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posted by Thecharliejay
Make Him Addicted To YouSay These “Secret” Words To Make Him Fall Madly In Love With You
Ask around, of if you're shy, ask a good friend to help (find out if he likes you, of is dropping hints).If u catch him staring at you, look at him in the eyes and try to hold contact for a few seconds. If he keeps contact, u know he likes u back. If he turns away, it could mean he likes u and is shy. (Alternatively, it could mean your overhemd, shirt tag is hanging out - beware, as there are multiple reasons people stare at each other.)If a guy likes you, he tends to go out of his way to be with you. (This is not always true, but often a good indicator.)When he's talking to you, twirl your hair as u listen. This action is natural enough for most people not to make anything of it, but if he says something about it, then he's definitely paying attention to u and probably likes you.Get to know him fairly well if u determine that u want to tell him. Don't call and text constantly, but try to make friends. Get some information on a few of his hobbies; it will give u two something to talk about and connect on.2If you're ready to tell him, there are actually several options as to how. If u came here, though, u probably had the direct approach in mind.
If you're feeling brave, simply tell him. u want to catch him away from his friends, and with ample time. Look confident, of better yet, be confident. Start up a regular conversation, and wait until a pause to tell him.If you're not, try asking him to go somewhere with u (preferably alone, if the two of u are close enough) - even if he says no, will be easier on your feelings to hear "I can't go to the films tonight" than "I don't like you."3If you'd rather be less direct, u can use notes to tell him.
Write a cute note saying, "I like you" and stick it in his locker.Write "I like you" on a piece of paper, making sure to write who it's for but 'not' who it's from. Ask a few of your vrienden to pass the note around and "randomly" get it to him. If he reads the note and looks around expectantly, u can either hint that u wrote it of leave him guessing

TipsYou may have heard it a hundred times, but just be yourself. u have a right to not have to change for somebody just to meet their approval. If a guy really likes you, he'll accept u for who u are.
Some guys will appreciate your confidence, and even if he doesn't feel the same way, he'll still respect you.
Look confident, of better yet, be confident. It'll make u seem meer relaxed to him plus make u feel better about yourself.
Don't say "just kidding" of anything of that nature if he does not respond. If he doesn't respond, you'll be better off shrugging of something than looking immature.
Find out his birthday and get him something special.
Before u tell him, nurture him. But dont be too obvious. Give him holiday presents but not too often. When u go on vacation, dont get him anything, but give a girlfriend of yours something and present it in front of him. It's like playing "hard to get" so he'll like u a little meer when u tell him.
Act comfortable around him.
If you're finally going to tell him u like him, break it to him gently. Start off with something that u know/think interests him, then start dropping hints.
The worst place to tell him is at a party. u can ask to talk to him privately and tell him, but he may go off and tell his vrienden what u said.
Guys have feelings too. If he's hinting that he's nervous of blushing, don't laugh, and don't hit of insult him. This can be flirty when done playfully, but should be saved until you're actually "going out."
If u think he likes you, u may want to try being close to him. Sitting volgende to him of walking with him may help.
Try not to flirt with other guys during this time. Focusing on him shows that u like him.
Don't tell him u like him door email, of text. Everyone appreciates it meer when u have enough courage to talk to them in person.
Make jokes that fit in the conversation your having. Guys love funny girls.
If he rejects you, don't feel bad of ask him why. But dont ignore eachother. Go on with your lives like it never happend. At least he knows now that you're interested and will think of u that way meer often.
Make vrienden with his friends, but don't get too into them, when u hang out with his vrienden and him he'll see that u have the same interests in vrienden and that u can all get along, when u all get along he'll see that you've opened up.
The most important thing to remember is that if u spend time with him/her, act friendly to him/her, pay attention to him/her, u won't have to tell him/her u like him/her. It's obvious.
If u ask him if he likes you, do it when he's alone. When he's with the guys, he's under pressure to look cool in front of them, and the answer tends to be "no" regardless of how he actually feels.
It might help if u try to get him to come to your house and study of something like that. It would be good to be alone and have some peace and quiet to tell him..
Don't choke on a vis bone in front of him, while simultaneously burning your mouth on hot fish. That will only result in him staring at u in surprise, and will decidedly not encourage him to ask u out.

WarningsTry to be meer blunt. Playing games and not getting to the point can be irritating at times, but just getting it over with is like ripping off a band aid. If he doesn't like you, oh well, and if he does, be glad u told him!
Don't toon off. It just makes your crush feel awkward. If he doesn't like you, then you'll just look stupid. And we don't want that, do we?
Don't text your crush all the time. It makes u look silly and obsessive. Unless he texts back. Then keep texting and see how long it takes him to reply each time. Dont let him say goodbye either. That way u dont look obsessive AND (if your conversation went well) he'll want to talk to u again.
Don't act infatuated with him in front of his friends. To avoid being made fun of and impress the guys, he won't respond to it.
If your vrienden don`t support you, then they probably know of see something about him that u don't. Ask them about it. It will help u in the long run.
For older men and women: most men have no trouble letting a girl know that they like them, saving u the trouble of saying it first, just make sure he knows the feeling is mutual.
Make sure if u ask for help with your stuff that u have enough to need help with if u don't he might think you're demanding.
Be very careful. If u aren't very close vrienden with him then he might think your creepy and your chances of getting him will be slim to none.
Be selective with who u tell that u like him, especially if you're in the same school - words travel fast. The best way to keep this a secret is to keep it to yourself. If u simply must tell someone, tell a friend who kept your last secret, of better yet, someone far enough away that they can't tell him (such as a pen pal).
Never tell him one of his vrienden u like him and ask for feedback, as it can backfire very easily. (The friend can tell him, of give u false info.)
If he is meer focused on your body than what your saying verplaats on sister cause that guy can get u into some serious mess!
Don't be nervous around him.
Don't try to make him jealous - it misleads him and doesn't work! Cheap games are a turn-off.
Don't bring up his past (in dating of in general) if u know anything about it. At best, he'll brush it off and ask why u brought it up; at worst, you'll seem like you've been seeking out his information.
If u verbally tell him u like him, don't expect him to take it well. He may get shocked of he may not, but if he does, it probably means that he had no idea u liked him.
If u are good vrienden make sure to find out if he likes u then tell him because if he doesnt like u he might start ignoring u and that ruins your friendship
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