The Worst Generation TWGRP's HQ For vragen n' Discussions

afewseconds posted on Jul 20, 2020 at 05:01AM
This is pretty much self explanatory. A place where questions can be asked, Ideas bounced around, TWG memes, random shit, etc.
last edited on Aug 13, 2020 at 06:53PM

The Worst Generation 3785 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I'm on the level of everyone's terrible lingo though XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Clearly XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Okay... So I ain't sure who I want to be my new Keeper
I mean I got choices
But I guess it all depends on who you want, COLA XD
Some masked fucking dork
A weird Constable dork
Or whoever else is left XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
As long as they meet the criteria of these four things, it's whatever XD

1. No fire-magic wielding Keeper of any variation
2. Has to be a male character.
3. Can't be a current or former Constables agent.
4. They also have to currently reside in Otherworld

I've also been doing a little revising with my Keeper characters too, so there's that.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I don't think any of my characters meet those criteria XD
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
My biggest hurdle is definitely the Otherworld one XD
I don't know that world much yet
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
The Otherworld part won't be relevant til we get there XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Alright then, I got no Keeper XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Whelp, I guess it's time to dig through bag of characters and see what comes out XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I don't have a bag of characters tho XD
This shit is just gonna have to wait until Otherworld gets introduced and I can think of something XD
But I'd rather it come naturally then just make someone for the sake of existing. So we'll get there when we get there XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Oh I know that YOU don't have a bag of characters. But I do XD
Otherworld is going to be coming up next for the Keepers. Then there will be more stuff with the Constables and the current world's problems.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I have a big bag of characters. Just not magic twink people XD
And they're all in New York
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
You don't have a big bag of characters tho XD But I might cook up something for New York and the Under Society just to be nice XD Also to explore more of that stuff since it was skipped over last time.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Okay, I have a fun size bag of characters XD
And yeah, we need to know more about that, and that weird riddle speaking hobo and the rest of the crew there XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Excuse yourself, that riddle speaking hobo is the Hobo God thank you very much XD Put some respek on the dirty mushrooms growing out of his name XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
That is not a series of words that you can just drop "respect" onto
And no, I refuse to say it that other way XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Sure they are XD
But the other way is de wae, the one and only tru wae XD

Speaking of which, do you remember that dog back in New York? You know, the one that Thube fed the rat to? That's an important thing XD A small hint.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I thought we were going to mention Potato for a second XD
But yes, I do remember
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Yeah, that wasn't just a dog XD That was payment.
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
As far as I'm aware, it's a dog XD
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Can the next keeper not be mentally ill xD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Depends on what you mean by mentally ill XD
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
You are so making the next keeper mentally ill huh xD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Hey, they're all mentally damaged in their own way
Mason's depressed
Yoon has anxiety
Edgar is an ex drug added
And Raven. OOF. Big OOF
And my new Keeper is egotistical
And yeah, I think I got my new Keeper, COLA XD
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
Don’t forget Yoon’s eating disorder, body dysmorphia, obsession/compulsivity, and of course the handy dandy depression xD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
But Mason's gay
Like fully gay
He's super depressed XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Oh, so if Thube was the next Keeper he would fit the not-mentally-ill-criteria XD Good to know.

Also, I blame half of Raven's OOF on the Droven XD And half of that half goes to the thing that came from Egypt
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
No all of it goes to her scum Fuck family. Fuck them. They got what they deserved. Thubes right. Some lives have less value. There's XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
They definitely have less value XD But that was only half of it. They can have the Big Oof part all to themselves
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
I don't know, they were pretty big contribution to her mental decline
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I know. That was only half of the shit they were responsible for XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Can't get much worse than rape
Like jeezus, man
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I'd say it's the lighter half of things. Well, less heavy handed than that, at least.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Well... It can't get any worse for Raven
Right? Please, tell me it gets better XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
It gets better XD She'll have shit to work through, but it'll get better.
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
To summarize, it will not get better xD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Tsk tsk, Mic this isn't Yashoon we're talking about here
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yeah, Jade. Unlike Yasha, Sammy is super supportive. And unlike Yoon, Raven actually wants friends XD
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
you're right, we're talking about Jackaliah
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
Jackaliah is going to outlast Yashoon by miles tho XD I think you got them mixed up with Yashoon somehow.

Yasha is supportive Wind XD She's super supportive.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
What's a Yashoon? is that an exotic mushroom xD must be rare, like the amount of times Leonard gets any xD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I think it's like a corona sneeze XD A really bad, Ebola filled, corona sneeze
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yashoon is vagina slang
And Jackliah will never fucking faulter. Galiahs too supportive
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
jackliah's relationship isn't even real, it's just sex xD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
You can't see it, but I'm giving the look that says, "Are you for real?"
You are the last person who gets to say a relationship is just sex, and you know exactly why XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I know exactly why too XD And Jackliah is way better than them. Honestly, they're the only couple I can see surviving until the end. Whatever Yasha and Yoon had is inferior to their glory XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yeah, exactly
I can see Raven and Sammy possibly going somewhere, but also it either ends badly or one of them just fucking dies
And Yoon and Yasha is doomed to fail. Sorry, Jade XD
een jaar geleden afewseconds said…
I can see Sammy and Raven being better than Jackie and Galiah actually. They have the best dynamic chemistry. They just work XD
een jaar geleden Windwakerguy430 said…
Yeah, they had experience. They had moments where they weren't a couple, just good friends, then a victim/murderer relationship, now a very, very broken maybe-romantic relationship XD
There's more than just, "Yo, wanna fuck" there XD
een jaar geleden cosmic_fusions said…
mhm, yeah sure