautiful waterfall. If u could call it that, the waterfall was only a metre high. "Am i in heaven?" She whispered as she looked at the vis swimming in the crystal water. "No, because u don't belong there." She heard a familiar voice say, Skipper came swooping in via a vine, he was dripping....
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posted by Saracuda
It was dark when the team returned from a mission. They were exhausted though Skipper tried to hide it. In spite of himself he realized he was swaying on his feet. Private let loose a wide yawn and Kowalski kept falling alseep standing up AND walking at the same time. Rico snored every so often, his head hanging on his shoulder like a pillow.
The penguins half climbed, half fell down the ladder and collapsed onto their bunks. But their sweet imediate dreams were short-lived. Suddenly the alarm blared and four groggy penguins hobbled into a weak defensive position.
A cloaked figure of a four-legged...
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posted by Saracuda
"2:30." Liberty thought to herself. He should BE here door now! She looked nervously over her shoulder. Liberty was a young lioness. She'd recently moved to New York city from her quiet home pagina in Africa. Her sisters and one brother had all been taken to separate zoos. She'd been sent to Central Park Zoo. She was so lonely. So cold. Then she met a lively bunch of commando penguins.
She couldn't help but smile as she thought of how they'd first met. It had been raining. Liberty was moping around looking for anyone familiar. Suddenly a small pinguïn had dropped out of the trees and landed on her. He...
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In the Family Guy universe
Peter: I got the fuel we need. (pulls out some cans of beer)
Cleveland: Quick question, is the bier for the fuel of for you?
Peter: For the fuel, Cleveland. (runs over a skeleton on a motorcycle) Sorry, Ghost Rider!
P: We're seem to be making meer progress than Johnny Test and Robot Chicken.
K: Seems like Susan is making something to keep everything Johnny can hear censored.
S: u can tell from the rearview mirror?
K: Well, yea, and I have a feeling that some foul language is gonna come along. (the Masked Power Racer's car comes door the penguins' car and the window is down)...
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"Man, i am BEAT!", zei M/arlene walking back to her habitat. She was still a little confused about the happings of today."I cant be falling in love with Skipper... i just can't!...Must have been the sun, i mean if i hadnt noticed he had blue eyes before...NAH!!", as she has finished reussuring herself, she heard a rustle inside the bushes. Suddenly a sok was put over her mouth, as she fainted, a sack was put over her head.

"Well Skipper... Looks like tomorrow is all ready, we are a go in 200 hours...Skipper?" zei Kowalski looking over his notepad at his commando. Who was lost in his own world....
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hallo guys! Merry Christmas! This is my first fanfic, and I’m a bit too late, I know. Haha, anyway, here it is. Hope u like it! ^^

The animals are shown to be merrily preparing for one of the most-awaited events of the year: Christmas.

A decorated periscope is seen surveying the whole zoo. Marlene’s putting up a Christmas sock, the chimps making some sort of statue out of cans, and Julien and his servants were dancing to the beat that’s loud as ever. Every animal in the zoo appear to have put up Christmas socks in their habitats. Kowalski pushes away the periscope and goes to where his...
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posted by EppofangirlXD
"This is the monkey habitat," Danny announced, waving around. I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Actually, we're chimpanzees, not monkeys," a chimp with a British-like accent said. He was picking up a banaan peel that the other chimp had thrown on the ground. "You see, we don't have tails."

"Whateva," Julien rolled his big yellow eyes. "A monkey's a monkey, tail of no tail!" Then he doubled over laughing with Mort, who had a REALLY high-pitched squeal.

The other chimp scowled and signed something in what I assumed was sign language. He caught my interest.

"What did he just sign? Why doesn't he just talk?"...
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Author’s Note: Sorry for the wait everyone. My computer has a virus and I can’t use it. So till I get a new computer now I have to use my mom’s small laptop. Sorry for the long wait everyone.

Chapter 9:The Parade

The volgende morning, it was time. The alliance and the red kreeft army were getting ready to invade the parade and take over the city. The penguins, otters, and Nori was still tied and locked up in the other room. It was just about time for attack.

“Alright everyone, today is the day!” zei Hans, “Today we invade the parade and take over this city!”

“Yeah and toon those...
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Moving in the Danger Zone

When Kowalski entered the zoo again, he made himself clear that he had to be even meer careful then before. If Skipper caught him now, Private was lost…

But he knew what to do. Something told him that Rico was still here… somewhere. And he was alive. Kowalski thought about that gut feeling. Surely, it was just a hope his mind was clinging to, not to give up. Skipper had always told him to listen to his gut. Skipper… Kowalski's stomach cramped. The old Skipper. Nothing was left of their leader, their protector. He was now the greatest danger of all.

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posted by ally11
Private:LET ME GO
Private:because I am missing the LUNACORNS!!!
blowhole:u love the lunacorns? I love the LUNACORNS
Private:NO WAY!
(they'd watched the lunacorns)
(back at the HQ)
Kowalski:guys I have something to say
skipper:what about doris?
Kowalski:I zei that to make private jeouls
Skipper:whoa did not see that caming
(at blowhole's lair)
Private:Aww commical
Blowhole:awww Harry potter u suck hope u die in the last movie YEAH VOLDY!
private:Harry potter is amazing
(back at the HQ)
(skipper slaps Kowalski)
Skipper:Kowalski! Stop watching this Harry potter movies-oh which one are u watching?
Kowalski:deathly hallows part 1
Skipper:oh did u hear that part 2 comes out volgende jaar
Kowalski:OH YEAH GO HARRY!!!
It was a rainy dag in the zoo of new york. The time is 2:30pm and the penguins are inside there home.

Private: This is the boring dag ever, I wish we can do something that we never try yet.

Skipper: Well Private, we have to wait for the rain to go away. It`s too wet and cold.

Kait: *comes in as a pinguïn and shakes to dry her feathers* u guys, don`t go outside of u will be wet like me.

Skipper: Kait.....

Kait: What?

Kowalski: *comes out of his lab and see Kait and the wet floor* Kait, u got the floor wet.

Sikpper: HEY, I was goes to say that!

Rico: * comes in with wet feathers*

Skipper and Kowalski:...
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posted by SummerPoM
Chapter 5 - Underwater

Near Bermuda Triangle, 3 a.m.

The morning sky was a little cloudy, but it was not hard to see what was ahead.
"How many kilometers away is Bermuda Triangle?", Skipper asked Kowalski.
"About 7 of 8 miles. Probably there will be turbulence", Kowalski said. "We will be in the driehoek soon."

The time passed fast. Very fast.
Kowalski was sleepy, like Private, Rico, Marlene and the others, except Skipper. His coffee was infallible.
"Want one?" Skipper zei as he offered a cup of coffee for him.
"Thanks, Skipper", Kowalski said, yawning and put the plane on automatic control. "But...
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posted by alexrusso-213
Harry:Alex today is your special dag
Alex:fun-sized dag
Harry:yeah I guess and we get to do whatever u want
Alex:aw your a nice boyfriend
Harry:yeah I guess
Mars:where are u going can I come
Alex:yes and I don't know where were going
Mars:how about laser tag I love laser tag so do u Alex
Alex:true and we could also go to the zoo
Harry:so laser tag first?
Alex and mars:YEAH!
(at laser tag)
Alex:me,mariella and Hermy are one team and u and Ron on another
Ron:wow u vs your girlfriend
Harry:SHUT UP!
(alex shot Ron)
mariella:now Harry
(after laser tag)
Alex:I bet your team hahahahaha
Harry:hahahahaha okay Alex u won know to the zoo
End of part 1 wonder if skipper falls for Alex
posted by juhpink
- Heeeeey there!!!!!- zei Julien.
-Ringtail?What are u doing here?- Repleid Skipper.
-I am here just to invite u All for my Ball.
-No, thank you.
-Ahahah, don't say no for the king!
-Look, Julien, we have a lot of things to do, I am sorry.
-But it will be the passionates ' s night, I am going to take my future girlfriend.
Before Skipper open his beak, Julien said:
-I will see u there, take a girl.
-Guys, tonight we are going to the ball.Get ready.
-But Skipper, who are we going with?
Skipper was going to invite Doris, but he wouldn't do it with Kowalski.
-Ah, I know. We will go to the city...
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"Skipper, that straal, ray was-" Kowalski said, before getting cut off, once again, door Skipper.
"Blowhole's technology, I know, Kowalski," Skipper said, becoming annoyed. "Now drop the subject, already."
"That straal, ray was mine!" Kowalski yelled, covering his beak quickly.
Skipper stopped in his tracks, and looked disbelievingly at the scientist. "That ray, was yours?" Skipper repeated. Kowalski looked at the ground, nodding slowly. "So u disobeyed my orders, Kowalski?"
"I'm sorry, Skipper!" Kowalski cried, looking at Skipper in anguish. "I couldn't help myself! Banning me from inventing is like banning...
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