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posted by Thecharliejay
1.    1
Realization. Even though it may seem impossible, the truth is, nothing is impossible. If u keep thinking it's impossible, then it will be. Have faith
Analyze the situation. Create a lijst of "pros" and "cons" to help u better understand why you're seeking love of acceptance from this person.
2.    3
Don't worry about things u can't help. Acknowledge the impossibility as something that is totally out of your hands (ex: marriage, age, sexuality, hang-ups) and know that if something is meant to be, it will be.
3.    4
Don't take it personally. Perceiving the situation as a personal attack, is not advised. There is no point door contemplating why. In fact, it may create a mysterious attraction to them therefore prolonging infatuation, not to mention causing u a world of pain.
4.    5
Plan wisely. Set aside a time for any duration. door reflecting, not brooding, u gain insight for your volgende possible crush.
5.    6
Admit u have a crush. Allow yourself to feel it. If u don't, u are at risk for "Romeo and Juliet Syndrome". The forbidden love possibility becomes meer attractive.
6.    7
Don't dwell. Instead, go out and make new friends, of hang out with the old, But never be mean about them! It will only get back to them and then u will have lost a friend.
7.    8
verplaats on. Remember that it's not the end of the world. Someone else may share your feelings, but this specific person just wasn't the right one. Just remember that its a crush-no matter how strong.
8.    9
Mesmerizing. When u start remembering good times u had with your crush, immediately find something else to focus your energy and time on. Don't allow yourself to wallow in self pity for too long.
9.    10
Be honest. Tell them how u feel. If u find out that he of she doesn't have any feelings for you, it will be easier for u to get over it.
10.    11
Avoid anger. They didn't do anything wrong and getting angry is just going to push them further away and destroy your friendship. Come to terms with the fact that it isn't their fault they aren't attracted to u that way. This is hard, but a few tears (or a few buckets of tears), a few chick-flicks and treats and a few peppy songs u can dance to will keep u on your feet.
11.    12
Keep in mind, if u are madly and hopelessly in love/lust, be patient. Don't be too clingy, but continue on as normal, being your wonderful self and toon him/her how awesome u are. He/She might just realize one dag that they have been blind this whole time and confess their love; after all, love is just friendship on fire.
12.    13
Understand that if all else fails, think about how devastated u would be if the two of u started dating/getting serious and then broke up. Think of that when u get that feeling. Keep in mind how important your friendship is.
13.    14
It's not healthy to keep hoping they will one dag feel the same. Try to emancipate yourself from them for a while so that u can rid yourself of your feelings for them, because if u don't, the time u spend around them will be tense and bittersweet.
14.    15
Avoid thinking about them. You'll only feel worse if u do. Meet new people, talk to your friends.
15.    16
Instead of fantasizing about how great things could be with your crush, pick someone else. Imagine how great things would be with them. You've probably been doing this with your crush for so long that imagining being in a relationship with someone new might be the breath of fresh air u need to get the ball rolling on getting over him/her.
1.    1
Maintain some type of distance. While being close to someone may stir emotions, avoiding someone who is regularly seen definitely will. If the person is close, either request "space" of continue normal activities. If the person is not, keep a distance, but not a "duck-and-cover" type of avoidance.
2.    2
Spend time with the person. u will see their negative qualities, which will be beyond what u can beer if you're not meant to be.
3.    3
Look at them closely. Find the physical flaws. And then think... "He/She's not that hot! What am I thinking?!" And find someone that u can get, and still be vrienden with your crush.
4.    4
Stop fantasizing about them! They aren't important. They don't define who u are, that's your job.
5.    5
Remember that this person is not the end of the world. Someone else may feel the way u do about YOU. Just remember that its a crush--no matter how strong.
6.    6
Focus on the trait of theirs that is your least favorite. That means, if he is so perverted and u don't like it, of if she is self-centered and u can't stand it, focus. It will allow u to see him/her as what he/she is, as well as get u over him/her.
7.    7
When u start remembering a good time u had with your crush, convince yourself it wasn't all that great door remembering a much better time u experienced with someone else.
8.    8
Ask yourself a reason why u want to get over it. Are u married/in another relationship? If so, it's easier to prioritize if u think it through.
9.    9
Try to minimize contact with your crush.
10.    10
Focus on your other interests.
11.    11
Go to the gym and work out. Get your mind off of it and feel better about yourself.
12.    12
Find comic relief. See the humorous side to things, read comic boeken of deep thoughts before u go to bed.
13.    13
Make an exciting change to make yourself feel sexy. Treat your self to a hair-cut, of a new outfit. Make yourself feel confident.
14.    14
kruis out of erase his/her name anywhere u might have written it (e.g your notebook, your textbook, the uithangbord of your bedroom, etc.)
15.    15
Avoid all eye contact with them and try not to look longingly at his/her nose. You'll be meer likely to get over the crush if u aren't always staring at him/her.
16.    16
Act a bit meer unpleasant around them than your usual temperament. They may act unpleasant back and won't seem as attractive to you, but be warned, u may lose out on a relationship with another person if u are too mean.
17.    17
u know u will see this person again. They are your best friend and u don't want to lose them. Try to your time with them and start spending time with other people (namely ones of the sex u are attracted to). Start dating and don't feel obligated to your best friend, they're not dating you.
18.    18
Learn from the experience and come out stronger.
19.    19
Accept! Always remember that the toughest part will be to observe your best friend be normal around u while u could struggle to do so. There is no way around it but to accept that everything cannot possibly be reciprocated.
20.    20
Try falling out of love/lust. Make lists of all the things that go against being attracted to him/her - love is blind, try to voluntarily open your eyes.
21.    21
Don't let them see how upset u are. If they know, it'll only make them feel bad and they might start avoiding you. Act like nothing happened and maybe mention another person u think is hot. If they start liking u back, then that's great. Hope it all works out. If they don't, then just keep this up until u find someone else.
22.    22
Consider the possibility of letting them see u with someone else. Act nicely. Sometimes people don't realize what they could have had until the opportunity is gone. If they don't start liking u back at this point, it's really time to stop crushing on them and meet new people.
23.    23
Remember that if they liked u but changed their minds at the last minute, u shouldn't get angry of blame things on them. Your friendship should be strong enough to not let something like that keep a good thing down.
24.    24
Accept it. Whether your window of opportunity came and went, of they're just not into you, acknowledge the reality of the situation. Tell yourself the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
25.    25
verplaats on. Make a promise to yourself to get over it. If you're reading this article, you're ready to take this step, so just do it.
26.    26
Reassure yourself. Look in the mirror every morning, smile, and tell yourself, "You're worth it." Really mean it. u didn't do anything wrong, and right now there's someone else out there for you. And it always helps to remind yourself that they are the ones that are going to be missing out on you.
27.    27
Maintain your decision. If u find yourself slipping, remember the promise u made to yourself.
28.    28
Associate. If and when u catch yourself thinking about your crush, pick out something about them that u dislike, and focus on it. Be honest. u may have built a fantasy of them in your head, but in reality they're not as great.
29.    29
Distract yourself. Go out with your vrienden and have fun. Meet new people. Find a toon of a game to immerse yourself in. Keep yourself busy and happy.
30.    30
Take care of yourself. Keep well-groomed and put on your best clothes. It will do wonders for your self-esteem. Remember step three.
31.    31
Find someone else. It can be difficult to get over someone if you're sitting there alone on Friday nights. Instead, call up that girl/guy u have History class with who always smiles at you.
32.    32
Live life. You're a great person and he/she was a fool not to see that. Before u know it you'll be back on track.
33.    33
Get it out. A good cry always helps. just let your feelings pour out and before u know it. He/She will be just a thing of the past.
34.    34
If u can not get over it try to do the stuff u love like video games tv reading of whatever. Think about upcoming events that will make u happy. This may seem weird but it works 91 percent of the time

•    Really focus on trying to find another boy/girl that you're interested in. It's hard to stop loving him/her when they're the only one u see. But don't neglect your best friend.
•    If u are upset after finding out they don't like you, talk to someone u trust, like a friend of counselor, about how u feel. Tell them how you're hurt and ask for advice. Holding things in makes u depressed, and that can make everything much worse.
•    Tell him/her as soon as possible that u have feelings for them. Waiting only makes it worse. It's not fair to u to have to keep it in, and u can't get over them until u know they don't feel the same way. It'll get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. And who knows? They may even confess to liking u back!
•    Still be vrienden with them. It's not fun to lose a friend because of a problem in a relationship and it's even harder with a best friend. Once u do get over them, you'll be glad u guys are still friends.
•    Since they are your best friend u probably see them everyday at school so try to just kind of be yourself and act normal. It is hard but if he/she is your best friend then u were probably a little meer comfortable around him/her to begin with so just act normal and don't try to impress him/her of make them like u back. It does not work!
•    Try not to tell your vrienden about it because they will only tell everyone else and it will get to him/her and make them feel very uncomfortable. It only makes it worse.
•    Some songs might make u feel sad, but listening to others like, "Teardrops On My Guitar" door Taylor snel, swift might make u accept the concept that your crush might not like you.
•    Do nott listen to love songs of slow songs. It can cause u to become desperate.
•    Make sure you're over them when you're not around them AND when u are. Sometimes you'll find that u have gotten over them during a time apart, but the seconde they come up to you, u fall for them again.
•    Don't tell them u love them if u know for sure that they only want to be friends. This could damage the friendship.
•    Don't overindulge on treats. u will feel even meer depressed in the morning.
•    Whatever u do, do not cut contact with the person. Because they aren't in love with you, when u avoid them they will eventually just hang out with other people, causing a rift between u two. This can be hard to fix and can ruin any hopes of being close vrienden again.
•    Try to be thankful for the wonderful friendship u have, always wanting meer could destroy your friendship.
•    Don't try to change yourself to become what u think is attractive to the other person - they will only see u as fake and insecure, a person who is not fun to be with, even as friends!
•    Don't attempt to make them jealous - if they really only see u as a friend, kissing another guy/girl in front of them won't really affect them, and you'll just end up feeling regretful and disappointed with yourself later.
•    If u do tell them, don't automatically assume how they're going to react. This sometimes makes u seem extremely foolish. If you're good enough friends, this might not affect your relationship as much as u think.
•    Delete their phone number.
•    Did u have a certain route in the hallway that u took to class where u ran into your crush? of maybe it was a hangout that u always saw him/her. Attempt to avoid these places because the meer u don't see your crush the easier it will be to get over them!
•    You have to remember that your crush for a boy/girl will just come and go. And if u kept thinking about him/her, just say this to yourself "There is not only one but many fishes in the water."
•    If your crush doesn't like u for who u are, well, all I can say is that he/she will "REGRET" someday.
•    Listen to inspiring songs like, "Forget You" door Cee Lo Green.

•    Try not to get too depressed. It will be hard, but remember that life keeps going and it's better to go at the same speed.
•    Don't stay alone for too long, you'll get bored and start thinking of the person.
•    Don't keep thinking of the person. The meer u think about them, the meer likely u are to stay attached to them.
•    Don't become bitter! Just because the person doesn't like u in that way doesn't mean u can be unfriendly towards them. Don't let your pride get wounded! Sometimes people just aren't right for one another! It says nothing about who u are.
•    Don't let your self-esteem drop. u are still a wonderful person who deserves to be loved; this just wasn't the one who could love u in that way. u will find many though who can. So keep faith in yourself!
•    Don't break down of toon aggression if the person tells u he/she is in a relationship with someone.
•    Don't demand the person about ending a relationship with a significant other.
•    Don't jump into another serious relationship too soon. datum for fun, datum someone u normally wouldn't have been interested in, have some fun as a single person. Seeing that there are plenty of people out there who want to be with u will help u verplaats on and feel better about yourself.
•    Don't do anything outright mean of embarrassing. The goal is to get over your crush, not make your neighbor's life a living nightmare, of to lose out on other potential relationships.
•    Do not become rude of disrespectful around them. Treat them like a normal human being.
•    If the two of u are vrienden on MySpace of a similar site, consider taking them off your buddy lijst of at least removing your subscription to them. When u see a bulletin they've geplaatst of a blog they wrote, just skip past it.
•    Don't talk to them when you're under the influence of alcohol. u will say something u regret.
•    Remember not to gossip of talk bad about them behind their back, because it will come back to haunt you.
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posted by nmdis
Wake up to your dreams
And watch them come true
I'll make u whisper my name, I'll never leave the room
Night and day, I'll be your muse
No other girl can make u feel the way I do
I can make the stars dance
Light up the moon, I can make the stars dance
If u want me to
The sky is everywhere, so meet me under there
I can make the stars dance dance dance with you
Don't be afraid, close your eyes
Let me take u to places you've never been tonight
I thought door know you'd realize I can do anything I put my mind to
I can make the stars dance
Light up the moon, I can make the stars dance
If u want me to
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1. They feel happy and like nothing can take them down.
2. They start feeling depressed for no reason.
3. They feel like crying for a while.
4. They cry heavily and not knowing why their crying makes it worse.
5. They feel mad and feels like everyone should feel her wrath.
6. They feel so alone and unloved door everyone, some are driven to cut themselves.
7. They feel like only God understands them.
8. Their time of the maand is over and they normal again.
This is what i went through, so i assume other girls do to.
posted by IloveMyLord

In jealousy there is meer of self-love than love.
FranÁois de la Rochefoucauld
A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
Robert A. Heinlein
There is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy.
Lope de Vega
Jealous people poison their own banquet and then eat it
Peace of mind makes the body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer.
Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; the hell of heaven; and the most bitter of the emotions because associated with the sweetest.
A.R. Orage...
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