the order of the trident Club
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Sight seeing
(Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Gladiola, Kronos voice, people)
Percy is lying in a forest, using his jas as a pillow; he’s moaning in his sleep, camera zooms into his eye, see the pit of Tartarus
Kronos: Come, come… (View Percy sleeping, moaning “no “and fidgeting)
Kronos: Come in. Come inside…
Percy: No… No…
Kronos: Come… Co…
Annabeth: Percy! (shakes him awake, Percy sits up startled)
Percy: Hmm, what?
Annabeth: It’s like, 9 in the morning, u slept in.
Percy: In from what?
Grover (voice): Yes, yes, that’s him (looks at Grover, who is sitting petting a mini roze poodle)
Percy: Grover, what in Hades is that?
Gladiola: growl
Grover: It’s a she, it’s a she! She’s Gladiola the roze poodle, and she’s our ticket west. (Percy blinks, blank look)
Annabeth: Look Seaweed brain, she’s lost and her owners have a high reward for if u find her. 200 bucks actually, enough to buy train tickets to go a long way.
Percy: Cool, but how do u know that?
Grover: She told me, duh. (Grover barks, Gladiola barks)
Grover: She doesn’t want to go back to her owners, but she figures if it’ll help us she will, but she thinks Percy is rude for not saying hello.
Percy: What? I’m not saying hi to a roze poodle!
Annabeth (patiently): Percy, I zei hi to the poodle, u say hi to the poodle.
Percy: Annabeth if u think I will say…
Annabeth: Look, I already had to convince Grover out of keeping the poodle; I don’t want to convince u into saying hi to the thing. (Percy shoots a weird look at Annabeth)
Percy: Hi.
Grover: Good, her owners live 5 minuten from the train station. Let’s go.
View changes, they are in a train aisle, only the 3 of them and a sleeping grandma stuck between Percy and Annabeth, leaning on a creeped-out Percy
Percy: Why am I stuck besides her? (Annabeth shrugs)
Annabeth: u wanted the window seat.
Grover (looks nauseated): Guys, I’m going to be sick again… (runs away, hand in front of mouth)
Annabeth: And he needs the alley seat. (gets up and takes Grover’s seat)
Percy: After he throws up twice he’s usually fine (sits down. Annabeth is fiddling with her camp necklace, Percy notices)
Percy: What’s your necklace? (Annabeth looks down and takes it off)
Annabeth: At the end of every summer camp gives u a bead. It’s proof that u survived. They put a picture on it representing what happened.
Percy: What’s the one with the centaur in the dress?
Annabeth: The weirdest summer ever. I have as much beads as most of the councillors, and they’re in collage. That’s because I’m at camp since I’m 7.
Percy: Woe! How come? (Annabeth’s face darkened)
Annabeth: I ran away from home pagina when I was 7.
Percy: You… How the Hades did u make it?
Annabeth: Athena guided me. I found some friends, and then a satyr.
Percy: Some year. hallo wait, where u traveling with, umm, what’s her name, the daughter of Zeus… Oh!, Thalia? (Annabeth nods.)
Annabeth: Thalia and Luke. The seconde jaar they traveled they let me tag along. Luke and her.
Percy: So u were there when… Oh.
Annabeth: Yeah. (Grover walks back looking better)
Grover: I’m all right.
Annabeth: Great, ‘cause we get to the station in 5 minutes.
(View of a train platform, the three of them get off)
Percy: We have about an uur before the train leaves.
Annabeth: Can we go see the arch?
Percy: The what?
Annabeth: The St-Louis arch! Common, its 630 feet high and it’s the biggest memorial in the US! Gods know when’s the volgende time I’ll have a shot to visit it, please?
Grover: Well… It doesn’t smell like monster.
Annabeth: Yes! (She runs off screen)
Percy (yells after her): If we run into another snake-type thing I’m going to hit you!
(View: at the top, boven of the arch, Annabeth looking down)
Annabeth: This thing is made out of stainless steel. The construction was finished in 1966 and…
Percy: Are u sure Zeus won’t zap me out of the sky?
Annabeth (turns around): Hmm? Oh, of course, you’re not flying.
Grover: So we’ve seen the arch, great place, can w ego now?
Annabeth (sighs): I guess. (They walk towards the elevator, there is only room for 2, a woman is holding the door)
Annabeth (to the woman): That’s fine; we’ll wait for the next.
Percy: No, u two can go, I can wait alone. (Grover nods and they go in the elevator)
Percy looks around. He focuses on a fat woman wearing jean clothing (Echidna), holding a chihuahua door the leach. Dog growls.
Echidna: Now, now, sonny, be nice.
Percy: Is Sunny his name?
Echidna: Nope. Not his name at all. (Percy is confused)
Percy: Is he a Chihuahua?
Echidna: Chimera.
Percy: What?
Echidna: Oh, it’s an honest mistake, really. Chimera, Chihuahua, similar names.
Percy: Umm, isn’t a Chimera a type of..? (Chihuahua turns into chimera; Percy back away startled and draws Riptide)
Echidna: [laugh] Chimera! My prided son!
Percy: Wow, that thing’s your son!?
Echidna: [laugh] (transforms into her monster form)
Echidna: I am Echidna, Perseus Jackson, mother of all monsters! And now, I will kill you! (Chimera breathes fire; Percy rolls out of the way, gets up, and ducks meer fire)
Percy: Lady, your kid’s messed up!
Echidna: [shriek in rage] Get him, sonny! (Percy sidesteps meer brand and he runs straight for the Chimera, but when he gets closed he has to throw himself onto the ground to avoid it. The Chimera tries to paw at him but Percy slashes it with Riptide. Chimera yells and steps back)
Echidna: u WILL PAY!! (Breathes fire, which joins the Chimera’s right above Percy, who is on the ground, and creates a whole in the arch)
Echidna: Escape this, son of the sea lord! (Percy looks through the whole, down at the Mississippi river, he gets an idea)
Echidna: Ha! door all means, jump! Jump in the river, and pray your father has wishes to keep u alive!
Chimera (more brand at Percy, who takes a deep breath and jumps head-first through the hole, view Percy falling, through the hole, Echidna yelling “NO”, Percy yelling too. )
View: camera, half in the water, half above when Percy falls. Camera follows Percy as he sinks. Percy looks around, eyes wide and takes a let’s go of the air in his mouth. Eyes wide he looks around. There is a giant catfish and a bunch of other trash. Two eyes appear and blink. Percy “jumps” back, the rest of the nymph appears.
Percy: Mom? (Plaques hand in front of mouth, nymph smiles)
Nymph: I am not your mother, child. I am a naiad. I serve your father, the Ocean Lord. (Takes Percy’s hand and opens it, drops 3 pearls in his palms)
Nymph: Here. These pearls work like escape pods. u crack one at your feet and they will bring u miles from danger, away to safety. Just remember, whatever comes from the ocean goes back to the ocean. Now hurry, your vrienden are waiting. Good luck, little hero. (Her body disappears except for her eyes, she blinks and the eyes disappear too. Percy looks around in awe, before looking up, he is shot up, surprised)
View of the surface, u see Annabeth and Grover amongst a crowd on one side
Percy bursts out.
Annabeth (gesturing in the background): Percy! (a current pushes Percy to the side and Grover and Annabeth haul him out)
Grover: hallo u aren’t wet! How did u not notice that you..?
Percy: Chasse, I am holding u personally responsible for this, whether of not we miss the train which we will if we don’t hurry, now.