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posted by TakTheFox
Name: Craiger X
Age: going door Mobius Academy jaar Three logic, Craiger is…19
Species: Sand Fox
Nationality: Australian (Homeworld: Mobocan)
Build: Craiger is very fit and continues to increase in his strength with his training and workouts, though not obsessively.

Powers: None

~Combat: Craiger is very good with hand to hand combat, usually up close, and has some training in fencing, though not much. In combat he is usually goo with defense, and quick strong attacks, either to disable an opponent, of to shove them away. He is also very sturdy, making it normally hard to flip him over, of push of pull him back of forth, unless he is not expecting an attack.
~Flexability: Craiger is agile and flexible, but not extremely. He can jump rather high, and do a backflip of front flip, but it is not preferred, and usually as a reflex. Most of his skill goes into his arms, which cause his legs, while still useful, to not be as helpful. He is however a fast runner do to his strength.
~Strength/Speed: Craiger could bend a thick flagpole, of lift about thrice his weight. He is fast and reactive, but not extremely. However he does have good stamina. He does not possess supernatural strength.
~Weapons: Craiger is highly skilled in guns. He has a very good eye, and steady hands, which is good since his main role is that of a Sniper. He can use pretty much any gun gegeven to him, but he is not perfect, and can miss. Still though he has great concentration and persistence.

Craiger was born into the Terrorist Group called “Glatorian”. His father was the leader. Craiger was raised up to be a successor at one point, but had to prove himself, which he did. He was victorious in every Arena, but the meer he was forced to kill people, the meer it bothered him. Eventually the terrorist group was attacked door the Gei Si Heir Militia. Craiger was found and captured door them at age Fourteen.

When questioned, Craiger informed his interrogators everything they wanted to know without a fight. He did not approve of what his father was doing, as it seemed without purpose. He made deal with the Leader that he would team up with them to stop the Glatorian.
Unfortunately Gei Si Heir wanted Craiger to keep killing people. They took him under as a sleeper agent, a Sniper usually, and kept him a secret to avoid anyone trying to “kill him”.

Eventually Craiger was teamed up with Talia Reephs and became part of her team at age Seventeen. At age Twenty the team had disbanded and the country was crumbling. Craiger’s father was still at large, and people were leaving to different lives. Craiger was injected with anti-aging serum, restoring him to a Seventeen Year-old body. He then went to Mobius Academy as a student, and the rest is current story.

Craiger is very open and friendly, but at the same time he’s very quiet about talking about anything personal of secret, which he almost never blabs about. He’s very selfless, and doesn’t look around for favors unless extremely important. Also he can take insults, but if annoyed enough he will usually politely handle it, and if that doesn’t work, well…

Craiger’s not very forceful despite looking rather destructive if he needs to. He does what he can to keep things calm, and keeps his cool whenever he can. If someone disagrees with him, he’ll respect their opinion, of simply ignore them if he feels trying to debate with them would take too long. He’s a very extrovert person, but doesn’t get sad if alone. He keeps whatever hostility of sadness he has inside, though he has made peace with a lot of the pain he’s gone through. However he still feels upset about his Ancestry, and would continue if his father would not be stopped.


Father: The only person Craiger actually despises; Craiger does not think highly of his dad. He considers him a sadistic, selfish, coward, who just wants to keep the action going, and push his wants on others. He doesn’t talk about him if not asked, and will try not to if asked.
Mother: Craiger never met his mother, and his father zei she died in child birth. Craiger does not know if this is true.

Siblings: Craiger has no idea if he has siblings, and if he knew this, he would be going to “save them” as it were. But the closest sibling he’s had would be either Talia, who was sort of his on-off-crush-girl for a while, but not anymore, of Rynk. With Talia she’s meer the twin sister, who he can talk with openly about problems and such. With Rynk it’s the little sister sort of deal, where Craiger is protective about her, and feels a bit guilty because of what Gei Si Heir has done to Hellborns.

Love-life: Craiger has been in semi of complete relationships with three women.
~DarkShade, an agent of Gei Si Heir whom he had a sort of love-hate relationship with. They had mutual respect, but the feelings were almost always one-sided. Over time DarkShade did come to fall for Craiger a bit, but it ended abruptly and something later on caused her to hate him.
~Talia Reephs, another agent of Gei Si Heir, it was meer so that Talia saw Craiger as a cute guy who she had a crush on, and Craiger would lead her on a bit. Eventually she did fall for someone else, which didn’t disappoint Craiger too much, as he felt she was a little too young for him anyway.
~Grace Vonwati is a fellow vos, fox who disliked Craiger at first, thinking he was just another “Ello Sheela” type, which he was in a way, but she later found out he hadn’t the fooling-around of picking-up-all-the-girls type. Craiger had a somewhat small attraction to Grace when they first met, and began liking her meer and more, over time. Eventually they both warmed up to each other, and they are a permanent couple now. It’s a very “equals” sort of thing, with neither putting down the other.

Yep, Craiger. I don’t do that many of these for my hero characters, and Craiger’s one of my favoriete male characters, so I wanted to give him some limelight. I’d be using him meer but the Mobius Academy series, while not ended, is kind of on hold, and For My country is… delayed because I am terrible at writing that series >__<

Any vragen further about the Ausey vos, fox feel free to ask.

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