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posted by nocofangirl218
It's....EPISODE 5!!!!!!! Wow, I never thought I'd be saying that. ^^' Anyway, I'm really sorry it takes forever for these updates, but....schools coming up, and I'm totally stressing about it! Anyway, I'll try and update this when school starts, might be awhile.

Anyway, please enjoy the episode! ^u^


*at elemination ceromony*

Chris: *walks up to podeum* Well, Explosions, I expected a better winning streak from u guys.

Alex: Well, if GRIFFON wouldn't have been easily distrackted, we wouldn't even be here right now!

Griffon: Alex, I appologized for that, like, eight times! When are u gonna let it go?!


Chris: Wow! There is some serious hating going on in this group! Anyway, if u get a popcorn bag, your safe. If u don't, that means your out, and u have to take a ride in the dreaded.....CAB OF SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!

Noah: Just get on with it!

Chris: -.- Don't rush me. Okay, the first three people veilig are: Owen, Noah, and DJ! *throws the three pop maïs bags*

Owen: Oh GOODY, POPCORN! *eat the entire bag in one bite*

Chris: Glad u like it Owen. :) Okay, when I call your name, please be prepared to catch your popcorn bag!

*everyone except Cody, Trent, and Courtney are called*

Chris: Okay, there are three of u left, and only one popcorn bag! So, lets cut to the chase! So, the one who gets it is...............CODY! *throws Cody a popcorn bag* Trent, Courtney, u two will be taking the cab of shame tonight!

Courtney: But...but.......I was an actual CIT! *starts to cry a bit*

Trent: *puts a hand on her shoulder* Hey, it's gonna be alright Courtney. The money dosn't matter! Besides, when I'm with you, I feel like the richest guy on earth. :)

Courtney: *smiles, and leans in to kiss him. He does the same, but Chris came in between them before their lips meet.*

Chris: Alright u love birds, take it in the cab! *points at cab. Trent and Courtney willingly got into the cab together, and the cab quickly drives off.* Alright, the rest of u head back to the cabins, and I'll see u all the volgende time u lose!

-the volgende morning in craft services-


Alex: Okay, I know Griffon costed us the challenge, but....I still voted for Courtney and Trent. Courtney cause shes annoying, and Trent because....well......he's Trent. :P

Star: So, even though Cody's a dirty little Noah-stealer, I still voted for Trent and Courtney. In my opinion, their both extreamly useless. Besides, thats just another two people out of my way. *smirks evily*

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Alright, before Destery says something, heres a re-cap: last time, the teams had to compete in a mini camp olympics! Despite having lost their two most physical players, Team spek Hawks still manedged to take victory from Team Explosion! What will todays challenge be? Find out now on, Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays* HA! In your face Destery! >D

Destery: -.- Whatever.....tater-hater.

Crystal: D< I HATE FRED!!!! Anyway, please enjoy your breakfast, one uur to eat, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! *walks out*

-with Team Explosions-

Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy: So....Griffon, whats up with u and Jake? u guys seem to just toally hate eachother.

Griffon: see, it's......really comlicated - between me and him. I guess u can say....we're fighting for the same treasure.

Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy: I don't follow.

Griffon: Well.....maybe thats a good thing!


Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy: Okay, I'm really confused now. Fighting for the same treasure? God, how meer cryptic can u get. Hm....maybe Jake stal something from Griffon - THATS AN INJUSTICE! Then again, it could be the other way around - WHICH IS STILL AN INJUSTICE! Or, maybe- *buzzes out*

Griffon: I think Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy is onto me! I mean....I know I zei I'd quiet obsessing over Crystal, but....she's just so.....HOT!

**end of confessionals**

Star: So...Noah, hows your breakfast?

Noah: Geat. Although, I do miss that disgisting taste of Chef's brown slop, and famous whit past.

Star: *giggles* Your really funny Noah!

Noah: Um......thanks.


Star: OMG, I can't believe I FINALY talked to Noah! it was like.....a dream come true! I know I might be sounding totaly like Sierra now, but it's just so cool HE talked to me!!!!! I hope we become friends, and if I'm lucky, maybe even more!

Noah: it just me, of is Star....odd? Not like Izzy odd, but just.....diffrent.

**end of confessionals**

-with Team spek Hawks-

Phoebe: It's SO cool we won!

Mirra: I know right!? Usually, the team who wins the first challenge goes on a winning streak! I'm just glad that wasn't the case! :)

Sierra: Totally, but I had no worries. As long as we have Alejandro on our team, we'll always win!

Alejandro: I'm touched Sierra! Thank you.

Sierra: No problem! :) *hugs Alejandro, and smirks at Rikki*

Rikki: o.o


Rikki: Wait....does Sierra like Alejandro? Well, I guess since Cody's on another team, she needed to get a new obsession. *sigh* I guess this is meer complicated that I thought it was going to be.

**end of confessionals**

Justin: So....ready to admit your in love with me yet?

Melody: NO! I won't admit it, because I'm NOT in love with you! Your a self-centered, low life jerk, and u care about nobody but yourself!

Justin: *rolls eyes*


Justin: Why won't she just admit it?! *groans* Looks like I'm gonna have to play hard-ball with this one, and I've got the perfect plan! *smirks, but instantly gets a ticked expresseion* CRAP! I JUST had it! STUPID BRAIN! >.< *hits himself on the head, and he knocks himself out*

**end of confessionals**

-1 uur later-

*al the contestants are still in craft servieces, until the Total Drama Rama logo appears in the sky*

Noah: that supposed to mean the same thing as Bat signal?

All: *shrug*

*They all head out of craft, and wander around a bit. Then, out of no where, Crystal pops out - wearing a Bat Girl costum*

Crystal: Hello, campers! Or, as your about to become, Superheros!

Gwen: So....whats with the costum?

Duncan: Yeah, what gives? Last time I checked, Halloween was a long way off.

Crystal: -.- Thanks on that informing knowledge Duncan. I'm dressed like this, because it goes with todays challenge! Okay, since I've been OBSESSED with superhero films latley, I thought it would be awesome if u all became super's! So, todays challenges are: make a superhero alter-ego, create a awesome costum in thirty minutes, and race through an obstical course to toon your superhero-ness!


Cody: I LOVE superhero movies! Girls in low cut outfits, and tight clothes! What meer could a dude ask for!? Although....the men have to wear tights. *shivers at the thought*

Griffon: Is it just me, of does Crystal look hot as Bat Girl? *slaps self* STOP THAT!

**end of confessionals**

Lindsey: I'm confused. Didn't we already do this, that other show?

Crystal: Yes, but we're doing it again.

Lindsey: Um....why?

Crystal: Because superheros are EPIC! Anyway, before u guys start, *song klok, bell goes off* I want to put u all in a....super mood, so to speak. *music starts*

All: *groan*

Duncan: Every morning I wake up just the same
Noah: Another victim of ordinary fame
Izzy: I don't see myself as invincible
Destery: It's not true at all

All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Trying to save the world, but never really sure
I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Nothing meer than that, that's all I really am

Owen: Just a dag job that's someone's gotta do
Gwen: It's kinda hard when everyone looks up to you
Justin: Try to make it look easy, gonna make it look good
Ezekiel: Like anybody would (eh?)

All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Trying to save the world, but never really sure
I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Nothing meer than that, that's all I really am

PTB: I'm just like everybody else
Griffon: After all the hype it's hard to tell
Robin: I keep my game face on so well

All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
I'm trying to save the world
I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero

Melody: Trying to save the world
Rayla: I try to hide my true identity
Phoebe: But no one knows it's only me

All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Trying to save the world, but never really sure
I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Nothing meer than that, that's all I really am

All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
DJ: I'm trying to save the world
All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero

All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Trying to save the world, but never really sure
I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Nothing meer than that, that's all I really am

All: I'm just your average ordinary everyday superhero

Crystal: That was fanastic everyone! Okay, now that the songs out of the way, lets get started on todays challenge! So, I want both teams to go back to studio 16, and get busy making your superhero alter-egos. Remember, the team with the best - and original - alter-egos win this part of the challenge! So, begin...NOW!

*all go to studio 26, and find tons of fabric and other stuff waiting for them*

-with team Explosions-

Alex: Okay everyone, remember: keep your costums as creative and original as u can! *pulls out a bunch if fabricc, and goes to work in a corner - door hmself*

Star: So, whats your alter-ego gonna be Noah?

Noah: Well, I'd love to tell you, but I honestly don't wanna get copied. Just come up with something on your own, and let me do my own thing. *takes a whole bunch of supplies, and walks off*

Star: *sighs, and takes he supplies to where she's working*


Star: What did I say to get Noah so ticked at me? *sigh* Maybe I can make it up to him later...


Robin: *digging through the fabric, and holds up a bunch of material* Hey, this could so work! *takes her supplies to where shes working*

Lindsey: *digging through the materials* Oh, I want this! Oh, this is pretty! Oh, and this one too! *throws materials beside her*

Gladys: *gets a few supplies, and joins Alex in the corner* Hey.

Alex: *Similes* Hi. *they both start wirking side-by-side*

Cody: *digging through supplies, and finds something* Hm.....could this work? No, that'd be stupid! *throws the materials aside*

Izzy: *is practicaly swiming in the clothes bin*

Ezekiel: IZZY! GET OUT OF THERE, EH! *starts trying to get Izzy out of the clothed bin, but to no avail.

DJ and Katie: *picks up fabric that fell onto the floor, and get to work*

-with Team spek Hawks-

Rikki: So, whats your costum gonna be Alejandro?

Alejandro: I honestly don't know yet. Maybe I'll be a spanish supeman of something. So, whats your costum?

Rikki: I have no idea either, but....I like this. *picks up a material, and discovers Sierra's holding onto it as well* Um....excuse me, I saw this first. So, I'm gonna have to ask u nicely to let go of it.

Sierra: First of all, I saw this first, so I'm asking u to please let go of it! *the girls start fighting over the fabric, but then Alejandro comes inbetween them, and breaks them up*

Alejandro: Please ladys, there is no need to fight over the fabric! There is plenty of it to go around! *bith girls nod their heads, and all three get their materials, and go to work side-by-side*

Rayla: I SO want these! *takes a bunch of supplies, and runs off*

Destery: *smiles* *picks up a few supplies, and runs to catch up with Rayla*

Duncan: So, I alread have my costum from last time. *pulls out a picture of an eye from his pocket* So, u need help with your costum pasty?

Gwen: *smiles* Nah. I already have something in mind. *picks up a bunch of black material, and her and Duncan walk off in the direction Rayla and Destery went in*

Justin: So, whats your costum beautiful?

Melody: *rolls her eyes* Nothing that concers you, pretty boy. *grabs a bunch of material, and stomps off. Justin smirks, and follows her*

Mirra: *piks up a piece of purple fabric* Omg! Isn't this cute Phoebe?

Phoebe: It SO is cute, Mirra! *both squeal*

Rae: *rolls eyes, pick up a few peices of fabric, and goes off on a diffrent direction of the girls*

-30 min later-

Crystal: Okay everyone, thats time! When we cll your name, plese tell ur your name, and your power. Now, Team Explosion, please come out one-by-one to be judged door me, Kate, and Chris! *shows Kate and Chris wearing a Superman and Wonderwomen costum's*

Chris: *turns to Kate* Thanks again for doing a pair costum with me, Kate.

Kate: *smiles and blushes* No problem Chris.

Crystal: Okay, the first member from Team Explosion to toon us their super-side is.....Star!

Star: *comes out on a bat-like costum* My names is: The Fruit Bat! My powers are: flying at high speeds, super-human hearing, being able to see in the dark, and a powerful super-sonic screech!

Crystal: Very nice costum Star! My score: 5/10! So, Kate, Chris, your comments?

Chris: Well, it is cretive, but their is already a bat-themed superhero out there. I mean, no one can top, boven Batman. My score: 4/10.

Kate: I agree. I like the idea,'s a smidge over done. The costumes cute though! My score: 5/10.

Crystal: Well Star, u recieved two 5's and a 4 out of 10, so u earned....14 points for your team!

Star: *leaves with a happy expression*

Crystal: Okay, the volgende hero for Team Explosion is....Lindsey!

Lindsey: *comes out in a Wonderwomen costum* I'M WONDER WOMEN! I HAVE WONDEROUS WOMEN ABILITES!

Crystal: Yeah.....thats original. *rolls eyes* My score: 2/10. Chris, Kate?

Chris: I still LOVE Wonderwomen! Could've been a bit meer original, but...I guess it's still cool. My score: 6/10!

Kate: Well....I agree with Crystal: My score: 2/10.

Crystal: So Lindsey, u recieved two 2's, and a 6 out of 10. Despite your not-original costum, u still earned 10 points for your team.

Lindsey: *squeals in delight, and runs off stage*

Crystal: *scoffs* What a prep. Anyway, volgende for Team Explosion is.....Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy!

PTB: *comes out as-is* I'm just me. I can fly, make powdered geroosterd brood, toast out of no where, and bring powdered geroosterd brood, toast to the powdered toast-less!

Crystal: Okay......original, I guess. Creepy, but original. My score: 2/10

Chris: Eh, I never really like that cartoon much in the first place. My score: 2/10

Kate: Um....I agree with them both. My score: 2/10.

Crystal: Alright, Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy, u got three 2's out of 10. That means you've only earned 6 points for your team - which is the LOWET score so far! Sorry dude.

PTB: *leaves with a sad expression*

Crystal: Okay, lets keep the hero's going!

*everyone from Team explosion comes onto stage one at a time. Alex was Throat-Slitter - earning 8 point, Gladys was The Skater - earning another 13 points, Noah was The Book Avenger - earning 6 points, Cody was Captin Stud - earning 5 points, Izzy was Agent Crazy - earning 7 points, Ezekiel was The Farmer - earning 5 points, Owen was The Eater - earning another 5 points, Robin was The Hawk - earning 3 points, Katie was Rabit Girl - earning 4 points, and DJ was the Giant - earning 7 points*

Crystal: Okay, I will now add up the scores from the highest scores. So, the highest scorse were for The Fruit Bat with 14 points, and The Skater with 13 points - which adds up to....27 points!

Team Explosions: *cheers*

Crystal: Wow, don't celebrate just yet guys! The other team still need to go! So, the first hero up for Team spek Hawks is.....Destery!

Destery: *walks out wearing his regular clothes with the letters: MR sewn onto his chest* I'm the Mind Reader. I can basically just read people mines.

Crystal: ....really Destery? u put that little effort into it? *sigh* Whatever. My score: 2/10

Chris: u could've gone meer creative, but....I like the simple look! My score: 5/10.

Kate: I totally agree with Chris! The simple look is SO snazzy! :D My score: 6/10

Crystal: Well, despite the lack of effort, Destery, u still manedged to earn 13 points for his team.

Destery: Sweet! *goes off stage*

Crystal: Okay, the volgende hero is....Sierra!

Sierra: *walks out in a bright-purple ninja costum* I'm the Purple Ninja! I have amazing agility, hearing, and sight! I also have cool throwing stars, and nun-chucks!

Crystal: Even though I hate you, ninjas are epic! My score: 6/10!

Chris: I agree with Crystal! u can NEVER have too many ninjas in your life! My score: 7/10!

Kate: What can I say? Ninjas are awesome! 6/10!

Crystal: So, Sierra, even though your an annoying fangirl, u manedger to get an impressive 19 point for your team!

Sierra: *gives a very loud fangirl squeal, and runs off stage*

Crystal: Okay, the volgende person up is....Rayla! *Rayla walks out in a Wonderwomen-like costum, but with the letter: PG sewn into it* I'm Pie Girl! I have super pie-scences, and can make a pie appear from no where!

Crystal: SWEET! I LOVE PIE! :D My score: 9/10!

Chris: FINALY! A superhero that cares about pie! My score: 9/10!

Kate: Snazzy hero Rayla! :) My score: 9/10!

Crystal: So, that means Rayla scored a very high 27 points!

Rayla: *smiles big, and leaves*

Crystal: So, let the hero-ness continue!

*all the rest of Team spek Hawks come out on at a time. Alejandro was The Spanish stier - earning 7 points, Duncan was The All-seeing Eye - earning 8 points, Gwen was Ass-Kicker - earning 9 points, Mirra was bloem Girl - earning 6 points, Rae was Blade - earning 11 points, Phoebe was Electra - earning 7 points, Melody was Shadow Women - earning 5 points, and Justin was Shadow Man - earning 4 points*

Crystal: Okay, Team spek Hawks, with your highest scores, - being Pie Girl with 27 points, and Purple Ninja with 19 points - you've earned a gran total of.....46 points! That means, the winner of the first part of the challenge is....TEAM spek HAWKS! :D

Team BH: *cheers*

Crystal: Okay, so if you'll all follow me outside, I'll toon u the volgende part of your challenge!

*all go outside to see a giant obstical course with three sections : a giant wall, a pond with stepping-stones, and, finally, a door with a vraag mark on it*

Crystal: Okay, let me give u the run-down. So, all u have to do to win this challenge is: climb the huge wall, hop over the eight stepping stones without falling into the lake, and, finally, getting to the door. Once you've opened the door, you'll secure victory for your team this week! So, the people with the highest scores to come up!

*Rayla and ster come to the starting line*

Kate: *comes inbetween them, and raises a cheakered flag* On your mark....get set....GO! *brings down cheackered flag*

*Rayla and ster take off. ster reaches the uithangbord first, but she has a bit of difficulty climbing it. Rayla how-ever climbs the uithangbord like it's nothing. Rayla is the first to make it to the stones, but starts to wobble after the first three. ster finally reaches the stones, and starts quickly crossing them. She loooks like she's gonna kruis it, but at the six stone, she losses her balance, and falls into the water*

Crystal: The Fruit Bat is out! So, as long as Pie Girl can keep her balance, she basically wins!

Rayla: *takes deep breath* I can do this.!!!!! *starts to hop over the stones quickly, and soon windes up on the other side*

Crystal: PIE GIRL HAS DONE IT! All she has to do now is open the door and clam victory for her team!

Rayla: *runs up to the door, opens it, and gets wide eyed* AHHHHHHHH! It's the most HORIBLE thing I've EVER seen!

Heather: *comes out* Oh, ha-ha, very funny!

Crystal: So, Team spek Hawks win! So, Team Explosion, that means you'll be sending one person home pagina tonight! Also, Heathers Team spek Hawks, since you've won the challenge, u guys get Heather!

Team BH: *groans*

Heather: Oh, so ou think I WANT to be teamed up with u losers?! NO WAY! I'm only back for the cash! *sees Alex, and winks at him. He cringes in disgust*

Crystal: So, as always, I turn to Kate for the questions!

Kate: *smiles, and turns toward the camera* So, will things get meer interesting since Heathers back? Will she last meer than an episode? And will Lindsey ever be original? Find out other thing istead of these volgende time on.....Total Drama Rama!


So, Heathers back......yay?

So, I REALLY like this episode! If u all don't, thats cool. :3 Also, since teams will be changing a bit, I'm giving u all another lijst to keep track of whos on what team!

Team spek Hawks:

Riley, Derstery, Rayla, Duncan, Gwen, Alejandro, Rikki, Sierra, Mirra, Rae, Phoebe, Justin, Melody, and Heather.

Team Explosion:

Alex, Gladys, Noah, Cody, DJ, Katie, Izzy, Star, Owen, Lindsey, Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy, Griffon, and Robin.

Thanks for reading,
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