Penguins of Madagascar Club
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"Psst! Skipper! Get up," whispered Sky into his ear-hole whilst shaking him. After a few seconds, Skipper opened his eyes groggily and sat up to look at her. "Why the duce did u wake me up SO early?" he asked, slipping out of bed. Sky grinned sheepishly, pulled out the back up calendar and pointed to the date. 'March 31st - April 7th, Prank Week' thought Skipper flatly. "Alright, I'm up. So what's the pranking agenda of the day?" quieried Skipper as he raised a nonexistent eyebrow.
"Ohhhhhh Skippy, THINK FAST!" shouted Emily, appearing in front of them with a rope wrapped around her webbed foot and threw a cream pie in their faces! Skipper glared daggers at her however, Sky (on the other hand) swiftly remarked,
"You know your making ths easy, right?" and tugged at the rope, making both Emily and Aj fall to the stony HQ ground. After a series of groaning, Emily croaked out, "Touché..!" and collapsed to the ground.
"Point 1 for T Team!" cheered Skipper and Sky simultaneously as they high fived victoriously.
"And S Team! We got u first!"argued Aj whils waving his flippers around to emphasise his debate.

"Are u kids up already?" questioned
Mrs.Fishbone, peering down at her childeren.

"Aye mam, divn't u already na that though? I mean u should na what we're like!" replied Aj (A/N:For thoughts of u who need a reminder, Aj has a Gordie accent!)
Looking at the clock Skipper noticed that it was break fast time so he called for his team, "Up and Adam, boys!" right after the words left his mouth, only Kowalski and Private lined up in front of him.

"Is someone missing? Re-call!" barked Skipper, folding his flippers over his chest.


"Here and ready!"


"Rico? ...Kowalski! Analysis!" instructed a confused Skipper. Kowalski opened his mouth to sy something when he was interupted door a loud...
"It appears that Rico is top-side, Skipper," answered Kowalski, checking his abacus. They all belly-slid out side to see Rico and violet sleeping in each others arms. "I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" announced Emily and rushed back inside to get a bucket.
"Erm, sis...I think hitting them on the head with a bucket would just knock them out..."Aj mumbled, looking slightly amused.
"I never zei I was going to do that...!" argued Emily back and swiftly filled the bucket up with pool water.
"Are sure u wanna-" asked Private but was cut off.
"1 for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready and 4 to GO!" screamed Emily and chucked the refreshing water at them. Immediately, Rico awoke and pointed a antitankgeweer, bazooka at Emily, "W'y I a'ght ta...!" warned Rico as took a few steps towards her.
"Woah there, compadre! We mean u no harm, now put the antitankgeweer, bazooka away," ordered Skipper warily.
"Y-yeah! Listen to Flat Head!" urged on Emily whilst hiding behind Skipper. Sending Enily a half glare, an idea suddenly hatched into Skippers flat head!
"Or u could just shoot Emily and leave us alone..."joked Skipper, winking at Rico.
"WHAT?!"yelled Emily, practically jumping 10` up in the air but soon realised it was a joke when she saw Skipper and Sky laughing and high fiving.
"Not. Cool!" she growled through a grinded beak and balling her flippers into fists.
"Eh, it scored us 2 points!" chuckled Sky, wiping a tear from her eye (A/N:Can penguins cry...? Just asking...).
"And we DO," started Sky.
"Have 4 years of catching up to do!" continued Skipper. "So why waste it?" the asked together and high fived (A/N: Kind of like the Vesuvius Twins in Night of the Vesuvius, link][/url][/url])

"Pardon me, Skippah, but why do u and Sky talk like that?" queried Private innocently.

"...Like what?"asked the twins simultaneously, raising an 'eyebrow'.

"Exactly."answered Kowalski.

"Twinstincts..."they replyed cautiously.
"You mean u can do twin-to-twin telepathy?!"asked Kowalski while looking hopeful.
"Affirmitive!" SMACK! A pie smacked into the twins faces, well, a vis cake to be precise. "WoOhOo!"Cried Aj "We got ya there like!" Skipper rolled his eyes playfully at his big brother and wiped the cake off his face but Sky wasn't going down without a fight! "Y'know what, Aj? We are getting way too old for this. Wanna shake on it?"she questioned deviously whilst putting her flipper out for a shake, but Aj didn't notice the devious part.
"Hmmm...Ok!" he agreeded and shook it but was met with small, painful shots of electricity. "Electric Shock Flipper?"he croaked out, wiping some ash of his flipper.
"A-ffirmitive!"she replied smugly with a smirk on her beak. "Now we have 3 points!"
"Do u mind if me and Kowalski,"interupted Simon, who was looking hopeful."Take a few tests?"


"Feed up! u disgusting animals!" yelled a grumpy red head also known as...Alice!

Skipper smiled a put the vis near his beak, just about to slikken it, but suddenly it exploded in his face! "Boosh! Now we have 3 points as well!" declared Emily triumphantly.
"Hey guys!" greeted Marlene, walking over to them.
"Howdy-ho, Marlene!" replied Skipper smiling. CLICK! Aj took a picture of Skipper and Marlene with his iPod, "I'll be saving this one for their weddings!" stated Aj as he showed the picture to his family and Skippers team.
"Question, why does everyone in your family think we should be together?" wondered Marlene.
"Well I-"
"You guys would be cute together!"answered Sky.
"You two balance each other out, u very different but u can't stay away from each other of long...Like Yin and Yang!"responded Voilet who just woke up to kom bij in the action.
"Ah, screw logic! It's wrang, a pinguïn and a otter can fall in love!"added Aj
"You both have your dissimilarities however, they only bring u two closer!" acknowledged Simon.
"Buzz kill needs a girlfriend so he can stop bein' a such a Party Pooper!" retorted Emily.
door now Skipper and Marlene were blushing a ruby red. "Well bye guys, Skipper..." Skipper looked down at his half full coffee cup and back at Emily, then smirked. Without warning, Skipper chucked the coffee at Emily, "What?" he asked with fake innocent when he noticed the death glare Emily was giving him, mascara dripping. "Hey, your the pinguïn who threw two pop-pastries at us!" he defended. Growling, Emily lunged at Skipper, "Imma kill you!!!!"she yelled over there fight.
violet rolled her eyes whilst the tip of her feather glowed a mystically purple, indicating she was about to u magic. "I am getting so tired with your fighting," she declare and resited a spell then touched them both with her flippers making them fall to the ground. Suddenly, violets eyes widened, "I think I casted the wronge spell..." she murmured and pointed at the two who were glowing different colours (A/N:Skipper was glowing sky blue and Emily was glowing orange).
"SKY!!!!" screamed Private and caught her in his flippers, she too was glowing, pink.
"SKI'PERR!"screamed Rico and picked him up.
"Get them too the lab - Stat!"ordered violet and Kowalski at the same time, then looked at each other and frowned.

"We have really got to stop doing that..."
I would like to give a shout-out to PeaceBaby for reviewing all my stories!
Sorry for updating so late! Got grounded! D:<
added by juhpink
added by Private1sCut3
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Night of the Vesuvius (Thanks to 27Kowalski for the link)
added by shai9999
Source: /?/
added by Tressa-pom
Source: all king no kingdom
added by MaraKowalski
Source: Go vis
added by skipperahmad
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Littlefoot
added by NoShameHere
Source: moi
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Brush With Danger
added by CuteCuddly
Source: Me, and two and half minutes.
added by 27Kowalski
Source: "Hard Boiled Eggy"
added by K_Kowalski
Source: Kam Villalba
added by LeonardFan
Source: Me
added by carsfan
Source: firestriker on DeviantART
added by KaylaFoxeh
Source: Whispers and Coups
added by 27Kowalski
Source: "Skorca!"
added by stlouisfan
Source: Owned door Nickelodeon
added by cattoy10
Source: In the line of dooty
added by carsfan
Source: DeviantART