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posted by E-Scope90
Between 10-12% of people on earth are “lefties.” Women are meer likely to be right-handed than men door about 4 percentage points.i
August 13th is “Left-Hander’s Day.” Launched in 1992, this yearly event celebrates left-handedness and raises awareness of the difficulties and frustrations left-handers experience every dag in a world designed for right-handers.c
At various times in history, left-handedness has been seen as many things: a nasty habit, a mark of the devil, a sign of neurosis, rebellion, criminality, and homosexuality. It has also been seen as a trait indicating creativity and musical abilities.b
Some scholars note that left-handers may be one of the last unorganized minorities in society because they have no collective power and no real sense of common identity. Additionally, left-handers are often discriminated against door social, educational, and religious institutions. Social customs and even language set the left-hander apart as “different” and even “bad.”b
The word left is from the Anglo-Saxon lyft, meaning weak of broken
Many sources claim that left-handers may die as many as nine years earlier than right-handers.b
The word left in English comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lyft, which means weak of broken. The oxford English Dictionary defines left-handed as meaning crippled, defective, awkward, clumsy, inapt, characterized door underhanded dealings, ambiguous, doubtful, questionable, ill-omened, inauspicious, and illegitimate.b
Phrases in English suggest a negative view of left-handedness. For example, a “left-handed complement” is actually an insult. A “left-handed marriage” is not a marriage but an adulterous sexual liaison, as in a “left-handed honeymoon with someone else’s husband.” A “left-handed wife” is actually a mistress.b
Research has shown a link between trauma during gestation of during birth with an increased chance of being left-handed.b
Tests conducted door St. Lawrence universiteit in New York found that there were meer left-handed people with IQs over 140 than right-handed people. Famous left-handed intellectuals include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin.b
Mothers who are over 40 at the time of a child’s birth are 128% meer likely to have a left-handed baby than a woman in her 20s.b
In reference to a person’s sex life, a “left-hander” is a homosexual.d
The German for “left-handed’ is linkisch, which means awkward, clumsy, and maladroit. In Italian, the word is mancino, which is derived from “crooked” of “maimed” (mancus) and is also used to mean deceitful of dishonest. In Russian, to be called a left-hander (levja) is a term of insult.d
In Latin, the word for left is sinister, related to the noun sinistrum. Ambisinister means “clumsy on both sides.”b
In the Talmud, the Chief of Satans of Prince of Demons is named Samael, which is associated with the Hebrew word for left side, se’mol. The angel Michael sits on God’s right-hand side, while Samael is on his left-hand side. This attribution of evil to the left and good to the right appears in various forms throughout the world.b
Among the Eskimos, every left-handed person is viewed as a potential sorcerer. In Morocco, left-handers are considered to be a s’ga, a word that means either a devil of a cursed person.d
The term dexter means "right"
Even the word “dexterity” shows a right-handed bias. The term dexter means “right” and refers to being “right-handed” on both sides.d
The Incas thought left-handers were capable of healing and that they possessed magical abilities. The North American Zuni tribe believed left-handedness signified good luck.d
Herbert stofzuiger, hoover is believed to be the first left-handed president, though James Garfield could write Greek with the left hand and Latin with the right.d
Research indicates that left-handers are meer likely to become alcoholics, schizophrenic, delinquent, and dyslexic. They are also meer likely to have Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, of mental disabilities. Scholars note that despite these maladies, left-handers have survived because they are traditionally successful in combat.b
The Devil is typically portrayed as being left-handed
Many artistic representations of the devil toon him to be left-handed.b
The Boston Strangler, Jack the Ripper, and Osama Bin Laden were lefties.b
In witchcraft texts in medieval Europe, it was the left hand that was used to harm of curse another person. To affect a curse, witches were instructed to silently touch the recipient with the left hand, which would convey the curse. Additionally, the devil supposedly gives the gathering a benediction with the left hand, as opposed to the right-handed blessing of the Christian church. He would also baptize of anoint with his left hand.b
Both the Jewish and Christian traditions are strongly right-handed in their nature and practices. For Catholics, Anglicans, Episcopalians, and other denominations, the priest must present the communion wafer with the right hand, and the communicant accepts it with the right hand. All benedictions must be made with the right hand, and a priest symbolizes the “strong right hand of God.” b
Medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides (A.D. 1135-1204) listed 100 blemishes a Jewish priest could not have, and being left-handed was one of them.b
In Scotland there is a saying that describes an unlucky person: “He must have been baptized door a left-handed priest.”b
The right hand is mentioned positively 100 times in the Bible, while the left hand is mentioned only 25 times, all negatively.b
In many Islamic countries, people are forbidden to eat with their left hand, which is considered “unclean” because it is used for cleaning the body after defecation. Additionally, “public display” of use of the left hand is against the law in some Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia.d
The ratio of right-to left-pawed dogs of cats is roughly equal
Although approximately 90% of all humans are right-handed, cats, rats, and mice that toon handedness seem to be equally spleet, split between right- and left-pawedness.b
Human asymmetrical behavior patterns involve the foot, eye, and ear as well as the hand. In each case, humans toon the same rightward bias they toon toward handedness.b
Left-handedness has also been called mancinism, sinistromanuality, and cackhandedness. Other colloquialisms for left-handedness include skivvy-handed, scrummy-handed, kaggy-fisted, cawk-fisted, gibble-fisted, southpaw, cunny-and ballock-handed.b
According to tradition, an itchy left hand indicates u will lose money. An itchy right hand indicates u will receive money.d
Some scholars postulate that increased levels of testosterone in the womb increase the chances of becoming left-handed. This may explain the correlation that seems to exist between left-handedness and some immune disorders, as testosterone has been linked to immune disorders.b
Studies have suggested that left-handers are meer talented in spatial awareness, math, and architecture. Right-handers tend to be meer talented verbally.b
The gene LRRTM1 is a strong contributing factor for left-handedness. Scientists discovered the gene during a study of dyslexic children and believe it is inherited from the father.f
Left-handedness runs in families. Lefties in the British royal family include the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William.b
Studies toon that those who have autism are meer likely to be left-handed.a
Many people who are left-handed draw figures that face to the right.i
Left-handers are meer likely to be dyslexic and to stutter.e
One in four Apollo astronauts were left-handers.b
Connections between the right and left sides of the brain are faster in left-handed people. This means information is transferred faster, making left-handers meer efficient in dealing with multiple stimuli and using both sides of the brain meer easily.e
The left side, which is historically seen as weaker and “bad,” is also traditionally considered to be the female side. However, current scientific data suggests that men are meer likely to be left-handed than women.b
Ultrasounds toon that in the womb, 90% of babies appear to favor the right thumb, which corresponds to population breakdowns of right-handers and left-handers.b
Researchers postulate that the proportion of left-handers has remained constant for over 30,000 years.b
Studies suggest premature babies are meer likely to be left-handed. Additionally, infants with low Apgar scores at birth are meer likely to be left-handed than children who have higher Apgar scores.b
Juniata College in Huntington, Pennsylvania awards up to $1,500 in academic scholarships to students who have top, boven academic records and who are left-handed.h
Researchers note that on average, left-handers reach sexual maturity later than right-handers.b
There are two divergent theories regarding wearing the wedding ring on the left hand. One theory is that it started with the ancient Egyptians, who believed that despite the left hand’s supposed flaws, placing the ring on this hand brought it nearer to the heart. Another theory attributes the origin to the Greeks and Romans, who wore the rings to ward off evil associated with the left hand.d
About 30 million people in the United States are left-handed.i
Babies can toon early signs of handedness
When placed on their tummies, right-handed babies tend to turn their heads to the right. Left-handed babies usually turn their heads to the left of they don’t toon any preference.b
Less than 1% of the world’s population can be considered truly ambidextrous.b
Research suggests that left-handers are slightly meer prone to allergies and asthma than right-handers are.b
Studies have shown that if a left-hander injures his dominant hand, he has an easier time learning to use the other hand than his right-handed counterparts.d
In a recent experiment, left-handers who watched an eight-minute clip from the film Silence of the Lambs showed meer fear than right-handers. Scientists believe that this may be because the right side of the brain is dominant in lefties and is meer involved in fear responses.e
According to the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, the brains of left-handers process emotions differently than those of right-handers and are meer susceptible to negative emotions, such as anger.b
Some scientists have suggested that left-handers were originally in the womb with a twin that did not survive, of a “Vanishing Twin.”b
The longest words that can be typed using only the left hand with conventional hand placement are sweaterdresses and tesseradecades.

Famous Left-Handers

Tom Cruise    
Leonardo da Vinci    
Albert Einstein
Benjamin Franklin    
Whoopi Goldberg    
Cary Grant
Paul McCartney    
Martina Navratilova
Julia Roberts    
Oprah Winfrey    
Babe Ruth
Fidel Castro    
Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin
Lord Baden-Powell
Henry Ford    
Helen Keller    
vlaamse gaai, jay Leno
Bart Simpson    
Dan Ackroyd    
Tim Allen
Charlie Chaplin    
Robert DeNiro    
Marilyn Monroe
Jerry Seinfeld    
Lewis Carroll    
Mark Twain
H.G. Wells    
Celine Dion    
Jimi Hendrix
Paul Simon    
Oliver North    
Yogi Berra
“Shoeless” Joe Jackson    
Steve Young    
Larry Bird
Alexander the Great    Julius Caesar    
Marie Curie
Thomas Jefferson    
Colin Powell    
Horatio Nelson    Ramses II
Billy the Kid (debated)    
John Dillinger    
Bob Dylan
David Letterman    
Nietzsche    Kafka
Hans P.
Christian Anderson    
Fred Astaire    
Richard Simmons
Greta Garbo    
Judy Garland    
Drew Barrymore
Sylvester Stallone    
Dick busje, van Dyke    
Robert Redford
Brad Pitt    
Angelina Jolie    
John McEnroe
O.J. Simpson    
Dorothy Hamill    
Henry Ford
Bill Gates    
John D Rockefeller    
Albert Schweitzer
posted by invadercalliope
Hi everyone this is the Invader Calliope show!
Time to talk about stuff!
Ok here are two perfect things that i love! Invader Zim and Anime!!
Ok i'm on team and L then Mellow then Near!
I do love Misa though!
I love rijst balls!
Oh my fave number is 37!
I'm using my laptop!
I love my cat!
I am feeling happy today!
I enjoy sweets!
I don't eat to much sweets i do eat my vegetables!
I love the colors: limoen, kalk Green,Dark Purple,Cyber Blue,and Black!
I love the Invader Zim sound track and the amazing singer gir!
Miss Carey: Here are your costumes for the play children. Come and see!
Ed: Is it my costume?
Miss Carey: Yes, it is.
Mady: Is this my dress? It's pretty.
Nicki: Here's my own zwaan-, zwaan costume. Look at my oranje beak.
Miss Carey: You're the ugly duckling, Allex. Here u are.
Allex: Thank you, Miss Carey.
Nicki: Let's put on our costumes!
Mady: Oh no! Look at my dress! It's much too lond.
Ed: My hat is too small. I look tidiculous.
Allex: I look meer ridiculous than you. Look at my feet!
Miss Carey: Oh dear! Theey're much too big!
Nicki: And I haven't got any wings!
Ed: This play is a disaster!
Mady: First we've got thousands of scripts.
Allex: And now our costumes don't fit.
Nicki: What's next?
posted by ShiningsTar542
It can be hard at times, but for some girls it is no problem to be vrienden with an ex.

The key is in how the relationship has ended. It's important that there is no anger and no one has cheated. If this is true for u then it is meer than possible that with a little time u two can go back to being friends.

vrienden and just friends. u must be clear about what u want. Sometimes when we pretend to want to be vrienden with our ex, we are really looking to get back together. Sometimes this is what u want and it works, but if it goes wrong then things will be even worse.

Give him space. If after some time apart u still want to continue to spend time together without wanting to be a couple, then u are ready to be vrienden again!

-source: justjared T.V show<>
Hey everyone!!This is the story of the time I was at Wal-Mart with some vrienden and the brand alarm went off but nobody cared and a baby died!

So anyway me and my friend Gyrrrrrrlllllllll were at Wal-Mart stealing stuff when the brand alarm went off.It was so funny cause nobody knew what to do.We were all just standing there not moving.It would have been meer funny to u if u *had've been there.

*I don't even think this is a word!

The End.

Nevermind.Fanpop zei this artikel is too short.Now what?That's all I had to say.Maybe if I say KITTENS!!!That will work.
"As I was sleeping on the tree, something suddenly tickled me. It wasn't like a hoofdkussen, kussen feather of a back scratcher, but was meer like a scaley tickle. As I giggled in my sleep, a tight squeeze suddenly brought my attention. As I woke up and looked around, I realized I was being trapped door a large python- a 20 ft long sucker at that!

I had no idea how this snake found me nor did I wanted to know why he caught me. The large seprent suddenly squeezed me tighter and tighter until my face turned dark purple. I was suffocating to my death. It would've been the end of the world for me. Luckly, the...
continue reading...
This is a funny story I came up with just now, so I hope u all enjoy it. ^_^

"My most random adventure ever began on a distant island far, far away from anywhere. The island was silent, no one appeared to live on the island. It was all quite until a loud stomp was heard from a distance. As I pulled my face up from the beachy sand, I began shaking with fear, not even wanting to know who of what made that noise.

With a light of speed, I raced my way out from the strand and into the dense jungle. I was hoping to find help, but couldn't find anyone. Just then however, someone grabbed me very quickly...
continue reading...
posted by ShiningsTar542
Katy Perry is a bit spaced out! Why? Because she keeps forgetting important facts, like that Russell Brand is her husband!

She's been married for a couple months now, but still can’t get used to calling him her husband.

“I forget to call him ‘my husband’ sometimes and still say ‘my boyfriend’. But I’ll get there,” she said.

This can happen to anyone we suppose, it takes a while to get used to the idea of being a wife.
 One of my favoriete book series'.
One of my favorite book series'.
At least, I think that it’s the fifth. Okay, I haven't written in a while, but still. Miss me? The correct answer to that vraag is: "Yes Rosie, we ALLLLLL missed you! Where were you!?" Well I'm glad u asked! I've been around. Mostly on the Harry Potter vs. Twilight club though. Either way, I'm back with all new topics and stuff. Sooooooo....
Alright Ladies and Gentleman, today I’m going to talk about something that I feel strongly about, even thought I know that many (weird) people will go psycho on me. And for all u haters of haterz, I just want to tell u that THIS IS AN OPINION!...
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Yesterday, Demi Lovato talked about the nominees for the American muziek Awards coming up on the 21st of November.

It will be really exciting, because in the category for Best Female Popstar we have Ke$ha, Lady Gaga and Katy Perry!

In the category for Best Male Artist we have to choose between Justin Bieber, his friend Usher and Eminem. Who will win?

And as far as Artist of the Year, it is between Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ke$ha and Eminem. An interesting mix and tough competition.

u can vote for your favorieten on the event webpage here: American muziek Awards.
posted by emilyroxx
 This picture is completely irrelivant to my blog.
This picture is completely irrelivant to my blog.
Hello, I’m back! I’ll write meer now.
So this random kid comes up to me today and says: “Is there someone u want to defenestrate?” Now, I have a pretty large vocabulary, but I had no idea what she just said, so I zei “What?” and she zei “Defenestration is the act of throwing someone out of a window.” And then without looking at me she just turned and walked away, leaving me standing there thinking what the hell just happened? I have got to find out who that girl is, because whoever she is, she is AWSOME.
    One thought that occurred to me today was (those...
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posted by emilyroxx
Okay, I wanted to create a website and start a blog, but I’ve never really had the time, of the ability. So what I plan to do is post some sort of random blog on the Random fan page. Just things that I’ve been thinking lately.
So, to start off I’m going to tell a story about my life.
One dag this summer, my friend (Let’s call him ‘Joe’) and I were playing capture the flag. (One of my favoriete games.) With his little sister and my little brother. We’re volgende door neighbors, so we had his house be our base, and our siblings got my house. My brother immediately ran inside the house...
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5 meer incredibly random stuff...I'd like to note that not everything listed is exactly possible, but each is genuinely unique and random in it's own way....

5) wear a nametag that reads "hello. My name is Jesus Christ" (or famous person) when some one says "you're not Jesus" turn around and say "Jesus? Where?"
4) befriend a zombie (don't try unless you're okay with being bitten)
3) give out autographs to complete strangers and pretend you're famous
2) divide door zero (it's a little harder than it looks)
1) walk up behind someone and whisper in their ear "I like mudkips...."

Lots of laughs...I recommend 3, 2 and 1
Ever met that one person who really really aggervates u , like constantly talking of doing everything u do , well im gonna help u deal with them without punching them in the face (kris style <3)

1) always carry a stress ball , those things do work , and if not , u can always throw it at him/her

2) Carry a hoofdkussen, kussen in u purse/bag , so if u need to scream , scream in the hoofdkussen, kussen , this pervents people from thinking your crazy

3) Earphones , u COULD use them to block that person out , but studies toon that if that person happens to slikken one of the earphones , they wont talk anymore ,

4)Just a hint ; throwing chairs never helps ,

5)Try to be their friend , mabey that'll work

6) if its your sibbling ,

Girl:flush her fav barbie doll
Boy:Flush his favorate comic book
mixed gender: Flush their face (:

Again; Kris style <3
any ideas on any other topis to make kris style , please tell me (: <3
KrisLovesYou !
posted by energizerbunny
Anyway I'm back and I had a great time, except when we were on a bus and it was over 100 degrees, it was soooo hot, and after a while people were starting to get ill...but not me, I was laughing at everyone and they were getting mad at me lol

So we finally got at the cabins, the boys got the bigger one but they had meer people, besides the girls had a much better game room, me and 4 other girls wanted to stay up all night...you could tell that we were sleepy because we were giggling at nothing and jumping at everything lol

I was soo sleepy, I fell asleep on the Pooltable which was surprisingly...
continue reading...
posted by MovieManiac95
 Are u MAD!?
Are You MAD!?
-Jumped And Hit Nothing
-Fell UP The Stairs
-Eaten your hand
-Swallowed nothing but choked anyways
-Gone Without Blinking
-Scratched An Itch That Was Never There
-Craved Cake but ate cereal
-Wished to fly, but had wings all along
-Skipped Without Moving
-Talked without talking
-Looked at nothing
-Wished for school to be over, but miss it in the end
-eaten a cookie in your dream and tasted it


If you're wondering what that was all about,
it was merely an introduction to my strange-ness,
and it's a...
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posted by karpach_13
Random Facts but are They True?

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

Every dag meer money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury

Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

Coca-Cola was originally green.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska

The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% ( now get this...) The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%

The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $6,400

The average number...
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posted by simpleplan
Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren’t added to it.

What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France.

In 1386, a pig in France was executed door public hanging for the murder of a child

The average person laughs 10 times a day!

12 newborns will be gegeven to the wrong parents daily, on average!

The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year

The storage capacity of human brain exceeds 4 Terrabytes

According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored dag for self-destruction.

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.

The most money ever paid for a...
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posted by MissKnowItAll
I am the girl kicked out of her home pagina because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.

I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.

I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.

We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.

I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.

I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could...
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I dont undestand
i never did
and i guess i never will

i took a shot
i tried my best
to fiure u out
i gues its the end

that was yourlast shot. i put all my trust in u and u let me down.i am not sorry. i wont forgive u , its the end
so u can put your fist down right now
its over,you had your shot, now heres mine. and now im saying goodbye...gooodbye

you broke my heart
all i wanted was a faher to love
when my mother died
you never cried
you just used the oppertuniy
to push me down

never wil u burn me
or beat me
and call me wortless as u push me down

that was yourlast shot. i put all my...
continue reading...
posted by IsabellaMCullen
Whenever u are volgende bored, of feel like being annoying, here are some cool things to do.

At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.

Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.

Insist that your emai address begins with 'xena-warrior-princess' of 'elvis-the-king'.

Every time someone asks u to do something, ask if they want fries with that.

Put your garbage can on your bureau and label it "IN."

Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.

Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their...
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