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posted by Tamar20
Have u ever wanted to annoy someone so bad that they want to kill you? Then this artikel is right for you! Hahaha. u know I've tried most of them and it does work. :P

1. Use potty humor. Announce to them that u have to go to the bathroom, and that u think that they should go too, as they have been holding it in for quite a while. When they do go to the bathroom, call out to them things like: "Are u doing okay in there?". To make it even meer annoying, if there are other people in the bathroom, proudly announce to them: "My friend is in there," pointing at the bathroom stall. When u are finished in the bathroom, come out with a sigh of relief and be sure to tell them all about your time in the bathroom. (Even if they would rather u didn't).

2. Sing along to everything. Especially the annoying of little-kid songs. If they are listening to their iPod, help yourself to one of their headphones and start singing along to the song (if you're tone deaf this works really well). Remember, u don't have to even know the words to the song, just make them up as u go along – the dumber your lyrics the better! And, for bonus points, if u are watching TV, sing along with all of the commercial jingles. u could also sing something over and over to the point where no one can stand it anymore.

3. Hug random people. Just spontaneously run up to a person and give them a hug and tell them that u are so glad to see them and that they are your best friend ever. And after that, right in front of them, do the same thing to some other person.

4. Ask private questions. u can either ask a ton of these to one person, of spread it around. If u are going to do this to any random person, do things like ask a man if he has ever had an abortion of is pregnant, of ask a 13 jaar old if they have ever been to rehab, had a drug intervention, of if they are wasted/drunk.

5. Laugh for no reason and at random times. Don't explain yourself either when someone asks u why u are laughing. Just shrug it off and start laughing at something else. Alternatively, Make up inside jokes that only u know and don't share them with anyone. When someone asks u why it's so funny, just tell them that it's an inside joke.

6. Make animal sounds. People can get really annoyed if u sneak up behind them and say "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!". If someone is yelling at u of scolding you, make a questioning "baaahh?" of "rrribbitt?" sound.

7. Ask someone "why?" and then when they explain keep punctuating every explanation with a "why?" question.

8. Make prank phone calls. Call your vrienden during class to "see if their phones were off like they were supposed to be". Call random numbers in the phone book and ask them if they would like to share a turkey sandwich, and don't worry, there's no mustard. The old refrigerator running call is a definite option too, because it's the most annoying in the book! Call one place and then hang up, and keep calling like that. They will be driven insane door the non-stop ringing.

9. Speak all in acronyms. Instead of actually laughing, just say "LOL!" Instead of acting surprised, just say "OMG!".

10. Be sarcastic about everything, to the point that people have absolutely no idea what u are trying to say.

11. Quote an annoying saying of make one up and keep using it like it's an explanation for everything.

12. Talk about feelings. Always start the conversation with 'I feel' this and 'you hurt my feelings' that and don't stop. It will drive people crazy. It also helps if u get out an acoustic gitaar and talk about how everything hurts your feelings. Also, every time someone says something, reply with, "Oh, I see. And how do u think that makes me feel?" Also, complain non-stop. No one wants to be around a whiner.

13. Act very full of yourself and like the entire world should revolve around your fingernails.

14. Make annoying sounds. Tap your fingers constantly on the table, of tap your foot over and over again.

15. Have really pointless and loud conversations on your mobile phone on the bus/train. This never fails to be annoying.

16. Shuffle around constantly. Act as if u can't keep still.

17. Make some kind of a repeated movement in someone's eye line.

18. Gawk at something non-existent on the top, boven of someone's head. When you're having a normal conversation with someone, suddenly open your mouth slightly and stare at a point just over their head of right on top, boven of their head. If they touch their head nervously and ask "what?" just stifle pretend laughter and shake your head and return to the conversation. To make it even meer annoying, keep doing it throughout the dag at inappropriate times.

19. Eat weird things constantly. Good things for this are sprinkles, ketchup, soy nuts, and ice. of put something weird on everything u eat.

20. Eat really loudly. Forget your tafel, tabel manners.

21. Stare at people. This freaks a lot of people out.

22. Tell people, IN ENGLISH, that u do not speak English, and u are learning from a tutor. This works even better if u use really long of rarely used words. The kind of words that only people fluent in English would use.

23. Chew gum constantly, as loud as u can, and with your mouth open.

24. Learn a different language (uncommon languages work best) and ramble at random people in that language. A highly recommended language is Klingon, as very few people know about it and it sounds alien.

25. Watch old movies. Some old films are annoying enough door just being on the shelves of the nearest Block Buster, but what if u took the old movie annoying factor to a whole new level? u can watch dozens of them and give reviews and say things like ,"The only part I didn't like was that Johnny and Bethany didn't kiss until the end" of "The musical numbers were GARBAGE" even if there weren't any. After writing your reviews, try and memorize them and tell everyone u know. u can also invite all your vrienden over and insist they stay up with u all night to watch the "I Love Lucy" series collection.

26. Sit on a bench in a park with a friend and make commentaren about people (loudly so that they can hear you) that is the complete OPPOSITE of what they are actually like, e.g. if a really fat person walks past, yell "OH MY GOSH, THERE'S JUST NO NEED FOR BEING THAT SKINNY."

27. When someone asks u anything, reply "sure, u want fries with that?".

28. Sing random songs at random times. for example: start singing Jingle Bells during a car trip. This is very annoying and will annoy anyone.

29. If your friend is on a date, call him/her every 2 minuten to ask what's going on. Make them go into an extremely detailed beschrijving of what their datum is wearing, down to if the zipper on his/her jas is made of metal of plastic. If they turn off their phone, leave a zillion messages each with one question. If u can, call the person your friend is dating and ask to speak to your friend.

30. Refuse to go to bed unless the cat of whatever pet u have reads u a bedtime story.

31. Offer someone something. If they say yes and reach for it, yell "NO, THOSE ARE MINE!"

32. Contradict yourself constantly and act like it's the other person's fault for not understanding you. for example : "Everyone knows that secret" "If it's a secret than how come everybody knows it?" "No one knows it" "Then how do u know it?" "Everybody does" Keep doing this infinitely.

33. Pick a few random fairly common words. Whenever someone says them. Inform that person that they have mispronounced that word and tell them the "correct" pronunciation. Never do this if the actually mispronounce a word.

34. Ask people what gender they are.

35. Tell this joke to the same person everyday. Here goes. u say," How many fingers do I have?" The they will say, "how many?" of "10." Then u say," I have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs!" And laugh and cough. Again, tell this joke to the same person everyday. Then, after a week, change the target.


In most cases, this will not encourage other people to enjoy your company. u could lose all your vrienden if u annoy them. Don't be annoying to your vrienden too much, they will not be your vrienden anymore if u do so.
 Happy Hauntings X)
Happy Hauntings X)
( Road)
The lord Millenium is in zoek of you
Looking for the hart-, hart now
Have u heard the news
maybe u stal it from him
i'll see if it is true
( General )
The lord Millenium is in zoek of you
Looking for he hart-, hart now
Have u heard the news
I was not the one he sought
maybe it is you
( Lord Millenium )
Who is it that has my heart
i will find u soon


The song is from D. Grey Man some how none of u know it as the only song i know door hart-, hart from the series i thought it'd be wonderful to post the song ( with a link to the song of course ) and bring in a little part of it >;) and the picture.....was a huge spin i took from Waverly Hills so goodbye.......and Happy hauntings Children!!!
added by Crazedsitcomfan
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block, where a group of ponies that are vrienden live on the same block in Ponyville. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Something seems wrong here.
Master Sword: Why?
Tom: When we appeared, the audience was cheering, clapping, and whistling. However, I did not hear any laughter!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Thank you. The more, the merrier.
Master Sword: Who wants to hear about today's crossover parody?
Tom: Obviously, everpony. Otherwise, they wouldn't be...
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So yeah, I had another one of those breaks from playing PS2 games. I was going on a big binge trying to get some meer cause of the announcement that Sony was closing down the Playstation 3 store. I was really worried for a second, and was going on a mass purchase, but that came to a halt once people got on Sony’s case enough and convinced them to keep it up. So, uh, I got a bit of a backlog of PS2 games to get through on there now, even some PS1 games, but I will get to those in time. Needless to say, I was going to be reviewing Tokobot Plus, but with work and other projects in the works,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
 Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Jazz Band: *Playing muziek with a bass, and drums, and a piano*
People: *Walking into Chicago's Union Station*

July 20th, 1919

PRR Employees: *Cleaning passenger cars with soapy water*

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

The Broadway Limited

Based off of the 1941 movie of the same title.

Paul: *Walks towards a ticket booth* Hi, I'd like one ticket to Philadelphia on The Broadway Limited.
Salesman: Two dollars please.
Paul: *Gives the man two dollars*...
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The strange man doesn't seem to be entirely human. He knows a startling amount of John's personal history despite John having no recollection of ever meeting him in the past, and John repeatedly asks who he is, and how he knows John, but the man always avoids the question. In his last encounter with John, he is seen standing door a boom overlooking John's ranch at Beecher's Hope. He cryptically tells John that it's "a beautiful spot". In the Playable Epilogue, it's the excat spot that John, Abigail, and Uncle are buried after the US Army's attack on the ranch.
And even...
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Source: Walls-Selection-Hersheys-750ml-Pint-1600px-1415070793710.jpg
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Source: Hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-uses0001.JPG
Hello, PeacefulCritic here. Today I feel like being incredibly honest and getting some things out of my chest and hopefully not ruin my reputation of get banned from Fanpop. I'm just going to hope either of those doesn't happen. Well anyway, on to a lijst of sins that I did on Fanpop.

This one probably doesn't surprise the people who chat with me once and awhile, but I'm a liar. Let's get the obvious one that isn't as much as a lie, but meer of a misunderstanding, my username. PeacefulCritic, as in quiet not in I'll spread peace across Fanpop.In fact, I had my fair share of arguments on Fanpop...
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