The Winx Club Club
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"Hello!" cried a cheery female voice.
Stella, Flora, Layla, Tecna, and the Specialists all jumped.
The voice sounded young and youthful. Whoever the bron of the voice was, she couldn't be any older than Roxy.
"I've been waiting for u for a long time."
Stella put her middle and index fingers together, ready to kruis them over her head and transform in case this person was one of the Trix in disguise.
"Who are you?" she called out.
"Why do you need to know?" the voice snapped back in an irritated tone.
"Are u going to hurt us?" Layla shouted.
"Why would I do that? u know what, don't answer that."
"Just tell us who u are," zei Brandon. "What's your name?"
"I don't have a name. None of us do."
Flora jolted to a stop. "None of us?"
"Goodness, I've zei too much already. u can't see me. I'm not a being. I'm an ethereal spirit."
They rounded a corner, and Tecna spotted a small booth in the corner, wedged between two shelves and hidden door bright oranje curtains. The voice was coming from the booth.
"You'll never find me," the voice declared triumphantly.
Tecna stomped up to the booth and flung back the curtain. A girl was tapping away frantically at some buttons and speaking into a speakerphone.
"You'll never find me in a million years!" the girl snapped into the speakerphone, completely oblivious to Tecna.
"Nice try," Tecna sighed.
The girl jumped and whirled around.
"Eep!" she squeaked.
"What's your name?" Tecna demanded as the rest of the group pulled up behind her.
"I told you!" the girl gasped. "I don't have a name."
"Hey, you're not an ethereal spirit!" zei Nabu.
"Everyone, calm down!" cried Flora. "Can't u see that the poor girl is scared out of her mind?"
They all turned to look at her as if for the first time. All the color had drained out of the girl's face, and her chin was quivering wildly.
Layla took a deep breath. "Okay," she sighed. She bent down so she was eye level with the girl. "Okay, since u don't have a name, just tell us who u are, and everything will be fine."
The girl smoothed out her flowing, pinstriped rok and wove her fingers in and out of the loops of her goud necklace, making it evident that she was nervous. "I'm an ethereal being."
"What kind?"
"I'm Stalene's ethereal librarian, so to speak. You're not supposed to be in here."
"Yeah, we know that. The goddess Iris got us in here. Do u know her?"
"Of course I know her. This realm is named after her, and this festival is to worship her. Didn't u see her shrine?"
"She has a shrine?" cried Stella.
"Whatever," zei Layla. "Could u help us find some really important books?"
The girl smiled at her. "Of course. I know this place like the back of my hand. What do u need to find?"
Tecna stepped up and explained everything to her. The girl nodded seriously. When Tecna was done speaking, she silently motioned for them to follow her.
As she walked, they saw that her fingers fluttered gently, like a tired butterfly, and left little streaks of pale silvery-blue light that whizzed away from them like a breeze. She stopped walking, and a gigantic stack of books, wrapped in silvery-blue light, floated towards them and set itself down roughly. The light disappeared, and the boeken collapsed in front of them.
"I'll be in my booth if u need any help," she said, before walking away.
The Winx and Specialists flung themselves into the pile, picking up volume after volume, setting it back down, flipping through the ancient yellowed pages.
"Hey!" cried Helia. He held up a thick black volume. "I found something."
Everyone else crowded around, except Layla.
Layla had discovered and had now completely lost herself in a book about Alena the siren. The details and pictures were intriguing to her.
The rest of them watched her silently, and with concern as well, as Layla's eyes grew wider and wider with each paragraph. Suddenly, she slammed the book shut, sending dust into the air and making everyone jump.
"Where's that librarian?" Layla screeched.

Screaming and wailing poured out of the lagoon as Ember led Bloom, Sky, Musa, and Riven through a large gateway made out of shimmering, emerald-green reeds.
"What's that sound?" asked Riven.
"Hmm?" Ember stopped and listened, then sighed. "Oh. I see. One minute. Wait right here."
Ember strode over to the edge of the lagoon. Bloom hadn't even noticed a woman's head sticking out of the shimmering surface of the water. Bloom thought she was beautiful, with pale skin and delicate, doll-like features and black hair twisted on top, boven of her head.
Ember knelt down, and the woman started speaking very quickly to her in the native language. She sounded panicked and desperate. Ember sighed and zei something back to her in an irritated tone. The other woman shook her head quickly and cried out something else before bursting into a sobbing fit.
Ember turned to Bloom and twitched her mouth at her like she always did in sticky situations. She reached over and patted the sobbing woman's shoulder awkwardly before coming back to them.
"Sorry about that," she sighed. "Alena has been doing that for some time now. She thinks that people her out."
"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Sky.
"It's a long story. I'm sure your friend Layla would know."
"Does it have anything to do with Layla?" asked Musa.
Ember shrugged. "Uh...a little bit, I suppose. See, when the time comes, Alena is able to communicate with any fairy who is specially associated with water, whether that's her power bron of if she comes from a marine-based realm of something. Since Layla meets both of those characteristics, Alena should be able to communicate with her door now. Has she zei anything about hearing voices?"
Musa shook her head, looking puzzled. "No. She hasn't zei anything about hearing voices."
"Ah." Ember nodded. "I think that Layla might be blocking her out."
"You mean she's not letting Alena speak to her?" zei Riven.
"Precisely," zei Ember. She frowned. "If she's going to let Alena speak to her, she's going to have to get over herself. If u know what I mean." She continued walking, and they rushed to catch up.
"Quick question," Sky piped up. "Don't take this the wrong way, but is there a reason behind why all of the deities of this island are female?"
"Good question," zei Ember. "See, all females represent mother figures. And since mothers produce children, they represent longevity and the continuation of life. Even Libra and Averil are considered mother figures. We do have a couple of male deities, though. Not a lot, but a couple." Drumbeats rang out through the summer sector, followed door a cry of female voices. "My sisters need me back for guard duty. Feel free to explore the island. It's not that big, anyway." She flew away through the trees.
They all turned to each other when she was gone. "I think we need to set to work gathering the things we need to create pure positive energy," zei Musa. "You know, to defeat Moonless Night."
Bloom nodded seriously. "Right. What should we get first?"
"I'd say we should finish the hardest part first," zei Riven. "The spark from the eyes of the Crystal ladies in the winter sector."

There were two Crystal Ladies in the winter sector. Both were ruthless and coldhearted, but they still cared for the universe. They always brought winter to any planet who needed it. Their entire bodies were in shades of blue and silver, and they wore iridescent lavender robes covered in silver jewels. On their faces were two empty sockets, supposedly eyes, that they could not see out of. Their actual eyes were a gigantic jewel in the center of their foreheads.
First, there was Solstice, who was brash and violent and spirited. Her eye was bright blue, and it flashed violently and dangerously when it caught the sunlight. She created the sharp icicles, the ruthless hailstones, and destructive blizzards. Through her eye, she saw everything in shades of vivid blue and purple, and sharp blue and violet gems trimmed her robe.
Her sister Amaryllis was the exact opposite of her. Although still coldhearted, she was calmer and meer patient. Her eye was silvery-white with pale streaks of blue and purple. Amaryllis was in charge of the light snows that created soft mounds on the ground. She always saw the world in soft whites and silvers, and her gewaad, kleed had soft vacht, bont trim.
They were both very different, but they combined their differences and created winter, which gave those in the spring sector some time to prepare their wonderful seeds and flowers. Winter put the lands to sleep for a while, and left a dead space, like a blank canvas, for the bloem nymphs to work their magic in the spring.
The Crystal Ladies both valued their single eyes meer than anything else. If u wanted an eye from them, u would have to fight harder than you've ever had in your entire life to get them...or die trying.

Bloom, Musa, Sky, and Riven walked slowly towards the winter sector. The sky was blue. Then it turned violet, then silver, and then white, with puffy clouds.
They paused for breath at a cluster of pine trees. Icicles dripped from their needles, and soft snow stirred around their feet. A snowy owl, a streak of light flowing behind it like a ribbon, flew by.
"Okay," panted Musa. "We should get the hardest part over with. Let's take Solstice first. She's the meer violent of the two, isn't she?"
"Yeah," zei Bloom. "How about me and Sky take Solstice, and u and Riven can take on Amaryllis?"
Musa and Riven didn't argue to this. Bloom was very powerful.
"If we get Amaryllis' eye first," zei Riven, "Then we'll help u out with Solstice. She's going to be a tough one."
They all agreed on that and walked on. Bloom shuddered. This battle was going to be ugly.
added by khfan12
cool clothes
added by jasmine1011
added by stellamusa101
Source: Me
added by lovebaltor
Source: DA User: florainbloom
added by dhaval_rocks
Source: dj!!!!
added by dhaval_rocks
added by dhaval_rocks
added by WinxClubBloom99
added by zanhar1
added by tecna007
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added by hockerl
added by laylafly
added by weheartwinx
added by zanhar1
added by weheartwinx
added by weheartwinx
added by weheartwinx