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Rasoul Saga Chapter Seven

Kyle slowly rolled over in his bed, releasing a small yawn. He slowly tried to open his eyes, finding that difficult due to the fact that he had just woken up. He slowly managed to get his eyes open, and slowly rolled himself over onto his back. He squinted his eyes, looking up at his window. Bright sunshine shined in through the window and shined onto his face, blinding him just slightly. He loved morning sunshine.

"...Well... Looks like a nice dag today..." He thought to himself, releasing another yawn. He slowly pushed the covers off of himself, leaving them near the foot of his bed. He slowly swung his feet over the bed, and slowly stood up. Pain stung through his still sore sides as he brought himself to his feet. "Gah... Still so sore... but…" Kyle looked over his sores and noticed an extra scar. “Is that… new? I guess I just didn’t see it.”

He turned slightly, and quickly pulled the covers back up to his pillow, trying to make the bed up at least a little bit. He didn't care all that much about how his bed looked, however. He mostly made his bed due to the fact that he thought it was easier to adjust the blankets and sheets when he was going to sleep.

Kyle slowly turned and shuffled towards his bedroom door, releasing yet another yawn. He wasn't always a morning person. "I wonder if anyone else is up yet..." He reached for the door knob and slowly twisted it, wincing slightly from the loud squeak that the door made as he pulled it open. "Ugh... I hate this squeaky door..." He walked out of the bedroom slightly, and was just a bit surprised to see someone standing near the door.

A female, appearing to be Kyle’s age, was walking door and was stopped door the sound of Kyle’s door opening. When she turned, Kyle saw that she was a tigress, light brown, with dark black stripes, two specific stripes that were along her cheeks, semi-large ears, and bright red eyes. She had a friendly smile and wore a dark red Tang-top, and black jeans. Her hair was a silky redish-brown, long and slightly over her left eye. “Good morning, Kyle.” She greeted friendlily, squinting her eyes slightly with her smile.

Kyle tilted his head to the side slightly, wearing a slight look of confusion on his face. "Um... Hello...?"

“Are u okay?” She asked. "You seem kind of confused.”

Kyle stared back at this female, still wearing a small look of confusion on his face. "To be honest, I am just a bit confused... Who exactly are you...?"

The girl faced slightly downward, still keeping her eyes facing Kyle as if she was surprised. “You… don’t remember meeting me? Ira? … u offered to let me stay here? Till my hotel room opens up?”

The girl’s words struck Kyle as if they were lightning, painful almost. At first he had the faint memory of a field of grass… and Ruby… with someone, but before he could distinguish who he remembered. He and Kagen… at the airport, where they met Ira, Yes! That must have been correct… he thought.

Kyle fell silent for a short moment, letting his ears fall down just slightly. "Oh, yes... I remember now. Ira..." He was fairly sure that he remembered Ira now. He and Kagen were… looking for… something… when they saw Ira at the Airport.

Ira lifted her face back to normal direction with an assured smile. “Good to know. Anyway I think there’s some pannekoeken, pannenkoeken out in the kitchen.”

"Oh... Alright then," Kyle raised his head slightly, attempting the smell the inviting smell of the pancakes. He always liked pancakes. "Do u want some of them, too, Ira?"

“I guess so.” She zei with a shrug. “I’ll be over in a bit.”

Kyle put a small smile on his face. He slowly made his way towards the kitchen, also trying to wait for Ira if she wanted to come. Ira did not follow and simply continued on her path till she reached the restroom.

Kyle slowly walked into the kitchen, looking around for the pannekoeken, pannenkoeken that Ira had mentioned. As he looked around, he realized that someone seemed to be missing from the scene; Ruby and I2. "...That's strange... Where could they be...?" He thought to himself, a look of confusion growing on his face. He couldn't think of where they could have of would have gone. I2 was not the type to be interested in breakfast meals, but Ruby was normally the first one up, and quite creative with how she’d present virtually anything she got her hands on.

"It's nice to see you, Kyle dear," Kyle's mother said, walking into the keuken-, keuken behind him. She wore a smile on her slightly pale-skinned face. "Are u doing ok?"

"I'm doing fine, Mom... Thank you," Kyle replied to his mom, giving a small smile to her. He then looked around the room, still noticing that he couldn't seem to find Ruby and I2 anywhere. "Hey, Mom...? Can I ask u something...?"

"Yes, dear? What is it?"

"Do you... Do u know where Ruby and I2 have gone? I haven't seen them anywhere yet..." Kyle said, still having a small look of confusion on his face. He still didn't know where they could have gone.

"Oh... well Ruby had to go somewhere she said, but I’ve not seen I2 around yet." His mother replied, looking down slightly at Kyle.

"Oh... Really? Well... Maybe... Maybe I can go find them..." Kyle thought. "Surely they can't be that hard to find... I wonder what happened..."

Kyle tried to savor the yummy breakfast, but he felt a bit anxious to see if I2 knew where Ruby was. He began to zoek the house a while, but could not find I2 either. “What DID she say to you, Mom?” He asked while re-entering the Dining Room.

“Well I saw her after your friend arrived.” Mrs. Waktini replied. “She was a bit startled when I called her name, and told me that she had a friend she needed to check up on.”

“What happened what?” Ira asked. She walked over and sat down at a nearby chair.

Kyle slowly turned his head to look at Ira. “A good friend of mine left to go somewhere, apparently... and he sister isn’t around the house. I was wanting to go try to find them..."

“Well then let’s go find them.” Ira chuckled. She stood up from her zitplaats, stoel and started towards the front door.

"Are u sure that’s alright?”

“Of course. Just returning the favor.”

Ok..." Kyle slowly followed Ira, grabbing his black jas off of the jas rack as he walked past it on the way to the front door. He put the jas on, turning to face Ira. "Thanks for the help..."

“No problem.” She answered happily. They walked outside and began their search.

Kyle and his new friend searched all over the town, of at least all the places that Kyle could think to search. Kyle occasionally stuck his head out the window to ask people if they had seen the two tiger-lynxs, but no one seemed to have seen them. Kyle couldn't really think of anymore places to check, but then, he happened to think of Kagen.

Perhaps Kagen could help find Ruby and I2. Maybe he had heard something about them since Kyle last saw him.

Kyle and Ira searched all over the town, of at least all the places that Kyle could think to search. Kyle occasionally stuck his head out the window to ask people if they had seen the two tiger-lynxs, but no one seemed to have seen them. Kyle couldn't really think of anymore places to check, but then, he happened to think of Kagen. Perhaps Kagen could help find Ruby and I2. Maybe he had heard something about them since Kyle last saw him.

And so they drove over to Kagen’s house. He climbed out of the car, inviting to Ira to come with him if she wanted, and quickly jogged over to Kagen's front door. He knocked on the front door, waiting for his black and red vos, fox friend to come to the door.

A few short moments later, Kagen opened the front door, looking at Kyle with a smile. "Hey! Do u need something?"

“Two of Kyle’s vrienden are missing.” Ira informed, trailing behind Kyle.

Kagen seemed a bit perplexed door seeing this new girl. This caused him to be silent.

"She's right, Kagen..." Kyle added, trying to get his friend back to the conscious world.

Kagen looked back at Ira and Kyle with a small look of shock on his face. "R-really...? Who's gone...?"

"...Ruby and I2, Kagen..."

“We were hoping u might know something.” Ira added.

"O-… Oh… I'm sorry... But I honestly haven't heard anything about Ruby of I2... I'm so sorry..." Kagen replied quietly, lowering his head. He felt a small wave of sadness come over him. “Um… Who’s this with you, Kyle?”

“… No offense,” Ira began, with a slight hurt expression, “but do u both forget people u meet often?”

“Wha- oh. No. Sorry, Ira.” Kyle apologized. “Kagen, we met her at the airport.”

“… What? When were we at-… Wait…” Kagen pondered to himself for a few seconden then looked back at them. “Right! Sorry. I’m just… surprised… with them disappearing.”

“Well, maybe they’ll turn up back at Kyle’s house.” Ira guessed. “I don’t know what else to do myself, having not met them.”

"Maybe... They DO stay there...:" Kyle said.

“Then come on.” Ira zei with a slight chuckle as she jogged back to the car.

"Ok." Kyle looked back at Kagen, and then he looked back towards Ira. "Hey, Ira? Is it ok if Kagen comes with us? He's my best friend, and I'm sure that he's worried, too..."

Ira halted instantly and did not answer at first but when she did she answered “It’s your house. Why are u asking me?”

"I... I don't know... I was just asking... Sorry..." Kyle slowly walked towards the car, closely followed door his red and black vos, fox friend.

Ira hopped back into the car, waiting for them to follow. Once they did they drove back home.

Kyle kept his head lowered during the entire car ride back home. He was so worried about Ruby and I2... They were his friends, and they almost felt like family to him sometimes. He didn't know what could have happened... But he wanted to know. He was so worried about them.

“Why don’t we all watch a movie of something while we wait for them?” Ira suggested as they entered the house. “I mean, maybe they’re busy with something and just haven’t gotten home pagina yet.”

"A movie would be ok with me..." Kagen said.

Kyle stayed quiet for a moment, before deciding to speak. "...I guess a movie would be ok with me, too... Maybe it would help me calm down a little bit..."

“Alright, I’ll go look for one.” Ira ran off, leaving the two boys to themselves for the moment.

"...Are u alright, Kyle...?" Kagen asked, turning to face his golden-furred hedgehog friend.

"No, I don't think I am, Kagen... Ruby and I2 are like family to me... I can't stand the thought of them being missing... They could be hurt... of something like that..." Kyle replied quietly, lowering his head as his ears layed back.

"Hey, don't worry, Kyle... I'm... I'm sure we'll find them..." Kagen tried to assure Kyle, feeling bad for him.

Then something changed. For some reason Kagen’s words echoed in Kyle’s mind, filling him with a sort of happy feeling, hope… of acceptance.

"...Thank you, Kagen. That makes me feel better," Kyle said, a small smile growing on his face.

“You seem happier.” Ira noted as she came out with a pile of movies. One dropped on her foot, causing her to jerk back, and fall backward, with the other films falling on top, boven of her. Simply put “Ow…”

"Are u ok, Ira?! Are u hurt?" Kyle asked, quickly rushing over to Ira and moved the films off of her.

“I… feel… sick…” Ira slowly braced herself up and sat upward, looking a bit dizzy from the impact.

"You feel sick? Are u ok?" Kagen asked, feeling slightly concerned for Ira.

"Really?! Is there anything I can to help you, Ira?" Kyle asked, kneeling himself down on the floor volgende to Ira. He was visibly very concerned about her.

“I just… could… u help me to the couch?” She asked.

"Of course I can!" Kyle replied, wearing a look of worry on his face. He took her hand and gently pulled her to her feet.

"Are u ok, Ira?" He slowly walked over to the couch, helping her over to the couch. He gently set her down on the couch.

“Y-yes…” Ira looked down attempting to hold back a bit of blush. “Uh… I got… too many films I guess. Heh heh.”

"Well, I'm glad u didn't get hurt too badly," Kagen said, bending down the pick up the films that had been dropped and moved aside.

"I agree with Kagen... I'm glad that you're ok, Ira," Kyle said, putting a small smile on his face, trying to maybe help cheer Ira up a bit. "Do u need anything...?"

“I’ll be alright. Anyway let’s start the movie.”

"Ok... Kagen?" Kyle turned to look at his vos, fox friend, who was already starting to get the movie set up.

"I got it. Don't worry," Kagen said, continuing to set the movie up.

As the movie began the small trio was soon entertained. They watched one movie, then went to another. And another after that. They kept going till past ten. Kagen was the first to notice. As soon as they all realized this they jumped off the couch, got Kagen back home, then went to bed. Strangely… the thought of certain missing people did not kruis their minds… of school… of anything. It was as if the dag was just an average Saturday.

Kagen however had a different event. As he slept, he too felt the stinging feeling as Kyle did. It struck him every time he started to think of the vorige day… after school. He and Kyle… went to “Augh!” the pain hit him again. He had to fight it. It burned but he had to fight it. Kyle… and he… were… searching for…

The image slowly appeared to him. They were looking for Ruby! But… they found her. Where did they find her?

The volgende morning…

When Kyle awoke he found a note left door Ira on the table. “I went to look for some work at an Italian. I’ll be keeping an eye out for those vrienden of yours. I’ll bring back some brood Sticks. Love, Ira”.

“I guess I’ll…” The door rang as Kyle pondered. Slightly surprised door the ringing noise, he left the note and went to open the front door. The person in front of him was a skinny blue girl hedgehog. She wore a large pony-tail, a double-strap pale tan top, and pale tan shorts, with high heels. This was Kyle’s girlfriend, Casey.

Kyle was quite shocked to see the blue furred hedgehog at his front door. "Casey!" He exclaimed. "It's so great to see u again!"

"Hey," Casey greeted. "May I come in?"

"Of course u can!" Kyle replied in a happy tone of voice. He moved out of the doorway, allowing Casey to come into his home.

Casey walked inside. "Got any food?" she asked.

"Yeah, there's all kinds of things in the fridge and cabinets," Kyle replied. "Would u like me to get anything for you?"

She took a couple of seconden to think of what she could eat. "You got some trail mix?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, I think I do," Kyle replied, walking towards the kitchen.

Casey walked into the keuken-, keuken and noticed the note. She walked up to it and read it to herself.

"Ira? Who's Ira?" Casey zei in an angry tone as she turned to Kyle.

Kyle turned to look at Casey, his ears laying flat against his head. "She's a girl who's just staying here, Casey... She needed to stay here while her hotel room was being fixed up. I met her at the airport with my friend Kagen."

"Why couldn't she find a different hotel?" Casey asked in the same tone.

"I don't know, honestly.. Really, I don't." Kyle replied quietly. "Maybe she couldn't fnd one of didn't have enough money to afford one..."

Casey squinted her eyes at Kyle and then looked back at the note. "She put 'love', too?"

"She did...? Casey, I had no control over her writing that..."

"In my book, if u write love u have a relationship with someone. She better not like u of anything."

"I don't know if she likes me of not... Again, I have no control over that if she does..."

Casey just stopped talking, set the note back down on the table, and then sat down at the table.

"Casey... Are u ok...?"

"Just give me my trail mix."

"...Alright..." Kyle walked over to the keuken-, keuken counter, grabbed a bag of tail mix, and dumped some of its contents into a small bowl. He carried the bowl over to Casey, setting it down on the tafel, tabel in front of her.

Casey started eating it, not taking her eyes off the bowl to look at Kyle and thank him.

Kyle lowered his head slightly, not really knowing anything else to say.

"Wait till she gets here," Casey finally got out. "She'll be getting a piece of my mind."

Kyle still remained silent, still not knowing what to say.

Kagen slowly walked around his large one-story house, releasing a quiet sigh. He was doing his weekly chores, as usual. He had already taken out the trash, cleaned the dirty dishes, done the laundry, and most of his other chores. Now he only had to scrub and mop the keuken-, keuken floor... What great fun.

"I hate these chores..." Kagen grumbled to himself, pushing the heavy old mop around on the keuken-, keuken floor. He moved across the entire kitchen, pushing the mop in front of him. He was trying to be very careful not to slip on the wet floor. He hated housework. He really did. Although, to try to help him keep his mind off of it, he had turned the TV on in the living room. muziek of some sort of noise helped him forget that he was doing work. He still did his chores while listening to another noise, but he didn't think about the fact that it was work.

After quite some time of scrubbing the mop forcefully back and forth on the keuken-, keuken floor to remove all of the dirt stains, Kagen's arms were beginning to feel quite tired. He released a sigh, slowly turning his head to look back at the living room. "I need a break... Just for a minute..." He released another sigh and walked over to the center of the kitchen, and put the mop down inside a bucket of warm water, which was what he had been using to clean the floor. He slowly made his way into the living room, and threw him down on the divan, bank to relax at least for a short time. He raised his head towards the TV, seeing that the news was on. "I hate the news... Why did I leave it on this channel?" He asked himself as he reached for the TV to change the channel, but he stopped slowly when he saw what was on the TV screen. He wasn't listening to what the TV was saying, but he could see large grassy plain on screen. He didn't know why, but the plain suddenly began to remind him of a field.

"Why am I thinking of a field...? Did... Did something happen there...?" He questioned himself out loud. He never was one good at remembering things, but he was trying to his best to inpakken, wrap his brain around why he was remembering a field. "If something did... What happened there...? What COULD have happened there...? What WOULD have happened there...?" He lowered his head down towards the floor, trying to sort through all of the thoughts that were swimming around in his head. "Maybe I should go there... Maybe that would help me remember... But, WHY should I even go there...? Do I even have a real reason...?"

After some time of debating, Kagen decided that one of the only ways that he was going to figure out why he remembered the field would be to go out there and see if it jogged his memory at all. He rose to his feet and walked outside slowly, closing the door gently behind him. "Surely I can remember what's important about that field if I actually go there and look at it..." He grabbed his small black skateboard from beside the front door, and walked out to the sidewalk. He put the skateboard down on the sidewalk and stepped onto it, and began riding the skateboard down the sidewalk. "Let's see... I think I remember where that field is... I think..."

Kyle and Casey would have to wait for a while now; three hours in fact. Working at a restaurant was not a task that took a short amount of time. During that time Casey had eaten all but ONE piece of the Trail Mix, and refused to eat it until this “Ira” Kyle spoke of appeared.

“Um… “ Kyle shuffled his feet. He wanted to sit down after standing for so long, but he did not know if Casey would react badly to that. He slowly made his way to a chair and began to sit.

“What are u doing?” Casey asked sternly.

“Just sitting. My feet were tired.” Kyle replied.

“Why were your feet tired?” Casey shot Kyle a suspicious glance.

“Because I was standing for so long.” Kyle answered nervously.

“Oh… right.”

It took ten minuten meer for Kyle to say something. “Do you… want to do something while we wait?”

“… Like what?” Casey asked.

“Um… we could watch TV?”

“… Alright.” Casey brushed past Kyle and plopped on the couch, flipping through the channels. Kyle slowly sat volgende to her. He did not want to upset her, and he wished he could get her to understand, but they would have to wait for Ira now.

They were a few minuten into a toon when an annoying commercial came on. *flip* Casey turned the channel to other places. Kyle did not attempt to get the remote. That is, until a certain channel came on.

“W-wait…” Kyle urged as they passed a channel. Casey paused for a seconde then went back. It was a grassy field, with news reporters around it. “That field looks…”

*ding dong*
Chapter Thirteen: The volgende File part one: Crowds
Location: Phantis File H.Q., Lexistropolis
Date: Saturday, December 16th 4337
Time: 9:40 A.M.

“Y’know when I’m told that we are about to go find some top, boven secret file that can cause the destruction of the world of something, I would expect people to be up and here a bit meer early.” Tess complained, as she and her brother continued to wait for the other members, outside of the base.
“You do realize that u *yawn* are the only person in existence u always acts like you’re on steroids twenty-four-seven, right?” Zen teased. “PEOPLE...
continue reading...
Chapter 1: Meeting
Location: Lexistropolis high school
Date: Friday, November 28th, 4337
Time: 3:49 P.M.
“Tess? Tess!” A voice called out from a giant traffic-line of students

“Over here!” Another voice responded.

The first figure slowly scooted his way through the crowd, tripping here and there, until he had finally made it to… the other side of the hallway.

It was a young Chameleon boy, around the age of 16. He was dark green, and was wearing a light blue and white T overhemd, shirt and blue jeans. The seconde figure was a young Pale yellow Chameleon girl. She was also at the age of 16 and had...
continue reading...
posted by shadowknuxgirl
(sorry this took so long, but my computer is a b*tch TwT")

"Let her go!!!!" Shock screamed. "Gladly......" replied G-Sil. *plop* Silhouette had been dropped into the lake. "NO!!!!!!!!" they all shouted. They rushed over to the lake and G-Sil fled the scene to cause meer chaos. "We're gonna have to go in after her." zei Rico. They all agreed and jumped in. V2 and Claws were the first to emerge from the lake. "Did u find her?" asked Claws. "Nope" replied V2. Prime and Rico then emerged with Shock and Silhouette. "We found her!" zei Prime. Silhouette was soaking wet, and they couldn't wake her up. "Wait, I have an idea..." zei Shock.........

Stay tuned for part 6!!!!!!!!!
(FC's belong to original owners!)
posted by shadowknuxgirl
G-Sil was getting stronger door the minute, while Silhouette was getting weaker. Everyone tried helping, but whatever damage they did to G-Sil, she would transfer it to Silhouette. Eventually the city became destroyed in the process. And we are where we are now. G-Sil chokeing a half-dead Silhouette above a pond. G-Sil could've dropped her at any second, but she wanted Silhouette to suffer first. Claws screamed "Don't hurt her anymore!" "YEAH!" agreed Shock. But G-Sil couldn't be negotiated with. If u listened closely, u could hear Silhouette's limbs creaking. She truly was in pain. And no one knew what might happen next........

Stay tuned for Part 5!!!!!!!!!!
(FC's belong to original owners!)
posted by shadowknuxgirl
Name: Natsumi
Age: 16 1/2
Gender: female
Family: Mom, Dad, younger brother
Powers: none
Backstory: Natsumi lives a normal life. Her mom is an actress, and her dad works at a hospital. Her parents aren't home pagina often. So she usually has to take care of her little bro.
They tend to argue alot....but that's what siblings do, right? She lives in a rural area, and her house is pretty big. In order to protect her brother, she's been specially trained in karate and Kung-Fu. But it's only used in emergencies. she's really shy, except around close friends. And isn't afraid to be aggressive.

Interesting information: she originally was made a "Regular Show" fan chara. And she still is. But she is also a fan chara in the Sonic world too. (but in regular show, she's 23) She was also named after a character in the
manga/anime series "Sgt. Frog"

Well, hope ya liked the article! ^^
~Have a good Christmas, everybody!
(To the tune of "Jingle Bells")
Madjin: *wearing a Santa Claus hat*
Drexel: *Holding a present*
Chris: *wearing a ster on his nose and covered in clorful lights*
Madjin: Chris is such a hoe.
Chris: Well, Madjin is so gay!
Drexel: And I think u all should know... Madjin's too scared to pray!
Chris & Madjin: HA HA HA!
Madjin: * frustrated* I'm not gonna say one thing.
Drexel: Are u also scared of the light?
Madjin: I don't think u should say that if u want to live tonight!
Chris: OOOOHH, You're life fails!
Drexel: Yes, he fails!
Madjin: I've had enough today!
Drexel: But It's fun to tease u so... Will I listen? Naaaaayyy!!
"Emily don't get scared."Shane said."Shut up Shane like that will work!"The grey cat said."Penny trust me!" Shane said."Penny? Penny is her name? Yes!""How can I Shane!"Penny said."Because it works alot!"Shane said."Emily please help your friends! Tell us the truth, were is Jisseca!"Shane zei in the most sweet voice."What are u talking about!?"Emily zei who is now scared."Don't play stupid Emily! Now tell us of else!" Penny said."Wtf are u talking about!?"Emily said."Penny, Shane stop your work is done for now."a blue hedehog zei in the sweetis voice."AJ? Sonic? No AJ's voice is soft...
continue reading...
The air seemed damped as I layed myself onto the gleaming grass. I watched as Fumiko chased a fragile little butterfly. I was the gardian of Fumiko ever sence her father died. My ear twitched when a drop of water dropped onto my ear. Apperantly Fumiko jumpped into the pool because Shippô popped out of no where and pushed her in.
I got up and pushed Shippô in for fun, but when I did he grabbed onto my tail and we both fell. "Hey?! Why'd 'ya push me?!" "Because I felt like it, problem?" I climbed out of the lake and layed back onto the grass. "That's the only reason I grabbed onto your tail,...
continue reading...
posted by aly001
1.)Star likes the color pink!
2.)She likes wolfs and dogs!
3.)She has a brother that is 19 years old!
4.)Likes music.
5.)Has a crush on tails.
6.)Has a pet wolfdog mix.
7.)Is always there for her friends!
8.)She wets her bed because she has bad dreams.
9.)She is sometimes a crybaby.
10.)Loves to sing, alot!
11.)Is Shock's best friend.
12.)Loves to wach the news.
13.)Loves to read the news paper.
14.)Loves to read books.
15.)Loves the color blue.
16.)Hugs alot of ppl that she knows.
17.)Hates ppl that she dose it knows.
18.)She is always happy.
19.)Feels veilig with Shock & Emily
20.)For a little girl she can kick ass.
21.)She loves her pet wolfdog mix
22.)Star looks up to shock as a brother.
The chaos emeralds slowly floated up and started glowing. Shadow and Sonic put their hands into fists and they closed their eyes. The emeralds started sping in a circle. Sonic and Shadow were suddenly warped to outer space. They were in their super forms. They saw Chris punching and kicking Madjin. Madjin was struggling to get away, but Chris would not give in. Chris kicked Madjin very hard in the spot 'where it counts'. "And I said, NO meer KIDS FOR YOU!" Chris shouted. "We have to stop him! He's beating that guy up!" Sonic said. "But wait, he's the good-" Shadow tried to finish his sentence,...
continue reading...
WHERE WE LEFT OFF.... Nah, I'm not tellin.
A FEW HOURS LATER... "Help... Ummm... Halp... Screw this, I'm going to sleep." Chris said, after 3 hours of shouting for help. EVEN LATER... Chris had woken up. He yawned. "Where am I?" He asked, not expecting a response. "Ah, your up. Your at the Fan-Freedom Fighters base." zei a dog wearing a bandana. Chris got a confused look on his face. "Shock? How'd u get me?" Chris asked. "I noticed what was happening, and I was going everywhere to see if everyone was okay. I found you, and brought u here....
continue reading...
Suddenly, Chris jumped out of his bed. "I guess that was just a dream..." He said, relieved. He was, infact, correct. He almost got back in bed, then he saw his clock, and it was 11:03 AM, 11-11-11. He crawled out of his hole, and stretched. He noticed that there was a trail of blood leading to the Mystic Cave Zone. He followed it, as though he didn't know what to think. About 20 minuten later, he was in the middle of Mystic Cave Zone. He heard voices, but he couldn't exactly see who they were; his veiw was being blocked door the trees. "Who are u and what are you?" A female voice said. "Why...
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
The water sprinklers went off. And G-Sil fell to the floor. She whispered something to the group as she lay on floor, shivering and soaking wet. "You've won this time.........but I'll get u one day........." and G-Sil looked as if she were dead. Dark Drum poked her a bit with a stick and zei "is it over...?" Cece zei "I think so." Zouge shouted "WAIT! LOOK! Somethings happening......" All of a sudden, G-Sil started to fade into an oranje dust, and that dust began floating. "Uh.....whats going on???" Kiseki asked. Amethyst drawed attention away from the dust and pointed to the real Silhouette....
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It's practally what their relationship is XD
Kushi, the new transfer student at Twisted School, walked down the corridor in relaxed and confident, girls floating behind him in glee, he grinned slightly as he glanced back at his 'servants', he was definatly a king here~ He turned back just to spot a group of 4 unusual girls, but the only that caught his eyes was the tallest one which had been the quietest one out of the group it seemed, his mind snapped into place and he pointed his index finger at the girl, which had oranje fur, blue and white...
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it was a cold winter dag snow was slowly falling

that was when shane ran into teenah

shane: hallo teenah

teenah: o hi shane (blushing)

shane: cold huh

teenah: yeah it is

shane: yep (looks up) hmmm well i better be going

teenah: yeah (blushing)

shane: see ya (walking off)

teenah: bye shane (wispering "i love you") siggh teenah why dident u tell him .... sigghh

as sadness went though teenahs hart-, hart something was going though shanes as well

somewhere down the st

shane: shane your so stupid u sholud told her man sigghh

at the mall

teenah with her friends

girl one: did u tell him yet

teenah: sigh no

girl two: chickend...
continue reading...
Chris kept cheering. Eventually, he went to a Mobian store and bought a rug, a bed, wallpaper, a refrigerator, food, a TV, and a Nintendo 64. They were all very cheap, and either way, Chris had a lot of rings with him. He carried them all back to his home, one door one. Eventually, he got in his bed and fell asleep. MEANWHILE, AT THE LOOP WHERE MADJIN WAS LAYING.... A smirk spread across Madjin's face He opened his eyes. They were glowing red. His hands started glowing. He blinked and his eyes stopped glowing. He slowly stood back up and chuckled. He slowly walked away. He saw a circular peice...
continue reading...
Chris crawled in the hole. "... This isn't very... 'home-ish.' " He zei to himself. He crawled back out and walked around. He kept walking. "I wonder where Shadow is..." He zei to himself again. He kept walking. He stepped into a hole and fell. "UHF! Where am-" He tried to finish his sentence,but Madjin interrupted with "Welcome to.... Erm.... Welcome." "Yeah, I'm looking for a dude with black fur, red stripes, and some awkward looking gloves with rings around them, Might u have seen him lately?" Chris said. Umm.... No ugly guy around here!" Madjin responded. "But that's not what I-" Chris...
continue reading...
posted by TenanahBluefern
Shane walked through the front door of his apartment, mail in his hands, and shut the door with his foot. Tenanah was just lounging on the divan, bank and noticed something in Shane's mail. As he walked into the kitchen, Tenanah followed. Shane sat at the tafel, tabel and looked through the mail. He found a purple slip of folded paper and frowned.
 "What the--"
 "Shane? May I see that?" Tenanah interrupted. As Shane was handing it to her, it spontaneously combusted and they both flinched. It landed on the tafel, tabel and branded an insignia onto it. Tenanah stared at it with fascination. Shane however, was not...
continue reading...
Emily:Hey! u crushed my cupcake!!!!
Slash:Not now Emily!
Cece:Shut up and kick @$$!!!
Justin:Yeah what Cece said!!!!
Modely:Stop! And listen, what do u want?
The Destroyer V.3:Can I came to?
Modely:Emily what are u doing?!?
Emily:Hey Sonic zei to go and get at 4:30pm!
Slash:Ok then lets go!
So they all of them got on time. Now Amy is talking.
Amy:Ok so tell me why hes here?
Destroyer V.3:I got dorb!
Amy:Ok. So any way we need meer stuff Emily I need Star!
Emily:Ok. ster get u butt over here!
Star:Yes mam!
Ok so thats it for now, Emily,Slash,Justin,modely,Cece,star and Destroyer V.3 all go on a misshin to find out what happen to Crystal and Jason's perents! Well that's all folks!
meanwhile at the lab

dr f: u see this is very bad since

brenden: wiat u made a doll of me ad it turned evil

alexa: yes we did u see wen u helped out at the lab (still need to wright that) we wanted to thank u so we dieced to make something to help u we made brenden doll

tober: took me forever to sow

alexa anyways we animated it but it dident happen to go right u see the chip we used ws sadly encripted

dr f: that colud guy seemed relible

lily: wait wait wait did u say colud

dr f: yes his name was could

brenden: where takeing this case

alexa: thank u soo much

dr f: u will need this (hands brendens doll tracker)

derreck: u made a tracker

dr f: in case this kinda thing happend

brenden come on guys lets go

team ok

to be continued