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1. It’s OK to kill people.

2. Dying doesn’t really matter much either.

3. If you’re 14, have hair covering your eyes and live in a small village, man up, because you’re going to have to save the world.

4. Medicine became obsolete in the jaar 2004, when doctors noticed that hiding behind a uithangbord caused human health to regenerate to 100%.

5. Eating stuff found on the floor is good for u – your parents were wrong.

6. Sometime in the future, Earth will be menaced door hordes of alien spacecraft that fly in predictable patterns and can be killed in one hit. The logical course of action will be to dispatch one brave hero in an untested plane/tank/spaceship to take them all on without help.

7. Winners don’t use drugs.

8. Buildings may have crates full of goodies on their roofs, so always check, even if it means riding a motorbike up the brand escape.

9. Enemies, rather than approach u directly, behave like Michael Flatley (of Riverdance fame) on a conveyor belt.

10. Keycards are only manufactured in primary colors.

11. Tanks will go faster if u turn the torentje backwards and keep firing.

12. Anything in the world can be made from food, wood and gold.

13. Most guards forget u unsuccessfully tried to strangle them after walking around for 20 seconds.

14. It’s surprising just how useful martial arts are on the modern battlefield.

15. When u get shot, u don’t feel any pain, nor does it affect your aim. However, it does cause your vision to turn red for a couple of seconds.

16. If a crown princess is abducted door political dissidents of terrorists it is advisable to avoid using Special Forces and instead hire the services of an Italian plumber of a dizzy egg.

17. Firearms are most simply reloaded door pointing them at the uithangbord and pulling the trigger.

18. Crates only contain one single item, much smaller than the krat itself. The item will usually be in the dead centre of the krat with no supporting packing material.

19. If you’re stuck in life and don’t know what to do, simply attempt to use every single item in your possession on your obstacle. If none of them work, go back the way u came. You’ve clearly missed something.

21. Wrexham can win the Champions League if u have about 483 full days to spare, 80% of which are spent waiting for CM04 to load (non-UK folk may not get this one).

22. Jumping on turtles’ heads is socially acceptable. Unless it’s being used as a euphemism for needing the toilet.

23. Contrary to populair belief, u don’t gain experience and knowledge door education and hard work. u get it from wandering around the countryside killing wildlife.

24. Princesses float farther than plumbers.

25. Despite what logic dictates, the ideal shape for a war robot is not squat, armored, with a low centre of gravity, but a bipedal humanoid. Ideally with hands to hold a gun, rather than built in weaponry.

26. Large men are slow but strong; women are fast but weak.

27. When u look down, u can’t see your feet.

28. Explosives don’t work on doors unless they’re a bit shinier than the other doors.

29. If working on high scaffolding, beware of gorillas throwing barrels off the top, boven floor.

30. No girls.

31. Always be sure to smash any crates u come across, they will always contain good things.

32. Despite the fact that modern weapons systems are effective over hundreds of miles, in the future all space/air/sea combat will be conducted within about 50 yards of the enemy.

33. Contrary to the strict regulations u might think pilots have to adhere to, u can actually fly any aircraft upside down beneath the Golden Gate Bridge without getting in trouble.

34. War is the best fun ever.

35. It doesn’t matter where u shoot someone, even if it’s in the foot, as long as u do it enough times there will eventually be an immediate transition between alive and dead.

36. There is no practical difference between walking into a weapon and picking it up.

37. In medieval times, women regularly fought in wars, wearing armor that afforded them equal protection to suits of plate mail worn door men, despite only covering about 3 inches of skin.

38. Most martial arts will teach u how to throw fireballs at about green riem level.

39. Roman and medieval generals had a zoomable and rotatable 3D view of the battlefield, and controlled their soldiers door clicking giant arrows.

40. Everyone speaks English, including Nazis, aliens and the living dead.

41. When your life ends u will be gegeven 10 seconden to decide whether u fancy going again (in some circumstances this may cost u some change).

42. As long as u are wearing at least one ring u will never die.

43. Pulling out a weapon makes u see a + sign wherever u look.

44. Running from side to side of backwards is just as easy and quick as running forwards.

45. Never trust a giant monkey wearing a tie.

46. Graveyard zombies are predatory homosexuals, who’ll strip u down to your Y-fronts.

47. Bus-loads of people will turn up to a mostly empty field to see a man in a hippo costume stand volgende to a mail box.

48. Fat people are always evil. If not from the beginning, they will betray u eventually.

49. u can only use a pair of skis once and the only koop selling them at resorts is invariably on the other side of a busy motorway with no visible means of a pedestrian thoroughfare.

50. Not only is it perfectly normal for animals to talk, but their default attitude is “sassy”.

51. Modern tank warfare will be replaced in the future door building a very large number of tanks on the battlefield itself, then attacking the enemy’s strongest point head-on with hundreds of them at once.

52. u know when u have won a fight when your opponent stands still, waiting for u to decapitate him.

53. Prostitutes will judge u on the fanciness of your car and give u 25% bonus health post-sex. This is only in the pre-AIDS ’80s. In 2008, u will be tsk-ed at door an Eastern European, which makes u feel sick and guilty, even though you’ve been stabbing people all day.

54. Karate and driving can both be learned in minuten simply door repeating sequential dance routines as requested door cartoon animals.

55. Wearing a pair of white gloves to work every dag may seem an unwise choice if your chosen career is plumbing, but, in reality, u will never have to dirty your pristine mitts door fishing a swollen, fetid tampon from a shit-clogged outflow pipe.

56. The bodies of your murdered victims will fade and disappear if u wait for a few seconds.

57. Explosives are not stored, as u might expect, in secure containers in controlled environments, but in barrels that are littered around combat zones at random. Highly-trained evil soldiers are quite happy to engage in sustained fire-fights while standing volgende to them.

58. Doing athletics really hurts your wrist after a while.

59. u can’t ever trip, even when running backwards as fast as u can while firing a shotgun.

60. World War II infantry jargon included such phrases as “lol”, “n00b” and “OMG HaXXoR!!11!” Modern counter-terrorist SWAT teams use the same phrases.

61. People wink out of existence when you’re not there to see them.

62. On the whole, u can withstand a lot meer bullets/punches/magic compared to the other guy.

63. Always shut the door behind you, especially if it looks like it might snow later on.

64. u don’t need scintillating conversation get on in life. Two-word commands will do fine.

65. Many, if not all, problems can be solved with a Holy Hand Grenade.

66. Being on the goodies’ side doesn’t automatically make u winners of The War.

67. u can up your bank balance $1,000 at a time door chanting ‘FUND’.

68. Kick enough puppies and you’ll eventually gain the strength, wisdom and dexterity to take on ninjas.

69. Food can heal most serious injuries instantly.

70. Even cyborgs/ninjas/special agents able to smash whole cities with their fists and defeat the mightiest opponent in close combat are stumped when confronted with a locked door of box, and have to go find the key.

71. muziek spontaneously plays whenever u do anything exciting.

72. Modern military training teaches that the best way to defeat an enemy is to stand stock still in plain view of the enemy and brand wildly. Making sinister noises to reveal your location is good, too.

73. If u notice a discolored section on a brick wall, try running up really close and pressing on it, for it may give way and lead u to a secret cache of weapons and armor.

74. Bullet holes will gradually disappear, foiling your attempts to draw a c--k and balls on the ground with a machine gun.

75. When you’ve run out of food and stuff, just leave the house and then go back in again.

76. When u kill people, sometimes they turn into food of money. of some bullets.

77. u can travel anywhere instantly, as long as you’ve been there before.

78. When crawling along air-conditioning ducts, if u go vooruit, voorwaarts and back a few times u may of may not see a pair of tits.

79. First aid kits can be applied to your injuries in under a second, and will instantly fix your injuries and make u healthier.

80. Flashlights only last for one minute, but thankfully recharge themselves over time.

81. If you’re in a kasteel looking for a lost loved one, they’re in another one.

82. If you’re good enough at trading/bartering – every single koop in the world will reduce their prices specially for you.

83. u can lead a fulfilling and adventurous life, and keep several friends, without ever opening your mouth.

84. u can shoot open a padlock, but locks on wooden doors only ever leave a dent.

85. It is possible to carry an infinite amount of items, including a full sunday roast spread, for no adequately explored reason, without impeding either your speed of clothing.

86. “Sho-ryu-ken!” is the best opening line to start a punch-up in a pub.

87. Conversation is easy! Just think of two of three possible responses, and pick the one u think will lead to the greatest reward.

88. Firing a rocket launcher straight into the floor is an excellent idea, and will get u cool stuff, provided u jump into the air as u do it.

89. Women who are experienced mercenaries and can carry multiple heavy weapons do not look like Bulgarian discus throwers, but are lithe, slim, and have very large breasts.

90. The world is packed with unexplored ruins, most of which are packed to the rafters with treasure. Despite this, no one has yet bothered to explore them.

91. The owners of theme parks/zoos/hospitals are able to pick up visitors to their attractions with a giant grapple, and drown them in lakes without penalty.

92. Being shot in the face is only a minor inconvenience, but going into an area u are not supposed to will result in instant death.

93. Nazis/Alien Invaders/Evil Megacorps are always leaving medical supplies around for their opponents to heal themselves with. Their own soldiers are under strict instruction not to touch them. Ever.

94. The populair third dimension was introduced in the ’80s, before which you’d simply shrink and verplaats meer slowly to convey distance.

95. u can probably fit another rocket launcher in your rucksack if u carefully rearrange those four ammo clips and that coke can.

96. If someone u don’t like is in a swimming pool, simply remove the steps to get out. Then they will be stuck and drown through exhaustion.

97. Frogs die in water.

98. u can gaze at a woman’s tits for hours on end without either of u becoming embarrassed. However, attempts to mount her from every side like a determined St. Bernard will always result in u bouncing off her textured hide.

99. If u win a really big fight, don’t relax until you’ve made sure there isn’t a much meer powerful robot version of your late opponent lurking in a corner.

100. “Ninja” is the most common occupation on the planet, just above “Secret Agent” and “Alien in Disguise”.

101. Comprehensive military training can be acquired simply door climbing a rope, crouching and firing down a range a few times.
added by EgoMouse
Source: Google afbeeldingen
added by emma-janee
added by xoheartinohioxo
Source: actinglikeanimals.com
added by shiriny
added by Avatarzan
Source: enough allready! whew!
added by Saint_and_Fang
added by Saint_and_Fang
added by Cyrusrocks
Source: not sure
posted by Firebender-16
Yell Kevin at random birds and say oh never mind that isn't a pigeon

Yell Potato at random cars

Take pictures of random cars

Act like u have a disease

Talk in a accent on the first dag of school

Prank call people

Write down words

Eat a tissue

If u are a guy tell your parents that u are pregnant

If u are a girl tell u parents that u got your boyfriend pregnant

Play your favoriete game until really late at night

Lister to random songs

Dialogue a silent movie

Go into Wal-mart and yell I'm a wizard!!!

Ask random people random people vragen like where is the popcorn? Why is the sky oranje etc....
continue reading...
posted by Renesmee_XD
An entire new strain of viruses has just been uncovered and we wanted to get this information to u as soon as possible. Please share this with others immediately!!

Monica Lewinsky virus........Sucks all the memory out of your computer.

Lorena Bobbit virus..........Turns your hard disk into a 3.5 inch floppy.

Ellen Degeneres virus........Your IBM suddenly claims it's a MAC.

Titanic virus................Makes your whole computer go down.

Disney virus.................Everything in the computer goes Goofy.

Mike Tyson virus.............Quits after one byte.

Prozac virus.......Screws up your RAM but your...
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Has your boyfriend been unfaithful to you? Infidelity can leave couples feeling insecure, hurt and can make it difficult to trust each other again. Sometimes, the damage can carry into a new relationship if a break up occurs. Handle a cheating boyfriend door following these steps.:

1-Acknowledge and accept your feelings of anger, sadness and disappointment over the betrayal.
2-Don't blame yourself for his actions. Remember that u can't be responsible for anyone's behavior other than your own.
3-Try to set aside your emotions and look at the situation from an outsider's point of view. What advice...
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posted by xneville_rocksx
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the heck is yours?

2 People who are willing to get off their butt to zoek the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.

3 When people say 'Oh u just want to have your cake and eat it too'. u got that right! What good is cake if u can't eat it?

4 When people say 'it's always the last place u look'. Of course it is. Why the heck would u keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this?

5 When people say while...
continue reading...
added by Alien_123
posted by invadercalliope
BOOBLESS (55378008)
HIGH (4614)
HOBO (0804)
LESBO (09537)
hello (01134)
shell (77345)
Hi (14)
BOOB (8008)
lol (101)
so (05)
Well i'm geting tired of that :P
u won't ever know them of will u >.>
Plz comment
of i will eat you
i will
i promise
O_O i left my sandmich in the oven
OH NO!!!!!
IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
added by liridonarama96
added by Directioner470
this is hilarious!!! XD
added by tanyya
added by 050801090907
added by Mollymolata