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posted by nocofangirl218
That’s right fanpopers, I’m starting a TD camp! Truthfully, I got bored one day, so I decided to test my writing ability, and jump on the TD camp ban-wagon. I just want to give fair warning: this is my first camp, and I have no idea what I’m doing. So, if I royally kill this, I’m really sorry. Also, since I have no idea how else to write it, the story will be in script format. I hope u all enjoy! One last thing, I’m only brining specific people from the old series back. Anyway, here’s my TD camp!

Crystal: Welcome everyone to a little toon we like to call…Total Drama Rama! I’m u host, Crystal Grayson!

Kate And I’m u co-host, Kate Felice

Crystal: Yep, and I’m really looking vooruit, voorwaarts to working with u Kate!

Kate: Aw, how snazzy of u Crystal! :) Even though I’d rather be working with Chris, I’ll happily settle for you! :D

Crystal: Um…thank you? Anyway, it’s a new season, but not everything’s new! *pulls a note-card from her back pocket, and begins reading it* Returning fan favorieten for this season of-

Kate: I’ll take that! *snatches card from Crystal* I was told I would have the honor of saying the returning people, so if u don’t mind. *looks at the card* Returning fan favorieten for this season of TD are: Noah, Cody, Ezekiel, Izzy, Eva, Gwen, Duncan, Trent, Courtney, Tyler, Lindsey, Katie, Dj and Justin! Please give them a warm round of applause! *the old cast walks into the studio, and the crowd goes completely bonkers*

Crystal: And lets not forget some of the new faces that will be joining these favoriete fourteen! *pulls another note card out of her pocket, and starts reading it* Now, new to the Total drama family, introducing: Destery, Riley, Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy, Rayla, Star, Mirra, Rikki, Melody, Gladys, Griffon, Robin, Phoebe, Alex, and Rae! Please give them a welcoming round of applause! *the new cast walks right into the new one*

Melody: *gets pushed into Justin*

Justin: Hey, watch where your going!

Melody: Go shove it up your ass, pretty boy. *flips him off*

Justin: … Bitch.

Crystal: Well, it looks like the new Duncan and Courtney has arrived! :D

J&M: What are u talking about! I don’t like her/him!

Crystal: See what I mean?

J&M: O.O …

Crystal: Now, since introductions are out of the way, it’s time to-

Billy the intern: WAIT! *runs onto the stage, and hands Crystal a piece of paper* The (pant) producers (pant) sent u (pant) this fax. *walks off the stage still panting*

Crystal: Thanks Billy! :D *looks at paper* Well, it says that, door populair demand, Alejandro and Sierra will be participating in the new season… Is this some sort of joke?

A&S: *walks onto the stage*

Crystal: O.O Holy crap it’s not a joke… *drops to her knees* WILSON! WHY HAVE u DONE THIS TO ME WILSON!!!

-in the coffee room-

Wilson: *shivers*

Billy the intern: u okay janitor Wilson?

Wilson: I guess, but… I can’t help feeling…like someone has just blamed me for something I didn’t do.

-back in the studio-

Kate: Come on Crystal, it’s not that bad.

Crystal: Yes it is! I hate Sierra, and I honestly find Alejandro annoying.

Alejandro: Um, u realize we can hear u right?

Sierra: Yeah. I mean we’re only like, what, three feet from you?

Crystal: Don‘t u think I know that?

Sierra: Well yeah, but I didn’t except u to be such a witch!

Crystal: -.- Just go stand door everyone else, and try not to be to distracting.

A&S: *go stand with the others*

Crystal: Okay, now as I was saying, it’s time to pair u guys up to teams of two so u can make your way to the seasons official location.

Duncan: Wait, what? Your not just going to take us to the location?

Crystal: That’s correct Duncan! :D I thought I’d be neat to have u all do this task as a little warm up for the season! Anyway, I have the partner listings. door the way Duncan, since I think u and Gwen make a cute couple, she’s your partner!

Duncan: Sweet.

Gwen: u really like us as a couple? Aw, you’re the best Crystal! :)

Crystal: Thanks Gwen! :D Anyway, onto the volgende pair! Alright, lets see… *looks at paper* Alex, it looks like your partner is…Gladys.

Gladys: Okay then. Um…where is he? *starts to walk through the crowd, but trips over someone’s feet, and lands on her face* …Ouch.

Alex: Wow, u okay there partner? *offers her his hand*

Gladys: *blushes* Yeah…I’m alright. *takes his hand, and gets helped up* Thanks.

Alex: Hey, it’s what I’m here for.

Crystal: Alright, lets end this sappy-moment before the audience totally loses interest. Alright, the volgende pair is…Destery and Rayla.

Destery: Cool, I get a hot chic.

Rayla; *blushes* Um, thanks. Your pretty hot yourself.

Crystal: Wait…I didn’t know this was going to be fluffy. *shrugs* Oh well, anyway, since this is taking forever, I’m just going to read off the pairs. When I call u off, please find your partner. The rest of the pairs are: Rikki and Robin, Trent and Courtney, Griffon and Mirra, Owen and Lindsey, Justin and Melody, Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy and Phoebe, Ezekiel and Izzy, Tyler and Eva, Rae and Star, Alejandro and Sierra, and Noah and Cody! So, is everyone okay with their partner?

J&M: NO!

Crystal: Good! :D Anyway, lets get to your warm-up challenge!

Lindsey: *raises hand* Um, I have, like a question.

Crystal: Which is?

Lindsey: Well, not that I don’t like being paired with Owen, but could can I please change partners with Ava?

Eva: My names Eva, and I’m not going to be paired with that gas bag!

Owen: Am not! *farts really loud* … Okay, maybe a little.

Crystal: *shrugs* There’s your answer.

Lindsey: *looks around* I don’t see it. :(

Crystal: -.- Anyway, here’s your warm-up challenge: First u must navigate your way through this crowded city until u reach highway sixty-two. From there, you’ll do one of three things: Hail a taxi marked with the letters TDR on it, wait to catch a 2:00 bus, of risk it all and kruis the busy highway on foot. The bus, taxi, of yourself will take u to a small dirt path. When u get to the path, all u have to do is follow it to the season location. Well, that’s the warm-up challenge! :) Keep in mind, I have tons of surprises in store for u all throughout the challenge.

Griffon: Wow, did u come up with that challenge all door yourself?

Crystal: Yep! :)

Griffon: Well, that’s a very intelligent array of challenges. I’m impressed!

Crystal: Aw shucks! ^u^ Anyway, I’m giving u all walkie-talkie so I can keep in touch with you. *throws everyone a walkie-talkie* I’ll be waiting for u all at the seasons top-secret location. So, the warm up challenge begins…NOW!!!!

Noah: Wait, aren’t u going to give us a map of the city of something?

Crystal: I would, but our shipment of maps was swapped with some Chinese places new menu. Besides, without the maps, this makes the game a bit meer interesting! :)

Noah: O.O Oh…okay then.

Crystal: Yeah, so…all of u except Sierra and Alejandro get going!

All except for A&S: *runs for the exit*

Sierra: What do u want this time?

Crystal: Just to do this. *throws a striped t-shirt on Sierra, and undoes all her hair-bands* Perfect!

Sierra: Um…what was that for?

Crystal: I never did like your hair up in that pony-tail, and that tube-top always made u look like a slut. Anyway, u guys can get going now! :)

Sierra: O.O Um…okay.

A&S: *runs to the exit*

-with Duncan & Gwen, and Destery & Rayla-

Gwen: So, u just want to go West and hope we find the highway?

Duncan: Sounds good to me babe.

Rayla: Hey, I couldn’t help but over hear, and we were going to do the same thing.

Destery: So do u guys want to team-up of something?

Gwen: Well…there are safety in numbers. What do u say Duncan?

Duncan: Whatever makes u happy babe.

Gwen: Then it’s settled. *gives Duncan a quick kiss on the lips*

Rayal: Cool! Lets going then!

*all four head West*

-with Noah and Cody-

Cody: So…where are we supposed to go?

Noah: Well, there’s a bit of everything in each direction, so I guess its your pick of either North, East, South, of West.

Cody: Well…lets try…North then.

Noah: *shrugs* Alright I guess.

*both head North*

-with Rae and Star-

Star: Noah’s going north, so I say we go north as well.

Rae: Um…why?

Star: *blushes* Oh, I don’t know. Noah’s just super-smart, and I just think we should follow him.

Rae: *rolls eyes* Well, I’m going south. *starts walking south*

Star: *head darts between Noah and Rae* Hey, wait up Rae! *runs to catch up with Rae*

-with Justin and Melody-

Justin: I say we go East.

Melody: Well, East sucks! I say we go North!

Justin: East!

Melody: North!

Justin: East!!

Melody: North!!

-with Owen and Lindsey-

Lindsey: Well, West is best, so lets go that way!

Owen: Great plan Lind! People should really listen to u more!

Lindsey: :) *grabs Owens arm and pulls him West*

-with Eva and Tyler-

Tyler:*sees Lindsey and Owen having fun* Lindsey… :(

Eva: So, I guess we head East? *looks and sees Tyler’s expression* What’s wrong with you?

Tyler: *sigh* Nothing. Lets just get going.


Eva: Okay, I have no idea what’s bugging him, but he better get his head in the game before he makes us lose!

Tyler: *sigh* I miss Lindsey… :'(

**end of confessionals**

*both head East*

-with Trent and Courtney-

Trent: So, which way should we go?

Courtney: Let me check. *pulls out P.D.A and starts typing*

Trent: What are u doing Courtney?

Courtney: What does it look like? I’m getting us directions to the highway.

Trent: *grabs Courtney’s P.D.A and holds it high above her head*

Courtney: Hey, give that back! *makes jumps for the P.D.A*

Trent: Listen Courtney, I don’t want to cheat in this game anymore. Can’t we just pick a direction and hope its right?

Courtney: *glares at Trent for a moment, but then sighs in defeat* Fine. We can be like everyone else and go in a random direction.

Trent: Cool. :) *gives her back the P.D.A* So, North it is?

Courtney: *puts the P.D.A in her pocket, and sighs* Why not.

*both head North*

- with Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy and Phoebe-

PTB: So, South seems like a justified path. We shall proceed South!

Phoebe: Uh…that’s cool I guess.


Phoebe: Okay, not trying to be rude, but Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy is really freaking me out.

PTB: I’m glad me and Phoebe are friends! :) She’s sweet, kind, and easy to look at. Now if she only loved powdered geroosterd brood, toast and crime fighting… *sighs*

**end of confessionals**

*both head South*

-with Griffon and Mirra-

Mirra: Hey, why were u being so nice to Crystal back there?

Griffon: Does her being a smart person count?

Mirra: Well…yeah, but there was something else there, and u now it. I think u like her Griffon.

Griffon: *blushes* I was just giving her a compliment alright?


Griffon: Why does someone always assume I like a person just because I give them a compliment? I mean, Crystal is pretty, smart, has awesome hair…but I don’t like her!

Mirra: Yep. He likes her.

**end of confessionals**

Mirra: *rolls her eyes* Sure, whatever u say Griffon. Now, lets head East shall we?

*both head East*

-with Rikki & Robin and Dj & Katie-

Dj: So, since we’re like, the only people who hasn’t picked a direction, u guys want to team up with us?

Rikki: I don’t see why not! :D

Katie: Cool. So, what direction do u guys want to take?

Robin: We could go South.

Dj: That’s fine with me. How about u Katie?

Katie: That’s fine, I guess.

*all four head South*

-with Izzy and Ezekiel-

Izzy: Wow, this city is huge! I bet there are like, four-hundred restaurant here! *gasps* Hey, u know what sounds great right now? TACOS! Lets go get some tacos! Taco, taco, taco, I WANT A FRIGGIN’ TACO!!!!

Ezekiel: Um…Izzy, we’re, like, really far behind, eh? Shouldn’t we catch up to the others, eh?

Izzy: Oh, don’t be silly Zeke! *grabs his arm* Now come on! I smell a taco, and wherever a taco goes, Izzy goes! *pulls him toward the smell of tacos*

-with Alejandro and Sierra -

Alejandro: Oh man, we are so far behind! I don’t even see the other teams anymore!

Sierra: Good. This way they can’t see me dressed like this. *tugs at the t-shirt* I look like I just rolled out of bed.

Alejandro: Sierra, u look beautiful alright? Now, can we please get back to the challenge?

Sierra: u really think I look okay?

Alejandro: *sighs and fakes a smile* Of course I do Sierra. I mean, the overhemd, shirt looks great on you, and your hair looks absolutely gorgeous down like this!


Sierra: Okay, is it just me, of is Alejandro really muscular? *slaps herself* No! I belong with Cody! …I think.

Alejandro: Yeah, I called her beautiful. It’s not like it means anything. I was just trying to get her to focus on the game so we could catch up to the others. Then again…her hair did look pretty stunning. *slaps himself* No! Remember what happened the last time u fell for someone! She kicked u in the kiwis and let u get burned door lava!

**end of confessionals**

Sierra:*blushes a bit* Thanks. So, want to go north?

Alejandro: Just as long as we can get going!

*both head North*

-with Noah and Cody-

Noah: hallo Cody, I think I see the highway!

Cody: Hey, your right! I can see it to! *both run to the beginning of the highway*

Noah: So, how are we going to kruis it?

Cody: Well, I don’t see a cab, and its another two to three hours before the bus gets here. I guess there’s no other option but to kruis on foot.

Noah: *sarcastic tone* Well that’s just peachy. I was wanting to deify death today.

*at that moment, all the teams walkie-talkies start beeping, and everyone picks it up*

Crystal: Hello teams! I’ve been watching u all, and I’m happy to say u all made progress. Some in the wrong direction, but progress just the same. So, to shorten the toon a bit, all the people who didn’t go North need to turn around, go back to the start, and head North.

Everyone who went in any direction except North: ARE u SERIOUS!!

Crystal: Yes, yes I am! :D Also, remember the surprises I was talking about? Well, *song klok, bell goes off* this is one of them.

All: *groans*

Crystal: Hey, don’t give me that! Everyone loves traveling music! :D Now sing! *music starts playing*

All: *sigh*

Noah: Well, life's like a road that u travel on
Cody: There's one dag here and the volgende dag gone
Gwen: Sometimes u bend, sometimes u stand
Duncan: Sometimes u turn your back to the wind
Destery: There’s a world outside every darkened door
Rayla: Where Blues won't haunt u anymore
Izzy: For the brave are free and lovers soar
Ezekiel: Come ride with me to the distant kust-, oever (eh?)

Rikki: We won't hesitate
Robin: To break down the guarding gate
Rikki: There’s not much time left today, yeay

All: Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If you're going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

PTB: Through all these cities and all these towns
Phoebe: It's in my blood and it's all around
Tyler: I love now like I loved u then
Eva: This is the road and these are the hands
Griffon: From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
Mirra: The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights
Katie: They knock me down
DJ: And back up again
Melody: You're in my blood
Justin: I'm not a lonely man

Owen: There's no load I can't hold
Lindsey: The road's so rough this I know
Star: I'll be there when the light comes in
Rae: Just tell 'em we're survivors

All: Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Cody: Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, yeah

All: Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
Noah: mmmm yeah!
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Trent: There was a distance between u and I
All: Between u and I
Courtney: A misunderstanding once
Trent: But now, we look it in the eye
Courtney: Oooo...Yeah!

Owen: There's no load I can't hold
Lindsey: The road's so rough this I know
Star: I'll be there when the light comes in
Rae: Just tell 'em we're survivors

All: Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
Noah: all night long, yeah hallo
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long
Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
All night long
If your going my way, I wanna drive it
All night long

Cody: Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, yeah

Crystal: Fantastic job everyone! I mean, it could’ve been a bit better, but it was still good! :D Anyway, please continue with the challenge! *the walkie-talkie clicks off*

Noah: *sighs* Well, might as well get this over with. *starts quickly waking on the highways side-walk*

Cody: Hey, wait for me Noah!! *runs to catch up to him*

-with Duncan & Gwen and Destery & Rayla-

Gwen: Oh man this sucks!

Rayla: I know right? Now we have to go all the way back to the beginning!

Duncan: Not necessarily. Look what’s over there! *they all turn to see a cab with the letters TDR drive up volgende to them*

Cab driver: *rolls down window* Hey, it looks like u kids need a lift to your volgende destination.

Gwen: We actually do, but we don’t have any money to give u for the ride.

Cab driver: Its cool. Crystals paying me door the uur so it’s no skin off my nose.


Gwen: Okay, I just meet Crystal, but so far she’s been the best host ever! If she keeps this up, I may have to put her on my “people not to hate” list.

Crystal: Just so u know, I don’t remember agreeing to pay that guy.

**end of confessionals**

Duncan: Sweet! Dibs on the window seat! *hops into the cab*

-with Trent and Courtney-

Trent: Hey, I think I see the highway! *both run to the beginning of the highway*

Courtney: u did, but how are we going to get on the other side?

Trent: Well, no bus of taxi, so I guess we’re hoofing it. *starts to walk along the side-walk*

Courtney: Y-you don’t mean walk along this highway and risk getting hit do you?

Trent: Yeah, but I always thought u liked danger. *sees how terrified she looks* Look, if your scared, we could always wait for a taxi of the bus.

Courtney: No! I’ll walk across! *steps onto the side-walk shaking* See? N-nothing to it. *gives Trent a fake reassuring smile*


Trent: Okay, I know she’s scared, but she won’t just tell me that! I don’t know if its because she’s to proud to ask for help, of if she’s just scared to, but its just a smidge annoying. I mean, if she wants some help, all she has to do is ask me.

Courtney: First of all, I’m not scared of highways! Second, I don’t need anymore help from the male sex. Alejandro and Justin taught me that lesson the hard way.

**end of confessionals**

Trent: Come on lets get going. *Trent and Courtney start walking down the side-walk, until Trent looked back at her, and saw how terrified she looked* u doing okay back there Courtney?

Courtney: N-n-never bet-t-ter.

Trent: *turns and puts his hands on Courtney’s shoulder* Look, I know your scared so please stop asking like your not. If there’s anything I can to help u out, please tell me.

Courtney: Well…if u could hold my hand it’d help me out tons.

Trent: Alright then. *takes a hold of her hand and they continue walking* There, now don’t u feel better?

Courtney: Much. Thank u Trent.


Courtney: Okay, I know I zei I didn’t need a guys help ever again, but…Trent isn’t u average guy. He’s sweet, caring, and just an all around nice person. In fact…I think I’m in love with him.

Trent: I’m glad I was able to help out Courtney. And how knows, maybe we could be meer than vrienden in the future.

**end of confessionals**

-with Alejandro and Sierra-

Alejandro: Hey, I think I see the highway! *both run to the beginning of the highway*

Sierra: Hey, I think I see Trent and Courtney up ahead! Wait…are they holding hands?

Alejandro: Who cares, lets just go! *starts running*

Sierra: Hey, slow down! *runs after him*

-with Noah and Cody-

*they’ve finally reached the end of the highway, and are both panting heavily*

Noah: Thank (pant) god we (pant) crossed over (pant) without passing (pant) out.

Cody: No (pant) kidding. (pant) Remind me (pant) again why we (pant) decided to (pant) run.

Noah: I have no (pant) clue. *looks behind them* Looks like we’re in the lead though.

Cody: Good. Hey, I think I see the path Crystal was talking about up ahead.

Noah: Lets get going then. *both walk up to the path, and their walkie-talkie goes off, and they pick it up*

Crystal: Congratulations, Noah and Cody, for being the first ones to reach the path! Now, before u head onto the path, I have a little twist for u guys. On the path, if there is meer than one person, one must be piggy-backed up the path instead of walking separately

N&C: WHAT???!!!

Crystal: That’s right, a piggy-back ride! So, choose a member, have them hope on the others back, and be the first ones at the new seasons location! *chuckles darkly* I’ll be waiting for u two! *walkie-talkie clicks off*

Cody: So…I guess if u want me to piggy-back u I could-

Noah: *turns around, and crouches to Cody’s height* Just shut up and get on.

Cody: O.O O-okay I guess… *gets onto Noah’s back* Ready if u are. *Noah stands up, and starts walking down the path*

-with Trent & Courtney and Alejandro & Sierra-

*Trent and Courtney get to the path and get the same message Noah and Cody did*

Trent: *crouches to Courtney’s height* u feel up for a piggy-back ride?

Courtney: *smiles slightly* I guess so. *hops onto Trent’s back* Ready.

Sierra: Trent, Courtney, wait up! *Alejandro and her runs up to Trent and Courtney*

Trent: hallo Sierra and Alejandro. What’s up?

Sierra: Um, Trent, why is Courtney on your- *walkie-talkie stats beeping, and they get the message* Oh, now I see.

Alejandro: Well, looks like u get to go for piggy-back ride Sierra. *crouches slightly*

Sierra: Looks like it… *gets onto Alejandro’s back* So, Trent and Courtney, can we kom bij you. u know, so we can all get to the place at once?

Trent: I don’t see why not. u okay with it Courtney?

Courtney: *glares at Alejandro* Not really, but I guess their going to kom bij us even if we say no, so…

Alejandro: Good. So, let us venture on the path and get this thing over with! *both T&C and A&S start running up the path*

-with Duncan & Gwen and Destery & Rayla-

Gwen: Thanks again for the ride! *waves good-bye to the cab-driver* Now lets get on the- *all their walkie-talkies go off, and they get the message*

Duncan: Well, I know who I’m carrying. What about u Destery?

Destery: Yep. I got her right her. *puts arm around Rayla, and she blushes*

Gwen: *hops onto Duncan’s back* Ready babe.

Rayla: *hops onto Destery’s back* I’m ready to Destery.

Destery: Well then, lets get going! *both D&G and D&R run down the path*

-with Noah and Cody-

Noah: Hey, (pant) I think (pant) I see (pant) something up (pant) ahead!

Cody: I think I do to! *gets closer and sees Crystal in front of the abandoned film lot*

Crystal: Congratulations, Noah and Cody, for being the first ones to reach the abandoned film lot! This is going to be your home pagina for the next…whoever many weeks this thing is!

Cody: Cool. I’m glad we’re not back on the island. *gets off of Noah’s back*

Noah: No (pant) kidding. (pant)

Crystal: Okay Noah and Cody, just go stand over there till everyone else had shown up.

N&C: *goes and stands where Crystal is pointing.

Crystal: So, who will get here next?

*at that time, T&C and A&S comes running up*

Crystal: Hello Trent, Courtney, Alejandro, and Sierra! Welcome to your new home pagina for the volgende how-ever many weeks!

Trent: Oh (pant) my freaking (pant) god.

Courtney: *gets off of Trent’s back* No, u can’t make me stay here!

Crystal: Sorry Courtney, but u sighed the contract that says u will stay here.

Courtney: … Crap.

Sierra: *gets off of Alejandro’s back* Come on Courtney, it’s not that bad.

Alejandro: She’s (pant) right (pant) u (pant) know.

Crystal: Alright, all four of u go stand door Noah and Cody and wait for the others to toon up.

T&C and A&S: *goes and stands door Noah and Cody*

Crystal: Okay, so who is going -

*D&G and D&R come running up*

Crystal: Wow, that was fast. Welcome Duncan, Gwen, Destery, and Rayla to your new home pagina for who-know how long!

Gwen: *she gets off Duncan’s back, and her eyes widen* No, no, no, no, no! I can’t stay here! I just can’t! *buries her head in her face, and begins to weep*

Duncan: *pulls her into a hug, and lightly strokes her hair* It’s okay babe. u have me know, and I’ll protect u from whatever memories u have of this place.

Everyone at the site: Aw!


Gwen: I didn’t expect to break down like that. It’s just that the I last time I was here, I ruined a great relationship with a great guy, and I personally don’t want that to happen again.

Duncan: I understand why pasty’s getting all worked up. I mean, if I had the experience she had here, I’d do the same thing. Hopefully we’re on the same team again. If we aren’t, then someone’s going to pay. *crack knuckles*

**end of confessionals**

Rayla: Well, I know it may seem a bit odd, but I’m kind of excited to be here.

Destery: I guess I am to. I mean, who wouldn’t want to live in a film-lot for the whole summer!

Crystal: Okay, u four, go stand door the others!

D&G and D&R: *goes and stands door the ever-growing group of cast mates*

(A/N: Okay, this is taking forever. xp So, lets just say everyone else showed up on the bus. Sorry this artikel was a bit long, but I needed to add couple moments and other little details. So, anyway, don’t worry this artikel is almost done! :3)

Crystal: So, is everyone here Kate?

Kate: *does a quick head-count of the contestants* Twenty-six, twenty-seven, and twenty-eight. Yep, everyone’s here Crystal!

Crystal: Good. Now, because the cabins from season one were such a big hit, I decided to have them moved here! It’s the same as always: girls get the East cabin, and boys get the West cabin.

Destery: Wait, aren’t we going to form teams?

Crystal: Not until volgende episode big-guy.

Destery: Oh…

Crystal: Yeah… So, it’s everyone’s favoriete time, vraag time! Will Justin and Melody ever admit their feelings? Will Duncan and Gwen stay on the same team? Will the *beep*ing fluffy-ness ever end? These vragen and many meer may of may not be answered volgende time on: Total Drama RAMA!


So, what did u think?

I know this episodes a bit long, but it usually is on the first episode… Anyway, the song I used is: “Life is a Highway” door Rascal Flats. I used it because I wanted to! Also, sorry I didn't foucuse on any Oc's that much... But don't worry, i promise I'll make up for it! :3 Anyway, till volgende time folks! Thanks for reading!
added by DemiDebby
added by DemiDebby
added by DemiDebby
added by izzysawsome
added by KARIxTRENT
added by potterandtdi
Source: Me!
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many!
"Lat time on total random island Geoff got the boot and Scott was offered a datum door Serenity but wants to ask Courtney first." zei Chris. (Theme song plays) "sha-bam" zei lightning as he lifted a log. "So Serenity about that asking out?" zei Courtney.
"He zei he would consider it" replied Serenity in a half angry voice. (Courtney confessional) Scott better say no!(back to game)"umm Courtney" Scott zei in a shakey voice. "Yes" she replied. "Wanna maybe go out?" Scott asked. "Sure I'd love to" she zei looking at Serenity. Serenity gave her a dirty look back.
(Scott confessional) YEAH!(Serenity...
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Oh, boy, rant time!!! This pairing offends me as both a fangirl and a writer. As a fangirl, it frustrates me that the two people I want to be with Duncan the most can't be with him because they're with EACH OTHER. Everytime they get on screen together I want to jump into the TV, shake them both, and scream, "Love Duncan! One of u love Duncan, damn it! I don't care which one!"

I'm not saying they HAVE to be with Duncan of no one at all-- if this was written better, I could get behind Scourtney. Which leads me to the main reason for my dislike. As a writer, I'm sorry, but I just cannot get behind...
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Mathew: So what does the clue say again?
Jordan: Belethered and clasped the one place where 'yesterday' always follows 'tomorrow.'
Eli: Okay. When can yesterday always follow tomorrow?
Elizabeth: What about Belethered and clasped? Remember when we helped Trudy get the chandelier out? There were a lot of leather bound boeken in there.
Eli: Great thinking! Let's go check it out!
(Eli, Elizabeth, Jordan, and Mathew enter)
Eli: Where's Lia?
Lia: (enters crying)
Mathew: There she is!
Eli: Lia what's wrong?
(Lia runs up stairs crying)
Jordan: Lia! Wait!
(Eli and Jordan run up the stairs)
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! I put the constants in a spooky mansion and let them try to live with a killer on the lose. In the end it was the quiet Marissa who unmasked the killer reveling it was are old buddy Jason, who was sent home pagina with Ms. Evil, Layla. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Reality Check!

(Theme song)

(Team Fake's girl's trailer)
Fawn: It's so good that Layla is gone.
Lily: I know. Now there is nothing to get us angry now.
May: Except the fact that our cell phones are gone.
Fawn: Oh yeah... Dose Layla still have our phones?
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Please remember that not everyone's oc will be in this first part! I tried my best, and hopefully I'll be able to include some meer characters in the seconde part. It's kinda short, mainly cause I'm still getting used to writing in script format. Thanks :)
No one’s POV
Francis: *walks into school* “First dag back... senior year. This will be interesting.” *checks watch* “Where the fuck is that boy...?”
Jamee: “Francis!”
Francis: “Jamee!” *runs over and hugs her* “I’ve missed you, u beautiful bitch!”
Jamee: “Aww! That’s sweet....
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! Maine, USA! Here we had 2 challenges. The first one was the climb the tallest boom and get the team's flag. Team Germany won that one. The 2nd one was to go through the forest and find the plane. Team Germany won that one too. All the girls were so mad at Draven for making them lose, the decided to vote him off. But he had invisibility. In the end, It was both Eva and Cody who had to boot. Leaving Draven as the only boy on his team and with out an alliacne to be in. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Around...
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Chris: last time on Total Drama Around the World! France! The birth place of tennis! Here we got a new player, Lia! (laughs) yep Jordan's REAL girlfriend. the one he cheated on Annie with. Well, anyways. Here in France we played a game of Tennis. A lot of fights took place here: Amber and Lance. Draven and Alejandro. Lia and Annie. and of course, Liza and Layla. In the end, Alejandro got the boot for trying to kill Cole with a knife. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Around the world!

(theme song)

(Non-first class)
Lia: My first dag here and I have to spend it...
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-The wedding-

"This is it!" Ally says as she carries her wedding dress until the maids chamber.

The bride-to-be lightly opens the door and sees all of the her girlfriends waiting anxiously, some with their hair rolled up of with their nails painted an polished. Anne Maria also had her baby boy, Carter, sitting on her lap.

The girls help Ally put on her wedding dress. They start to reminisce and talked about how excited they were.

"I can't believe your getting married!" Courtney zei as she helped Ally tightly zip up the back of her dress.

"I know!" Ally replies.

"A few years ago, none of us...
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-Talking to Blainley and Lamaze Classes-

Mike and Ally made an emergency meeting with Blainley at the Celebrity Gossip studio. It took about 30 minuten to get there door car, and enough time for the couple to figure out what to say. They finally get to the building and storm in until they found Blainleys office. Mike knocks on the door furiously.

"Come in!" Blainley says.

Mike and Ally walk in and kruis their arms angrily.

"Well if it isn't the coupe of the hour? What can I do for you?" The blonde hostess asks.

"We want to talk to u about the recent 'Celebrity Gossip' episode." Ally zei while...
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Sierra is in her room wodering how she is different than the other girls (i.e. Heather's gorgeous hair, Lindsay's beautiful eyes, and LeShawna's luscious lips). This prompts Sierra to steal her way to stardom.

In Heather's dressing room, she claims that she has to work on her pouting some more. When she sees Sierra, she cuts Heather's hair down to shoulder length (Similar to TDWT). That gives Heather the reason to pout.

In Lindsay's pool, she sees Sierra who snatches her eyes. She runs off after she yelled for Tyler.

In LeShawna's nursery, she kisses her babies goodnight. However, one of the babies...
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(WUZ THIS?! Another update from Abby?!? JES IT IS :D I know u all are probably like 'What the hell?! There is so many updates And all the episode are so SHITTY'! Well! Your not very nice if u say that :( ANYWAYS! OMS IT'S HALLOWEEN! Hell ya! I <3 this holiday! Oh! And now I shall tell u that I could've written this last night when I couldnt sleep but instead I stayed up till 4:00am reading K-boe comics, drawing, and watching YouTube :D Enjoy thue guys!)

Rayla: *In red riding-hood costume* Tralalalala! Oh.... Yellow camera dude! Now before the campers wake up let me just say! Last time...
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Rayla: hallo Starburst... Y'all wanna here a joke? *giggles* 

TS: No.

Rayla: Ok :D *snickers* What did the baby horse say when he sneezed?

TS: What?

Rayla: Sorry I'm a little hoarse!!!! xD *falls on the ground laughing* 

TS: -.-

Duncan: u SUCK!

Rayla: I'm sorry. I was just trying to be......PUNNY!!! *Burst out laughing again*

Star: Can we just get this over with? I have some things I need to do. *smiles at Noah* 

Noah: *Smiles back* 

Rayla: -_- Ya cute. I swear, if I was a meme, I'd be forever alone :( ANYWAYS! u no receive doughnut, u no Stay! FOREVER!

Crystal: Haven't u already broken that...
continue reading...
posted by GwenFanxxxx
Anti : dxc Pro : dxg and Pro: Aleheater

G: It was so fun to go to the avondeten, diner with duncan!
H: W-what romantic, I wish alejandro was so gentleman!
G: Uhm he is, dont u know?
H: Okay he is, but not to me!
G: *gives telephone* Your gonna call him now!
H: No i dont want to!
G: *calls number and gives telephone to heather* To late my friend!
H: Hi al, want to go tommorow to a dinner*
H: yes, A-ha, Ok, No, yeah, Bye!
G: and?
H: EEEEH! where going to a avondeten, diner tomorrow!
G: Tomorrow we going koop for your dress and shoes!