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posted by nocofangirl218
So.....yep, it's the volgende part. o3o So, I hope u guys are all ready for the most, kissey, lovey, mushy, etc episode ever! :D Ssssoooo, yeah, I'm just gonna start the story know. ^^; Hope u all like it!


*at elimination ceromoney*

Chris: *walks up to podeum* Well, look whos back. Haven't seen u guys in awhile - as in a week, hehe. So, I hope u know who your voting for.

Alex: *glares at Star* I sure do. How about u Noah?

Noah: *glares at ster as well* Yep.

Star: *gets a very scared look, and gulps very hard* *She then starts shaking violently, and looks nervously around*

Chris: Alright, lets get this ceromoney under way! So, the first three veilig are...Noah, Alex, and Gladys! *throw the three popcorn bag* *Alex and Noah send ster smirks, and she continues to shake nervously*

*everyone except ster and Katie are thrown popcorn bags*

Chris: Ladies, there are tow of u and one popcorn bag let to give. That means one of u will be going home, tonight. *Star and Katie exchange quick glances* the last one veilig for tonight is.......................................Kaite. *throws Katie a popcorn bag*

Star: *starts to sob* I...I deserve to be voted off! *turns to Noah* Noah.....I.......I.......I really like you. I'm just so sorry I made this bad of a first impresion. *hugs Noah tightly*

Noah: *gasping for air* Can'

Chris: Got u covered Noah. *pushes a button, and tow security dudes come and pry Noah and ster apart* *they soon carry her to the cab of shame, and threw her in. The cab then quickly drive away*

Noah and Alex: *high-five eachother*

Chris: Okay everyone, go back to the cabins, and get a great nigh sleep, because tommorow is another challenge filled day! *walks away*

-the volgende morning-


Noah: *smirks evily* Am I happy Stars gone? Of course! Is it because she threw a challenge? Nope, it was because....I knew she had something to do with Cody's elimiination. If your watching dude....I miss you.

Alex: *sighs in relief* Finally, the game is filled with honest people now! I just feels great to know u can trust everyone. :D

**end of confessionals**

*in Craft Servieces*

Crystal: *walks in* Whats happening party people?! The new host with the most is back, and badder than ever!'

All: *cheers*

Griffon: *runs up, and quickly hugs Crystal* *he then quickly runs back to where his team was sitting*

Crystal: Well, thanks for the warm welcome back guys! ^u^ So, let me tell u what the game plan is today! Instead of an uur to eat, u all only have a half-hour. Thats only because all have an awesome challenge we need to get to! So, Destery, u ready for the re-cap?

Destery: Yeppers! :D

Crystal: So, last time on Total Drama Rama, the teams had to sing a parody to help me feel better about being sick! door the way, that was SO sweet of u guys to do that for me! Anyway, after all was zei and done, Team spek Hawks one with Destery's wicked singing skills. Think thats the end of it? Wrong! In the very last seconden of air-time, ster had revealed she had an alliance with Heather, and had thrown a challenge for it! Man, what a tough break Star! So, what will we do to these poor saps next? Find out now on....Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays* Man it feels good to do things again!

Griffon: It's awesome to have u back Crystal! :D

Crystal: Thanks Grif! ^w^ *starts to walk out, but then comes back in blushing slightly* Oh, door the, Jake is sick today, so.....I ordered some carry-out doughnuts.

Owen: YAY!

Crystal: Leave some for everyone Owen. *gives Owen an: 'I'm watching you' stare* *she then leaves the tent*

-with Team Explosion-

Gladys: I'm kinda sad ster got mixed up with Heather, was her own choice. Besides, now there are only honest people in the game. :3

Alex: I know right! I'm just glad no one else will be throwing challenges. :D

Gladys: *nods her head in agreement*


Alex: it just me, of is Gladys, like, the most awesome person ever? I mean, she's smart, sweet, and easy to look at as a bounus! It's practically a three for one deal! :D But...we're just friends....right?

Gladys: Okay, I take what I zei last episode back! Alex isn't the nicest guy I've ever meet.....he's the nicest guy on the whole planet! >w< But....we're just friends...right?

**end of confessionals**

Izzy: Okay, so after I blew up the RCMP kitchen, I-

Ezekiel: Wait Izzy, I'm confused. Not to be rude, but.....didn't u say in TDI that u blew up the RCMP's kitchen, eh? u know, when u were in the canoes?

Izzy: Yeah, but since it was loads of fun, I decided to blow it up again! :D

Ezekiel: O.o Oh.......okay then, eh.


Ezekiel: That Izzy............she's crazy, eh?

Izzy: Aw! It was SO sweet that Zeker's remembered what I zei in TDI! :D I mean, that was, like, so long ago! Could he even remember something from that long ago? *gasp* Maybe he's secretly part elephant! That'd mean he'd have, like, a super memorey! My uncle owned a olifant once, and, like, it always remembered that if he didn't step on anybody, he'd get a peanut! I mean, sure he forgot from time to time, but hey, two outta three crushed people ain't bad! :D


-with Team spek Hawks-

Rayla: Oh, we a-a-are team spek Hawks.

Destery: We-ee-e will make,

Both at the same time: We'll make u cry! >u<

Alejandro: Great Adventure Time reference amigos. Plus, it gave us some needed team spirit! u two make quite an excelent pair - like Finn and Jake.

Rayla and Destery: *turn to eachother, and smile* :D


Rayla: I'm SO lucky to have Destery as a friend! :)

Destery: Yeah, me and Rayla are pretty tight. I mean, if I was peanutbutter on bread, I'd SO pick her to be the jelly! *gets confused* Scence made that no! >.< ......-.- I mean, that made no scence.

**end of confessionals**

Mirra: *takes a zitplaats, stoel door Alejandro* hallo Alejandro.

Alejandro: Good morning Mirra. I see your looking healthy today. Did u get a full nights sleep last night?

Mirra: *smiles, and blushes slightly* Well, I-

Rikki: *takes the other empty zitplaats, stoel door Alejandro* hallo there Alejandor! door the way Mirra, could u invest in some nazel strips when u get the chance? Your snoring practically kept me up all night.

Alejandro: *turns to Mirra, and gives her a confused look* I didn't know u snored Mirra. Are u conjusted?

Mirra: *smile fades, and blush gets deeper* *gets up, and runs away*


Mirra: OMG! D: What could I have possibly done to Rikki to make her tell Alejandro about my snoring?! *buries head in hands* *through hands* This is a nightmare! >.<

Rikki: Okay, I know I may have played a little dirty, but *puts on army cap* this is war. >3

**end of confessionals**

-1 uur later-

Kate: *walks in* Hello everyone in the tent! So, since things are back to normal, let me lead u all to u volgende challenge! *leaps out the tent*

*everyone follows her, and they all wind up at the stage. On it, Crystal is standing in front of two huge wheel's with empty bottle's on them. On each wheel, theres a picture of everyone on each team*

Crystal: Welcome people's!

Noah: Uh....Crystal......whats all are faces doing on a wheel?

Crystal: I'm glad u asked, oh bookworm named Noah! >3 So, I was watching a re-run of all the TDI episodes yesterday, and I noticed something I wanted to do on here. So, u all remember the game from season one that got Heather eliminated, and bald in one swoop right?'s baaaack! >D Thats right, all the way from the island, it's.....truth of dare!

All: ....yayz? o3o

Crystal: Glad u all like it. >3 Anyway, before we start, *song klok, bell goes off* I wanna musical number! *looks around to see if anyone is moaning, and no one is* Wow...thats a first. o3o Also, this is another girls only song, so boys, your back-ups! Anyway.....get singing! *music starts*

Katie: I got a secret, I'm telling everyone
Gladys: Don't wanna keep it, I wanna play dumb
Izzy: I made a promise I think I'm ready to break (all boys: O-o-o-oh)
Gwen: Its just a vraag there's nothing wrong of right
Riley: And your intentions keep u up at night
Mirra: Play with brand and u are way too insane (all boys: O-o-o-oh)

Robin: But when the lights go out, go out
Izzy: We are just beginning
Phoebe: And not a sound, our eyes are looking down
Rikki: Spin the bottle round & round and round and round

All the girls: Last kiss on the tip of your lips
Where it heads, now watch your hart-, hart beat beating (all boys: Truth!)
Time's up, are u ready of not? (all boys: Dare!)
So don't stop when u get that feeling now, now (all boys: Tic, tic, toc)
Tock tock, it's your hart-, hart beat beating
Now, now, it's just a game

Melody: I feel uneasy, I feel it in the air
Rae: It's too danger, I'm playing unprepared
Mirra: I try to hide it before I make a mistake

Izzy: But when the truth is out, is out
Katie: We're just beginning
Rikki: Without a sound, our eyes are looking down
Riley: We spin the bottle round & round & round & round

All the girls: Last kiss on the tip of your lips
Where it heads, now watch your hart-, hart beat beating (all the boys: Truth!)
Time's up, are u ready of not? (all the boys: Dare!)
So don't stop when u get that feeling now, now (all the boys: Tic, tic, toc)
Tock tock, it's your hart-, hart beat beating
Now, now, it's just

Robin: Well, I'm ready, so ready
Katie: So take me on (all the boys: so take me on)
Phoebe: You're staring, I'm so trapped
Rae: It's on and on and on and on

All the girls: Last kiss on the tip of your lips
Where it heads, now watch your hart-, hart beat beating (all the boys: Truth!)
Time's up, are u ready of not? (all the boys: Dare!)
So don't stop when u get that feeling
Last kiss on the tip of your lips
Where it heads, now watch your hart-, hart beat beating (all the boys: Truth!)
Time's up, are u ready of not? (all the boys: Dare!)
Well don't stop when u get that feeling now, now (all the boys: Tic, tic, toc)
Tock tock, it's your hart-, hart beat beating
Now, now, it's just a game

Crystal: Fantastic ladies, and fellas, not to shabby either. :D Anyway, onto the challenge! So, please come onto the stage, and have a seat!

All: *does what Crystal says*

Crystal: Okay, lets start! So, if I on you, u have to pick either truth of dare! The first person who fails to complete his of her task loses it all for their team! First up is...Team Explosion! *spins Team Explosion's wheel, and it lands on Gladys* Okay Gladys, truth of dare?

Gladys: Uh......dare!

Crystal: Alright then. >3 I, Crystal, dare you, Gladys, to.....kiss Alex for at least three seconden long!

Gladys and Alex: *both look at eachother, and blush*

Crystal: Well u two, I'm waiting! Uneless, that is, u wanna chicken out and end this challenge early.

Gladys: *takes a deep beath, and kisses Alex*

Alex: *gets wide eyed*

Crystal:! Alright, we've got some true continders! Alright, time to verplaats onto the volgende dare of truth!

G and A: *pulls away, and turn away blushing*


Gladys: Yeah....the kiss felt great. :D Although....I'm pretty sure Alex didn't like it..... TnT I could be wring, but....I can't tell. :/

Alex: ..... *sighs dreamily* Glllaaaadddyyyyssss. -u-


Crystal: Okay, time for Team spek Hawks turn! *spins Team spek Hawk's wheel, and it lands on Melody* Okay Melody, same to you, truth oorr dare?!

Melody: Hm.....I'm gonna go chicken, and say truth. :3

Crystal: -.- Okay then spil-sport. Anyway, lets get to the vraag asking! So, it true that u like Justin?

Melody: o//o

Justin: Knew it!


Melody: Good.....I didn't know what else to say. I...I mean............I think Justin is a little cute, but...maybe I do like him. o//o

Justin: Ttttoooollllld u all she liked me. ;D

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Alright, looks like things are getting spicy! Anyway, lets verplaats onto some meer dramatic truth orr dare!

-many, MANY, kisses, truthes, and other wierd stuff later-

Crystal: Alright, it looks like we're down to the last few questions. *mumbles* Man I hope this ends soon.... *in regular voice* Okay, it is once again Team spek Hawk's turn! *spins Team spek Hawk's wheel, and it lands on Phoebe* Alright Phoebe, Truth of Dare?!

Phoebe: .....You know what? I'm gonna take my chances, and go with dare!

Crystal: 83 Alright! Sssssoooooo, Phoebe, I dare u to..................kiss Powdered geroosterd brood, toast Boy for three seconden >w<

Phoebe: e.o But....but he's not even on my team!

Crystal: *shrugs* So what? Anyway, Phoebe, either u get kissing PTB, of you'll lose the challenge for your whole team!

Phoebe: *sighs, turns to PTB, and puckers her lips*

*PTB blushes, and does the same. Their lips are a centimeter from touching, but Phoebe then turns away*

Phoebe: I can't do it! *runs away screaming*

Crystal: Well, looks like Team Explosion wins this one. All thanks to PTB's being apparentlt non-kissable. :P

PTB: ...... TnT

Crystal: Aaannnnnyyyywwwwaaaayyyy, it's time for me to do the ending questions! So, what will Alex and Gladys do about the kiss? Can anyone truly blame Phoebe for not wanting to kiss PTB? And will there be meer kissing in future episodes, find out all these things, and even more, volgende time on....Total Drama Rama!


So.....yay for sappy stories. :P

Anyway.....get your deleted sceene's/confessionals ready's a aftermath volgende episode! Yep, thats right, it's that time again! Also, please pick one person from Team spek Hawk's to vote off! >w<

Till volgende time!
izzy wasint ment to be in tda but she chandge her name to E-scope so E-scope is in the game not izzy thay also call her calidoscope to make it easy for u here ca-lIdO-scOpe first GxB get voted of (by the way escope was awsome in the paint ball game XD) coinetinu then escope gets alimantad then izzy oh i mean E-scope is called izzy when trent picked her with made E-scope a littul ticked of later E-scope says she is 87 years old iside of her self becuse she was recarnat a houl buntch of times and says she is the vary same carnashin of her grany mavesand says ih thar ladei u spend away on...
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The "No Pain No Game" part.

"Ok,hope evryone had a 'fun' time doing that.Now,let's wake u up!Ok so this is what will happen(and my little twist) each ex-camper has made up something EXTREMLY painful and might kill you.If u chicken out,you will loose this competetion.First up...JUNO!"aAndrea said."Ok,so...ok!Noah is making u swim in a pool of ekectric eels with laods of leeches,jellyfish,seeweed and pictures of junstin.Will u do it?""Yes!I have to of i;m gonna loose to SUMER"She snarled.*She dives into the pool*"Ok u have to stay in there for 4 whole hours ok?Everyone else,we're cutting...
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posted by chocopockyninja
Part 2
by chocopockyninja

The car stopped at a red light. The song Poker Face came on the radio and I turned it up a little. We didnt say anything thing till the song was over.
"Oh dear lord! I cant wait!" Sofie zei bouncing up and down in her seat.
"Hey...aah, Sofie do u wanna calm down?" Duncan asked. Sofie stopped and tured around to look at him.
"No!" She yelled at him smiling. Then she turned around and started humming to She wolf (because it was playing on the radio) and bouncing up and down.
The light soon changed to green and I was off. We then got onto the long strech of road and...
continue reading...
"Hello! I'm Sofie!" I smiled while Duncan turned on the camera. I stood in the middle of my living room with Owen and Beth on the divan, bank in front of me.
"First of all, dieting is important. So follow these tips!" Duncan giggled tying to keep the camera still.
"Tip number 1," I announced putting my hands behind my back.
"It's not your fault. People may tell u that your the one who caused all the stomach rolls to appear around your middle, and that u have eating problems. Well, it's not true! It's not your fault u like food! Thats just who u are!" I zei in my costume-made Jenny Craig vocals....
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posted by taytrain97
"What do u MEAN my cousin is living with us?" I shouted, obviously shocked door my mother's announcement.
"She has nowhere else to go!" Mom exclaimed. "And her parents are in a custody battle over her, so she's going to stay out of it until the final decision is made."
"We don't have any spare bedrooms for her to stay in, though!"
"Sweetie, we have four bedrooms in this house. We have plenty of room for her." She twisted the door handle and opened my door to walk out. She stopped outside the open door and turned around. "Don't worry, it will just be for a little while," my mom assured me....
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posted by TDIlover226
Last time, on Total drama nature. Our nine remaining campers were faced with the challenge of listening to Calvin anf Drew talk for eight hours straight! In uur one, no one left the room! but door uur two, Eva was ouuut! And all the way 'til uur seven, people just kept walking out! in the final hour, Owen was faced against Duncan and Courtney. That would be pretty hard, because Duncan and Courtney were SLEEPING! Owen was sleeping, but when he woke up, he was definitaly OUT! Duncan and Courtney had won the challenge for the fearsome four. And as for the fighting five, someone was...
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posted by emisa123
Name: Farrine Jhonson

Nickname(s): Farra of Skunk

Age: 14

Place: New Jersey

Friends: Barbara, Hayley, Dawn, Maggie, Gwen, Cody.

Skills: Very good singer/actor

Info: She is a music-loving, partying, crazy, punk girl. A dad, big brother, and mom make up her family. She has a crush on Cody, loves to write Chrizzy articles, and listen to music.

Appearance: Tall, skinny, curvy. Blackish blueish hair with one white streak on the side that goes down to a bit past her chin. Brown-gray overhemd, shirt with driehoek shaped straps and a big roze ster in the middle. Gray pants with baggy ends and a really weird roze belt. Black/gold sneakers. Gray gloves that go up to her elbows. Lots of red-violet lipstick, gray eyeshadow, black eyeliner, dark-brow eyes.
posted by biancatdifan
It was five years after TDI/A.He had forgoten about Courtney but one day...
lindsay:OMG! u sure
courtney:ohh,totally,sooo true
duncan:*in his mind*god,that girl looks familiar,nope doesn't ring a bell.
courtney:ohh sorry*she bumps with duncan*
duncan:no,excuse me
courtney:have i met you?
duncan:i dont know,have i met YOU?
courtney:i dont think so,well later
duncan:yeah i have to get my dg princess some food anyway--*blank stare*PRINCESS?!?!
duncan:*having a flashback*
this volgende part is Duncan's flashback..
duncan:morning sunshine
courtney:you were cudling--
courtney:your still...
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posted by TDIlover226
As they neared the top, boven of the mountain, everyone hopped for the best. They'd been climbing for days, and as far as they knew, 2 of their vrienden were dead. They climb the top, boven and looked, their guide wasn't there. Izzy dropped to her knees, "This can't be happening! we've walked all this way! It's not fair!" yelled Izzy she started to cry. Chris looked at the red head, she had never seen Izzy cry like this before. "we better make camp here" zei Ezekiel, "mabey some one will see us from a plane of helocopter". "ok" zei Izzy. They made camp, there were some up sides about this place, there was...
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It was now time to receive the guilded chris awards. someone would be iliminated from the screaming gaffer team. chris started to call the names. "Duncan,.....JG,.....Vanita,....Gwen,...
Seiamica,......Alex,......Blake, ....Leshawna, harold, DJ". "there are two guilded chris awards left", Julie and Calvin were the Two left. julie smiled with comfidence. "Calvin!!!" yelled chris. "what!!!!" yelled julie "thats not posible!" most of the people on this team are my friends!" "sorry ju'ann" zei JG "but u went completely nuts and lost us the callenge!" "no way!!!!" yelled julie "you mean to say...
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posted by TDIlover226
Blake, Eva's brother, is a none athletic, child prodigy. He is very short and often gets pick on about it. after many years of getting torchered door the school kids, he finnaly found Seiamica. the two became fast friends. seiamica had been vrienden with JG. She hadn't been vrienden with vanita though, at first blake and JG would aways fight and of corse JG would make fun of him because of how short he was, but after a couple years to two became good friends. JG usually defends him, but sometimes joins in on the taunting. when the the girls gave Blake a swirly JG and Vanita pulled him out of the...
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posted by wanderingk
Vivian was ready. She would go to Total Drama Island and make her own show, Chris got to go. Vivian wasnt sure if she either wanted something like A Shot At Love With Tila tequila of something like Survivor. Either way, Vivian would make the best toon possible, she knew it.
When Vivian's plane got to the island Vivian stepped out and knew all eyes were on her. Envious eyes, lovestruck eyes, happy eyes.
"VIVY!" Chef called. Vivian turned to her uncle and laughed. She ran into his arms.
"Hey uncle C! Hows my favoriete uncle?" Vivian asked. Vivian turned to see every set of eyes on her and Uncle...
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Source: ForZaAleX-1
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Source: VaultMan
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Source: TheEdMinistrator765
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Source: Me, TDI-Exile
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Source: door XJKenny
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Source: Cartoon Network
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Source: WhiteEyedCat