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Famous Newgrounds content creator, also known as Arin Hanson from the let’s play channel Game Grumps, was once a prolific animator and considered one of the biggest. If u don’t know Arin as an animator, you’d be forgiven for that. Arin Hanson’s old career has been buried and forgotten, but hey, times change right…. Right…. Right?! Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to another episode of Content Cop. Idubbbz here with the new rant article. I ranted before about David Cage and his creeping abilities, but now it’s time to talk about something else. It’s time to hit closer to home. It’s time we set our sights on the one, the only, Arin “Egoraptor” Hanson. And let me tell you, Ego has never been meer appropriate for the man we are discussing today. Now before I get into the juicy pot oven roast of this article, let me get this out of the way. This is not a hit piece of me attacking this man. This is, and has always aimed to be, nothing meer than criticism and giving an insightful look into the man that is Arin Hanson. Do not take this as me hating on a man, okay? With that all said, let us get into how Arin Hanson became the woke boy that he is today

Chapter 1: From Humble Beginnings

u may think that Arin Hanson, owner and founder of the big business Game Grumps, has always been the comedy challenged man that he is today. Well not really. It all started on Newgrounds. u may know the website now for being a place that has a lot of fucked up political games and a fuck ton of pornography. But there was one man who rose above the rest to gift us with something truly special. On February 23rd, 2006 (Jesus, I was seven when this came out), Egoraptor created the first of his famous Awesome series, Metal Gear Awesome. It wasn’t the best animated parody, and hell, it wasn’t even the funniest, but it was one of the greatest in scale, in random humor, and just a bizarre style with it’s jokes and art that it was hard to not love. And love it people did. This resulted in a huge amount of short comedy skits door Arin as he made new Awesome episodes as often as one would expect. He rose above the ranks fast among other animators like Harry Partridge, Psychicpebbles, and OneyNG, a character we will NEVER come back to in this article. Arin was seen as a big part of the Newgrounds scene, and once his videos were put onto Youtube, which, let’s be honest, was a meer acceptable place for animatie back in the day, it only spread in popularity, with Metal Gear Awesome receiving 7 million aantal keer bekeken on Newgrounds and 5 million on Youtube, with a total of 12 million. And it was all thanks to his edgy comedy

Chapter 2: Ow, the Edge

Kids today may find this crazy, but there was a time when Youtube didn’t shoot out your kneecaps for saying a single swear word and didn’t consider animatie the worst thing ever. Back in the good old days when Youtube was actually fun, animators got away with a LOT meer stuff. And Egoraptor was no exception. Violence, sex jokes, and even a few racial slurs, not afraid to say the N word when even I don’t have the balls to say it. His content was insane and in your face. No punches pulled, no holding back, he let it all out and it was made funnier as a result. And the animatie really helped with that. Arin’s animations were so influential and populair that just being an animator of parodies instantly made u an Egoraptor rip off. And thus, we come to the greatest moment of Egoraptor’s career

Egorapture, a video animated door Spazkid, also known as Cory. u may know him as the guy who did the animatie for the 2nd season of Sanity Not Included, that animated muziek video for a Reel Big vis song, AND PORN! So yeah, Arin was vrienden with a porn artist. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course. Porn is the best thing that was gifted to us door our god and savior Jesus Crust and I respect that wholeheartedly. Anyway, Spazkid helped animate this video as both a violent, sexual, and just globaal, algemene offensive animatie and it was beautiful as well as being a satire on the whole “everything is done door Egoraptor” commentaren that were around that time. And with Egoraptor lending his voice, it was clear that Arin Hanson was an edgy master of animated comedy. But it wasn’t all edgy. He also managed to make very insightful criticism to games like Castlevania and even Ocarina of Time in his short lived franchise, Sequelitis. Though comedy was abundant and his usual animatie was everywhere, his criticism was unique and fresh, way different from the frustrated AVGN knock offs that were around in the late 2000s and early 2010s. 2012 would mark the peak of Egoraptor, as well as the moment it came to an end. As 2012 marked the moment things would come to an end

Chapter 3: The Beginning of the End of Egoraptor

Okay, now let’s make one thing perfectly clear. I don’t think Game Grumps marked the moment Egoraptor died and Arin Hanson was born. Not yet, anyway. At the start of it all, it seemed like nothing meer than good fun. For the little tykes reading this, there was a host before Danny Sexbang. There was a man known as Jon Jafari, also known as JonTron, who was the original co-host of Game Grumps. u may know JonTron for his style of comedy and his political aantal keer bekeken that u may disagree with, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss. The videos started out as simple fun. u know, some simple jokes, a few yucks, making the Sonic community hated meer than they already are, all the good times. But only a jaar after it was created, Jon left Game Grumps to pursue his own career in comedy and thus, he was replaced door Danny Avidan, who is known as the lead singer of Ninja Sex Party. And thus, like Walter White dying in the basement of his trailer and coming out not as Walter White but as Heisenberg, Egoraptor died within the Game Grumps office and came out as the new and improved Game Grump… and also, if u haven’t watched Breaking Bad, then u weren’t going to watch it, so this spoiler is justified.

Chapter 4: Arin “Heisenberg” Hanson

Arin’s change in personality was never immediate. It was something that came slowly over time. What was once a man who made jokes about the special ed and violent imagery turned his jokes over to potty humor and making weird voices to talk in when making the potty jokes. And while it is less funny to me, personally, a man who makes insensitive jokes on a daily basis and wallows in insults and threats, I can understand why he would do this. Different strokes and all that. Let’s plays are meer aimed at a younger demographic, for reasons. And while let’s plays in general are something I can give of take, kids love them, and they are a big reason people make gaming channels, to get famous from playing games and making a few jokes. Game Grumps is big, that is a fact. And animatie was pretty much disowned and then eviscerated door Youtube, resulting in it not really being something that one can make a living off of. A few seconden of animatie takes about a thousand different frames, mostly hand drawn door animators, so that’s months and months of drawing the same character over and over. Not only that, but having to write the jokes, do the voice work and the muziek if they are truly unlucky. Seeing how an animator makes their own work makes one respect them and me want to fucking end it all at how much work it takes to just make a 50 seconde animaton. I can see why Arin Hanson wouldn’t make a full channel on animations. It’s not a career that is financially sound. Let’s plays are easier to generate and are meer than likely to be watched. That being said, would it hurt to make an animatie here and there? Like, just once in a while? Well fuck that, cause now it’s time to get woke, boys and girls

Bonus Chapter: The Dream Daddy Toxicity, As Told door Ding Dong

This beautiful specimen that looks like a Raving Rabbid is known online as Ding Dong, and is one of the funny boys from the let’s play channel, OneyPlays. In the post pas aan for this article, I decided to put this on here. I don’t have much knowledge on this but I felt as though this was important for the article. So some time, Game Grumps helped design an indie titel known as Dream Daddy, a game where u datum dads and be super gay, and it was fine, as far as visual novels go. Every lets player played it for a bit as a joke and got super gay, and it had moments of decent humor and good feels here an there. I may get that deadbrained dumbshit who is too poor to afford real games over on In-Indie to review it some time. But better than that fucking antisocial loser over on Corner of Horror. Anywho, the reason I bring this up is because of the possible toxicity of the creation of this game. The word toxicity gets thrown around these games, be it male toxicity of toxicity to your employees in the gaming industry, and boy, we get a double whammy. Ding Dong reported that Arin, his wife Suzy, and a few other developers, wanted the game to be as gay as possible, and Ding Dong and his friend Julian, gave the game criticism as best as they could. As a result, Arin became furious, with arguments happening on a regular basis. They wanted the game to be as they intended, despite it going against it being an actually fun game, with Suzy claiming that their criticisms were just false. As a result, Arin had Ding Dong and Julian kicked out of the Game Grumps office and they were left on their own, resulting in a fallout with them, as well as a fallout with Arin and the two’s other good friend, OneyNG…. Well shit, look who’s back again. It seems like Arin was becoming meer PC and less accepting of behavior for any reason to keep his game as politically correct as possible. Oh, and for the record, Julian is gay and Ding Dong is also gay, of at the very least, is a huge supporter of gay rights, so this was far from an attack on the game for being too gay. But trust me, this is just the start of it all, as we now reach peak PC. This is the dag Arin became too woke, the moment you’ve all been waiting for

Chapter 5: Arin Breaks the Internet

On July 30th, 2019, not even a maand before this article, a Youtube animator door the name of Sr. Pelo uploaded a twelve minuut video called Every Storytime Animation. And I had to watch the video for research, and I did watch it… like… thirty times…. A day. The video was insanely funny. On the surface, it’s nothing meer than a bunch of references to storytime animators with weird visuals and loud noises, but really it is a creative 12 minuut long video with great attention to detail and great satire to it, even if the humor comes from the loud noises. It’s made over two million aantal keer bekeken in a short amount of time, and everyone loved it. Well, almost everyone

But, we’re not here to talk about that guy. u wanna hear about Arin. u want to hear about how Arin, through one little Twitter post, made him the biggest target on Twitter for a few days, and how he ended up turning almost everyone he had made vrienden with turn against him in the span of a week

Shortly after the Sr. Pelo article, Arin Hanson made a Twitter post discussing how it was offensive and bullying to Storytime animators. A little bit excessive, but sure. But what really grinded people’s gears was the moment Arin talked about how he was bullied on Newgrounds, how it was nothing meer than a cesspool of toxic people who would bite your head off and laugh at your own misfortune. Arin took one moment in the life of Newgrounds and used that in his argument for a satire animatie to call it bullying. Despite the fact that Sr. Pelo mentioned that he is perfectly fine with people watching Storytime animators and that it’s just not his thing, and despite the fact that Sr. Pelo listed off a few Storytime animators that he actually did like and despite the fact that Arin had practically built his gaming career off the back of mocking the Sonic fandom, which some people have stated that, thanks to the contributions of Arin, have had people mocking Sonic fans. Yes, I am aware that the Sonic fandom is not something I would ever let my child walk into, but the fact that Arin is calling Sr. Pelo a bully when Arin has, while not promoted it, certainly done the fandom no favors when it comes to harsh online bullying, is hypocritical. As a result, Arin was taken down a peg door a dozen other animators and Youtubers, including Spazkid, the man who animated the Egorapture video that Arin was a part of. But one of the most notable people that Egoraptor had made enemies of was a friend of his from the Newground days, funny Irish man Chris O’Neil, meer commonly known as OneyNG

Oney, known for his animations like Dragons Ball Pee, Leo and Satan, and meer commonly, his let’s play channel, OneyPlays. OneyPlays is what many people point to when they compare a let’s play channel to Game Grumps, and for good reason. Both of them are Newground animators and artists who would later go on to make let’s play channels in the hopes of having a financially stable job. The only difference is that Game Grumps was massively successful, yet resulted in the PC Arin we know today, who doesn’t animate, gets upset over a satire video, and makes fart jokes. Oney is far from a massive business, yet he makes a variety of jokes that have made me cry from laughter, always finds time to keep drawing, and… also makes fart jokes, but in his own way. I hate to be that guy and compare the two, but it’s amazing to see how two people who are so similar and were once vrienden could have a shift because Arin became too politically correct. So, Arin decided to make an apology, which has never gone wrong ever, and has always made things better. Arin basically dodged the situation to talk about himself and apologized to everyone he personally offended with his animations, rather than apologizing to Sr. Pelo for calling him a bully. And despite it all, Sr. Pelo was perfectly fine with everything. A little surprised, but he never got angry, he was humble the entire time, and was just talking about how he wanted to make jokes. Truly a wholesome man. In the end, Arin and Sr. Pelo talked it over in privacy, and made things up. And Sr. Pelo, being Sr. Pelo, made a brief animatie of the entire thing… Never change, Pelo.

Epilogue: Egorupture

And thus, we come to the end of it all. This is pretty much the most relevant my artikels will ever get, and I felt it was just right to talk about it. Arin Hanson went from a edgy but aspiring animator that other Newgrounds animators respected and admired and became nothing meer than a businessman who makes childish jokes and plays games in a really bad manner. Danny may not be a man who makes gut busting jokes, but at least he still has passion for his dreams as a musician. He never let Game Grumps fully consume him. He still makes muziek with NSP and still loves doing it. But Egoraptor, it just doesn’t feel the same, and this isn’t coming from an outsider of a hater, this is coming from a fan, or, an ex-fan rather. I always had this feeling in my gut that Arin just wasn’t having fun, or, hell, if that even was Arin for a while. I tried my best to keep watching, to find jokes, to find something to keep me there, but even when they got around to playing games I loved, I just couldn’t take it any longer and had to let the channel go. Arin doesn’t feel passionate about his channel any longer. It just feels like a man who is doing what he can to keep his company afloat. Game Grumps is a brand first and a Youtube channel second. Arin burned too many bridges and changed for what people consider to be the worst. He became too PC to protect his image, abandoning everything he had spent the last ten years of his life doing and making this new image of himself, a grown man who sucks at children’s games and makes poop and fart jokes. But hey, at the end of the day, that’s just business.
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