Sonic fan Characters Club
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Danyel Lorre King
Reason of meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Kori
Reason for nickname: It goes with his powers
Birth date: September 12th 2000
Powers: It used to be water, but her personality grew "colder"--more evil-like. So due to this, her power switched to ice and has stayed that way.
Theme: Unstoppable door China Ann McClain

Physical appearance
Age: 13
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 45 pounds
Height: 3ft
Body build: Slim bot not TOO skinny
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Green
Glasses of contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (his hands, feet and mouth)
Predominant features:
Type of hair: Thin
Hairstyle: 3 quills on the back of her head and 3 bangs over her face
Voice: kinda deep
globaal, algemene attractiveness: cute
Physical disabilities: dyslexia
Usual fashion of dress: She wears a blue and white dress. She has blue and white gloves and shoes

Good personality traits: She's like her brother when it comes to being kind, determined, loyal and all that. But she also has different views--she doesn't have the same morals as Shock does. She does what she can to help someone, but is selfish at times.
Bad personality traits: She's WAY too serious. She can be rude and a bit mean without warning and isn't AS kind as Shock is. When she fight's evil, she KILLS them. She's not as merciful to the enemy as Shock is, and is brutal when she kills them. And tho she does good things like Shock, she tends to do meer evil anyway.
Mood character is most often in: Happy, mostly.
Sense of humor: Normal--nothing cruel, of inappropriate.
Character's greatest joy in life: Hanging with the people she loves
Character's greatest fear: Loosing her only twin
Why?: She spent most her life hating him, so now she's trying to make up for it
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? If Shock died
Character is most at ease when: Righting in her book. of TRYING to...she has dyslexia
Most ill at ease when: she's alone (being alone scares her sometimes)
Enraged when: He sees a loved one being hurt in anyway
Depressed of sad when: she thinks of how she use to believe all those lies Malice told her
Priorities: Taking care of her brother and living life the best she can
Life philosophy:
If granted one wish, it would be: to have never been kidnapped door Malice
Why?: She HATES him DUH...
Character's soft spot: Cupcakes
Is this soft spot obvious to others? It MIGHT be
Greatest strength: Her powers
Greatest vulnerability of weakness: Fire, electricity
Biggest regret: Believing the lies she was told as she grew up with Malice
Minor regret: Hating her brother
Biggest accomplishment: IDK yet
Minor accomplishment: IDK yet
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know: Not sure
Why?: IDK
Character's darkest secret: She's another Legend of Nature. Like her brother, they both have past-lives
Does anyone else know? Shock

Drives and motivations: Not sure yet
Immediate goals: Living life the way she thinks it should be lived
Long term goals: Spending as much time with her bro as she can to make up for the times she HATED him
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: door any way she believe is right
How other characters will be affected: I...have no idea

Country: She's got Cordon blood in her (the core-creature's from under Mobius) so she's from Cordonia
Hometown: Unknown
Type of childhood: It was very different from Shock's. She never knew their parents and was raised to believe that Shock was evil. She spent her childhood training for the dag she got her revenge on Shock for killing their parents (which Shock didn't even do of course)
Pets: None
First memory: When Malice told her about Shock
Most important childhood memory: She's a child NOW but: when she finally realized her brother was no killer
Why?: Because she had been lied to and wants to remember that day
Childhood heroes: none
Dream job: Singer
Religion: Atheist
Finances: None she's a kid

Country: Doggeria
Current location: Freedom City
Currently living with: Her family
Pets: none
Religion: Christian, but often doesn't really act like one
Occupation: None
Finances: None

Mother: Meishi King
Relationship with her: She never knew her mom
Father: Jonathan King
Relationship with him: She never knew her dad either
Spouse: None
Relationship with him/her:
Siblings: Duji "Shock" King
Relationship with them: Also times.
Children: None
Relationship with them: IDK yet
Other important family members: Her two cousin's: none

Color: Light Blue
Least favoriete color: Pink
Music: Soul, rap and heavy metal
Food: Salads
Literature: Thriller
Form of entertainment: Watching TV
Expressions: Mostly smiling
Mode of transportation: Nothing

Hobbies: Doodling, singing, jumping rope
Plays a sport? Ice skating
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Listening to music
Spending habits: She buys things she needs and wants--most of the time it's for herself
Smokes: ...sometimes
Drinks: Nope
Other drugs: Nope
What does he/she do too much of? She has a bad stealing habit
What does he/she do too little of? Homework lol
Extremely skilled at: Dancing
Extremely unskilled at: Football
Nervous tics: She's shakes as if she's freezing but is cold at all
Usual body posture: Good

Optimist of pessimist? It depends
Introvert of extrovert? Extrovert
Daredevil of cautious? Both
Logical of emotional? Both
Disorderly and messy of methodical and neat? Neat
Prefers working of relaxing? Relaxing
Confident of unsure of himself/herself? Both, depending on how she feels at the time
Animal lover? TOTALLY! She IS an animal so....

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Depends on her mood.
One word the character would use to describe self: Determined
One paragraph beschrijving of how the character would describe self: I'm loyal to those close to me. I 'm kind, like my brother, but not AS kind. But I'd do ANYTHING for him. I have to be there for him when he needs me...or I might loose him.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her determination
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her jealousy
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her eyes
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her hands

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: She believes a BIT different than Shock does. She is forgiving, but not all the time. She tends to hold grudges against certain people. She believes most of the people around her are evil and/or plotting to kill her.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Nope. She will willingly say ANYTHING she thinks of feels at the moment
Person character most hates: Malice the Wicked
Best friend(s): Aside from family, Kyle, Kagen, Dyllon and others
Love interest(s): None for now
Person character goes to for advice: Shock
Person character feels responsible for of takes care of: Her brother
Person character feels shy of awkward around: Charity
Person character openly admires: Shock
Person character secretly admires: No one
Most important person in character's life before story starts: Malice
After story starts: Shock

Assuming they're strong emotions, how does this character deal with of react to:

Anger: If she's mad enough, she'll beat the crap outta the person who angered her

Sadness: She'll bottle it up until it all comes out--mostly when she's around others

Conflict/Danger: She's stays mostly calm...depending on WHO'S in danger

Rejection: She'll act as tho she doesn't give a darn, but she really does. She'll go somewhere to be alone and cry

Fear: She'll stand there, brave--with a serious face and try her best NOT to toon fear

Change: She pretty much just goes with it

Loss: She IS serious most of the time, but when she looses someone close to her--she falls down, crying her eyes out

Flirting: Honestly..she's never flirted before...

Pain: She'll ignore it--or TRY to. Eventually, she'll break and go crazy

Stress: She can handle stress a lot meer than Shock can.

Peer pressure: She doesn't just give in so easily

Guilt: Depends on how MUCH guilt. If its not too bad, she can ignore it. But its too much guilt: She'll just let it bottle up until it finally comes out

Being wrong: She hates being wrong and does NOT handle it well

Being criticized: She looks at it as an opportunity to do better

Praise: She does enjoy a little praise here and there--but she's not full of herself

Love: She's kinda shy around guys. She'll most likely NOT talk to em at all, unless pushed to

Being hated: She doesn't really care what people think of her

Humiliation: Same as the vorige one
posted by RawrMonster123
One question: Why do u do it?

Well your answer is probably "I can't draw!" u know why u can't draw? Because u never picked up a pooping piece of paper and pencil and actually tried to! So now, kids, I'm gonna teach u a little lesson about art:


You know, good drawers weren't born as good drawers. If u believe that, you're sadly mistaken. u know how they became good drawers? door actually drawing!

Also, u can get arrested when u steal people's art. Really.

Now, just grab a paper, grab a pencil, get your pencil...
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Shadey: I should make them longer with better cliff hangers.
Amber: u think?
Shadey: Yep.
Shade: *singing* wafels and pie, wafels and pie! ^^
Shadey: Really?

(Somewhere in the city 9:39 a.m.)
Something is happening at a big field to the right of Shadey. She walks closer and looks through the trees, only to see two hedgehogs fighting. One was a blue male hedgehog and the other was a black with red marks on his quills male hedgehog. She watched their endless fight and she grew tried of them. She just walked back the way she came and didn't care about anything else. She went home pagina and got online....
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Time is your enemy in these woods...Ⓧ

MTL made it out of there in one piece,eventually making it to some waterfall,however something was off...very off.the water fall was in a suspended animation-like state,it didn't move.MTL tried to get time flowing again using the TS emerald,however even it was effected door the woods,it didn't have it's oranje aura.MTL then spotted a note taped to the waterfall and grabbed it. (3/8Ⓧ),but suddenly the giant boom representing MTL's time had a branch collapse,shaking the woods.MTL knew he had to hurry.

So eventually found another note hanging on a branch,he...
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Welcome to the town of Mob suez, a place unique and different from the kanon fan character worlds.

Four days before Christmas. Dave Hyatt was a black-haired, average height, average health, blue-eyed, teenager, sixteen to be exact. He used to live in a town called “Mercin”, but had to verplaats because of the community-money-problems. The only trouble he had with this was the packing and driving. He only had a few vrienden before this venture, of which none were female, and not extremely close, so the transition was fairly fine with him, though he did miss his role in his friend’s garage-rock-band....
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posted by ShadowWolf337
Author's Note
Okay everyone gather around for a scary/creepy story! This story takes place in 2010. Its about me buying Sonic Adventure and it turned out to be cursed. Oh and please commentaar about any of the creepy of scary parts of how I can improve. Enjoy!

Day 1/Saturday
After a extremely long wait Sonic Adventure finally came in through the mail. I tore through the packaging and found the original case. What Luck! I opened the case and a folded note fell out it read: "I'm sorry.I had to get rid of it. Now he's yours." I was confused door this note, I ignored the note and threw it into the trash....
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posted by RawrMonster123
Once upon a time there was a small village in Flordia called "Koekje". There lied a technophobic town of Cookian people. Cookian was a religion of people who believe the same things as Christians, but they believe God make koekjes, cookies without and oven and from scratch, so they should do so, too, and not use technology.
A single village mom, Erika, that divorced her husband recently was living with her 9-year-old daughter, Jenny, in a cabine that looked like all the rest of the houses. They were like every other person in the village, except Jenny. She wasn't as dull and technophobic as everyone else....
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This dosen't make any of my vrienden less of better friends. Remember, you're all precious to me and I love u guys.

- I appericate this person, alot. Her options are amazings and I love that way, how she can toon them out. To be honest, I had never zei this, but she had been my role-model since we met~ I mean, she is so brave and she can say her options out. I really love Soda and I'm glad I had met her. She always listens me and she reminds me of my big brother. I miss him lot, but I am glad there is Soda for it.
I wanna thank you, about everything u had done to me.

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posted by FrizTHedgehog
Different Elementals behave differently, like different things, and Live different places.

Fire Elementals

If you've RPed with my FC Torch, u already know they're behavior. brand Elementals are mostly Romantic but when they're young they're really shy around things and people, if they make vrienden in this age they're usually vrienden For Life (coughcoughfrizcoughandcoughtorchcoughcoughcough)

Favorite Foods/Cravings:
Fire Elelmentals mostly like spicy foods, such Buffalo Wings of Hot Cheetos and even sometimes they make some sort of weird combination to make even meer spicy, like putting...
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(Note: I wrote this on the fly, and on Windows Movie Maker, but the stupid text kept messing up so I couldn't make it a video)

So from what I've seen, of the
many fan-based franchises, the
largest, of one of the largest
(please don't hurt me if I'm
wrong) is the Sonic the
hedgehog fan Character
On the site I'm usually on,
Fanpop, the Sonic fan
Character club is HUGE, and
has tons of great fan

... so I just can't help but wish
there'd be someone out there
who is a devoted Sonic fan and
can make QUALITY videos, who
could make videos FOR the fan
Now I know there...
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posted by TakTheFox

So among the many flaws of Sonic 06, both opinionated and proven, one would be considered the coupling of him with the Princess Elise.
Seriously Why?
I mean sure it is weird that she’s a human and not a hedgehog, but it that’s true what about Cosmo and Tails?
Sure the character of Elise can be annoying, but not HALF as annoying as Amy Rose (note: I am not an Amy hater. I have nothing against Amy, but she can be very annoying.).

In my opinion, Princess Elise is just another way of the Sonic Franchise trying to make a Sally Acorn without it being Sally Acorn (Sonic’s ACTUAL...
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In this Part I will analyze their weapons, moves and abilities

Friz the Hedgehog
-Chaos Control
-Chaos Spear
-Chaos Blast
-Light Speed
-Martial Arts
-Military Knowledge
- .45 Magnum
- Katana
- Duel SMGs
- Daggers
-Knight(Weapons: Diamond Sword)

Torch The Elemental(Currently King of The Firelands)
-Flame Control
-Flame Being(Ablility to become part of any Flame)
-Pain Absorb
-Heals from Fire
-Kung Fu
-Flaming Broadsword
-Flaming Torch(Hyper Form)
-Nuclear Torch(Torch's Ultima Form)
-Black Flame Torch(Dark Form)


posted by ShadowWolf337
Okay before I get to the story I'm gonna tell u what Blood Doll is. Blood Doll is just as the name states Blood but as a plushie. Like the "cursed" Tails Doll, Blood Doll is a cursed toy. Blood Doll kills ONLY the one who treats him badly, but he is really nice and will play games with anyone who takes him as a toy. Now onward to the story!

Its a sunny dag on Mobius the kids are outside playing. A young hedgehog door the name of Shift sits in a boom with a plushie sitting door him. The plushie looks up at him "Lets play something Shift!" zei the plushie zei "Okay B" Shift zei grabing Blood...
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Keep in mind this is opinionated. Do not go and spew your hate all over this artikel just because u don't agree with something. If u want to post your opinion in the comments, then please, do so- But don't try and change mine please, because guess what?

These are my opinions and you're sure as hell not fucking changing them.

Anyway, let's get to it.


Yeah... Personally I don't give two shits about cussing, as u probably would have noticed. If u ask me, in a public roleplay, cussing should be allowed so long as you're not outright fucking attacking another character. (Unless all...
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posted by Lancelot8
    The name’s Fang. Most of my time is spent at home pagina in my “bed” reading comics.
    But before I start telling u about my lame life, I might as well tell u from the begging. Well, here it goes…

    It all started on a starry, moonlit night. I was in the graveyard talking to my friend Victor.
    One thing about Victor is that he died when we were five. We’ve both gotten used to him being a ghost. Nothing about him has really changed, except his age.
    “Fang, you’re going to...
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It's been hours... days... weeks, since I left the Triple S... I haven't found a single trace of Emile-kun... I think I've been going the wrong way this whole time... I don't think I'll ever find him... I'll probably die of hunger within the volgende hour...
"Back to the real world, Mary. Back to the real world."
It's been about an uur since Mary ACTUALLY left the Triple S. She stopped walking and closed her eyes.
"... Dang it. I have been going the wrong way! Stupid fanisizing." She turned around and started walking back.
Mary walked for another 15 minuten before resting under a tree. "I freakin'...
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years geleden diana was on the space colony .she was maria robotniks sister.she was only three then and very....creative
diana:what would be a girls best fwriend a DONKEY IN A SUMBRARO
igrandfather:how about a hedgehog instead
diana:if u havent notice i am a hedgehog so no i want a donkey now
maria:well then if u have a donkey youll have to clean up his uh ohs
diana:0-0 i guess a hedgiehog will work
maria:good cause i have someone to toon u *takes her to see shadow* this is shadow the hedgehog
shadow:*stands there*
diana:is he suppose to be this boring maria
maria:hes not boring he just doesnt talk much
diana:um maria thats boring
shadow:*grunts at diana*
diana:now he grunting at me come at i dare u to
maria:diana u know he will fight you
shadow:if its a fight u want its a fight u will get
posted by Mapware3640
Most stories are always based around the hero of the villain,but what of the unlikely,ladies and gentlemen,I give u bronko the cat.

-Bronko's mother:WAKE UP BITCH!
-Bronko's mother:You slept it,you are late for school.
-Bronko's mother:*Slaps him*GET DRESSED NOW!

After a getting dressed,bronko headed off to crystal city high school.he is in 10th grade.he is the unlikely target to most school bullies because hes a fan of the hero of crystal city:MTL.

-Bronko:*Jumps off the bus*oy..
-Marty:Morning bronko.
-Bronko:Morning marty.

This is marty the edchinda,a...
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posted by ShadowWolf337
Attention all Sonic Fc owners who play on XBox live! Im making a clan that everyone can join! Its gonna be called: Sonic fan Characters United
, of something like that....

All I know is this clan will be a peaceful clan, which means we won't fight other clans for leaderboards. The only way we would actually fight another clan is if they challenge us. If u want u can be called door your Fc's name in the clan. I like to play Halo Reach and make awesome maps to play on (for example: EPIC Hunger Games, Regular Show, and The Canyon) so if u got Halo Reach, we WILL have fun, trust me!

How to join:
1. add a commentaar saying that u want to join
2. send a friend request to my XBOX Live account (ShadowWolf337) and a message saying that your on fanpop.

If u don't have a Xbox yet but are getting one soon of your Xbox is giving u problems, just tell me and I will reserve a position for u untill u get u Xbox of fix it

Thanks for your consideration!
Gary and Sue make too much Stew

Note: I will be naming both Mary-Sues and Gary-stues as Gay-stues for the purpose of saving time, unless I am specifically naming one of the other.

What is a Gary-Stu?
A character who
A.    has too much power of skill
B.    All the answers
C.    Always gets their way
D.    Never loses
E.    And usually bases on a Cannon-Character with added powers and looks.
F.    Is TOO attractive
G.    No weakness

Each of these has something...
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posted by Giz_4ever
Jojo's theme song:


Walked away

Could've been a little bit wiser
Should've been a millionaire
Could have held u a whole lot tighter
Acted like I did not care

I want to feel like I'm somewhere
In the middle of this
I want to feel like I'm not just slipping away

So I walked away, walked away
Because I heard u say that it'll never be the same
I shoulda walked away, walked away
The voice inside me shouts out loud
The silence feels meer silent now

Walked away
Walked away

Tried to step a little bit calmer
Can't shock the passerbys
These tingles within her vision
A pushing child will never cry
My hoofdkussen, kussen lies right inside this rushing ferris wheel
I want to step up instead of spinning in place


I often wonder what's the truth
Where not to go, what not to do
So many days inside this carnival wheel
So many ways u can move
Still you're standing still

(Chorus x2)

Walked away
(To end)