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posted by ultimatefredde
I write this last words to reflect my existence. For someone to do something against this evil evil being who is called The Hand.

It's hard to explain my existence, especially since the beginning of it, because suddenly appeared. Do not ask me how, but appeared. The first time I opened my eyes they hurt. It was great light that dazzles me, light that sooner of later I would get used to. I could not move. His feet were glued to a platform. I myself was stuck against a background invisible, as if it were in two dimensions. It was sheer torture, I had a terrible fear, but had not yet begun the worst because, suddenly, she appeared ...

Hand. There are no words to describe such a being. Nothing has changed since the first time I saw her, I still continue freezing . She governs the fate of everything. She can read minds, u can read the soul. She is, as I discovered later, powerful, giver of pain and happiness.

When I discovered that she ignored me, I sighed with relief. Wrong. Suddenly, I felt like my body was stretched as I tore my eyes to replace them door others, as I even changed sex repeatedly, so much that it hurt. I introduced different types of hair, I changed the color of my clothes (although I must admit that I put roze was the most pretty) ... and finally, Hand began to press a strange symbols, and I thought it was all over ... when suddenly the symbols that she had marked me is burned into the back. I had a name, but all I felt was that it was a toy in his hands.

At the end of that particular torture session, Hand whisk me out of that place in dark blue, and I fainted.

When I awoke, she was gone, but instead numerous beings appeared around me.Short, tall, yellow, roze ... all were, at first sight different, but basically the same. These beings were like me. Miis. For the first time since I remember, I felt safe.

When I awoke, I was approached door a Mii with a mustache and look of deep anti-Semitic. In its wake, other Miis prostrated themselves before him with great fear and respect. I imitated them, but took the opportunity to look at the Mii sideways. It was a Mii like any other, perhaps meer detailed than others, but especially differed because he carried a bronze crown which, easily, one could read the word "favorite."

'I'm the boss here zei the Mii-The name u gave me a hand is' I', but u just call me Favorite.

Yes, sir, I replied shakily Favorite.

- Do u know that does this bronze crown? - zei shown it again and again. 'Well, this proves that I am the leader here, and u must obey.

That said, favoriete left. Later some of the Miis told me that he was the favorite, which always was chosen to see the outside, a place no one else had seen, as they had never gone out of that prison called the Mii Channel.

And so time went steady, unchanged. Occasionally, she clung to favoriete and took him to a place full of adventure, of so I imagined. Meanwhile, the rest of the Miis we watched , which occasionally required us to line up and grab some and shaking him. Sometimes, even, she chose a Mii and took him, but we all knew that was not the same site as a Favorite, and the Mii never came back. We tried not to talk about it, pretend it never happened,

Occasionally new Miis arrived, but despite that, nothing changed for a long time and I thought I would bre like this forever ... naive of me.

Everything happened at once. I found myself talking to one of the Miis when suddenly she came out of nowhere and pounced on me. I could not avoid it, and I seized it with her powerful fingers. I begged for help, but the rest of the Miis did not even look my way. When Hand took me out of the Mii Channel, I already thought I was lost. I thought was about to follow the same path as the rest of the Miis missing, perish in oblivion forever ... when I appeared in the middle of a tennis court.

- What is this? - I asked suspiciously. Suddenly, there a racket in my hands, and a ball at high speed toward me. It was launched door another Mii, one that I had never seen. In her eyes I saw the will to win.

-Hey, give him the ball! - Shouted a Mii who shared the field with me. With all my strength, I gave the ball, causing flames shot out around her. From there, I got carried away door the frenzied sport of tennis. After a while, out of the blue appeared a great baseball field. And I had no legs! However, in the air, hitting a grand champion, marked home pagina Runs and I was happy. I thought this must be paradise, a paradise where they acquire skills for any sport, and where sometimes u snatch legs.

Finally, I appeared in a boxing ring. After the victories , I sensed that this would be easy ... favoriete appeared before me. It was my opponent! Why? that paradise was mine. Such was the anger I felt for this intrusion, which in a few punches knock out Favorite. I felt incredible, this was a wonderful place, where I was unbeatable and I didnt have to worry about anything, not even her. Sadly, shortly after thinking about it, Hand returned to grab me and Favorite, and took us back to the Mii Channel. I was stunned door the events, but above all was happy. He had seen heaven, and lived to tell.

Upon arrival, all the Miis around me, chanting my name, 'Praise the one who came back from death, I rose in the air, but I could not stop thinking about this paradise that I had been taken away from so suddenly. Suddenly, the praise stopped and He stood in front of me, Favorite.

I do not know how u got to Wii Sports, but u will pay for the loss u made me suffer, said, threw a fist at me with the clear purpose to hurt me, when suddenly she grabbed me again. I began to appreciate the Hand, that being that I had breathed life, even though it was very painful and I had been a paradise. But the good feelings that powerful body disappeared when I discovered that I was in the room of torture. Did little cries and cries and supplications, and that as soon as I touched the platform, I became a prisoner of that place. I comforted me thinking it would do much damage, but I was wrong. Hand grabbed a bronze crown in which read "favorite" exactly like the one with the Mii that had fallen in the ring, favorite, and slammed me, making me feel the most pain I've felt in my life. The bronze Crown tore my flesh.

When I awoke, I found myself face to face with Favorite. He lost the smile that he wore on his face. He zei bitterly:

-Now you're Mr. Favorite. Enjoy what u have, because soon, someone will snatch it, like you've done with me. And hopefully soon.

At the end of the sentence, she grabbed the old favoriete and took it in a twinkling. We did not know anything else.

When he disappeared, I became the new favorite. I must admit that my routine was fantastic. I spent the dag playing baseball, tennis, golf ... sometimes lost, but the most of games I won, and that made me feel happy. When I went to the Mii Channel, people treated me with great respect, and I began to despise those Miis they had not seen the truth, and who were confined in the Mii Channel. I could not be kind to creatures so low who had not suffered the torments before I receivied the Bronze Crown.

A dag like any other, she came to pick me up and took me away. I assumed that I would appear in the bowling alley, a long time since that did happen ... I noticed with great surprise, I was inside a kart, surrounded door Miis especially rare: a princess, a species of dinosaur, a plumber in green ... only recognized one of them was the Mii with whom I spoke just before being taken door hand to heaven, Wii Sports. On its face, I knew it was the first time he left the Mii Channel. I should have cheered for him for having the good fortune to meet the outside world, but all I felt was pure jealousy, jealousy of someone who feels robbed of paradise.

As the race began, the disaster happened one after another. I was beaten door turtles, hit door a bullet, lava ... when I got to get to the finish I heard it, I was the 12 th, while the other Mii had been the champion of the competition. After learning this, all I could do was mourn, mourn inconsolably, until I fell asleep over the wheel of my kart.

When I woke up, I saw him carrying Mii now a bronze crown.

When she came for me, I knew that was not to see any paradise. Followed the same path as the vorige favorite, and never go back to the Mii Channel. I knew that sooner of later the New favoriete will follow my path, and the volgende and the volgende ... Miis life is like a mountain climbers, u reach the top, and finally u see someone die.

I write this, as I speak to my end, as last words, to record my existence. For someone to do something against this evil evil being who is called The Hand.
How to Tell if a Guy likes You
How to Know that a Guy Likes You

Here are the 500 ways to tell if a guy likes You....

01. He smiles at u a lot.

02. He likes talking to you.

03. He compliments u a lot.

04. He always agrees with you.

05. He asks if u are single.

06. He asks u out for lunch.

07. He asks u out on a date.

08. He knows your zodiac sign.

09. He never burps around you.

10. He really cares about you.

11. He treats u like a lady.

12. He walks u to your door.

13. He wants to see u often.

14. He always wants to hug you.

15. He tells u he likes you.

16. His vrienden know...
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posted by sierradawn9
Ok, so I'm a redhead. I have freckles and light skin. So I'm considered ginger. Until a few weeks ago, I didn't even know what that term meant.
 I learned what it meant when I was on the bus and this guy took something from me. He zei he wouldn't give it back until I admitted I was a ginger. So I zei "I'm a ginger...?", and he yelled "You have no soooouuul!"
 That got me mad, sad, and confused.
 Seriously guys. Really? Just because some (and I do mean some) redheads have attitudes and act bitchy, that does NOT give u the right to make a stereotype out of the rest of us redheads.
 I'm not...
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10. When being pulled over door a cop and he of she says, "Sir(/)Ma'am, u have been caught speeding, how much do u think u were going?" Don't say, "Well u must've gone AT LEAST 90 to catch up with me."

9. When your teacher asks where your homework is when u haven't handed it in don't say, "My dog ate my homework." That's the oldest excuse in the book. Plus, nobody ever buys it unless they are a complete moron of born yesterday.

8. When your older sister is having her period of PMS-ing don't say, "Hey sis, have u been putting on a little weight?" It's a teef slap waiting to happen.

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posted by greenstergirl
1. I asked God for a bike. But I know God doesn't work that way. So I stal a bike and asked for forgiveness.

2. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag u down and beat u with experience.

3. Going to church doesn't make u Christian even meer then standing in a garage makes u a car.

4. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. Its still on the lijst though.

5. war does not determine who is right- only who is left.

6. Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, please notify....." I put DOCTOR.

7.Hospitality: making your guests feel like they're at home pagina even if...
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posted by JoannaVonDoom
Im sorry if this has been geplaatst before
If not, do not give me credit

1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with vrienden in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip..."

5. If u have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.

6. Amuse yourself for endless hours door hooking a camcorder to your TV and then pointing it at the screen.

7. Speak only in a "robot" voice.

8. Push all the flat...
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Intro :

yea mmhm i know these have been geplaatst alot but i am both insane and depressed and i can help depending on your personality of sumthin like tht. But anyways, just read on. I hope u like!!! This was written door me! Not taken off anyone else. Thanks for your time reading my into ;) ~~ XxemolovexX (prefer not to say my real name)

How to cure boredom :

If you're an artist :
Draw! drawing will always help u feel better. And who knows, over time u might be able to draw amazingly.

If you're an auteur :
Free write! Its always fun to. Write something according to your taste in books.

If u love...
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posted by rayban00
This link is made of very simple,The lens is dark yellow, the color is predominant. And retro-style frame has a bright spot in the whole spectacle. General wear this retro style link, meer of less a link with the United States. If u look carefully, there is a small screw, so rayban sunglasses meer firmly. straal, ray Ban prices affordable, cheap.

It seems that Hollywood stars are always so charming?, They not only well dressed but never appear without makeup of sweat the makeup to stains.All dressed themseves perfect even without the light.

Cheap rayban Sunglasses are their common decration,because...
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posted by TVD_rocks
from the internet :)

(1) Tell him that he looked better bald.
(2) Put purple dye in his shampoo.
(3) When he goes to get his hair trimed, tell the barber that he would get 100 dollars to cut all his hair off.
(4) Ask what it was like to have Ke$ha babysit him.
(5) Tell him he reminds u of the Ken doll.
(6) Ask if Selena is his Barbie girl.
(7) Change his ringtone to 'Whip my Hair'.
(8) Call him while he's doing a talk show.
(9) Ask why he keeps making songs about relationships.
(10) Ask if he wants to dump Selena because he keeps making those songs.
(11) Give his fangirls his home pagina adress
(12) Finally, ask why he goes for older women instead of 16-year olds. When he antwoorden he thinks they're cute tell him that your telling Selena that she's too young for him
posted by TeamSongz4eva
**again i got this from the internet**

These are from by-gone days when we actually had little computer machines that would answer the telephone for us. They were called "answering machines," intuitively enough. Roughly akin to voice mail today, but when they came out, they were quite novel. Thus, the were the bron of much amusement.


"If u are a burglar, then we're probably at home pagina cleaning our weapons
right now and can't come to the phone. Otherwise, we probably aren't home
and it's veilig to leave us a message."...
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posted by EllentheStrange
I am anti emo,because I don't the idea of them

mutilating themselves for no reason.I mean

sure,you have bullies at school and your mom

hates you,but I have those same problems.But I

don't cut,or dink,or do drugs.Emo Kids are just

pissing their life away cutting and killing

themselves over their little problems.You live in

a small town,nobody feels sorry for you.get a

haircut.There's no point to get

yourself.Everybody has problems.Deal with

them,but don't cut.Write of draw.Listen to music.

Do something else besides cut.And the posers are

even worst so I dislike them even more.They think

it will...
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1.Make race car noises when anyone gets on of off.

2.Blow your nose and offer to toon the contents of your kleenex to other passengers.

3.Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: Shut up, dammit, all of u just shut UP!

4.Whistle the first seven notes of It's a Small World incessantly.

5.Sell Girl Scout cookies.

6.On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.


8.Crack open your aktentas, werkmap of purse, and while peering inside ask: Got enough air in there?

9.Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down.

10.Stand silent...
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Hello! Gabriella here. :D I will tell u all these: What dates & Why u don't want your birthday on these days.

1- New Year's dag
You don't know what your celebrating. Your birthday of the new year.

2-Groundhog's Day
I think this is an American thing but, u know how if u see the shadow, this happens, if not, that happens? Yeah, why u ask? Groundhog. People complaining about the outcome.
2-Valentine's Day
Your loved a bit too much.
2-Leap Year
This day, only comes, once every four years. Why would u want to celebrate it today?

4-April Fool's Day
You get pranked on your own birthday. What...
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posted by snusnu13
It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The light breeze was making the leaves of the trees rustle lightly and the birds were chirping their afternoon songs. In a small yard there lay a dog on the soft, green grass. This dog was brown and white patched, and had light green eyes. She had no ears, as they were cut off when she was a puppy, but her ear canal remained, so she could still hear.

As the dog chewed on her bone, a teenage girl stepped into the backyard. The dog looked up and saw her 14 jaar old owner, Sally. Sally had tanned skin, with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail, a triangular...
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1. u fall down the stairs.

2. A boom falls down on you.

3. A lama spits in your face.

4. u eat i poisioned cookie.

5. A roccon with rabies jumps in your face and bites your face.

6. u are making out with a person and then u trow up in their mouth
7. A crystle light thing falls on your head.

8. Your hoofdkussen, kussen gets a face and bites u head off.

9. Your dog stands up and says I hate u and then runs away.

10. Your eating pankakes, their is a rotten egg in to, u get slmonila, go to the hospital, the doctors say that u are going to die, then u die.

11. When u are dieing your crush says that...
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1. read
2. go outside
3. do ur homework
4. go around the house saying random things until u cry laughing
5. continue reading this
6. Walk up to siblings and say random things until they hit u and then say u r cracking them up
7. play cards
8. dance
9. play checkers
10.read about canadian dudes
11. hit ur siblings, run 2 mommy and say, They hit me!!!!!
12. go on utube
13.talk on phone 4 hrs.
14. go on another fanclub
15. try 2 find me on facebook and figure out im not on, i dnt have an account
16. go on google look up vlaamse gaai, jay leno, find 15 jokes and have a 13 round comedy c ontest with ur bff
17. write on ur wall
18. write on other peoples walls
19. add random people as ur fans
20. read another forum.
Are u addicted? Are u a super fan? Are u just a person who likes being enthusiastic about things? Are u on Fanpop too much?

1. u see something u like, and think Oh, I want to fan that club!

2. u start shipping people u know of see.

3. u hear something awesome and immediately look for the Best Answer button.

4. u hear something awesome and immediately want to go on Fanpop and change your motto.

5. u hear something and u want to commentaar on it.

6. u have great ideas of something u should post on Fanpop at completely random times of day.

7. u get a new favoriete and HAVE to...
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posted by kitkat709477
"I can't find it," REALLY MEANS, "It didn't fall into my outstretched hands, so I'm completely clueless."
"That's women's work," REALLY MEANS, "It's dirty, difficult and thankless."
"Will u marry me?" REALLY MEANS, "Both my room mates have moved out, I can't find the washer, and there is no meer pinda butter."
"It's a guy thing," REALLY MEANS, "There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and u have no chance at all of making it logical."
"Can I help with dinner?" REALLY MEANS, "Why isn't it already on the table?"
"It would take too long to explain, "REALLY MEANS, "I have no idea...
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okay, on my 5 completely random things to do...

5) sing the alphabet backwards in german while painting a picture of yourself riding a tandem bike
4) clip out something from the newspaper and tape it to your shirt
3) try to do the chicken dance as long as u can
2) walk into walmart and ask where the nearest walmart is and directions to it
1) scream "where did i put my flaming green octopus?" as loud as u can in a public place (ie. school, mall...bathroom)

i recommend u try these. 2 and 1 are my faves.
posted by 3nala
3nala said:
"Yo whazzup mah homiehs?"

{screams something incoherent about peanut butter}

"I like waffles with peanut butter."

{is bored}

{screams something incoherent about dynamite and bananas}

"Oh well..."

{screams something completely incoherent}

"Ooh look at teh pretty birdses..."

{starts humming to the tune of 'U Can't Touch This'}

{Stares down a digital picture of GIR, then screams something incoherent about tacos}

"How did pig tracks get on the ceiling?"

{sings 'Spider-Pig'}

{Screams something incoherent about exploding squirrels}

"I told the man I was innocent, but the gun in my...
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