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posted by TakTheFox
“You don’t have a name?” Mickey asks me. I shake my head no.

“How did u get your names?” I ask them. “Are they normal names?”

“I was told mine on a note.” Mickey answers.

This word is strange to me. A note? His name was on a note? Like it was written on? Who did that? “What is a note?” Is the first vraag I ask about this.

“It’s a piece of paper people use to put words on. u haven’t heard of those before?” chowder informs me.

“No I haven’t. Should I?” Was I… did I start with the wrong information? W-was I supposed to have more? That would explain why I didn’t know everything but… did this mean I’d forget things?

“We both started out without knowing a lot of things.” Says Mickey. That’s good. Then they are just like me… I hope.

“I got my name from the first thing I read.” chowder answers.

“What is a ‘chowder’?” I reply. He makes an angry face at me. I verplaats back a bit slightly afraid. What did I do wrong?

“It’s a…” He rubs the back of his head… is he scratching an itch? He’s looking down now. What is wrong, is he meer upset?

“It’s food.” Mickey finishes.

Oh. I see why he is upset now… I think. Being named after food is a bad thing… why is it a bad thing? If I was named after the Raench I wouldn’t be upset.

“Raench?” chowder asks me?

“Did I say that outloud?” I ask. I didn’t mean to do that.

“Yes… what’s Raench?” He questions. For some reason me knowing something they don’t feels… good. There is a word for this but if I ask them maybe they will get upset. I might ask them later.

“It’s a white cream… thing. I put it on salad.”

“Maybe we should call u Raench then.” chowder says this in a strange way… it sounds a little like someone singing, but only barely… I think it’s a mean kind of way to say it… m-… mocking, he is… mocking, me…

“Chowder be nice.” Mickey looks at chowder angrily. I’m happy that Mickey is helping me but I don’t want them to be angry with each other. I try to distract them with a different thing to talk about.

“Wh-where do u live?” They look back at me now. They don’t look angrily but they look surprised instead.

“We live in the same house.” Mickey replies. “Do u live with someone?”

“No.” I feel… ashamed. I feel upset and bad for myself. I lower my head while feeling ashamed. I look back at them. Maybe I can go with them now. W-… will I have to go back to being alone soon? “Can I stay with you? Please?”

They look nervous. Did I scare them? Oh please don’t let them be scared, I don’t want them to leave. They give a strange motion to each other then begin to walk away. I walk after them. “Please don’t go!” I yell out nervously.

Mickey turns back to me. “We’re not leaving.” He raises his hands… this is another signal I guess. “We just need to talk alone for a minute.”

I don’t like this but I nod anyway… then I start counting to sixty. If we aren’t alone, who created us? Did the arms do it? They were the only other things I’ve seen act around me, but I do like being around Mickey meer than I do the arms… maybe chowder too.

When they walk back I smile, I want to seem nice. They were gone for less than a minute. Why did they say “for a minute”? Did they count wrong? Did I count wrong? What will they say?

“We don’t know if u can stay with us.” Mickey tells me. “We... aren’t in control of anything really.”

“But… aren’t we out now?” I question. I begin to look around while confused about this. Are we still inside? Is this a trick?

“This is a play-yard.” chowder says.

“A play-yard?” I don’t want to keep asking them questions. I feel like it bothers them.

“Do u know what play is?” He demands.

“Well…” Play… A play is… something with a curtain? When people dress up and pretend to be things. I say this. chowder looks at me angrily again. I wish he wouldn’t.

“You’re not wrong but this is a different kind of play.” Mickey tells me. I like Mickey. He doesn’t look at me angrily. I want to inpakken, wrap my arms around him again but he doesn’t seem to like that so I control myself. “Play,” he continues, “is enjoyment. It’s connected with a word called ‘game’. Games are things u play. There is a goal, and the goal is what u want to get to, the end of the game. And door winning it means that u reach the goal.”

“When did u learn that?” I ask. “Was that on a note too?”

“No I knew that when I first woke up.” He says.

“But… why didn’t I?” I feel stupid. chowder doesn’t like me because I’m stupid. It’s not my fault is it?

“We learned different things from our houses before we were put in the same one.” Mickey replies.

“Oh.” That’s better. At least I’m not… completely stupid. “You lived alone?”

“For two weeks.” chowder is tonen his teeth now. He scares me and I crouch. Mickey looks over at him angrily again. I don’t want them mad at each other but is chowder going to attack me?

“She’s ten, Chowder. Keep your hostility down.” I’m ten? My age is ten? I-is that normal? What do ten-year-olds act like? How does he know I’m ten?

“H-how do u know that?” I’m still cowering but I’d like to know.

“I don’t know, I just do.” He shrugs his shoulders. I know what this gesture means. It means that he doesn’t care of doesn’t know… I think. “Maybe u know what our ages are.” He suggests.

“I…” look at them back and forth. chowder isn’t tonen his teeth anymore. They have… smooth faces, but I don’t know what age that makes them. I’m ten… and they are almost twice as tall as me. Ten twice is… twenty. I hope that’s right. “Are u twenty?” I finally guess.

They look back at each other, going down and up with their eyes, then nod and turn back to me. “You’re right.” Mickey tells me.

“I, I-I am?” I could have… I thought I’d be wrong, how did I get that right? I think I’ll leave it alone and just accept that I was right.

I want to know when this ends. I don’t want it to end if chowder scares me. I just want them to stay here. “Do u know when this ends?”

“It ends… after a few hours.” Says Mickey.

“How long has it been?”

“Ten minutes.” Says Chowder.

“That’s short, right?” I want to make sure.

“Yes. Ten minuten is short.”

The volgende thing I want to know is why I am here, why are they here, they are bound to know. “Are we here for a reason?”

“We were never told if there was one.” Mickey answers. “We spend our time walking, sitting, swinging-“

“Swinging?” I cover my mouth and close my eyes. Will chowder be mad again? My voice is muffled but I still say “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry” I keep saying it over and over. I don’t know when to stop.

“You can stop.” It’s Chowder’s voice that says this. I stop but I keep my eyes closed still.

“Here, I’ll toon you.” Mickey offers. He waits a few seconden then tells me “You need to open your eyes first.”

“Is chowder angry at me?”

There is a pause. I hear… low voices… I can’t understand them. They sound sort of like grunts. It stops and Mickey says “He’s not angry, u can open your eyes.”

Trust… do I trust him? Mickey has been nice so I don’t have a reason to- I mean not to… why would I have a reason not to though? Would this be a trick? Why am I saying that, of course it isn’t a trick, he’s… he’s nice…

I open my eyes. Mickey is smiling, chowder isn’t, but he isn’t being angry either. He makes his eyes go up then around… why was he doing that? I’m staring at chowder now, I don’t mean to, but Mickey waves to me before chowder does anything about it. I look back at Mickey. He’s volgende to the wood attached to the metal strings. I walk over to him.

“These are swings.” He says, gesturing to them. They come up to my neck. What do I do with them? “What do they do?”

“Here.” He grabs my waist and begins to lift me up. This feels weird, I didn’t expect him to pick me up. It reminds me of the… arms, the metal arms. I remember how they’d hold me still… and… I freak out. I jerk a bit, letting out a short scream, and he lets go. I fall and almost hit my head on the wood. Mickey stops me before I do.

He hates me now doesn’t he, he must at this point. All I keep saying is that I’m sorry over and over again. But then he tells me “It’s alright.”

Mickey pushes me back up to stand again. I don’t freak out this time. I look back up at him. He isn’t smiling but he doesn’t look angry… then, he tells ME “I’m sorry. I should have asked u first.”

I don’t know why I had to feel so bad when he picked me up. I was wrapping my arms around him before, he should be mad at me. “I just… I… there were these arms…” I don’t know how to explain it, will they believe me? I have to try at least. “I- in my house there were arms… metal arms, they woul-“

“They did that to you?!” Chowder’s voice is loud, and he sounds angry. I jump onto Mickey, and even crawl around to his back, hoping that chowder won’t attack me while Mickey is in front of me. Then I realize what he said. What does mean by- “What do u mean?” I ask him nervously.

“They grabbed you, and made u eat the pills?” chowder demands. I nod quickly. He looks down, his hands clench like a fist, and his teeth show. He kicks the ground yelling “I can’t believe it!” Is… is he angry at me still of someone else?

“I’m sorry, did I-“

“He’s not mad at you.” Mickey tells me. He doesn’t seem to mind me climbing on him I guess, he’s not saying anything about it. “He’s mad that that happened to you.”

“So… he…”

“He feels bad for you.”

“Is that good?”

“I think so.”

He must be right. chowder hasn’t zei anything mean to me right now, so I’ll believe Mickey. They know about the pills. Maybe they know what the pills do. “What do the pills do to us?” I vraag Chowder.

“They make us fall asleep I think.” He answers. His voice still sounds upset but he seems calmer. “I don’t remember any other change.”

“Is there another way to sleep?” Will we always need pills to sleep?

“We don’t know.” Mickey answers. He sets me down and turns around to face me. “Whatever is going on we aren’t in control of it. But at least we aren’t alone.”

I do enjoy being with people. Even if chowder scares me he does seem protective. This ends every two hours, so I want to spend it at least happy. Then I can go live with Mickey and Chowder! … I hope.

“Could… could we try the schommel, swing again?” I ask… t-timidly. I’m beginning to enjoy remembering new words, and Mickey and chowder will be able to teach me new ones.

Mickey smiles, nodding. “Do u want help this time?”

I’m not sure. I don’t really mind being picked up but will it make him feel weird now? I don’t know. “Is, is that alright?”

“Of course.” Mickey kneels down and puts his hands on the ground, cupping them. What does he want me to do?


“You put your foot here, and I’ll push u up so u can go onto the seat.” He explains. Why did he change the way to get on? Maybe it DID feel weird to him. I don’t want to hurt his hands but I step on them anyway. He doesn’t look hurt and begins to push me up.

I’m not sure what he wants me to do volgende but I feel myself beginning to fall. I remember falling the first time, but what if Mickey doesn’t catch me again? Before I know what’s happening, I’ve launched myself upward, spinning in the air, then landing on the swing, standing.

Mickey looks at me surprised. chowder does too. Did I scare them? I feel the schommel, swing verplaats forward. I don’t want to fall again so I crouch down quickly and grab the metal ropes tightly. I’m okay now.

“That was cool! You’re really athletic.” Mickey says.

Cool… that’s a good thing I think, but I don’t know what athletic means. Does it mean I’m able to verplaats quickly of spin? If I ask again chowder might be angry at me again so I change how I ask and reply “I am?”

Mickey nods. “Did u learn that?”

I shake my head no. “I was afraid I’d fall so…”

“Nice move.” He smiles. I smile back. Mickey sits on the schommel, swing volgende to me. I didn’t know we sat on them so I do the same. He begins to schommel, swing his feet- Oh I get it now. He swings his feet back and forth, pushing his arms back and forth too. The schommel, swing moves vooruit, voorwaarts and backward, kind of like a circle. I try to do the same. Mine moves a little but it sort of just jerks around.

“You have to use the momentum.” He says. “When u feel the schommel, swing is at the highest it can go, u lean and push in the other direction, back and forth.”

I don’t know what momentum is, but maybe the seconde part was describing it. I try it and my schommel, swing moves more. It goes forward, then back, then vooruit, voorwaarts longer, then back longer. I keep doing this until the schommel, swing goes as high as the pole above us.

“Careful not to go too high.” Mickey warns. I slow down. This is fun. I like the wind going back and forth against me, and a weird… tickling-like feeling. It wasn’t like the lamp, it didn’t hurt, so that’s good.

Mickey calls out to chowder “Are u going to kom bij us?”

I don’t see Chowder’s reaction because I’m facing up while I schommel, swing but I hear him walk over. After a little while we are all swinging high up. Then, Mickey lets go of the schommel, swing and flies vooruit, voorwaarts in the air, spinning like I did, then landing on his feet.

“Are u okay?” I call out.

“Yeah I’m fine. I do that sometimes.” He replies. “You want to try?”

I don’t know. What if I fall on my face? Maybe… “Can u catch me?”

“Sure.” He opens his arms and waits. I take a little while nervously, but when I think I have the right amount of height I let go and I start flying vooruit, voorwaarts too. Mickey moves around so that he can aim correctly, and catches me.

“That was fun!” I laugh. We both laugh. He sets me down and turns to Chowder. “I’m not catching you.” He says. I think chowder is going to be upset but he actual smiles “Oh no, what will I do?” He says it in that strange tune again.

“What does he mean when he talks like that?” I ask.

“Sarcasm. It’s… joking.” Mickey tells me. “He says something but he doesn’t actually mean it.”

“So… if I zei I wanted to… um…” I can’t think of an example to use.

“You’ll get it eventually.” He says. Maybe I will. We all go back to swinging. We do this for a long while. None of us talk very much but it’s still fun. Eventually the blue in the air turns orange.

“Why is it…”

They both look up. “It’s the sunset.” chowder says. “It happens when the dag ends.”

“Ends? Days end?”

“Yes, then night comes.” Mickey continues. “At night people… sleep…” The way he says it makes me think he just found out. Does this mean though that the pills in the arms will come back? I start to get scared again and stop swinging.

“Does that mean the arms will come back?” I ask.

They stop swinging now too. Mickey takes a little while before answering. “I… think so… I guess, we’ll just have to protect each other then, right?” He smiles trying to make me happy again. I’m still scared but he’s right. I want to protect them just like they want to protect me. Maybe we will be able to get out of here one time. Maybe we’ll find out why we are here… eventually.
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door International Moron Patrol
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This is their song especiallysince this song inspired me to created the twins