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Chapter 17: Freedom City's Wrath
Part 2: The Shocking Truth

Dokuro's secret is out--he isn't the true Malice. After he sent his skeleton army after th­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­em, they ran for it. Whirlwind fired off an air sphere at some of the skeleton's, and they broke apart. But a bunch meer kept coming for them, armed with swords.
"I don't think both of us can fight them all off, Whirl! We need to find Duji....and fast!"
Whirlwind agreed and kept on running away from the skeleton arm ay. Whirlwind grabed Jackson's hand and flew off deeper into the city. Whirlwind looked down at Jackson and asked, "About Duji...where IS he? Shouldn't he be with you?"
"He was, but he and I spleet, split up when he went off to face the citizen's solo.....I hope he's alright," Jackson added.
While they were on their way towards Shock, Shock and mannetjeseend, drake were still face-to-face with the citizen's. They hid under a car, trying to stay clear of the wrath of the citizen's. It was quiet. Both Shock and mannetjeseend, drake listened for any sounds of the citizen's talking of preparing to brand again, but nothing was hard through the dead, cool air.
"OK, why haven't they brand at us yet?" asked Drake.
"How should I know, Drake? of whatever your name is...." Shock asked back, somehwat irritated.
He peeked his head out from beneath the car and looked around for any sign of them. He looked at the nearby buildings, and he saw that the poeple has seemingly vanished. He looked back to Shock and said, "I believe the coast is clear, kid."
He grabbed Shock hand as he got up from under the car and stood back up. They looked around for anymore signs of the citizens.
"It's quiet. And we all know that when things get quiet, all hell breaks loose..." Shock
mannetjeseend, drake continued to look around and said, "Exactly...which is why I'm calling for backup. I'm sure they'll come, but I need to be sure they get here before--"
mannetjeseend, drake was cut off suddenly, when they both saw bullets flying at them. It didn't take long for them to notice the citizen's running towards them. mannetjeseend, drake fired off several shots, while running away from the scene. He got a few of them, but wan't enough to stop the riot.
"Come on! We need to get u outta here!" mannetjeseend, drake screamed out.
Shock shook his head and formed electricity around himself, also making himself hover into the air.
"No....I'm gona take them ALL on!" he shouted back, having his eyes focused on them.
"Fine, then I'll be back with back up!" mannetjeseend, drake called out, before officially leaving.
With one last effort to stand against the city, he flew off after them, firing off massive electrical bolts. One person was hit, while another jumped vooruit, voorwaarts to stab Shock with a knife. He quickly grabbed the guys hand and electrocuted him, then swung him around using his electrical whip, and slammed him into two other people. Another person tackled him down and they both rolled around on the street. When they stopped, Shock kicked the guy off him and stood back up. He then flew after him, and was ready to electrocute him. But before he could get to him, someone else nearby caused a peice of the concrete below him to come up and hit him. The impact sent Shock flying up higher, and hurt like hell. he fell back down to the straat hard--with scrapes and scratches all over him. He got up, but was sore from impact.
"Damn you...." he called out.
Just as Shock charged toward the remaining citizen's, several police cars drove into the scene--one of them driving in between Shock and the others. Drake, along with other cops, got outta thier cars.
"OK, everyone, get back to your homes! This riot ends now!" mannetjeseend, drake shouted, ready to use his gun if this gets ugly.
One officer came over to Shock and saying, "We need to leave...if u come with us, you'll be safe."
"NO! I'm finishing what I started!" he shouted back.
Tyson, with a few other mobians, came up and appraoched Drake.
"We're not going anywhere til that kid is DEAD!" he yelled at Drake.
mannetjeseend, drake aimed his gun at the remaining Mobian's, mostly towards Tyson. mannetjeseend, drake had mixed emotions about shooting Tyson--but knew he may have to if Tyson kept this riot going.
"I never thought I would have to do this....I never did like you, but still..." mannetjeseend, drake zei to Tyson.
Tyson rolled his eyes and said, "Do u think I care? Once I make that kid pay for this, I'll be outta your hair, COUSIN Drake..."
Shock heard that and then looked at Drake, asking, "You two are related?"
"Yeah...he's my seconde cousin. That doesn't matter now--Tyson? Get these people to go home pagina before this gets ugly! We got the 'criminal' under control," mannetjeseend, drake told Tyson.
"Liar! u idiots didn't do WE will take a stand against that monster!" he shouted, while motioning the other mobian's to attack.
Out of pure reflex, he shot several bullets at the crowd as he ran.
"Go...GO! GET THE KID OUTTA HERE!" mannetjeseend, drake screamed at one of the cops standing by.
Him and another cop quickly grabbed Shock as they ran for their cars. They got in as quick as they could and then drove off down the street, heading for the bridge. Ironically, at the seconde they drove off--Whirlwind and Jackson stopped them as they happened to walk by. It didn't take them long to notice the group of citezen's.
"Wait...if they're chasing after that police car, then Duji must be in it! We need to get to him before--" Jackson said, being cut off when seeing Dokuro.
Dokuro flew past them in air above them, making his way towards the police car Shock was in. Whirlwind grabbed Jackson's hand and flew after Dokuro. While driving, mannetjeseend, drake happened to notice Dokuro flying past them.
"Isn't that him, Duji? You're...'master'?" he asked Duji, who sat in the back.
"It is! Wherever he's going, follow him!" he shouted.
With that, mannetjeseend, drake drove faster, as he turned right down the straat where Dokuro was heading. Several bullet sounds where heard hitting the car from behind them, as the angry mod chassing them was shooting at them. Shock rolled down the window and shot out multiple electrical blasts at them. Most of them where hit, while the others decided to back off for the moment.
"I got them to back go get--" Shock said, but noticed that Dokuro was outta sight.
"What is it? Did he vanish?" asked Drake.
Shock nodded as he pointed towards that same old house that he saw before--the house that "Malice" told him to stay clear of. mannetjeseend, drake stopped the car as he aproached the strange, creepy old house. They quickly got outta their cars and Shock went ahead of them, running up to the porch.
"Hey, whats wrong? Did he go inside of something?" mannetjeseend, drake asked.
"Yes...I'm going inside..." he said, with a determind look.
After that, he opened the door and waisted no time going inside. mannetjeseend, drake noticed Whirlwind and Jackson coming into the scene--Whirlwind lowering down to the front yard.
"Glad u made it....your grandkid went inside after Malice," zei Drake.
"Good...but we have some news: that guy isn't Malice! His name is Dokuro and he's not your regular Mobian...." Jackson called out.
mannetjeseend, drake was a little shocked door the sudden news, but then motioned for the other officers that were with him to go inside.
"Let's worry about that later.....right now we need to catch this guy," he told Jackson.
As they went inside, Shock was already waking in the livingroom. The house was dead quiet--as it has been for the last 6 month. There were no furniture around, just a huge empty space. As he looked around the place, memories of that house came flooding back to him. he looked over at the section where there was once a couch, and he began to see a specific memory reply in his head. One of him and his parents watching TV. mannetjeseend, drake and the others finally caught up to him. Jackson rushed over to Shock and was worried.
"Duji, are u OK? Is he here?" he asked him.
He didn't quite hear him talking--he was toobusy thinking back. mannetjeseend, drake came over to Jackson and said, "Wait...I think he's remembering..."
seconden later, Shock went up the stairs and down the hall. Jackson, mannetjeseend, drake and Whirlwind all followed. Jackson looked at Whirlwind and asked, "What exacty are u doing here? Are u still after that Spectre guy?"
"Yes. Spectre zei that him and Dokuro are planning to team up...." he added.
As they came up the hallway, mannetjeseend, drake and a few other cops aimed their guns around the place.
"Shock? Are u OK in here?" asked Drake, his voice echoing in the hall.
Shock was in his old room, looking around the place. He then saw another memeory reply in his mind as he looked at where his bed use to be. Thinking of these memories brought tears to his eyes as he silenty cried. Little did he know: Dokuro was watching him from inside a closet. The door was open, so he quietly stepped out into the empty room. Dokuro grinned maliciously as he saw what Shock was doing.
" the lil puppy sad?" he asked him, clearly trying to taunt him.
He looked back and saw Dokuro standing there--he was angry.
"You lied to me, didn't you?" he asked Dokuro.
Dokuro rolled his eyes, though u couldn't see it through his shades.
"Kid, we're way passed that I'll just cut to the chase: I DID lie to you...." he announced.
Shock grew angrier and fired off some light bolts. Dokuro and jumped up and quickly flicked his wrists around, and started twisting Shock's bones.
" zei I had no family! u zei I was EVIL!" Shock screamed out.
While still holding Shock in his grip, he raised Shock's body in the air, saying, "Evil? were NEVER truely evil! I only made u think it til I was done with you..."
Then he threw Shock across the room. Shock hit a nearby uithangbord face first. Shock groaned in pain. He stood back up as Jackson and the other cops entered the room. They aimed their gun toward him.
"Put your hands up! I don't know what u wanted with this kid, but it's over..." mannetjeseend, drake zei to him.
"Over? Far from it....wanna hear meer of the truth, kid? u DID have a family, but Malice killed them off 6 months ago," declared Dokuro.
When he heard that, he grey meer angrier. And his teary eye's face was replaced with that of pure rage. Electricity circled around him. Jackson, mannetjeseend, drake and Dokuro all backed away from him as this happened.
"Duji, I know you're probably in a of shock right now, but I want u to know--" Jackson said, being cut off door Drake.
"Jackson, I think it's best we get outta here...." he said.
Then he got so angry, that his electricity became bright red flames. Shock didn't notice this of course, but the others did. At that moment, he officially remembered who he was and that Dokuro had lied the whole.
"'re gonna pay for this! For ever tinking u could USE me like this!" he shouted, flames bursting from around him.
He made a loud scream and as he did so, a streem of brand burst from and went straight through the ceiling, making a huge hole. Dokuro knew this may end badly for him, so he flew out the window in a hurry. But Shock wasn't gonna let him off that easy. With brand still around him, he flew after Dokuro and smashed right into the wall, making another huge hole. Jackson rushed over to see if he could find out where Shock had went to. He looked upwards at the sky and saw him giving Dokuro hell. Shock, while still angry, made a firy sphere around himself and flew straight for Dokuro. He was coming on pretty damn fast, and Dokuro barely dodged it. He would attack with his bone-weapons but knew it was useless at this point. As he flew circles around him, he also shot out brand balls at Dokuro. He tried his best to dodge the attacks, but didn't do much good. Then had got an idea: he backed away some, and then started moving the bones in Shock's arms while saying, "You think u have me, don't you? Think again...."
He then made Shock push the button on that watch that he had gegeven him a few hours ago. Afterwards he let go. Shock started to calm down some and gew confused. He heard beeping sounds from the watch and then saw a timer iluminate on the screen.
"What is this...? Why is it counting down?" he asked Dokuro.
"Considering it a birthday present form your master. Happy birthday, mutt!" shouted Dokuro, flying off.
He aw that the timer was counting down, and had 10 seconden left. He tried getting the watch off, but it wouldn't budge. He grew terrified, and didn't know what else to do. So as a last resort, he flew--WAYY up high as high as he could before it finally went off. The force of the blast still hit the city regardless, and poor Duji was cought at the center. But is this it? Is this the end of his journy?

posted by Dragonfruit44
Nat was walking to The Speed Demon, The restaurant she and her mother worked at. She was carrying many groceries for the food they needed to prepare. She was about to open the restaurant when she heard someone calling her. She looked around, but no one was there. A thick fog was starting to come down the street. " Hello? Is someone there?" She called, but no answer. The fog was in front of her now, and she couldn't even see a foot in front of her face. She went for the door, but it was gone and she was touching a tree.
What the? I haven't moved an inch, how am I door a tree? She went to put the...
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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 11

Kyle released a quiet groan as he slowly began waking up from the effects of the tranquil dart that he had been hit with. He struggled to open his eyes as his stamina very slowly began returning to him. He finally did manage to open his eyes, struggling to focus his blurry vision on his surroundings. He was sure that he had been captured door the Dark Horses.

Finally managing to get his eyes to focus, Kyle slowly moved his head around to observe where he was. He was in a fairly large cell made of solid concrete, so they would most likely be very sturdy. Since he was...
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So the small city-like village of Crystal city was in a bind,with the greedy tyrant Bubba closing in to take all the folks prisoner,the people of Crystal city worked like clockwork to retrieve the gems from the caverns in order to pay off the bill.However all the gems were incinerated due to the heat surrounding the smoldering remains of MTL's pod,The villagers quickly gathered everything and brought it to Bubba,however it didn't meet the proper amount,Angered door this,Bubba shouted "Cheapskates!I was generous enough to give u vermin the titel of this land and u try to trick me out of it!?You...
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Part Two “Problematic Circumstances”

Talon slowly opened his eyes. He was weary and dizzy. “What… wh-where?” He slowly turned his head and pushed himself upward to get a better look at his surroundings. He was in a metal room… with a locked door… one light… and one bed… a cell? He was in prison?

“How did I get here?!” Talon jerked to his feet and yanked at the door handle; obviously it would not open, but why not try anyway?

“Wait a second…” Nick closed his eyes and concentrated on what happened before this. “There was the… fire… then I was taken door the cops!...
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Heh,I bet u didn't think I was going to write this,huh.XD

Okay...time for the shit storm of shit storms.The original MTL series...oh dear lord,where to begin?Well the creation of my original fan character was no easy feat,Back when I created my FC I never understood the concept of Gary-stus and Mary-Sues(Until mephs pointed out sometime later),but where to begin...I suppose let's get the easy part of this artikel out of the way,My regrets and mistakes with the original series.First regret...cliche back story.Again,long before I knew anything about cliches I decide to give MTL a back-story...
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Note: If your character is already in a relationship, u can still answer, but pretend they aren’t. And do NOT just describe their current boyfriend/girlfriend for all the beschrijving parts unless they actually have the wanted traits.

1.    Describe your character in five words.
2.    Is your character looking for love?
3.    Would they rather stay single?
4.    What is the name of the first male/female that your character knows that comes to mind? (THE TRUTH)
5.    Does your character want an...
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posted by RawrMonster123
One question: Why do u do it?

Well your answer is probably "I can't draw!" u know why u can't draw? Because u never picked up a pooping piece of paper and pencil and actually tried to! So now, kids, I'm gonna teach u a little lesson about art:


You know, good drawers weren't born as good drawers. If u believe that, you're sadly mistaken. u know how they became good drawers? door actually drawing!

Also, u can get arrested when u steal people's art. Really.

Now, just grab a paper, grab a pencil, get your pencil...
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Shadey: Ok I got bored... so I start now.
Thorn: But u zei volgende Saturday!
Shadey: Yeah... I know but I'm bored so... shut it! Now begin

(Rooftops 11:47 p.m.)
"The night is wonderful... sigh... why does it have to end? Why does everything have a story?" A grey hedgehog thinks to herself. "Of course why is it my problem? I'm Shadey Grey! The last dark user... nothing is darker than me!" Shadey chuckles to herself. She jumps off the roof and wanders through the city. She messes with her black limiter rings and smiles and walks home.

(Shadey's mansion 12:26 a.m.)
Shadey takes off her black jacket...
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Picture this,
You just found this new roleplay called (for lack of imagination) “Roleplay of love, brought to u door Hormones”. And because romance roleplays are so populair (HORMONES!) u try it out. So your character falls in love of whatever with another character. At the end they are either…
A.    A couple
Or B. an item.
So now you’re all like “Cool. Now my character has a love-interest.” So every time u rp with those two characters in mind, you’re lead on to think that your character is the love-interest, only to find out that when u make a verplaats like proposing,...
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posted by TakTheFox
Who is Relm?

Relm, as I’ve stated, is a banshee. Not just any banshee though. Relm is a DARICHA Banshee. Daricha stands for “Moonlight” of “Darkness”. So basically Relm is a DARK Banshee.

Relm comes from a future-mobius-timeline AFTER the Identity Wars, and first appears in Mobius Academy: Evolution. Before that she came from three Mobiuses. Mobocan, Nicous (the future Identity-world), and Ryft’s Mobius. She lived there for about ten years before coming to Mobius Academy #2, seeing how she heard so much about its predecessor.

Personality-wise, in a word, Relm is… graceful. Pardon...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
This, like my '100 things I hate about this club' is completely opinionated and such. This time, flames will be used to roast the flamers own flesh. (Not that I expect much of that, because this is LUL OPTOMISTICCCC HURRDEDURR.)

1. This won't get HALF the awesome response I got for it's brother article.
2. So many roleplays to choose from.
3. There are some awesome character designs.
4. The 'community' feel.
5. Religion is usually unimportant.
6. Lack of republicans. (Or at least obnoxious ones.)
7. The fact that the only reason I even know what a republican is is because someone from here taught...
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posted by ripperoo1
Journal Writing

"October VI, MMXI," I scribbled in a small book that I used as a journal. I thought and thought about what to write next. Nothing happens in my life, really. My typical dag is composed of playing chess, reading, and caring for my father who is too old to do simple things. Many would say that the way I live is different from normal, modern life. I live in a castle. My father is the king. Therefore, I'm the prince. I do everything for my father, so many people just look at me as the king's representative. I wish that something happened to my life, something interesting....
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So a lot of the time when I'm in a forum it ends up that it's either me, Gracethefox, of Sarathedog, that are the only ones staying on a forum, and I gotta say, it gets old, and BORING. I mean sure, WE aren't boring. We love rping together in forums, but we can't do it with JUST us the entire time.

Now I know a lot of people CAN'T get online at times, and when that happens there's nothing wrong, but when people CAN and just don't, it gets really annoying. I'm not saying that u have to get back on, but everyone just disappears and doesn't say why.

My guess is boredom. They get bored, and lazy...
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posted by silverstream101
Im only making this 1 part...unless people think im missing detail then ill do another 1 in meer detail...making it longer. 1st person told door starting when she was 5. yes yes...i know i change their ages alot...but 20 WILL STAY. but as a the present time Nova will come in at times.

I sigh bored as i sit through my normal morning lecture.

"i can tell we lost u again Nova" says a yellow w/ oranje tips cat.

I smile sheepishly, "sorry mom...but its the same thing every day" i reply

A red cat replies, "ok Star...if shes so bored how about we tell...
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posted by CosmoLuvsTails
I will follow Him
Follow Him wherever He may go,
And near Him, I always will be
For nothing can keep me away,
He is my destiny.

I will follow Him,
Ever since He touched my hart-, hart I knew,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love.

I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,
And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow.
he'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
from now until forever, forever, forever

I will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His...
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posted by Giz_4ever
One night stand

Let me tell you.....

Jennys getting her stuff in my room
Puts on her rok and shes looking good
Six AM and shes leaving soon
Says what a crazy night I had
A real good time

But her kiss tells me its goodbye
Just like nothing happened last night
But if I had one chance
Id do it all over again

One night stand I dont think shes coming back for meer
She was only looking for a one night stand
I dont think shes coming back for meer
No no

Now Im left up in my lonely room
She left her underwear and her perfume
I never thought that it could be this good
And I still feel a little on my...
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posted by Giz_4ever

Ribbon broke my heart,
I knew he would.
So what is he going to do?
I'd know if I could...




People call me the terror.
People call me the selfish.
People call me the nasty.
People call me the cruel.
People call me the idiot.
People call me the stupid.
People call me the crazy.
People call me the annoying.
People call me the long lasting.
People call me the fishy.
People call me the curious.
People call me the laugh.
People call me the cheesy.
People call me the stubborn.
People call-
Everyone: SHUT IT!!
posted by sonicgmance221
brand Elementists : The Flame Holders

1,000 Years Ago,

There was a Young Leader name Schfior. One of the Acient Leaders of the Elementists of The brand County. Tribes like the Kabyuze, Acers, Grekinda, and the Zertandia had joined together for county meetings and Awardings of New Members of the Elementists. Schfior was a Great Leader for 135 years of Ruling the brand County. Those Greatful years of cheering and happiness was changed after the new crowning of Prince Destin. After 10 years of ruling, There were dangers of getting robbed of everything. The new King didn't care about anyone else but...
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Scarlet: *goes back in the house*
She heard loud cries of a little baby and entered her baby sister's room.
Crimson: Whaaaa!!!!
Scarlet: Crim, we gotta go.
Crimson: Whaaa!
Scarlet: *picks her up*
10 YEARS LATER............
Crimson: Pass it here, Synthos!
Synthos: *throws it*
Crimson: *catches*
Synthos: let's stop for now.
Crimson: Sure. *eyes flash*
Synthos: Another vision?
Crimson: Yeah.....
Synthos: What was this one about?
Crimson: I saw a girl...... She looked like me, but older.... I think I have a sister, Synthos.
Synthos: Don't be ridiculous. That's not possible. But if it is......
Kurt: Crimson, back...
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In a small villge, deep inside the Green heuvel Zone...

"Just hang in there, will all be over soon..." one Echidna says. The one he is talking to is Rana the Echidna, a soon-to-be proud mother. As Thundros, Rana's wife, stands outside the door waiting, Rana is delivering her baby boy. The doctor comes outside to speak with Thundros. "You're son has arrived, sir." Thundros walks inside, seeing that his son, whom they had decided to name Cyber, is lying asleep in Rana's arms. "He's so beautiful..." Rana sighs. "Yeah...such a cute young boy..." Thundros adds. One doctor gasps loudly and...
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