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"It would be years later before Henry, for some foolish reason, decided to cut down that old tree. However, he experienced great difficulty in doing this. Perhaps Henry should have broken up with the tree, then maybe it would have cut itself."

JUSTIN: I just.. I thought better of you.
ROB: For hanging out with Derek?
JUSTIN: Yeah, but, u know what.. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna head out (leaves)
ROB: Waiit, what u got against Derek? .. Bro! Derek! Bro! Bro, it's Derek! BRO!! BRO IT'S DEREK!! BROOOOOO!!! BROOOOOOOO!!!!

"Matthew Santoro's teeth are so white the KKK have been trying to recruit them for years."

(WWYPTOTI post has picture of disgusting home pagina made speggetti) Bon app a teeth.
Rob: Bon app a- Bon app a teeth, that looks disguesting as hell!

Submisson: (has picture of a angry Flutttershy at his bed) She is the one pony I want to remain a virgin. But something tells me she doesn't want to be a virgin anymore..
Rob: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? What are doing i- What is that, Buttershit!? I don't know, I don't, I don't know the ponies name! What are yo- The ponies pretty hot! I give u that! But what are u doing, it's not real! JESUS!!!

Submission: I put my hand down my pants to adjest my balls, now my palm smells! #Gross
Rob: #NoShit! #Don't! #Stop! #What-The-Hell-Is-Wrong-With-You-Wash-Your-Damn-Hands! And I bet u didn't, and bet it smells like the other guys fucking speggitti! Bon ap a teeth bitch!!

"Be true to yourself, of u never know what your get, right, buddy, o-boy, oh-pal,- oh-bubby, oh-boypal!

Submission: Who trying to get me pregnant? I'll abort it door summer.
Rob: I ......... (picture rolls in of cat leaning over tub trying not to fall in, with the meme "NOPE" over it)

Rob: This real life Romeo and juliet shit here!
Submission: I have been dating this guy for several months, and his wife is great two. But his visits are dropping from twice a week, once every 2 weeks, he says the only way he can see me meer is to say he got a job and had the money to toon for it. How much is worthy to give him to keep seeing him? Now before u call me stupid, this was my idea!
Rob: Than it's not! Not stupid at all, if it was his idea yes, but sense it's yours, your smart as fuck! (throphy clipart appears) u get the "smartest fuck!" awards!!

Man, there are lot of rules to not be a Temblr rapist. Not a regular rapist, a temblr rapist.. Which is basically, uhh, "having a penis".. At which point, it's too late.

Submission: My professer put his dead cat in the freezer so we had to clean it. #Gross.
Rob: If your a professor. And your cat died. And u put it in the freezer so others have to clean it.. u shouldn't be a professor!

Rob: (reads submission where it says something about the afterlife but there's so spelling errors)
Rob: ... (voice echos) WHAT!?!
Rob: Hopefully the afterlife provides a dictoranary.

"There are new headphones for sale, so u can watch my videos in public cafe's without getting the "stank eye" from some mother, cause she doesn't want her toddler to hear how some guy ate a man's face while touching himself. I mean, it's really quite innappropiate, bringing a toddler to a cafe, get your shit together "mom"!

Yes, the shave kit can go to anyone.. Even if your your a hermit, and u never leave the house, and u feel a little ... GOLLUM!! GOLLUM!!

With this shave your have a face as smooth as a baby's bottom.. And we all know how woman LOVE to make out with a baby's bottom.

Yes fokes, your beloved Matthew Santoro is dead.. And door dead I mean he let me post from his channel for the day.

Text: I'm hearing scary noises everywhere!
Rob (imitating her): Yes, almost like it's an old building, makes noises.. But it has to be ghosts, can't just be old building noises!

BECKY! (stab) BECKY! (stab) BECKY!!

Yes, I brought guns around school. It was fine though, I didn't tell them how to use them.. Annnnd, the cops ARE looking for me ...

Rob: (bumps hand on mic when talking) ... (to Mic) Fuck you.

Remember, u may not believe it, but anything is possible in a world so seriously strange.

Let's open the Serial Killer Files.

I could give them forever, but at the time my internet wasn't great, so gave me the excuse to myself..
posted by invadercalliope
These quotes are Quotes with differnt meanings of fret of just the animal.
“If a fret bites u it is nearly always your own fault.”
“To go rabbit hunting with a dead ferret"
“I'm not sure what the aantal keer bekeken are. I had a private conversation and I did get a feeling ? a feeling. Well, u can't take a feeling to the bank. So, it's up to me to try to fret it out.”
“I can't talk to a man who bears an undeserved animosity towards ferrets.”
“You need that U.N. inspection team in there on the ground. They're the people that can find it and fret it out,”
“We still have a lot of work to do, and we still have to work on recovering prairie dog populations so the ferrets can survive.”
The End!
After spending hours alone and together Miki and Hei come out.Once both out she lead Hei to her personal weapon room "wow u own every last weapon here?" "yep and trust me its not easy hiding this big room" she shows him each one and toon him how to use them all.After that they both chose three weapons and fought for a vary long time (A.K.A 5 hours) Luka (Miki's twin brother)got home pagina to see that his sister on the floor laughing and giggling and with a big smile on her face "well well well who do we have here little miss 'i don't need a boyfriend' on the floor with a guy" "Luka?! so not cool...
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posted by invadercalliope
Dam dadi doo
dam dam
didoodi dam
Dam dadi doo
dam dam
didoodi dam
Dam dadi doo
dam dam
didoodi dam
Dam dadi doo dam dam
didoodi dam
When the morning
come come
I'm dancing like
you're dumb dumb
And when the groove
is high
When dummies jump
to sky
If u feel the groove
The dummies have to
move move
Can u feel the beat? The beat?
The beat?
You never tell me
what is wrong
Cause now it's time to be alone
Let me love you
So long u let the dummies play
Dance to the
beat dance
dance to the beat
Dance to the
beat dance
dance to the beat
Dam dadi doo
dam dam
Dam dadi doo
dam dam
Dam dadi...
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posted by EmzLovesCheryl
Why not smile? u can always find a reason to smile, believe it of not. u can say that your life is the worst, u can find a hundred reasons to prove that your life sucks, but I bet u anything, that if u let yourself search, u can find a thousand reasons to smile. Whether it's a person, a memory, a possession, u can always find something worth living for.

So many people spend their lives hating, complaining, moaning, but really, what's the point? Of course, everyone has off days, everyone gets angry, upset, annoyed, but u don't need to spend your whole life living like that. Everyone...
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In the world of stereotypes...

I HAVE CURVES, so I MUST be a fat-ass.

I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch.

I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.

I'm BRITISH, so I MUST talk like a butler.

I DON'T WEAR SKIRTS, so I MUST be a tom-boy.

I'm POOR, so I MUST be homeless.

I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.

I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MAN WHILE HE WAS TAKEN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.

I’M EMOTIONAL, so I MUST be looking...
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posted by LadyL68
♥If you're asking if I need you,♥
♥The answer is forever♥

♥If you're asking if I'll leave you♥
♥ The answer is never♥

♥If you're asking what I value,♥
♥The answer is you♥

♥If you're asking if I love you♥
♥The answer is I do♥


READ THIS!!! I didn't write this poem, I found it earlier today.
posted by iamagagamonster
~~ dont be offended, i love bruno mars' music, he just walked into this trap~~

** follow the beat of just the way u are **

oh her eyes shadow makes her look like a clown and i hate it
her hair her hair looks like spiders live in it and its weird
shes so creepy
and i tell her everyday

oh i know i know when tell her this she won't believe me
and its so its so sad that she dont see what i see
but everytime she asks me "do i look ok" i say..

when i see your face, theres that perfect thing that i would change cos look at that mustache
girl u need to shave

and when u smile, the whole world ducks and...
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I am the boy who never finished high school because I got called a fag everyday.
I am the girl who was kicked out of her home pagina because I confided in my mother I was a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because no one will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who held her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled night.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in a hospital because they would not let my partner of 27 years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the...
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Answer their vragen with questions

Ask if u they can put food color in the cheese.

Ask them to deliver it in a limo.

Ask to see a menu

Ask what their phone number is. Hang up, call them, and ask again

Ask about pizza maintenance and repair.

Ask for a deal available somewhere else.

Ask for the guy who took your order last time. Be sure to throw in a commentaar about his abs.

Ask if the pizza has had its shots

Ask if the pizza is organically grown

Ask if them for a free datum with one of the staff if u make order over $30.

Ask if they're familiar with the term "spanking a pizza." Make up a description...
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posted by ShiningsTar542
In Japan,people use lots of smileys of emotions in their messaging.

While emoji (graphical presentations of emoticons) are probably most known, “kaomoji” (from “kao” = face, “moji” = character) are the Japanese version of Western/Eastern emoticons and there are practically endless variations available.

The biggest difference to the Western/Eastern and Japanese emotions is that they read horizontally and u don’t need to turn your head to understand them.

For example the Western/Eastern emoticon for “Happy” looks like this :-)/:) while the Japanese version looks like this (^_^).

Do u use these emotions of others in your emails?

Here are some examples:

(^_^) happy

(((º Д º ;))) scared

(-´´-;) problems

(>_<) angry

(?_?) confused

(-.-)zzZ sleepy

(^ _^;) embarrassed

(^O^) very happy

(T_T) sad

(^ ε ^) kiss
-See meer emotions here: link
1) wacg alote of T.V. of be on the computer a long time
2) don't eat food that can make u sleepy
3) drink a lot of soda of crush
4) gety near load stuff of equipment
5) kepp your lights on
6) try not to close your eyes at a late uur
7) don't lay down
8) wach a scary movie
EX: Cucky Nightmare on elms straat orphan
10) eat choclat and other stuff to make u hiper

those are some ways to stay up till midnight on New years eve.

plz writ a commet to tell me what u did on the list

posted by vlad_todd_fan
1. Dress all in thick leather so that they can't bite of scratch you. 2. Carry a gun so that those bitches don't kill ya. (obviously). 3. Make sure to hook up with vrienden that aren't zombified. 4. Carry a mes of some sort at ALL times. 5. Don't stay out after dark. 6. Go to huge houses nearby to party it up. 7. Don't get drunk, u don't know what'll happen. 8. Destroy something to let off some steam. 9. Make sure to have a back-up plan when plan A. doesn't work. 10. Get over to a bas, bass Pro koop of anywhere with plenty of survival tools. 11. Go to a corny gift koop and destroy everything...
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posted by MrOrange16
This is a lijst of rules for the internet I found on link. Just for laughs :)

1. Do not talk about /b/*
2. Do NOT talk about /b/*
3. We are Anonymous.
4. Anonymous is legion.
5. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget.
6. Anonymous can be horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.
7. Anonymous is still able to deliver.
8. There are no real rules about posting.
9. There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.
10. If u enjoy any rival sites — DON'T.
11. u must have pictures to prove your statement.
12. Lurk moar — it's never enough.
13. Nothing is Sacred.
14. Do not argue...
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posted by Tayloraddict-1
(Big idea)

Another problem thats spreading on Fanpop. The problem is that people keep reporting people for dumb reasons. For example my friend some people reported her because she didnt agree with them and thats wrong. Like what happened to ''We are a big fanpop family''?. That doesnt even matter anymore does it ? Just when somebody makes u mad of doesnt agree with your point of view u just meld them and thats just a whole bunch of bullshit. Like for real handle reporting responsibly if someone makes u mad keep going on with life if someone doesnt agree with your view point just accept dont meld thm. Because we are a big family and we dont meld of block family we care and toon love for them and YES we all argue its natural but just to meld someone is taking it too far


whos w/ me?

Love all around
ME: Hi there everyone this is Solo28, also know as ''The taco Man'' and today me and my conscience will talk to each other.

CONSCIENCE: u are a freakin' retard.

ME: T-T Bad conscience.


ME: Shut up.


ME: I learned it from you, Dad, I learned it from you.

CONSCIENCE: No, stop it, stupid.

ME: Why, I just want to celebrate Ghostmas

CONSCIENCE: Ghostmas? I thought u picked a dag out of a hat for that of something.

ME: Candy dag is when I say it is Candy Day. It's when I say it is Candy Day.

CONSCIENE: It's not...
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posted by jessicamc26
"Hello, is this the FBI?" "Yes, what do u want?" "I'm calling to meld my neighbor Billy Bob Smith! He is hidingmarijuana inside his firewood." "Thank u very much for the call, sir." The volgende day, the FBI agents descend on Billy Bob's house. They searchthe shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open everypiece of wood, butfind no marijuana. They swore at Billy Bob and left. The phone rings at Billy Bob's house. Hey, Billy Bob! Did the FBI come?" "Yeah!" "Did they chop your firewood?" "Yep." "Happy Birthday, Buddy!"
These are all true, I saw them with my own eyes. They really happened!

1. Texting with BOTH hands (did the forget they were in a car?)
2. A woman putting on make-up while driving on the freeway during rush hour! (WHY? Could it not wait? Was how u looked meer important than DRIVING?)
3. A man unwrapping and eating a full, everything on it, sandwhich while driving. (I guess he was hungry?)

If u think these are bizzare, it gets better.

4. Someone reading the newspaper. (I guess he missed the big game?)
5. The dog was on the steering wheel. (No comment.)
6. A woman with her designer shades, bangles...
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posted by Renesmee_XD
There are a plethora of bands out there. Many of them are lesser-known, unfortunately. There’s just not enough time in the world for any one person to know them all… Unless that person is Dan Bergstein. of the Easter Bunny.

Anyhow! I spotted an artikel here on Sparklife listing five bands the world must know, and of course little me thought, “Aha! I could do that!” And here I am, telling y’all about my lovely taste in pretty music! So, without further ado…
1. The Dresden Dolls: This Boston-based duo, Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione, is epically awesome. They made up their own brand-new...
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posted by cute20k
1. Your reading my article.
2. You're wondering why you're even reading this.
4. u didn't notice that I misspelled you're on #1
5. And you're checking back now
6. Nor did u notice I skipped number three.
7. u don't even feel like checking back this time. You'll take my word for it..
8. This is so stupid that u silently chuckle to yourself.
9. Then u realize that six isn't true because that doesn't make sense and that this is a rip off.
10. But u remember that a fact is something that can be proven right of wrong, so technically it was a fact.
11. u wish u never began to read this stupid stuff now but its still hard to stop.
13. I didn't catch u with the missing number this time. of did I?
14. u wonder why I'm being such a smart butt.
15. But then again, my mind reading powers amaze you.
16. u totally forgot I was only supposed to tell u ten facts.
This is just the back story for my Sonic the Hedgehog fan character. Do u think it's good?

Atsuko Mana Kenyoku was born in Osaka, Japan. Her interests were American superhero comics, old television, technology, and music. She's very quiet, and sometimes even shy. her mom, Izumi Kenyoku, was a junior high school teacher. and Atsuko's dad, Makoto Kenyoku, worked at a record shop. Atsuko had a 17 jaar old brother named Masahiko, who was learning ninjitsu at the time, and was also very skilled at it. He liked to tech her What he knew. the Kenyokus weren't rich, but they had a fair amount of...
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