The Worst Generation [The Worst Generation: Hippies, Life, Rave and...Magic?!]

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:19PM
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
2. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
3. a particular type or aspect of people's existence
4. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
5. vitality, vigor, or energy.
6. (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.

1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
2. mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
3. a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
4. something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
1. used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.


~Plot Stuff~
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, there existed an otherworldly arcane essence that existed by the name of Magic/Magick. This essence was a variety of things. Lush and in great abundance, full of life and a energy that science had become a pale reflection of in the years that followed. However, it was also an essence that harbored a wicked face as well, bound to attract misfortune and death to all who were able to understand and or obtain it if not tamed properly. The secrets of this essence falling into the wrong hands would bring nothing but catastrophe.

And catastrophe it brought, those hundreds a years ago. One that thrust magic into an era in which it had began to fade and a new form of energy created at the hands of man became the new. The world in which magic had come from became a myth, magic itself became a myth as time progressed and left it to fade and never be seen again.

Or perhaps....what isn't seen isn't truly gone. And perhaps...the world thought to be myth is much more than just so. But what is certain is that what has lurked in the veils of shadows within the darkness, behind illusions of people, places and things. Forces that had managed to slip into the ages of the new world. Those of good. Those of evil and malice. Those of...magic. And perhaps...hope. But...will the newest of generations derived from those hundreds of years be able to face what comes?

And so we fly ahead in time to the present, where villages have become cities of tall structures, and dreams of flight have become a reality.


~TWG Terminology and Lore~




Sangeon Park
last edited on Mar 11, 2020 at 02:27PM

The Worst Generation 9440 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon muttered under her breath as she was escorted outside. She had to admit that the bed in there was quite comfortable and she felt like taking a nap, but her mom had other plans. Kyung-ha led her to a more quiet place in the hospital where there were seats available instead. Yoon squatted down with a grunt until she was finally seated.

“Mom... what are you doing?” Yoon asked her.

“Ehh? I take to quiet place to help—“

“—No, I MEAN, WHAT are you doing?!” Yoon exclaimed with furrowed brows at all this nonsense. She didn’t understand how or why Abel knew about her mom and why her mom didn’t seem to be phased about her condition. “I suffered burns and a punch to my face and your acting all cool and relaxed—and so did that tall frowny face guy! You haven’t even asked me anything—“

Kyung-ha sighed. “I know what happened... mostly.”

“No, no you don’t! You don’t know anything what I’ve had to go through or witness! I didn’t just spill hot water on myself—“

“You chased by droven, no?”

Yoon blinked. “H-how... w-well... I... you knew?”

“My cabinets all scratched with sigils in bathroom, I no dumb!”

“You knew and you didn’t say anything?!”

“You no say anything!” The mother defended herself.

“B-but... th-that’s imposible...” She shook her head. “I-is this some sort of prank you and your buddy are trying to pull?!”
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard shook his head, already regretting having to come in here, before he placed his hands into his coat pockets and spoke up, "Look, as much as I love seeing a family gathering, I'm gonna have to interrupt". Leo looked over at Yoon with a curious look before he spoke, "Listen, the little kid told us some stuff that happened already. What I'd like to know is your side of the situation, make sure we can get the most understanding of all this? What you and your mom have to talk about can wait for a moment. Just know that getting this knowledge could help some people, and saving any amount of lives is better than saving none at all. You get me, kid?"

"I.. see" Sammy said, still unsure about the whole thing as she scratched the back of her head, her head turning back to her to ask, "Hey, I know it's probably a little late to ask, but... Why are you telling me this? I mean, it's obvious I don't have any magic abilities and stuff. I mean, what can I possibly do with this kind of knowledge?"
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"Sometimes it ain't about the magic, but the impact you'll make. The individuals you'll bring together. What you do with that knowledge will be entirely up to you." Mrs. Constantine grimaced as she pushed herself up from her chair, having to stop herself from swaying when the room threatened to go into a spin. She gripped the arm of her chair for support, again chuckling to herself as if everything were fine. "Mason and Jackie will be returning soon. I'm going to make a change of clothing before they do. Don't need anyone making a fuss about this old woman."


[Meanwhile in Egypt,]

Sunlight peeked over the horizon of Giza, the sun only just beginning to climb into the sky of an early morning to cast its light across a plain of sand. The ambiance of the great pyramids in all of their glory under the rays that reached them was indeed one to behold to tourists and even some of the civilians of the city that had seen it many times over.

Within the heights of the Khufu pyramid, passed the chambers of the once king and queen and into the unknown, it slithered through the darkness. Bands of bone that constricted sacks of shriveled flesh scraped against limestone concrete. So long had it known the dark. So very long had it been familiar with the must of ancient air that it knew something had changed. A bind breaking, the sorcery that ensured its imprisonment waning.

How long had it been? Since it had relished the taste of the world outside of its confinement. How long had it been since it had tasted....freedom.

Freedom. F̶͖̘̺̾̔̽ʀ̶͔͚̀̐̚ᴇ̶̡͍͖̓͛­̒ᴇ̶­̢͎̘­́͒͒­ᴅ̶̟­̢̺̚­͊͠ᴏ­̶͇͔­̠͘͝­̽ᴍ̶­͕̫̠­̈́̾͑.
last edited een jaar geleden
cosmic_fusions commented…
Where did Egypt come from xD een jaar geleden
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Forget where did Egypt come from. Where did your response to Leo go, Jade XD een jaar geleden
afewseconds commented…
u are a shitty 80s movie XD een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy watched as Carlyle walked out of the room, leaving Sammy with her own thoughts, her own thoughts that she wasn't even sure of. Sammy never had any intention of being of use in anyway, let alone something as important as the lives of others. She rested her hand on her head in confusion, whispering slurs as she kept thinking about all this in her mind, leaning back against the couch as she was left alone in her own thoughts
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"–And that's why I prefer the cold over the heat," Jackie was explaining to Mason while they found themselves exiting the cornfields once more. She was still a little agitated by just how far Thuyious had taken Mason into the forest. "At least when its a bit chilly you're able to layer yourself in clothing to become warm. But when its hot as all living hell, its much more difficult to cool yourself down even when you're bare bodied. Aside from that, sweat isn't exactly something I'm fond of." Though it didn't take away from her love of the summer ironically enough.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"Well, I... guess you have a point there" Mason stated, though he was having a hard time agreeing with her as he could feel the snow start to melt through the legs of his pants, the water freezing once again in the snow and started to get his feet cold once more, sometimes dragging them through the deeper snow that Jackie had little trouble of. But Mason was just thankful that he could see the faint glow of the cabin in the distance, giving a groan of relief as he tried to speed up his walking just to get inside the warm of the cabin "As much as I love sitting out in the snow without a snow boots, Jackie, I think it's about time we start heading back to Florida. I think we've gotten all we can get here"
last edited een jaar geleden
afewseconds commented…
I'm not even responding to this! She gave him a whole ezel jas XD Whelp, back to the "[Meanwhile]"s and TBRs I go een jaar geleden
Windwakerguy430 commented…
What jacket? I don't see anything XD een jaar geleden
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Now u have to respond XD een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
((Alright SO, now that we've got around to laying out the idea of the story of this "arc", I've got a few announcements. But before I began I want to note that any future announcements like this will be in the form of articles.

The stage has been set and things will be moving forward accordingly. The first announcement is that this "arc" will have two parts, as will potentially what comes afterwards. With that said, part one of this "arc" is nearing both its climax and closing and this will leave A LOT more space for you guys to expand, add in new details to a degree(as long as it doesn't disrupt what's going to be set in stone of course). I wanted to wait until we were passed some of the basics to get around getting you guys involved in more than just characters n shit.

The next thing is that there will be a timeskip of 2 and a half months that will lead into the second part of this RP. Timeskips will actually be a factor when needed.

Next is that the focus of characters, mainly mine, that are involved will switch accordingly depending on what information needs to be dumped.

Speaking of information dumps, there will also be much more of that both in and out of RP when it needs to be. I'm probably going to have articles pertaining to the monsters/creatures/etc. that will be encountered. Along with that, there will also be some backstory articles that I'll throw in the mix at some point too.

Following up on that, I've decided that we'll have a benchmark discussion every twenty or so pages to bounce ideas for the direction of the RP as a whole. Because I don't want this to be "MY" RP. I want this to become OUR RP. I think it'll help better structure what's between the point As and point Bs.

Another thing is that I've recently decided to put my effort back into writing. Like really writing. And I'm going to use this RP as an opportunity to sharpen writing techniques. That being said, posts may be less frequent but more vibrant in details and scenery.

And finally, I'd suggest preparing in any way you see fit. Because shit is going to get realer than you expect.

And that concludes the TWG annoucnements.))
cosmic_fusions commented…
siryessir een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
(oh, okay XD)
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
(Still kinda waiting for Jade to have Yoon talk to this homeless man that her mom knows XD)
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
"I'm not a kid!" Yoon exclaimed from her seat. "A-And what kid, you mean that little boy that led that monster here in the first place?! He was throwing up everywhere and was unconscious most of th--"

"Yoonie, we no ask for boy, we ask for monster."

Yoon scoffed and rolled her eyes. "What's there to say about it?! Y-You wouldn't know, I mean, it's not like that stupid droven has been stalking me for months now and crushed my quesadilla then crushed my nose and wanted to suck out whatever fucking mana I have in me by killing me! He and his stupid friends already got Yasha, already got away with that massacre at the club, already destroyed my house--" She sniffled now. "There's NOTHING to say about this STUPID DEMON besides the fact that he's a huge fucking dick and deserves to rot in hell, but guess what?! He's already from there, HAH!" Tears blurred her eyes as she forced her laughter. However, she glanced at her mom who stared at her with pitiful eyes. "See! Now you think I'm crazy!" She cried.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard listened carefully to what Yoon was saying, nodding his head, as if he was disregarding the tears in her eyes, only concerned about getting the answers he needed, at least until he stood up from the chair and turned to the door, turning back to Kyung-ha with a response, "I had more, but I think it's clear that her story is the same as the boys. Asking her anything else would just cause her to relive some messed up memories, Park. I'll just write down in my report what I know from the boy and leave it at that. Hopefully, with that, those bastards in the office won't be on my case. As for you... Be there for your kid right now, alright? She's been through a lot tonight and just needs someone who understands with her. Don't worry, Park. We'll be seeing each other again, really soon." As he opened the door, ready to leave, he spoke to Yoon, "Oh, and trust me, that thing isn't from hell. I think that things existence is proof that there is no god or the devil or heaven or hell.... That just means I'm sending the fucker to an empty afterlife when I kill him." Leo said with, what sounded like a rising joy at the thought of killing one of them. Regardless, he closed the door before either one of them could respond, leaving the two in an uncomfortable silence.
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Okay, I'm ready for time skip. Flip the switch, Maiden Heaven een jaar geleden
Windwakerguy430 commented…
AND money. It's like all the downsides of public school only you're paying for it, and I don't mean just in tax dollars XD een jaar geleden
afewseconds commented…
^ See? This guy gets it! een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"I'd have to agree," Jackie nodded. "But before you go we're going to have to deal with whatever leak in your dormant magic that allowed that onikee to locate you. I'm sure that you'd rather not be swallowed up in your sleep by anything that's not the lips of a man, hm darling?" She couldn't help but to snicker at her own joke. As they were reaching the porch though her phone rang. "You go ahead. I'll join you in a moment," She said to Mason, stopping when they were only a few feet away from the steps.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"H-Hey, you're not allowed to make those kinds of jokes!" Mason replied with a blush and an awkward stammer in his voice. He didn't even bother to respond back to her after she told him to go on inside. He just hurried in, his face still flushed as he slammed the door in a hurry to get inside and away from that conversation, seeing Sammy there on the couch as she turned over with a nonchalant grin, "Yo, Mason."
Mason gave an awkward wave as his face was starting to calm down. Sammy looked over and asked, "Why's your face so red?"
"Cold" he replied quickly to avoid having to discuss it before he sat down on the couch next to her, wrapping the jacket around him more to cool down, only now realizing that he never put his shoes on, so he could feel the snow melt through his socks and almost freeze his toes off, shivering a bit from the cold
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
While Mason wad heading inside, Jackie fished her hand down into her bra and grabbed her phone. Upon seeing the caller ID her expression softened, the corners of her mouth frowning in sympathy. She wasted no time answering it. "Lexi–hey. I'm surprised you're still up."

"Hey, Jackie," The voice sniffled from the phone. "Couldn't sleep. I-I know you said you was goin' out to handle some work stuff–is now a bad time? I know it's late."

"No, not at all." Jackie could tell that she had been crying again. She felt guilty that she had pretty much stood up the time that had supposed to have been for them to spend together. And she felt even worse that she wasn't there, comforting her like the friend that she was supposed to be. "What's up?"

"I was lookin' at the news earlier and...I..I guess I just need somebody to talk to."

"Then we'll talk," Jackie brushed away enough of the snow from the top step for her to take a seat. "I'm all ears mamasita," she said in attempt to cheer her up.


Meanwhile, the floor creaked a little and was followed by the sound of a door inside the home closing. There was a rhythmic tap that came from the second opening across from kitchen, and Mrs. Constantine returned to the living room, a gnarled wooden staff that she hadn't had before now assisting her as a cane.

Perhaps it was due to the fresh green nightgown and cap that she wore, or perhaps more of the creeping age that hadn't been noticed beforehand. But she appeared more tired than she had before.

Constantine gave Sammy a side glance that reminded her of the words that were spoken between them. "I was wonderin' when you two youngins were gonna haul your tails back here." She was going to chuckle, but a hard cough covered by her sleeve quickly took the place of it. When she realized that it was only Mason though, she asked, "Where'd that Jackie run off too?"
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"Sorry for the wait, Miss Quartz. I, uh........... went on a stroll" He said in a casual manner, looking over at Sammy as she coughed once more, but looked back over at her to answer her question, "She is right outside. She had to take a call, but, she'll be back in a mo-" Mason said, this vacant look on his face as he inhaled for a moment. Sammy looked over at Mason, feeling a bit worried, as if he may have seen a bit of blood come from Carlyle. Sammy looked over and asked, "M-Mason, are you okay?!"
What immediately followed was Mason covering his face as his head shot forward and he sneezed, already starting to get a cold from being out in the snow, his socks now soaked from the melted snow
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"Constantine," the woman corrected Mason. She couldn't remember the last time she had been addressed as Quartz. But for her, the surname reinforced the burdens that she had carried for so long in her path to wipe it clean of the curse and misdoings that it had held. It reminded her of the child that she never expected to have. "Now lookatcha," She said to Mason. "Hope the stroll was worth the cold." But then she paused, a twinkle coming to her tired eyes as she observed Mason from where she stood. "It seems that your little escapade went well enough. Thuyious usually has a tendency of chewing his bones."
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh.... I-Is that what that creature was?" Mason said, already ready to apologize for the name, but lost track at the mention of the bat creature, scratching the back of his head but asked, "Um, Jackie had a theory as to what happened, but maybe it would be best ot get a second opinion from someone with more experience. Um... This Thuyious seemed to not mind me, in fact, when I spoke to it, I was able to pet it and.... I think it called me it's friend. I mean, I think. I heard a voice somewhere, but I... I'm not exactly sure what that was."
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"Did it now?" At this, the grandmother grinned a bit. "That's interestin'. It's takin' a liking to ya is what it means. It's unusual for mantibats to befriend strangers, let alone share its name. Especially this one, being that it was bred and trained to tear anything that isn't of this property to pieces and leave nothin' to waste. However, these creatures are able to sense what other mere beasts cannot. It's why I've kept'em round despite the fuss my husband used to make about'em. If it would have been anyone else I'd reckon they wouldn't have had an encounter that they could live to speak about." She was able to laugh a little without interference this time, speaking to Sammy. "It's fortunate you didn't decide to run out after him hm?"
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"Yeah, yeah, okay, sure" Sammy said with a casual nod before she turned over to Constantine, "What the hell is a mantibat?"
"I'll tell you later, Sammy" Mason spoke as he was now more invested in this. This creature taking a liking to him? Mason didn't understand why. He just asked, "Is... is there some reason as to why it's taken a liking to me? I noticed it was smelling my under arms a lot."
"That's because you need a bath, Mason" Sammy interrupted, laughing afterward to get under Mason's skin, who was tempted to take one of the throw pillows on the couch and hit her in the face with it, but refrained from doing so
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon watched the man leave with boiling anger in her eyes that could only be expressed as tears. She sniffled before burrowing her head between her knees, trying to crawl herself into a ball she wouldn’t let anyone in.

Kyung-ha sighed heavily. She knew her daughter needed time to herself, but also knew no time in the world would ever help her recover from what she had to go through. The woman tried reaching out her hand to comfort Yoon before it was slapped away by her.

“D-DONT TOUCH ME!” Yoon screeched. “Y-you k-knew a-all along a-and did nothing!!! M-maybe a lot of people would’ve been alive, I-including Yasha if you had just c-contributed to SOMETHING!” The young woman expressed. And although she didn’t know really what was Kyung-ha’s position in the organization, she knew that any little help she could have gotten would’ve made a difference.

“I am sorry, very.” Kyung-ha apologized. She wasn’t quite sure how to talk to a twenty year old about these things, especially things that she knew would put her in even more danger. “I only try to protect you, and holding on anger is no good, only makes you weak—“

“WELL YOU DIDNT!!! A-and you already think of me as weak! You’ve always thought that of me, isn’t that right?!” She sniffled harder, rubbing her temples in frustration.
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Sammy's remark brought a bit more laughter from Mrs. Constantine, though she was mindful enough to not do so to the extent that she would start coughing again. "There could be many reasons as to why," she said to Mason. "Your scent could very well be one of those reasons. Perhaps it was fond of your smell. After all, mantibats were known to fight alongside warriors much like their long since extinct cousin race, the griffins."It could also be that after seeing that you were of no threat for itself it decided to give your heart a read. They see, understand, and feel more than just any mere beast and at times even much more than the average human. At birth they are given a little less than two weeks to find their own way or they'd be devoured by their birthers, at times less than even that. They have knowledge of such a thing instinctively. So you see, by nature they are very intuitive creatures when given the chance to be. It's only a matter of whom they allow this to be seen by. It may have even gone as far as to sense that you were in danger."
afewseconds commented…
I'm debating on whether of not to bring Abel back into the fray XD een jaar geleden
cosmic_fusions commented…
Please 🥺 een jaar geleden
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Probably for the best. Because Leo fucked off XD een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"I-In danger!?" Mason added, having given the other options some thought, but could only blurt out the first thing that came to his mind at the moment. Sammy shook her head and responded, "Only a possibility, Mason. Try not to think of the worst, will ya. Besides, sounds like you made a friend with a sick bat beast. That's pretty awesome, if you ask me"

Despite walking out of the room, Leonard stuck around outside for a moment, listening in on the conversation. He was used to Kyung-ha having a solution for everything, an answer to even the most troubling situations, but even he knew that there was very little one can do when it came to family. Leonard wanted to step in and add something, at least perhaps in helping lighten the situation, but he knew he would be the last choice in Kyung-ha's mind. And he knew that with situations like these, it was best to talk it out with family rather than get involved. He instead made his way out of the hospital, already putting a cigarette back into his lips to calm his nerves
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
And while Leonard had decided not to play his hand at getting involved with the discussion between mother and daughter, there was one person who would be far less sensitive towards the situation.

From the other end of the hall the elevator door opened, and among the patients and employees that stepped from the metal box was Abel. His expression held a vague and almost visually nonexistent impatience, yet he was enough patient enough to offer the doctors and the few patients to go ahead in front of him to where they needed to go while storing away his phone. In didn't take long for him to run into Leonard, and the only thing he asked was, "Where?"


"That's certainly one way of lookin' at–"

"GRANDMOTHER–" The older woman was interrupted when the door to her home swung open and Jackie rushed in.

The urgency in Jackie's voice was enough to erase the thought of the scowl that was sure to come from Constantine as she turned to her granddaughter. "What is it child?"

"Code 99 White Oni!"

Mrs. Constantine's back straightened, her hold on the staff of wood tightening suddenly. "When?"

"I was just notified," Jackie answered. "According to what I was just told, it's been in effect for about three hours."

"Three hours?!" Mrs. Constantine nearly roared in anger, only for the coughing to return harsher than before. But before Jackie could come to her aid, she lifted her finger stiffly and pointed towards the door. "We speak outside," she said between coughs. She turned to Mason and Sammy, and there was worry in her eyes. "Stay here, the both of you." She told the before she went to and out the door with Jackie wanting to help her, the door closing behind them.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Leonard rolled his eyes. He knew that, despite Abel's deadpan expressions and his inability to take any sense of a joke, he responded, "Room 203, same hall as the kid. I'll be waiting in the car having a smoke. Try not to talk too long, okay? That girls an emotional mess" With that, Leo stepped into the empty elevator, giving a half-hearted wave before the elevator doors closed

"Wait, a code what now? Is this another one of those things we've already been told about or are we allowed to question this one" Sammy was saying, despite being told to stay put, only to receive no answer as the two made their way outside, closing the door before she could even finish her sentence. She gave a light, "hmph" before speaking to Mason, "Wonder what all that was about"
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"I have orders. Unfortunately those orders will require speaking." This was all Abel said to him, not having stopped once while he spoke but instead continued down the hall, getting a tip from one of the nurses of where the mother and daughter pair had gone off to and heading there.


The first five minutes that they were outside, the only thing that could be heard on the inside was the faint sound of Jackie presumably explaining something briefly in detail. But then–

"Those incompetent DUMBASSES!" Mrs. Constantine could be heard swearing furiously from just outside the door at first. "ONE JOB! They have ONE JOB!" The rest of what she was saying became murmurs, though no matter how quietly they spoke the fury in her voice was something that refused to be numbed, for only moments later was she heard coughing again. "Get me on the line with that gargled spit of a man right now!–On second though no! No! I'll handle him in person myself along with the rest of'em!"

"Grandmother please! We don't know the full extent of the situation," Jackie could be heard trying to reason with her.

"I know enough!" The door opened again seconds later, but this time it was Constantine's magic that shoved it open. "Dumbasses! All of'em, dumbasses I say!" She spat angrily.

"At least let me try to–"

"You focus on getting them back to Florida after I take care of the that leaking mana of his. Take the rift gate behind the creek if you must." The elder woman was already making her way to the kitchen by the time she finished her command. "Somethin' ain't right," she muttered to herself.

All Jackie could do was watch her, and for the first time Mason and Sammy would be able to see the doubt that had come to her face as she turned to them and spoke. "I advise that you both be prepared for a hasty trip back."
last edited een jaar geleden
cosmic_fusions commented…
They’re not in a room xD een jaar geleden
afewseconds commented…
Fuck it, too sleepy to change it right now and to awake to go to sleep XD een jaar geleden
afewseconds commented…
Yes the fuck they do Wind XD een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy, much unlike her time getting used to Constantine, was still not in the best of relationships with Jackie, waving her casually and giving her a sarcastic response, "Oh, sure, I'll go and just put our van in my pocket and I'll be ready to go"
"Sammy, not now, please" Mason said, able to read the room and know that now wasn't the best time. Of course, he knew that Sammy was just speaking up for his own thoughts, even if her way of doing so was more crass. He wasn't exactly sure on if they'd be able to get it through this rift that Constantine mentioned.
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"Yes, please," Jackie agreed with Mason. "Don't make me have to sow your mouth shut. I'm sure that you'd agree there's enough occurring as is and I can ensure you that your subpar sarcasm can wait. "

"Jackie–Jackie get in here and help me with this dragon's hide!" Constantine called from the kitchen.

"The what?" Jackie murmured to herself in confusion, standing there a moment before actually going to the kitchen.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"What, Dragon's what?!" Mason replied at the sound of that, but, as per usual, Jackie walked out of the room before he could even ask. He just sat back down with a sigh before Sammy asked, "So tell me, what happened while you were gone"
"I got grabbed by a bat creature and almost froze my toes off. You?" Mason asked
"Oh, almost got lit on fire. Would explain the singes on my shirt. Gonna have to buy a new one" Sammy answered casually despite Mason's more tired, slightly uncomfortable tone
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Thwack! Thwack! It noises that came from the kitchen sounded as if a body was being pummeled by a club, a fatal whooom coming and going with each swing.

"Severe that end there, we won't need much. Just enough to make the sigil–" Mrs. Constantine could be heard saying from the kitchen.

"Eeww, where did you get this?! The smell is detestable!"

"Oh quit your whinin', there's much worse than this."

"And I'm not going to be anywhere near it!"

A couple of minutes later, both Jackie and Constantine bustled back into the living room, the grandmother holding a small bowl full of bubbly red and a brush.

"Keys," Jackie motioned towards Mason.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason watched as the two made their way into the living room, wanting to ask what all the noise was and especially what the red mass in a bowl that Constantine was carrying exactly was. But as soon as he was asked for the keys, in a sort of panicked state, he reached into his pocket and took out his van key, attached lazily to a single crooked iron chain with nothing else attached to it
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
While taking the keys from Mason, Jackie made a disgusted face at the bowl of liquid before heading out the door and into the snow yet again.

Her grandmother didn't say much of anything as she approached Mason. It could be seen in her expression that she was very much still fuming.

But Constantine wouldn't direct her anger towards them but rather her focus, dipping what appeared to be a bristly paintbrush into the awaiting liquid. And while it sizzled against the brush, she spoke. "I'm going to mark you with a sigil that will act as a scrambler and allow you to stay hidden and at the very least misdirect those who are able to sense mana. Afterwards I'll enchant it so that it may act as a temporary patch and contain what may inevitably leak out of you. In the mean time, you'd best find a place to settle for a few days." Up until the end, she sounded like her granddaughter except much wiser and of course much more experienced with how she handled her craft.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"Um.... alright then" Mason replied with an obvious questioning tone in his voice, his eyes still on the door as Jackie walked out with a slight sound of disgust coming from her. Sammy just looked down at the bowl that she dipped the paintbrush into, looking at it with some curiosity while vaguely listening to what Constantine was saying
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"This is going to be mildly painful." Constantine said no more as she began what would be a moderately quick process, one that she wanted to make quicker but refrained from doing to ensure that it was correctly applied and finished down to every last detail. She moved the sleeve of Mason's left arm out of the way, deciding that the upper arm would be the most suitable place.

The first stroke of the brush was as if a wasp had landed on Mason's arm and lodged its stinger into it. Except that every bristle that it consisted of it would feel as so. The second stroke from the brush was less so a sting and more so a sensation that would best be explained as a lukewarm burn. The final strokes of the brush were swift but precise and when she was done, the odd symbol boiled red against his skin until it darkened into a coal black.

een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon’s sadness had shifted into fury where she placed all the blame on her mom. Her mom on the other hand, eye twitching, had to prevent herself from smacking her daughter across the face.

“Yoonie, stop it that no true—“

“But yes, yes it is! You don’t think of me as a strong person at all! You just compare me to everyone else and call me ugly and fat and stupid and slow!” She exclaimed. “And you’re kept this secret all this time while insulting my face, then ACCUSE me of being a liar!”

“BECAUSE YOU CAN DO BETTER!” Kyung-ha found herself scolding. “You will do better, I-it’s your duty now!” She said with a hint of regret.

Yoon shook her head. “Well that dumb fat girl that needs to do better with sooooo many duties doesn’t even know the first thing there is about stupid magic. In fact, with my unstable capacity you might as well just hunt me down too before I hurt someone.”

“Enough!” Ms. Park scrunched her face in anger. “I no know magic but I know fight, I know what you need to succeed and protect at least and I will teach you—“

“A mother doesn’t protect her children by lying to them straight to their teeth and yelling at them for things YOU KNOW they can’t avoid. You weren’t there for me or Sangeon when we needed your help. Yasha could have been alive right now!”

YOON PARK.” The mother interrupted her with great frustration. “You live under MY roof. You eat MY food. You no pay electricity or water or security. You still depend on me. Then you will follow MY RULES.” She reprimanded her. “You no get to decide what you want to do, you have responsibility now—“

“Oh yeah? Then where was YOUR responsibility when you left that stupid organiza—“ Yoon wasn’t able to complete her sentence before she was smacked across the face harder than she’d ever receive a slap from her mother. It was one that made her sit up straight and gasp.

“You are very ungrateful.” Kyung-ha growled. “I no like you have powers now, but you have opportunity to change world. You have responsibility. You WILL obey me and I will help you learn how to protect yourself. You and your aura is very dark and unstable. No no good. I help you with that.”

“You don’t know SHIT about magic. I need a real teacher like Yasha, not a lying quitter. Someone that knows how to kill and send ripples of fire at command!”

“What you NEED is stability and control.” Ms. Park growled. “I can teach you that.”

“You’re not a teacher.” Yoon said while rubbing her cheek. “If you taught that suit guy it’s clear you’ve stripped any emotion and traumatized him for eternity. I don’t want that. I don’t want you to build me into a different person.”
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"She has done no such thing." Abel's voice came forth, almost like it had appeared out of nowhere. He had been so quiet in his approach that he might as well have been invisible. His voice was colder than before, the lack of emotion that he spoke with like a blade of ice that sat within the air. "You know nothing of me, and for you to cast such an idea onto your mother without logic nor reason is nothing short of asinine to a degree that even this Yasha that you speak of so highly would bound to be nothing but disappointed." His hand remained within his pocket while his eyes wondered across the white walls of the hospital.

"With all due respect, your ignorance borders on the line of being insulting. Take a moment to realize the words you speak. Strip away the anger and ask yourself where's your reasoning? Your reasoning for putting yourself in a situation to look foolish. Allow me to relay to you the facts. Your mother retired from this field of work so that you could have a life to enjoy. A life to call a life. A home to call a home. She wanted a life, I'd assume. Yet you treat her with such disrespect? Because she sought to protect you? Answer yourself this. She has told you the truth and now you call her a liar. She has told you the truth, and you make her an enemy. If this is your reaction as an adult, what reason would she have had to relay this information to you as a child? What reason would she have to tell a child, irresponsible and naive? How would you have expected her to explain to you something that you yourself have barely even come to grasp?" Abel spoke the last part from experience. When Kyung-ha had retired so suddenly he had been out on an assignment and still but a boy. No goodbyes. No calls. Nothing.

He turned around, his deadpan expression never having wavered in the slightest. "You should be thanking your mother–praising her for keeping you away from having to understand what the term sinister truly means for so long. You're ignorant to the sacrifices that have been made by someone who's faced what you fear for your very own sake. You have no right to chastise. You, who still is under her roof. You, who she birthed. You, who she traveled miles across sea and land to ensure the safety of. And though I may not agree with all of her decisions I respect them, as should you. Because at any given moment you could have been exactly how she found me." He turned to Kyung-ha. "A word in private please?"
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Yoon cringed when she heard Abel’s voice enter the scene right when she spoke of him. She cursed to herself internally, rubbing at her cheek that was still stinging with the slap her mother delivered. She never really grew up with a male figurehead, so having a man scold her was a little intimidating. Her brows remained furrowed while listening to him, rolling her eyes at certain parts. “I’m not a kid...” She mumbled to herself, looking away at the last few of his words. Yoon wasn’t going to argue with someone she had just met. One because of her social anxiety, especially with the opposite gender. And two because she knew a few of the things he said was right. However, she still tried speaking under her breath in korean with insults until she realized he could understand her and stopped.

During the entirety of Abel’s speech, Kyung-ha remained with her eyes closed. Her brows furrowed in regret at certain parts of his words, and she exhaled at the very end. She gave a sad smile to him and bowed slightly before glancing at Yoon momentarily. “I am sorry, Yoonie. I really am. I should tell you sooner but I scared.” She admitted. “Please think about it.” She begged her before her attention returned to Abel. The woman nodded at him sadly before making her way with him aside so they could speak. But before he could say anything, she spoke first. “I am sorry too, Abel-pie. I should have told you.” She said in regards to her retiring. “I understand if you no forgive but I miss you greatly.”
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason held out his arm, expecting the pain to be similar to that of a needle being pushed into him, but he was not prepared for the real pain that was brought forward. He gave a shout of pain, immediately, having to clutch his hands into fists as she continued to bare through the pain of each bristle against his flesh. Sammy watched, a bit nervous as she heard Mason groan in pain, until the sign was burned into his skin. The moment she was finished, Mason pulled his arm back, looking over his arm with much discomfort
afewseconds commented…
Aaaand I missed this whole post XD Oops een jaar geleden
Windwakerguy430 commented…
And this is somehow all your fault XD een jaar geleden
afewseconds commented…
I can take the blame for this one XD een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"I came to understand the circumstances, Kyung," Abel said truthfully with a sigh. He did in fact come to understand Kyung-ha's reasons for her actions through reasoning, logic and observation. They had been his tools and his way of life ever since then. Something that he had never come to understand, however, was what he felt back then and why it was so different from what he felt now. "I've spoken to the Head of Council about the predicament with the Droven. He would like to have both your daughter and the boy under the surveillance of the Constables for their safety. He wants to send a number of agents from headquarters as a means of monitoring any unusual activities that may lead to the Droven's...capture," He said the word with disdain.


"Oh don't be such a child," Constantine rolled her eyes, pulling his arm back to where she could see. She exhaled deeply, and an aura spread over her hands. "Under the soil where the roots are wet with sap, under the earth the worms decay. Above the clouds the sky, blue and black. Held back is the rain, tied to the roots are the earth. Graepnga" She brushed her hand over Mason's arm where the sigil had been put and where it was bleeding due to the sharp bristles from the brush.

And as her hand softly stroked the inflicted area, it began to soothe. The cuts sowed themselves together. But Mason would also feel as if something within him had gained weight. Like his spirit had been given shackles to wear.

Constantine nearly staggered backwards after the spell was done, but managed to keep her footing while breathing heavily. "That should do nicely," She panted. "Jackie should be returning, and when she does remind her to lock the door. Now if you'll excuse me," she had to rely more on her staff to keep herself up straight this time. But nonetheless she managed.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Kyung-ha sighed to herself with the information regarding the council involvement. Although she did not approve of them, she knew there was no arguing against it, especially when it came to the safety of her daughter. She remained silent for a few seconds, gently reaching out to comb back a stubborn strand of his slicked hair into place. She smiled at him before nodding softly. “Will you be one of those agents?” The mother asked, hoping the answer was yes. “I afraid I may be too old to watch over her all the time.” She chuckled softly; however, the woman looked as young as ever. Of course now with more wrinkles on her hands due to all the laborious work she invested for the past decades. “She could use friends too.” Ms. Park joked, but her smile soon turned to a frown as she thought about the current state of her daughter. “Give Yoonie some time, Abel-pie. You know best we susceptible to greater change at lowest point. Remember?”
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy looked over as Constantine was able to stand up, wanting to ask if she'd be okay, but would probably get a stubborn remark if she did and decided not to bother. She instead turned her attention to Mason, looking at the sigil on his hand now before she asked, "So how are you feeling?"
"H-Heavier" Mason replied in an odd manner, Sammy looking up at him with a confused expression on her face, opening her mouth to speak, but just shook her head, not bothering to even ask this time
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Abel took that moment to glance of in Yoon's direction, and when his attention returned to Kyung-ha she answered. "But of course. Yet I can't but help to notice the vast difference that seems to separate the both of you." His brows furrowed. "I don't believe that I would be a efficient choice for someone to befriend your daughter. But I hope it relieves you enough to know that I indeed one of the Constables that have been chosen for this task." It had been specifically by request. And since he was already in the area, he was granted to stay for a while longer.


Constantine left shortly after disappearing from the living room in a stagger. When she finally got outside, her body forced her to stop. She began coughing harder, and harder the more she tried to keep going despite this. In due time.., she thought to herself, staring at the blood that stained her palm, disappearing into the fields.

een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason couldn't help but anxiously rub at the sigil on his arm, still feeling the pain in his arm as he did so. Sammy looked over at his arm and asked, "Are you sure you should be touching it right now? Won't that fuck it up?"
"I don't know. But she didn't say I not to touch it." Mason tried to justify, if in a very poor manner
"Just don't touch it. For all we know, it could cause an infection if you don't" Sammy responded, sitting back down on the couch casually as they waited for Jackie to come back, Sammy adding, "That woman better have a plan on getting our van back home. I do not have the money nor do I lack the ethics to rent a motel"
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Ms. Park sighed of relief when she heard Abel’s response. He trusted him the most after all. And if she were to ever perish, she knew he would be there to help her children at their lowest. When Abel glanced at Yoon, he found the she was no longer seated down. Instead, she was in front of the vending machine besides the chairs, kicking it lightly so the bar of snickers would fall faster.

“You are perfect choice.” Kyung-ha brought him back to the conversation. “It do you well too for more friends. She no like you at all, and you no like her at all.” The woman suddenly picked up Abel’s right hand. “Fire and fire only cause destruction. But what I teach you about opposites, oi?” She picked up his left hand as well. “Fire and water, though, create smoke. Smoke and steam will kill the impurities and purify what remains.” She placed both of his hands together. “You may have a lot to learn from her.” The mother dared to add.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…

"Oh gods ohgodsOHGODS!!" Jackie shrieked as the van sped through the cornfield. It had seemed like the logical thing to do since they weren't going to be flying this time around, and she did know how to drive her car after all. But it wasn't until she was already ahead of herself did he realize that she had no idea whatsoever how to drive the hunk of junk that Mason called a van. Or any van for that matter. "STOPSTOPSTOP!!" She yelled, yet didn't know why she didn't take her foot off of the gas.

She felt the van rise up off of the ground when he hit a bump, the stalks separating to see that it was gunning straight for the side of her grandmother's house.

ssskkkkrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! She finally remembered that brakes existed and stomped on the pedal, a loud screeching sound coming from the tires as they slid across frosty soil.


Abel gave a bland scoff, watching as Yoon kicked at the vending machine. He saw Kyung as the obvious superior out of her and Yoon without question. What could he possibly learn from her that Kyung hadn't taught him already? Or that he hadn't learned himself from other sources himself? . "The Organization and its members are my comrades. I don't believe it beneficial to have any more than so while I am a Constable."
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
“She no comrade, Abel-pie. She now your friend.” Kyung-ha corrected him. “Family even,” She added, “you are my family so we are all family.” The mother smiled before poking at him lightly. “You used to be like her, remember?” Although, that was when he was way younger.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason and Sammy remained sitting on the couch, only getting a few words out, when Mason heard a loud screeching sound from outside, the screeching of tires, "What was that?" Mason asked in curiosity, looking around
Of course, Sammy already knew what it was. There was no other car here for miles, aside from the one they came in, and Sammy replied dryly, "If that Jackie fucked up our van, I'm gonna kill her."
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"A man cannot be like a woman." Abel replied with an unenthusiastic attempt at a joke. Yet with his expression barely shifting one could almost believe that he was serious. "If she were any way, shape or form resembling me then I'd call it a poor imitation. Even in my younger days I had discipline. Much more discipline."


Jackie had to calm her breathing while she slid out of the front seat, the ride having been enough to dishevel her hair. Never...again, she promised herself, turning and kicking the front tire. On the bright side, at least she had gotten it there. She needed a few more minutes to get herself together before she started blowing the horn repeatedly.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
"Guess that's our cue" Sammy replied as she went to the door, her hands in her pockets as she walked outside, already making sure to check the damages of the van more than anything "Yeah, yeah, we hear ya already! And... And is that a scratch I see on the van?!"
"Not now, Sammy. It's barely noticeable" Mason replied as he got into the van from the back, already pushing his way to the front
"Barely noticeable? Bitch, I noticed it!" Sammy replied as she followed Mason into the van, closing the doors behind her
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
“I dunno, this coming from little boy who cry because tomatoes in his burger.” Kyung-ha teased with a playful push on his shoulder. She smiled now, relieved to know Abel would be present for a while now. “You already like her in some ways. Both black hair, both like korean cuisine.” She informed him, even if it was something general. “Not impossible,” the woman booped his nose, “nothing impossible.” She reminded him. Ms. Park was silent for a moment before she spoke again. “Any word on little boy?” She asked in reference to Nicholas. “He will picked up by parents? Has place to go? Also has agents with him?”
Windwakerguy430 commented…
u can feel Jade trying to make a relationship here. She's not even subtle about it XD een jaar geleden
Windwakerguy430 commented…
COLA, u need to make Abel gay, right now. It's the only way XD een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
"Well congratulations for have eyes," Jackie hissed sarcastically. "What, were you expecting a round of applause? A certificate? Letter of recommendation? Oh who am I kidding, that would be giving you far too much credit to expect you to know what that is." Besides, it wasn't her fault that any of the damage that happened to the van anyways. Once they were in the car she said to Mason. "Just follow me will you? Or will that be too much for your pet chimp there to handle you doing as well?" She rolled her eyes and summoned her broom.


When Kyung brought up memories from when he was younger, he scoffed dryly. "The solanum lycopersicum had been an allergen then, not including the fact that I hadn't had anything of sustenance in that particular incident." He rolled his eyes when she began to list their "similarities", them being something that was extremely minor from his perspective. His nose scrunched in agitation when she booped his nose, but when she asked about Nicholas though he frowned some. "There are protocols being taken for the boy as well," he said, ignoring the question about the child's parents. "I've been tasked with handling the monitoring process with him as well, and so I've decided that the agents will be divided into groups to survey the state. Two of those groups will be dedicated to keeping a close eye on the vicinity of him and your daughter."