The Winx Club Club
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Hello I'm the Winx-Critic, and I remember it so u don't have to! Well after meer than a maand of so wait (Seriously, the last one came out in the middle of December) Nick finally gives us episode six. But, thanks to multiple sources, I already have a good idea what this episode is about (Nice job keeping the leaks in check, huh?). I know this is the episode Bloom gets her Bloomix, Daphne becomes Princess of Domino (Wasn't she already the princess?) and Diaspro and the Trix try to pull some pointless shit. *sigh* Might as well get started.

*skips horrible opening* Ah that's better. I guess this episode starts off at Cloudtower, where Diaspro explains to the Trix that she knows how to get to Bloom (Despite only seeing her, what, four times? And I swear, that freaking platform Diaspro is standing on is a damn pentagram. Like really. Yeah we know witches are bad. u don't need to try shove satanism in our faces too). Icy doesn't really think she knows what she's talking about, so asks Selina to look up a story on Bloom/Domino to see if there is anything. Selina finds the story (More-or-less) of the Vortex of Flames, saying that it lies beneath the palace of Domino and the power in there is so strong, not even Bloom could stand up to it. Stormy doesn't really think the idea is all that grand until Selina mentions the brand eaters, Darcy herself liking the idea much better, saying they'll fight "fire with fire" (I honestly never really understood this expression. If u add meer brand to a fire, will it extinguish it? No, it'll just make it stronger. So...logic). It's then that Diaspro reveals that she had received a high-ranking invitation to the coronation ceremony of Daphne on Domino (Really. She would be the one to get an invitation? After all the times she's tried getting back to Bloom, u invite this Princess--this girl who worked with Valtor (AKA the person who helped turn Domino into a frozen wasteland)--to the party of that girls eldest sister? Do Oritel and Marion just, not care? Seriously, anything bad that happens from here on out is there fault, they were basically asking for it door inviting her).

We then go to the palace of Domino where Bloom is saying how happy she is that Daphne is becoming the crown-princess of Domino. Daphne explains that she's a little nervous, but Bloom comforts her, saying they're in this together (Really? Really? You're the future queen of either Eraklyon of Domino. Do u really think you're on the same level as your older sister?). Daphne asks where the others are, and Bloom goes in zoek for them, finding Sky and Thoren walking around. Thoren tries prying some information about Daphne out of Sky, but Sky doesn't seem to be paying attention. Thoren asks him what's wrong, but Sky shrugs him off and walks away. Bloom wonders why he's acting this way, but is soon overwhelmed door a very strange and power force (It can't be Diaspro, seriously now. And she's wearing the same dress she wore in season three? Okay, I can let pass her still being in Winx--although that is still pretty stupid--but not even putting any effort so-much as to give her some kind of new wardrobe, is just lazy). She thinks she's growing weaker due to splitting up the Dragon Fire. Flora comes to her aid (Appearing out of fucking nowhere) and leads her back inside.

 This is laziness on a whole new level.
This is laziness on a whole new level.

We meet up with the Winx where Stella says that she's decided that since they're attending such an important event, they should be dressed for it...even though they are wearing elegant ball-gowns. No matter, time for a pointless scene where she fucks up the first time but impresses the second! With everyone ready, they head out to the ceremony. Everyone starts clappin' n' shit when Bloom and Daphne walks out, and Bloom tells her sister someone keeps checking her out (Stahp no). Kiko, in the mean time, tries getting someone's attention to warn of Diaspro (First of all, wouldn't anyone notice someone like her? I mean, she kinda sticks out with her bright blond hair and bright red dress. Plus, how does Kiko know who she is? Kiko never met her. Was he even at Erakylon? On Solaria? No, so how they hell does he know what Diaspro looks like?). He finally manages to attract the attention of Chatta and Lockette, who manage to see Diaspro and ask the only reasonable vraag yet: what is she doing here? The two of the them soon head off to tell the others.

Oritel soon walks up and tells everyone how proud he is, Marion giving Daphne the crown. Okay, seriously, this looks like an elf crown. Why isn't it placed on her head? That's where most crowns are supposed to be placed.

 Seriously guys, stop trying to be "The Lord of the Rings". u will never be The Lord of the Rings.
Seriously guys, stop trying to be "The Lord of the Rings". u will never be The Lord of the Rings.

And wasn't the crown already shown to us in season one? (When Bloom was in the wrecked palace of Domino) That doesn't look like it at all.

 Yeah they're totally the same crown.
Yeah they're totally the same crown.

After the coronation, the party begins where we see Thoren ask Daphne to dance. Bloom is ecstatic to see her sister so happy, but Sky doesn't feel the same way; he actually being against her hanging around/liking Thoren. This prompts a horribly paced (I mean, jeez. Sky was like "omg thoren shouldn't like her" and then--bam! There's no wait at all, just, memory) flashback. It shows a younger version of Sky and Thoren in the woods, searching for animal tracks. They are suddenly ambushed by, idk monkey-men, and Thoren looses his nerve and takes off. Yeah...okay, why is this such a big deal? u honestly looked no younger than maybe 10-12, so do u honestly expect a kid of that age to fight a group of fully-grown...monkey-men? You're even lucky that u had swords with you! I'm sorry, but that is the stupidest reason I've heard that someone cannot datum another. Like, this happened when u were kids Sky, stop whining about it. Thoren wasn't a coward, u were kids. I honestly would have run in a similar situation, and Sky, u were stupid not to! If u were almost killed, it's your own damn fault for thinking u could take on a whole group of skilled fighters! Quit your bitchin'.

After that nonsense, Sky asks Bloom to dance, and they do, practically everyone in the ballroom stopping to compliment and ogle at both princess' (I thought Bloom was a queen now? Oh well). Amore sees the pairs and fangirls all over it and uses a spell to make them fly up into the air. Diaspro starts walking around (Still no one noticing her), Chatta and Kiko keeping an eye on her (And what the hell does Chatta mean "she's up to something"? All they've seen her do so far is walk around. Oh shit, Diaspro's moving! Abort, ABORT). Chatta tries doing something but crashes into Amore. After Sky and Bloom finish dancing, Bloom starts having another seizure (Or whatever) and collapses, Diaspro literally walking up to them and speaking to them and no one fucking hears her! Wha--how--huh?

We're taken back to Cloudtower where the Trix are watching the events unfold through a crystal ball. They are speaking to Diaspro, who is telling them that Bloom has become very weak. Icy believes that this is a good time to release the monsters, and orders Selina to do so; she complying and releasing the brand eaters.

Back in Domino, Sky tries comforting Bloom, who is still very weak. He asks Daphne what's wrong with her, and she explains that the Dragon brand within her is too weak to sustain her. The Winx think this is their fault, but Daphne says it's not--Bloom only wanting to help them. Sky understands, and starts bringing her to her room to rest until two brand eaters block his path. Everyone in the ballroom flips their shit, Daphne explaining to the Winx that they are creatures from an old Domino legend. She then transforms (Really fucking abruptly. Like, she says "Don't let them near Bloom!" and just transforms. Well then) into her 'Nymph' Sirenix, the Winx following her lead and changing into their Bloomix (Well they had a fucking intro into transforming! Why didn't you, Daphne? What makes u so special?).

They start fighting the monsters, but their attacks don't really seem to be doing much. Daphne tells Sky that he needs to get her to safety, another monster blocking his path before Thoren (With his hammer lolololololol) knocks it away. The two head into the kasteel where they're confronted door Diaspro. Sky doesn't seem that all surprised to see her there (THEN WHO INVITED HER OMG) and tells her move; Diaspro explaining that the monsters have taken over most of the castle, and that the only veilig place is the Vortex of Flames. Sky doesn't believe her, but he is soon knocked out door a brand eater attacking him. Thoren tries to step in, but Diaspro instead comes to the rescue, changing into her Winx and temporarily knocking out the brand eater. She explains to Thoren that they need to get Bloom to the Vortex of Flames so she can restore her powers and defeat the monsters (And I'm sorry, but whoever is voicing her, is doing a terrible job. She's so monotone and is hardly tonen any emotion. Diaspro's voice has to be one of the worst voice-acting I've heard on this dub).

Thoren agrees with Diaspro's plan and grabs Bloom, the two of them heading to the Vortex of Flames. We see Oritel and Marion trying to fight off the monsters, and not really doing anything (Despite the fact that Oritel's sword is magical and Marion has the power of the dragon fire). Back with the Winx, nothing they try seems to work on the brand eaters, Daphne explaining to them that the only thing that can defeat them is the Vortex of Flames. Sky suddenly appears and tells Daphne that Bloom has been taken to the Vortex of Flames. The girls think that it's a good thing, since it was an early place to test the dragon fire's power. But Daphne tells them that over the centuries, its power has become erratic and uncontrollable, and Bloom wouldn't be able to handle all that power since she is so weak.

At the Vortex of Flames, Diaspro tells Thoren to place her inside so that she can regain her powers. Thoren hesitates a bit, but is soon stopped door Daphne and Sky. Diaspro knocks Thoren out and levitates Bloom with her powers, Sky telling her to knock it off (Um hello Daphne, do something). Diaspro doesn't listen and releases the spell, Bloom falling into the vortex. Sky tries saving her but Thoren grabs Sky's hand, stopping him from basically killing himself. Daphne finally decides to do something and blasts Diaspro with a spell, Diaspro soon vanishing. Several brand eaters eventually appearing and surrounding them.

We see Bloom falling as she finally re-awakens, realizing where she is. As she reaches the bottom a hydra (At least I think that what it is) appears and starts attacking Bloom. She releases her own dragon (It looking really shitty in CGI) and it tries to attack the hydra, the creature batting it aside and doing so, swats Bloom aside. She's down, but tells herself to get back up, and she does, heading back down to her dragon and giving it a moral boost (That's pretty much what she did); allowing it to defeat the hydra. This finally allows her to earn her Bloomix. To be quite honest, Bloom's Bloomix is the only one I really like. But it only makes sense that she looks the best in the transformation based around her.

Back with Thoren, Daphne and Sky, we see them band together in order to try and defeat the brand eaters. But none of this is necessary because "all-powerful" Bloom appears and takes care of them (And there was a "test" she had to pass? What? This was never told to us, explain). We see that the Winx are still trying to hold back the creatures, when Bloom finally arrives and finishes them off--everyone cheering for her. Yeah, cuz those five others girls totally didn't do anything.

It's now night and after Thoren and Sky "make-up" for what happened to them years geleden (Seriously, u two remind me of the whole situation Angela from "The Office" had with her sister. The two got into an argument and were still upset with each other till that very day. Get over it, jeez). Everyone starts dancing again, and Daphne eventually finds Thoren (And her crown just disappears omg), the pixies fangirling over their discovery.

The voorbeeld for the volgende episode explains that for the Winx to understand meer about the Legendarium, they must travel around the world (AKA Egypt), Daphne being the one to take them to all these places. Selina of course releases another monster, being as obvious as u can be door releasing some mummies (Do u really have no other stories on Egypt? There are locusts, plagues, sphinxes, curses...yet u go with mummies? Wasted opportunity if u ask me).

globaal, algemene this episode was boring. There were a lot of inconsistency and random exposition that really wasn't needed. The only interesting part of this whole episode was seeing Bloom's dragon, and that thing was out for like a minute. So yeah, after waiting meer than a month, I'm only intrigued door one minuut of this episode Nick. Congrats. The volgende one doesn't look that promising either and we'll probably have to wait another maand for it too. The time it takes to release these episodes is just ridiculous. It's no wonder the ratings for this toon have dropped so low.
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season 8
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Source: zoratrix [deviantart]
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