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(I made this around two years geleden and never finished it so..... HERE u GO. XD)

(By the way, this was originally going to be a video so expect to see some *Insert Here* moments. :P Not that it matters, I doubt anyone will even read all this anyways but WHATEVER. ENJOY.)

Ah, Atari. A classic game company that made so many classic titles. Among those were some of my personal favorites, duizendpoot and Millipede. First off, Centipede, released in 1981, was a vertically oriented shoot em up classic designed door Ed Logg, who also made Super Breakout and co-developed the game Asteroids with Lyle Rains.

He also made Millipede, and co-designed the Gauntlet series. Also among the developers of this game was Dona Bailey, who helped out make both this game and Millipede. The game was released for the Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 all in the 80’s. In the game u control an Unidentified Flying Object (See what I did there? :D) Shooting up presumably evil centipedes, fleas, scorpions, spiders, and for some strange reason, mushrooms. Maybe the playing field is a garden? I honestly have no idea. But hey, that’s what I love about Atari, the graphics are so hard to tell what you’re looking at u gotta use your imagination! (Spongebob footage.)

Every Time the duizendpoot hits a paddestoel of the side of the screen, it goes horizontally down, closer to you, which is obviously bad, and although u can avoid it somewhat easily, I recommend u just kill it before it reaches you. So every time u defeat a centipede, the screen color changes and u fight another one, and another one, and do u see a pattern here? Yeah, like every game back then, it was an endless game where the only object was to get the high score and brag to all your vrienden at how cool u are. Another theme with enemies is that sometimes, when enemies are falling down from the top, boven of the screen, they’ll leave behind meer mushrooms, making it harder to verplaats and hit the centipede.

Yeah, the mushrooms are just there to tick u off, so have fun with that! (Insert loud cuss joke here.) Around the middle to bottom screen is an invisible border that u can't pass, it’s there to prevent the player from roaming around too much and getting owned. (Wombo combo joke) Whenever u die, u get points for every damaged paddestoel there is on the screen. So there’s one reason to shoot the mushrooms! And a funny random fact about the game, Head Designer Ed Logg actually stated the game was meer for women players! Because women TOTALLY just LOVE bugs right? ^__^ (Insert female screaming to large insect joke)

But now, here’s the thing u all want to hear, is it a good game? Was the reception decent, and did it sell a lot of units? Of course it did! It had a billion ports, remixes, and remakes, it scored number 9 on the Softline’s top, boven 30 Atari Games list, and the amount of cartridges it sold? (Insert funny obligatory it’s over 9,000 joke) So yeah, this game is obviously, very fun! Now we get on to what has to be the only sequel to an Atari game I know, Millipede. Basically, it’s centipede. But now with (Insert madness meme footage) SERIOUSLY, THIS GAME IS THE VERY DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF THE WORD CRAZY! (Insert literally joke) meer ENEMIES, meer DESTRUCTION, A NEW DDT BOX THAT EXPLODES WHEN u SHOOT IT, meer POINTS meer CHAOS meer BUGS BWAHAAHHA!!!!!!!! (Insert wily megaman crazy footage) (o_O)

Now, we get to the sequel. Millipede was released in 1982, now also on the NES (Use webcam footage if u can) Franz Lanzinger also helped a bt in designing and testing, so complimenten to him! Now, the main thing that separates Millipede from duizendpoot is, if u can’t see already, HOLY GOD there is a lot meer bugs, but we’ll get there later. Like I mentioned earlier, there’s a new feature in the game called DDT, of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, (Insert joke on how the heck do I pronounce this) Is a floating object that there is about 4 of on the screen, and regenerate every now and then. When u shoot it, the DDT will explode, releasing presumably toxic fumes that will instantly kill parts of the millipede if it runs into it.

I don’t know if it can kill the other insects, but I’m pretty sure it can. Also new to the game are the new insects, and boy are there a lot of them! There’s the earwig, bee, inchworm, beetle, dragonfly, mosquito, and obviously, the millipede. Like in Centipede, which I didn’t mention earlier because I don’t know at all, every 10,000 points of so u get an extra life, helping u live longer, obviously. Also new to millipede is the ability to choose your starting score, and here is where I rip off wikipedia because this part is kind of hard to explain.

“Players can also choose at the start of the game whether to play at an advanced level, starting with a score that is a multiple of the number of points needed to earn an extra life (by default, 15,000). The gameplay is generally much meer advanced than it would be had the player started with a score of 0 and worked their way up to that point level. The maximum advanced level allowed is a function of the preceding player's score, and games started at an advanced level where the player did not earn at least one extra life are not eligible for the high scoreboard.”

Alright then. Totally got all that! (Insert confused joke, oh the power of the pause recording button! sort of, anyway.)

Now let’s start talking about the bugs, which is going to be TONS easier since we’re already into Millipede.

Centi/Millipede: The main boss of this game. This little bugger is very annoying, as it moves very fast, and can ram into u if u aren’t careful. Just shoot it down, dodge it carefully, and you’ll be fine.

Earwig/Scorpion: The schorpioen, scorpion from the first game and the earwig from the seconde are really the same thing. They touch mushrooms, (That didn’t come out the way I thought it would.) and make them all shiny and magcal. What this does is whenever the Centi/Millipede touches the mushroom, (STOP SAYING THAT!) it goes straight to the bottom of the screen and will send u back to the first grade if u aren’t careful. Just shoot either the insect itself down, of the mushrooms, and you'll be fine.

Bee: Beeing (LOL) in both games, the bee appears in bonus round and requires two shots to take down. They create mushrooms and verplaats very fast horizontally down, but as long as you’re careful, you’re golden! (Insert golden freddy image)

Spiders: I don’t know if I should love these things, of want them to burn in the dark fiery pits of the underworld. FIrst off, they verplaats at a speed of mach 5 in a random irregular pattern, and if they touch you, (Why does that always come out wrong?) You’re dead as a doornail. Not that anything I know of is particularly dead about a doornail. And u know what else? They appear CONSTANTLY, and in the later levels, there can be two of them on the screen! Another mechanic with the spiders is the closer u shoot them, the meer points u get, but since they verplaats at a speed Super Sonic the Hedgehog would be jealous of, u might as well not even try. But as a little, sorry u suck here’s a free newb bonus lol, kind of freebie, they actually can help out, as they get rid of mushrooms! Maybe they aren’t all that bad, maybe all they want is a hug. (Insert giant scary spin picture.)

Inchworm: New in millipede, whenever u hit these, it slows every insect for a short period of time. Basic, somewhat useful, and not really annoying, thank god.
added by nmdis
added by IchiRukiLoove1
added by ChocoLuvr101
Source: sandyhams.tumblr.com
added by Sen_Kagemiya
added by Sen_Kagemiya
added by fatoshleo
Source: @fatoshleo
added by shiriny
Tianmen Cave known as Gateway to Heaven is a natural bridge/arch and is reportedly highest elevation (1520 meters) natural arch in the World. Although it is an arch but locals call it a cave. As per local history it used to be cave and in circa 263 there was a massive collapse of the cliff face, which changed the cave into an arch. At that time the mountain was called Songliang, which was then changed to Tianmen meaning sacred.

It is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and 60 meters deep. It is located close to Zhangjiajie city in western Hunan Province, China and is part of Wulingyuan Scenic Area - a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

One has to climb 999 steps to reach the top.

The whole area is very scenic and was not easily accessible. However Tianmen Mountain Cableway - reportedly the longest passenger cableway in the World with a length of 7200 meters and a height gap of 1277 meters, now brings thousands of tourists to this natural wonder.
 One has to climb 999 steps to reach the top, boven
One has to climb 999 steps to reach the top
 Glass path(4,700ft above sea level)
Glass path(4,700ft above sea level)
 Tianmen Mountain Cableway
Tianmen Mountain Cableway
Hello there. Here is a lijst about what not to do with a lightsaber. Our intern Bob will demonstrate. :D

1. Never hold your lightsaber upside down

Bob: *holds upside down* OWWWWWWW MY HANDS! D:

2. Never play with your lightsaber

Bob: Look I can throw my lightsaber! :D *throws*

3. Never get distracted during the battle

Bob: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh *does nothing*
*opponent kills Bob* Don't worry, he'll resurrect :D

4. Never bring a mini-lightsaber

Bob: Look at my mini-lightsaber! :D
Opponent: That thing is useless! *kills*

5. Overkill is good :D (plus breaking the rules for something u should...
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posted by Alma_
Chuck Norris Jokes

-Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

-Only Chuck Norris knows the true end of the movie Inception

-When Chuck Norris throws a boomarang it doesn't dare come back

-Do u know how many push ups Chuck Norris has done? All of them

-Neil Armstrong never went to the moon for NASA, he was trying to run away from Chuck Norris

-Chuck Norris knows the letter after Z

-Chuck Norris was the alien who told the Egyptians how to invent the pyramid

-What's Chuck Norris' favoriete Number?....................CHUCK NORRIS

-Superman wears Chuck Norris underpants.

-When Chuck Norris falls out of a boot he dosn't get wet the water gets Chuck Norrised

-Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he just stares them down until he gets the information he wants out of them.

-Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

-Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
I got this off an e-mail from a friend, so this is not mine and I take no claim in it. Please don't do these things in real life, it's just for fun and a good laugh. And if u do do these things (number 4 fo example), than I'm sorry but you're really dumb.



6 Ways On How To Deal With haai Attacks:

More than 99% of haai attacks happen in large watermasses- also know as oceans. An easy way to tell if u are in an ocean is to taste the water- it will taste like salt.

Make sure that there...
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THIS IS NOT MINE. I got it from Tumblr. x)

The following is an actual vraag gegeven on a universiteit of Washington Chemistry mid-term:

The answer door one student was so ‘profound’ that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) of endothermic (absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle’s Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) of some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

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posted by invadercalliope
come on dora!

lets go!
dora dora dora the explorer!
boots and supercool exploradora!

we need your help!

grab your backpack!
lets go!
jump in!

u can lead the way!

hey! hey!


swiper no swiping!
swiper no swiping! (oh man)

it;s dora the explorer!
dora dora
ven, ven
dora dora la exploradora
dale con el sol pequeña dora
vamos salta tu puedes niña
consulta a tu mapa
tutu dora tutu dora tutu dora
lets go
The End!
posted by cutiegirl01
01 Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
02 Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
03 Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
04 If u can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If u can't see Chuck Norris u may be only seconden away from death.
05 Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony,...
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top, boven 25 Ways To Drive Your Roommate Crazy

1. Every time u wake up, start yelling, “Oh, my God! Where the
hell am I?!” and run around the room for a few minutes. Then go
back to bed. If yourroommate asks, say u don’t know what
he/she is talking about.

2. Buy a plant. Sleep with it at night. Talk to it. After a few weeks,
start to argue with it loudly. Then yell, “I can’t live in the same
room with you,” storm out of the room and slam the door. Get rid
of the plant, but keep the pot. Refuse to discuss the plant ever

3. Buy a Jack-in-the-box. Every day, turn the handle until the
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