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These are my top, boven 15 LEAST favoriete beroemdheden and just like with my top, boven 15 favoriete beroemdheden lijst I'm only basing this off who they are as a person, but I will talk about their talent as well. I will also tell u how attractive I think these people are because there are very few on here I find ugly and some I find very attractive, I'm just going to mention it just to toon that I'm not biased like some people. This one person who did a lijst like this pretty much just zei they were all ugly and even compared them to animals. Anyway, this is my lijst and please keep in mind this is just my opinion but also please comment. Enjoy!


She's my least favoriete of all the Disney Channel stars and I just can't stand her! She can't sing and is one of the worst actresses I've ever seen in my entire life! With that aside she's also a terrible role model because when she was on Dancing With The Stars she got her fans to help her cheat, she told them to. Yeah, teach kids to cheat, there's a good choice for a role model Disney, like having her as one of the stars of Shake It Up that teaches horrible life lessons and morals isn't bad enough. She's also a spoiled snob who is ungrateful for her fans. Someone I met online told me that he was in line for hours with his little girl to get Zendaya's autograph and when his little girl zei hi to her she didn't say anything and just sneered at her while talking to some "blonde bimbo". Bella Thorne is definitely WAY better than her because she is a great role model, is a fantastic actress, grateful for her fans, and an amazing person, not to mention much prettier than her. However, Zendaya is very beautiful, not stunning of gorgeous though, and is a fantastic dancer (not on Shake It Up). She's not higher because the others have done worse.

14.Liam Hemsworth

I used to like him until this jaar when I found out meer about him. I mostly liked him because he was Miley's fiancé but now I know he's horrible. It turns out that back in 2010 he cheated on Miley. When he and Miley got engaged he just kept on wrecking her (excuse the pun) and was the inspiration for most of the songs on her Bangerz album. He cheated on Miley with January Jones in mid 2013 and was basically described in Miley's song FU, which was obvious since it mentioned texting through a cellphone and it was rumored that Liam was sending January sexy text messages, I don't know why considering January is twelve years older than him and isn't even attractive. He cheats on Miley again with a Spanish singer named Eiza Gonzalez. People say Miley is a slut? A slut is someone who has no shame and just wants to have sexy and be with as many people as possible, that's not Miley that's applies to Liam. He wasn't forced to stay with Miley, he had a choice to break up with her and instead decided to cheat on her! He had an amazing woman who is the most GORGEOUS woman that ever lived and he blew it! He doesn't deserve someone like Miley, she deserves MUCH better! However, he's a great actor (one of the best actors) and one of the most handsome men I've ever seen, although I'm a guy so I'm not much of a judge of that. He's not higher because the others are worse.

13.Mel Gibson

It kind of hurts to have him on here because of the nostalgia I have of him as the voice of John Smith from Pocahontas but the meer I learned about him the meer I despised him. He is incredibly racist, ironic considering he was in Pocahontas, saying he hates Jews and has made several racist comments. This guy is incredibly insensitive to other people and thinks he's better than everyone else. He is also rude to people because he thinks that everyone can afford to do what he can do when really they can't, they're not rich like he is but apparently he's too stupid and insensitive to realize that. He's a completely racist, insensitive, MORON! He was actually very good looking when he was younger but really didn't age very well, he's kind of ugly. He's a very talented actor and has a good singing voice in Pocahontas. He's not higher partly because of nostalgia.

12.Richard Burton

I never liked him AT ALL! First of all he was a total HAM of an actor and always acted like a ham even when he wasn't acting at all. He was a terrible person! First he flirted with Elizabeth Taylor, even though he was married, and when she didn't want anything to do with him zei she was dumpy. Yeah, a real nice guy, NOT! But he kept going after Elizabeth Taylor until she gave in, even though she was married. He helped her become one of, if not THE biggest whore and slut in history. He was zei to be her soul mate but all he did was talk Shakespear to her and then treat her terribly. He was also an alcoholic and ruined himself. He ended him killing himself with all the drug and alcohol, not suicide but just pure stupidity. He was decently good looking before the drugs but after that he was ugly. He's not higher because the others are meer annoying.

11.Lindsay Ellis (A.K.A. The Nostalgia Chick)

This is ironic because I had Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) on my favoriete beroemdheden list. However, while Doug is funny, entertaining, really openminded, and insightful, she's not funny, is boring, close-minded, and cynical. She is just always so boring an annoying! She hates anything that is fun just because it's fun. She over analyzes the heck out of everything! She's just like those moms who think Disney Princesses are horrible role models only worse. She'd be the mothers leader except for one thing, she's horrible and hates children, she probably eats babies and drinks little kids blood. I hate how she feels about The Little Mermaid and Ariel, yes I'm going to be biased about that. She's not funny, she managed to get a few laughs but only like three of four. Her vrienden on her toon are the real entertainment. She looks at everything like a school meld and tells it like a BORING lecture! The website she's part of is supposed to be entertaining and funny but she's BORING as algebra, in fact I thinkI might prefer algebra over her. She gives a lot of wrong information and is closed-minded with no redeemable qualities. I think Doug only hired her as the Nostalgia Chick in the contest because he knew she would be boring and would never steal his popularity. He should've picked MarzGurl, she'd be entertaining! She's kind of pretty and does have a nice singing voice. But as for entertaining she needs to be fired and have a boring job where her boringness can shine. She's not higher because the others have done worse.

10.Justin Bieber

First of all I want to say that I never liked him but I didn't hate him at first. He seemed like a good kid and he had a nice voice for a little kid, though it got deep and now he sounds like a goat that can't sing a single note. However, now he's not a good kid anymore, he's a jacka**! He treats people terribly, assaults people, is rude to people who work for him, is easily influenced, and is ungrateful for his fans. He actually spit on his fans, talk about a jacka**! He doesn't deserve his huge fanbase, it's not even talented for one, is a cheap knock off Justin Timberlake wannabe, and is horrible to his fans. Selena Gomez can do WAY better than him! I don't know why she keeps going back to him! She's gorgeous, smart, talented, an amazing person, rich, and famous, she can do MUCH better! He's also the WORST actor of ALL TIME, no one is worse at acting than him! He keeps on getting away with getting arrested when he should be, he got arrested once but was bailed out. He deserves to be in jail for years. He doesn't take his career seriously and even zei he was retiring, too bad though. He takes his overhemd, shirt off and hands his pants low like a moron. He was also very offensive saying he hoped that Anne Frank would be a Belieber, he has no respect for anything of anyone. I do think, unlike most people, that he is very handsome. He's not higher because of the story of Avalanna and I believe he really cared about her. He's been involved in some charities. Maybe one dag he'll get his act together and his big fat ego will deflate. But until then I'm gonna go on hating him.

9.Kim Kardashian

I can't stand this woman AT ALL! She is totally fake and a complete egomaniac. She's a spoiled and selfish brat that just wants money and fame. I feel sorry for her daughter because she'll probably end up being just like her mother, so beautiful but so stupid, spoiled, selfish, and fake. Her reality toon is absolutely awful and just shows how annoying she really is. She's rude to people and is a complete hypocrite. She calls some guy she knows fat when she's in no position to talk with her HUGE hippo butt! Her butt didn't have any work done, her boobs might have, and her face definitely did. She was so much prettier before her plastic surgery. Unlike most people, I think Kim Kardashian is beautiful even after her surgery but she looked so much better before. But she is also completely talentless, she can't sing, she's one of the WORST actresses of all time, and she can't dance of anything! She got famous from her fashion so at least she's not just famous for nothing. But she's done nothing with her fame but just pamper her vanity, talk about how rich she is, and talk down to people. She's a spoiled and whiny brat! Maybe we'll be lucky and her daughter will be NOTHING like her family! One can only hope. She's not higher because, despite everything wrong with her, including that she'll datum several guys and dump them in a millisecond, she does care about her family.

8.Elizabeth Taylor

People say women like Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian, Ke$ha are sluts, they're NOTHING compared to this whore! She had absolutely NO CLASS AT ALL! She constantly cheated on her husbands and broke up marriages! She even broke up a marriage of two good vrienden of hers, who I bet were no longer vrienden with her, especially since she cheated on that guy with Richard Burton! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! I've never seen a woman who was such a whore, except for Blanche from The Golden Girls and Joey from Friends, two characters I can't stand either door the way. She constantly did this, doing it once is bad enough but several times is being a freaking slut! She was also spoiled, selfish, rude, ungrateful for her fans, would only sign autographs if she needed the money, and was a total ham of an actress. She's so over the top, boven and also underacts when she needs to be subtle. The only time she and Richard are good are when they're in Who's Afraid of Virginia wolf because they fought a lot in the movie but that's only because they were struggling through the same thing in real life. These two were not meant for each other. I will admit that she is gorgeous but DISGUSTINGLY OVERRATED! She was zei to be the most beautiful woman that ever lived but I completely disagree. I can't believe she was considered stunning and Judy Garland wasn't even considered pretty when Judy is a billion times meer beautiful than her. Elizabeth is gorgeous but can't compete with classic beauties like Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, etc. Plus when she grew old she became UGLY, just like her personality! She's basically the early version of Kim Kardashian, only worse. She's not higher because the others are meer despicable!

7.Roseanne Barr

I can't stand this woman AT ALL! First of all I think her toon is absolutely AWFUL and she's a total HAM of an actress who just screams her lines! She always plays the same character, even in the Disney movie, home pagina On The Range, which is an AWFUL movie door the way. She always is just playing herself, a rude, manipulative, dysfunctional, mean, stupid, insane, loud, fat, hideous, and horrible excuse for a human being! She was also disrespectful to America when she sung the national anthem and she has the WORST voice of ALL TIME, just TERRIBLE! I'm glad she's not an actress anymore but now she's in politics, which is horrible! She's horrible with politics and is a horrible person all together! She's rude and mean to everyone she meets and is just a terrible person who doesn't deserve her fame at all. She's not funny at all and is just plain annoying! She's not higher because the others are just worse.

6.P.L. Travers

After I saw Saving Mr. Banks I couldn't stand this woman AT ALL and after looking up the real story I hate her even more. First I want to say that she adopted a boy and knew that he had a twin brother but refused to adopt him as well. That's just HORRIBLE! u don't slit siblings up, that is just inexcusable! I know she had a tragic childhood and I feel bad for her but that's no excuse for her growing up to be a horrible person. She's rude, arrogant, cynical, and a stuck up snob. She refused to write anymore boeken even though she was broke, what a moron. She refused to have any vrienden of be pleasant to anyone. In the movie she asked a woman who was being polite if her baby was going to be a nuisance for the whole plane ride! WHAT A B****! She was never polite to anyone and treated Walt Disney, one of my favoriete celebrities, horribly. Also the movie lied about how Travers felt about the movie, she hated it because it was fun and had muziek so she refused to let Walt make anymore films out of her books, despite the fact that she refused to write and would become flat broke! WHAT AN IDIOT! She's a horrible person and I can't STAND her! She's a major PAIN!

5.Desi Arnaz

It really hurts me to have him on this lijst but after what I learned about him I just had to put him on here. He constantly cheated on Lucy and was an alcoholic. While she was working on trying to save their marriage he just went around cheating on her and getting high on the alcohol! Lucy deserved better than this! All she ever did was try to help him and save their marriage but all he could do was make a mess of it. She even created the I Love Lucy toon to try to save their marriage but eventually the toon would end because they got a divorce. This guy had absolutely no class about him and was just a horrible man that didn't deserve someone as amazing as Lucy. However, I will admit that I think he is handsome, is a great actor, is a fantastic singer, and amazing with instruments. He's not higher because of my love for I Love Lucy and the fact that the others just make me meer sick!

4.Paris Hilton

A worse version of Kim Kardashian! I can't stand this idiotic bimbo! First of all she has absolutely NO talent AT ALL! She is the WORST actress of ALL TIME, she can't sing, and can't dance of do anything. She's a soiled, selfish, stuck up brat! She teaches all the horrible morals that Kim does but she's worse because she actually ruined a celebrity's life. She influenced Lindsay Lohan into partying hard and doing drugs, Lindsay is one of my favoriete beroemdheden so this makes me hate Paris even more. She was let off with a warning when she was caught door the police but she just thought she was better than everyone so she just didn't pay any attention to them! I'm glad they arrested her afterwards, she deserved it, I'm just sad she's not still in jail! I will admit that she is plainly pretty but she's nothing special and I can't stand her nose! She's a spoiled brat who is only famous for being born rich and gets what she wants because she has the money to bribe people.

3.Perez Hilton

First of all I have to say that he and Paris Hilton always get mixed up in my head because their names sound the same and I despise them both! This guy is just famous for a website where he just goes around trying to make horrible stories about people and criticize people in a jacka** way. He has absolutely no respect for anyone and is just a despicable excuse for a human being! He doesn't care how hurtful something is and will say whatever he can in the worst possible way. I don't know what else I could say about him that everyone else doesn't already know about this jerk. He's decently good looking, nothing special. He's not higher because the other two are just horrible!


I can't stand this woman AT ALL! The WORST female celebrity in my opinion! First of all she's UGLY! Secondly she was a total whore, she cheated on her husband with Charles, who was married to Diana at the time. She did it for years without feeling any guilt AT ALL! She's part of what made Diana feel so horrible during her marriage with Charles. She had absolutely no class and I hope that she never becomes queen of England, that belongs to Kate. There is nothing good about this woman and nothing nice I have to say about her except that there is one celebrity that is worse than her.


There is absolutely no doubt about it that this horrible and despicable excuse for a human being is the WORST celebrity of ALL TIME and there is not a single celebrity worse than him! He treated Diana horribly! He constantly told her how worthless she is and always made her feel like she wasn't good enough. He would never be satisfied and even cheated on Diana with that dog Camilla! In this world people can get divorced, he didn't have to stay with Diana, he could've left her and went with Camilla but instead just decided to cheat on her. He made Diana act like her life was happy and never tried to help her, he was just horrible and selfish. He lied to her and would always make her feel bad about herself. He was a terrible father too and will be a horrible grandfather. But William and Harry are lucky Diana was their mother because Charles is UGLY! I hope he never becomes king, that titel belongs to William. William will be a great king and unlike his father he is a good husband and father. This guy is just horrible and should never be allowed to rule a country.
added by liridonarama96
posted by nmdis
Someone expected when i first met you
Didn't know what to think ... ah
We were so different
Not sure that you'd listen
Scared to share anything... Hey!
But then i found that u felt the same ... and that's when everything changed...

Sometimes when u need a friend
Need to be a friend
Gotta spin the whole picture around...Hey!
You need to share your life
Help someone learn to fly
Let the way u feel out
Let the magic began
Just be a friend

Na Na Na Na
Sometimes it takes u
A little meer strength
Ha Ha
Flying into the wind we get together
yeah, we make it better than we do it...
continue reading...
posted by karolinak1999
«Fiction writing is great. u can make up almost anything.»
- Ivana Trump, on finishing her first novel

«I'm convinced the Beatles are partly responsible for the fall of Communism.»
- Milos Forman, Film director

«When I'm a blonde, I can say the world is purple, and they'll believe me because they weren't listening to me.»
- Kylie Bax, Model/Actress, in Stuff magazine.

«The internet is a great way to get on the net.»
- Bob Dole, Republican presidential candidate

«You guys, line up alphabetically door height.»
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

«I get to go to lots of overseas places,...
continue reading...
posted by TeddyGlitter
Let the Madness Begin

    I joined Fanpop a few days geleden and I am ready to spread some insanity! EVERYONE POST RANDOM PARAGRAPHS IN THE commentaren AND I'LL PUT THEM TOGETHER IN AN artikel AND POST IT ON RANDOM!

A little girl had a big problem, in a big big world called reality. She had so much tests, and little fun, she eventually died because of insanity. There once was a Bellatrix who had a pet Regina. Regina liked to poop in people's yards so Bellatrix had to keep her wand out all the time (interprate as u please) to ensure that Regina Mills would not poop...
continue reading...
I decided to write an artikel because some recent news was seriously pissing me off. (Actually my friend inspired me.)

This is an artikel about misconceptions on First Nations and Native Americans. I decided to toon everyone how some of their ideals on native people are WRONG. (mostly in Canada, I don't know what goes on in America...)

I've had people ask me crazy things, and assume really STUPID things about natives that quite frankly are not true. How do I know? I'm a full native who's lived on a reservation her whole life. That's how.

If u commentaar on something u believe is true, then...
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It all started when a young man without much money he was gegeven a Nintendo 64. The young man, who wanted to play but did not have the fat wallet, decided that a good option was to buy cartridges. And I was lucky because just the dag after u give away the console, an old man opened a garage sale in which, between furniture, lamps, utensils, carpentry and other unnecessary objects, calling his presence a small patroon, cartridge of Majora's Mask ( a game of the series The Legend of Zelda). As the old man who sold the game ... well, let's say that her appearance did not inspire much confidence to the...
continue reading...
posted by Nein-Nein
 Stomping the glass
Stomping the glass
What's the strangest thing you've seen at a wedding? A drunken best man? An unusual theme? A few seriously bad dancers? Such occurrences might be surprising , here are some strange wedding traditions .........

Anyone who's been to a Jewish wedding has witnessed the groom stomping on a glass wrapped in a napkin of cloth. In most cases, the groom breaks the glass after the rings are exchanged, stepping on it with his right foot. Then the guests yell "mazel tov!"

On a couple's wedding night, a large gathering of friends, family members and other wedding...
continue reading...
posted by australia-101
Desktop Fun Prank

This works best on someone without much computer knowledge. If u know of someone who is constantly talking about how stupid their PC is, of always seem to be lucky enough to get the newest virus before anyone else...this trick is for them.

You will need:

- Access to their computer
- Ability to take screenshots, change desktop wallpaper, and other basic computer skills

How this prank works:
You take a screenshot of someone's desktop (with of without apps running of photoshopping "enhancements"), than place that image as their desktop wallpaper. If u are decent with using photoshop...
continue reading...
posted by Alma_
Chuck Norris Jokes

-Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

-Only Chuck Norris knows the true end of the movie Inception

-When Chuck Norris throws a boomarang it doesn't dare come back

-Do u know how many push ups Chuck Norris has done? All of them

-Neil Armstrong never went to the moon for NASA, he was trying to run away from Chuck Norris

-Chuck Norris knows the letter after Z

-Chuck Norris was the alien who told the Egyptians how to invent the pyramid

-What's Chuck Norris' favoriete Number?....................CHUCK NORRIS

-Superman wears Chuck Norris underpants.

-When Chuck Norris falls out of a boot he dosn't get wet the water gets Chuck Norrised

-Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he just stares them down until he gets the information he wants out of them.

-Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

-Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
I got really bored last night and decided to look these up. So...yeah. Some small roles are included.

Italy and Kid

Narrator and Liz

Greece and Spirit

Chibitalia and Yumi

America and Justin

England and Harvar

France and Giriko

Russia and the clowns

HRE and Jack the Ripper
Austria and Dr.Stein

Hungary and Medusa

Liechtenstein and Patty

Belarus and Tsubaki

Lithuania and Ox

Sweden and Mifune

Sealand and Crona

Rome and Eibon

......Yep. I'm most likely missing some, though.
"Hey guess what?" Lauren, my best friend, zei as we sat in the computer room of my house, looking at Katy Perry muziek videos. I looked over and answered, "What?". She pulled out a small card with a "BK" watermark on it.
"I got a $10 gift card to Burger King!" She exclaimed. "The jellybeans shall be praised!" I jumped up and immediately grabbed the keys of my car, a blue 2012 Ford mustang Shelby GT500.
"We need to go." I begged. Burger King was one of my all-time favoriete fast food restaurants. I had to go!
"Take out of dine-in?" Lauren asked, standing up. I thought for a second.
continue reading...
posted by happyfreak
A friend of mine has another friend that is addicted to meth. She found this and gave it to her friend. She then gave me a copy because she zei it was sad and cared enough to let me know what meth is and does.

This poem was written door a young Indiana girl who was in jail for drug charges, and was addicted to Meth. She wrote this while in jail. As u will soon read, she fully grasped the horrors of the drug, as she tells in this simple, yet profound poem. She was released from jail, but, true to her story, the drug owned her. They found her dead not long after, with the needle still in her...
continue reading...

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE .

"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.

"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL .

"If u don't straighten up, I'm going to knock u into the middle of volgende week!"

4. My mother taught me LOGIC.

" Because I zei so, that's why."

5. My mother taught me meer LOGIC .

"If u fall out of that schommel, swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.

"Make sure...
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Supports your body’s antioxidant and nutritional needs.

MonaVie features a delicious blend of the Brazilian açai berry—one of nature’s top, boven superfoods—and 18 other body-beneficial fruits. This Balance-Variety-Moderation approach to nutrition delivers powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients to help fight free radicals and maintain your body’s globaal, algemene health.

Offers potent antioxidant protection against free radicals.
Features a wide array of nutrients for optimal health.
Delivers the antioxidant...
continue reading...
posted by patrisha727
A typical American eats 28 pigs in his/her lifetime.

Americans eat 20.7 pounds of candy per person annually. The Dutch eat three times as much.

Americans spend approximately $25 billion each jaar on beer.

Americans spent an estimated $267 billion dining out in 1993.

An etiquette writer of the 1840's advised, "Ladies may wipe their lips on the tablecloth, but not blow their noses on it."

Aunt Jemima pancake flour, invented in 1889, was the first ready-mix food to be sold commercially.

Caffeine: there are 100 to 150 milligrams of caffeine in an eight-ounce cup of brewed coffee, 10 milligrams...
continue reading...
 Happy Hauntings X)
Happy Hauntings X)
( Road)
The lord Millenium is in zoek of you
Looking for the hart-, hart now
Have u heard the news
maybe u stal it from him
i'll see if it is true
( General )
The lord Millenium is in zoek of you
Looking for he hart-, hart now
Have u heard the news
I was not the one he sought
maybe it is you
( Lord Millenium )
Who is it that has my heart
i will find u soon


The song is from D. Grey Man some how none of u know it as the only song i know door hart-, hart from the series i thought it'd be wonderful to post the song ( with a link to the song of course ) and bring in a little part of it >;) and the picture.....was a huge spin i took from Waverly Hills so goodbye.......and Happy hauntings Children!!!
added by Crazedsitcomfan
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block, where a group of ponies that are vrienden live on the same block in Ponyville. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Something seems wrong here.
Master Sword: Why?
Tom: When we appeared, the audience was cheering, clapping, and whistling. However, I did not hear any laughter!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Thank you. The more, the merrier.
Master Sword: Who wants to hear about today's crossover parody?
Tom: Obviously, everpony. Otherwise, they wouldn't be...
continue reading...
So yeah, I had another one of those breaks from playing PS2 games. I was going on a big binge trying to get some meer cause of the announcement that Sony was closing down the Playstation 3 store. I was really worried for a second, and was going on a mass purchase, but that came to a halt once people got on Sony’s case enough and convinced them to keep it up. So, uh, I got a bit of a backlog of PS2 games to get through on there now, even some PS1 games, but I will get to those in time. Needless to say, I was going to be reviewing Tokobot Plus, but with work and other projects in the works,...
continue reading...
so this'll just be a simple article. i'mma be ranking my top, boven 5 songs from The Weeknd's latest album, "After Hours". oh, and before i start this article, i just wanna let y'all know: this is just my personal opinion. these are the 5 songs from the album that i remember and enjoy the most. i love all the songs, don't get me wrong, but i guess these are the 5 that really stayed with me the longest.

1) Faith
2) Scared to Live
3) In Your Eyes
4) Repeat After Me
5) Blinding Lights

oooof! this was a tough one, especially since i personally think "After Hours" is The Weeknd's best album so far, but this is something i just wanted to share. and keep in mind, my opinion might change with time the meer i listen to the album.