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posted by nocofangirl218
Yeppers, it's part 13! :D Anyway, I've been really happy latley. Maybe my self esteem's been raised in the last few weeks. Eh, probably not. -3- Anyway.....I'm just gonna get this story started now. ^3^;


*at elimination ceromoney*

*Team spek Hawks are in the stands waiting for Chris to toon up, but rating-obsessed host was no where in sight*

Alejandro: Uh....where's Chris? Wasn't he supposed to be here ealier?

Rayla: Seriously! >3< I have meer important things to do besides waiting for Chris's sorry butt to toon up for our teams elimination!

Rae: Oh, come on guys! Just give him a few meer minutes!

-1 uur later-

Riley: Okay, I don't think he remembered he was supposed to be here! I think we should just go back to the cabins and forget this whole ceromoney!

All of Team BH except Rae: Agreed.

Rae: Come on guys! Have some faith in Chris! I'm sure he's gonna be coming here any seconde to start the ceromoney!

*a breeze comes though, and a peice of paper that was on the podeum gets picked up, and hits Alejandro in the face. Everyone except Mirra and Rikki start to giggle. Alejandro groans, and taked the paper off his face.

Alejandro: Uh, guys, theres something on here. It says: "Dear spek Hawks, I had a last minuut hair appointment schedual change. Anyway, because of this, tonights ceromoney has been cancelled until the volgende time u lose. So.....yeah....hope u see this before the ceromoney is supposed to start. Your elimination host, Chris. M."

All on Team BH except Rae: -.-;

Rae: *blushes, and looks at her feet* Well....I guess he isn't coming tonight. Hehe....I guess comign here was a waste of time then.

All of Team BH except Rae: >.< *facepalms and gets uo to go back to the cabin*

-the volgende morning-

*in the craft serveice tent*

Crystal: *walks in* Hola amigos! I hope u all of u slept well, because u all have a super challenging challenge to look vooruit, voorwaarts to! O.o Wow....I sounde exactly like Chris for a seconde there.... *shudders*

Groffon: Don't worry, your a WAY better host than he is! :D

Crystal: Aw, thank u Grif! >w< Anyway, it's the usual today. So....yeah....I'll see ya'll later. *starts to walk out*

Destery: Wait Crystal! u forgot to do something!

Crystal: *comes back in* *smiles knowingly, but fakes a confused look* What ever are u talking about Des? I'm sure I did everything I was supposed to. Please, enlighten me on my supposed something I need to do.

Destery: Th re-cap! >.O

Crystal: *gets suprised look* Ooohh, the re-cap! Yeah.....bad news Destery, their cutting the re-cap from the show. They zei it took up to much time and money.

Destery: *drops tp his knees, and puts his hands in the air* Nnnnnooooo! ToT

Crystal: *laughs a little* I'm just yanking u dude. We're still gonna be doing the re-cap - just like always. :D

Destery: *gets up* Oh.....alrighty then. o//3//o

Crystal: Yep. :P So....last time on Total Drama Rama, the teams were fourced to play in a huge game of Truth of Dare! Alex and Gladys earned their ranks on Team Explosion door kissing eachother, and keeping their team in the game. After tons of other crazy stuff, it was Phoebe's refusal to kiss PTB that cost Team spek Hawks the win. So, what torture will the team's be facing today? Find out on....Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays* Feeling better Destery?

Destery: Much. -u-

Crystal: Good! :D Anyway, I'll see u all later, m'kay? *leaves the tent*

-with Team spek Hawks-

Mirra: Man, it sucks we lost another challenge!

Alejandro: Yeah, least we didn't lose anyone this time! :D Besides, always feel like I'm winning with u around Mirra.

Mirra: *blushes and smiles* T-thanks Alejandro. :) I feel the same way about you.

Rikki: >:(


Rikki: Ugh, I'm SO fed up with this whole fuding buisness with Mirra! I mean, we ALL know Alejandro loves me, but that little flirt keeps getting in the way! Although...I think I have an idea to get his attention from Mirra! >3

**end of confessionals**

Rikki: *sits on the other side of Alejandro* hallo Alejandro. *bats eye-lashes*

Alejandro: *gets confused look* Uh....hey there Rikki. Er.......I don't wanna be mean of anything, but I think u have something in your eye's. They keep, like, blinking.

Rikki: What are u talking about? *continues to bat her eye-lashes*

Alejandro: Seriously....I think u need to go to the bathroom and get whatever is in your eye out. All the blinking is kinda....creeping me out.

Rikki: *gets a frustrated look, groans, and storms off*

Mirra: *giggles at the sceene*


Rikki: Okay....that was a total flirt fail! >3< I mean, HOW meer obvious could I make it to Alejandro that I was flirting with him?! Ugh, I guess this means I need a different approuch for getting Alejandro....

Mirra: *laughs* Rikki honestly thought she was gonna make Alejandro fall for her if she just bated her lashes?! *goes into a series of laughter*

**end of confessionals**

Justin: *sits volgende to Melody* think I'm cute, huh?

Melody: *blushes, and looks away* Yeah....just cause I do think your cute, dosn't mean I like that fact. So...could u not talk to me?

Justn: *shrugs* Whatever u say....beautiful. *goes to eating his breakfast.

-with Team Explosion-

Alex: *raises glass* Team, your some of the most weird, and unusual people I've ever meet. I couldn't be prouder to call u all my team members. Heck, some of u are even cool enough to be called friends!

All of Team Explosion: Like wise! *clicks their glasses together*


Alex: Okay, I know at first glance we may not look like the best team, but I know these guys will come through for me if I need's them. :)

**end of confessionals**

Powdered geroosterd brood, toast boy: So, Griffon, I notice your looking happy today.

Griffon: *gets a confused look, but still with a huge smile* Really? I didn't think it was that noticable! >w< Oh well, since the cats out of the bag, wanna hear why I'm so happy today Powdered geroosterd brood, toast Boy?

PTB: Well, actually....I kinda wanna finish eating-

Griffon: Okay, so the reason I'm so happy is because I'm finally get a chance to verplaats in on Crystal. u know, cause Jake's out sick.

PTB: *smirks* So, u ARE jelous of him.

Griffon: *blushes* S-so?! Anyway.....heres what I'm gonna do. So, if I can get Crystal all alone, I can tell her how I really feel. Then we'll kiss, eventually get married, and live happily in a quiet little town with three kids. *smiles crazily*

PTB: o.o Uh....don't u think your just planning your life with Crystal just a LITTLE to early? I mean....there are always other vis in the sea.

Griffon: -.- No, no I don't. And your just jelous because the girl I like might actually want to kiss me one day! I mean, Phoebe didn't even want to kiss u for just a few seconds. SECONDS, powdered!

PTB: >3< Just....just.....just buzz off! *turns his back to Griffon*


PTB:! How on earth did Griffon find out I secretly like Phoebe. Even's basicaly one sided.... *sighs sadly*

**end of confessionals**

-1 uur later-

Kate: *walks into the tent* hallo everyone! :D So, as u could've guessed, it's time for u all to get to todays challenge. Anyway, I hope u all got a snazzy breakfast because Crystal had told me about today's challenge, and it's really gonna be hard. Uh....yeah......lets get u all there then. *leaves the tent*

*everyone follows, and, when they get there, they see Crystal standing in the middle of a huge, clear feild - a devious smile on her face*

Crystal: Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to todays off the chain challenge! Hehe...yay for semi-rhyming words. :P Anyway, heres what todays challenge is! So, I've recently have been trying to decide what movie series is meer epic-al. Or, as I like to call them, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribean! (A/N: Please forgive spelling. xP) So, to help me decide, I'm gonna have both team's to be either Wizards of Pirates, and then your all gonna have an epic game of capture the flag with wands and swords! x3

Noah: And, how do u expect us to use them?

Crystal: I'm glad u asked that Noah-it-all! >D So, even though I'd love to see u all use swords and wands with zero experience, I've decided to get u all a trainer to...well, train u to use the equipment appropiatly. Anyway, the teacher for the pirates is....

Jake: *comes swinging in on a vine - dressed as a pirate* Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! *sticks the fake sword in the ground*


Griffon: Seriously?! Jake is seriously back?! *groans* Why is my love life always complicated?

**end of confessionals**

Crystal: Thats right, Jake's gonna teach one lucky team how to plunder and use a sword just like good ol' Jack Sperrow! Anyway, it's time to announce who will be teaching the Wizards! So, the teachers for Wizards is... *a huge puff of smoke appears, and a figure is seen walking up. Coughing is heard in the background*

Demetry: *appears from the smoke - coughing and wearing a Wizards cape* Okay, seriously, can we go a littler lighter on the smoke volgende time? Geez, what are u trying to do, kill someone? *groans, and stands door Jake - who is semi-staring at him* What?

Jake: -.- *moves a few steps away from Demetry* Personal space dude.

Crystal: Well.....they seem to get along pretty well. :P So, moving on, it's time to get the teams divided! Alright, playing for the pirates is the one and only.....Team spek Hawks! Which mean, Team Explosion are now the Wizards!

Team BH: *cheers loudly* :D

Team Explosion: *groans* >.<

Crystal: Now, now no moaning! Anyway, all u gotta do is simple! Just let your teachers teach u about whatever your learning and make sure u use the knowledge they gave you. Anyway, I want u all to meet me back here in half an hour! So....yeah....hop to it!

*both teams go off to different parts of the woods*

-a long half uur lecture later, and with Team spek Hawks-

Jake: So, when u see those wimpish nerds in capes and wands trying to gaurd their flag, what exactly are u going to do? *raises an eye-brow*

All of Team BH: Get their flag, and beat their faces!

Jake: *smiles evily* We're SO gonna win this! B) *puts his sword in the air, and he leads Team BH to the feild - all of them screaming like crazy*

-with Team Explosion-

Demetry: So, when those pirates come and try to raid us with their swords and often crazy-sounding battle cry's, what are u gonna do? *raises an eye-brow*

All of Team Explosion: Hide and pray they don't find us!

Demetry: *groans* Yeah.....we're gonna lose. *guesters for everyone to follow, and they do - all in a silence*

-back in the feild-

*there is now two walls on opposite sides of the feild, flags placed behing them*

Crystal: Alright, the rules are simple! Which ever team captures the other teams flag first, are todays big winners! The only rule is....there are no rules! xD Man this is gonna be fun! Anyway, before we start the Wizard man-slaughter, *song-bell goes off* I want a plesant tune from everyone!

All: *nods*

*Drum-lke muziek starts, and both Teams go on a fake march toward eachother*

Team BH: The sun blazes red over the convention center
As red as the blood of all who enter!
That's pumped through the hearts into this fearless choir.
It's the size and the shape of a fist clenched in ire!
Team Explosion: That's raised to the sky in faith and in duty,
That holds that red sun in all its beauty
A beauty we all must ignore!
As we take the last steps to war!
All: 'Cause our movie's better than yours!
Team BH: No our movie's better than yours!
Team Explosion: Our movie's better!
All: Our movie's better than yours!
Team BH: Our movie's better!
Team Explosion: No our movie's better than yours!
All: Our movie's better!
All: Our movie's better than yours!

Crystal: Alright! Lets get this epic capture the flag game under way! So, I want u all to begin!

(A/N: Okay, I know EVERYONE wants to see that game,'s getting REALLY late, and I'm running out of time for my deadline. Uh....yeah.....thats kinda it. :P But, don't go away just yet! Just because I have to cut out the fight still dosn't mean the ending can't be epic! So, lets just say both teams caught the flag at the same time, and are now doing a tie-breaker thing. So...yeah....sorry again for cutting out the game. :P)

Crystal: Alright, since both teams got their flag at the same time, it's time for the tie-breaker! x3 Alright, I'm gonna need one boy of girl from both team to compete in a special tie-breaker challenge!

*the teams huddle up, and both Teams choose quickly. Team BH picked Destery, and Team Explosion picked Griffon*

Crystal: Okay, were gonna go simple and do a tug-of-war game to keep things a little meer fair. So....yeah, first one to fall down is immediantly the loser, and loses for their team. Okay, start....NOW!

*Destery and Griffon start to tug, but they are evenly matched. This goes on for a long time, and it almost looks like it's gonna be a tie*


Jake: Okay, I know this isn't my fight, but....I CAN'T lose to that little nerd Demetry! I don;t know why but....that guy gets under my skin! *sighs* Welp, looks like I'm gonna have to do something very drastic. *smirks evily*

**end of confessionals**

Jake: *smiles evily* Hey, Griffon, I have news for you! *Griffon turns to him, but with his strength still on the rope* I kissed Crystal! Thats why I was sick yesterday! >)

Griffon: *gets a shocked look, but it slowly twist's into a face of pure rage* I'm....gonna.....friggin'.....KILL YOU! *gives the rope a great tug, and Destery is flung onto the gound. Griffon then charges over to Jake, and starts to strangle him. Jake then starts to fight back, and the two are soon in a full blown fight* She's mine!

Jake: No, she kissed me first, so she's mine!

Kate: o.o *gets in front of the camera* So....uh.....question time! *nervouse laugh goes here* So, what will the resultes be of this fight I;m refusing to toon you? Was the song to short for your taste? Did you, and PLEASE be honest, think this episode was a HUGE waste of time and not good at all? Find out all these things and probably others volgende time on....Total Drama Rama! *turns bak to camera* BREAK IT UP OU TWO! *the screen then fades out*


So....yeah.....I know it's poo.

Anyway, I'm SOOOO sorry for this suckish episode! >.< Blame school, homework, and a bunch of other crap! Anyway....I promise nex episode will be better! :D

Till volgende time!
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Source: Google & My Pic Folder
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Source: 100
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Source: TDILova123
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Source: Me and sumerjoy11
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added by TDIsuperfan
“Good evening everyone, I’m Stella Carver. Welcome, to Total Drama: The volgende Generation!” A girl said. She had long blond hair and a purple dress; she wore red lipstick and dark blue eyeshadow over her already blue eyes.
“Today,” Stella continued. “A group of teenagers will kom bij the Total Drama game, each being the son of daughter of a past contestant. What will happen when the contestants learn that everyone here has a parent that once played this game? Will they follow in their parent’s footsteps and play the game ruthlessly, of will they be sympathetic of each other? You’ll...
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I must warn u sensitive readers out their.. This chapter contains a very well described birth if u don't like that part..don't read!! And don't judge me if u don't like it!!
-The birth-

  A burning pain up Ally's spine again as she collapsed on the ground. She tried getting back up, but the pain she felt was too strong to let her stand.  
      "Mike! Mike!" She called. "Help me!"
      Coincidentely Mike had came out from the keuken-, keuken after helping Cameron get meer ingredients for dessert. He immediately saw Ally on the ground and dropped a bowl full of whipped...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Aw yeah; my first Mike x Zoey fiction! :D

Hm...I really don't know what to say here, so...I guess I'll just start the story. ^^' I wanna apologize in advance for ANY OOC of the characters! I just need awhile to really get into their character before I can properly write them.

Disclaimer: ((because I haven't done it in awhile)) All the TD characters – including the new cast - belong to Teletoon – not me, okay?

It was a regular seeming summer afternoon.

The sun was in it's usual place in the sky, the air was warm but thankfully had a cooling breeze, and little kids were cheerfully laying in...
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Narrator:Once Upon A Time In A Faraway Land, Young Prince Cody Lived In A Shining Castle. Although He Had Everything His hart-, hart Desired, The Prince Was Spoiled, Selfish And Unkind. But Then, One Winter's Night, An Old Beggar Woman Came To The kasteel And Offered Him A Single Rose In Return For Shelter From The bitter Cold. Repulsed door Her Haggard Appearance, The Prince Sneered At The Gift And Turned The Old Woman Away, But She Warned Him Not To Be Deceived door Appearances, For Beauty Is Found Within. And When He Dismissed Her Again, The Old Woman's Ugliness Melted Away To Reveal A Beautiful Enchantress....
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sammy:hmmm. beth should go sorry beth but u weren`t a team player

ilana:ugh again i,m getting pretty panick-y again i vote off beth she`s not a team player and instead she drank bier instead of coke and it didn`t work out in the commercail. sorry beth, but bye

mike:we got seconde because duncan is popular, how is that even fair
*end of confessanails*

*votting gym*
chris:okay remmeber if u get 4 vo...
sammy:yea yea yea
ruby:just go
ilana:come on
alex:my babe sammy is right
chris:1 vote beth
beth:i could see ouch i got a head-ach
chris:2 stemmen beth
beth:grrrr ouch my head
chris:3 stemmen beth
beth:if i get one...
sammy:shut up!!!!
chris:4 vote beth SO BETH YOUR GONE!!!!
beth:stop it
ilana:BYE BYE!!!
chris:*throws out beth* what will happen volgende time ion total drama
chris & danny:RELOADED!!!!!!!!

plz put all confessanails in comments
 Team Blazing Fawns
Team Blazing Fawns
HEY! obsezed-wif-tda here! ive made this 1st article......its fun....ive listed things about the td characters.....i wanted to see wat td character(s) am i most related too...u can do this too,but heres some info...the x represents the stuff i do same as da td characters....look

alejandro: latino (X)
has a spanish accent (X)
speaks spanish (X)
chick/guy magnet (X)
team leader ()
evil but pretends to be nice ()
plays ppl out of games unfairly ()
flatters ppl ()
always having that clever look ()
has long hair ()

beth: *wear of wore braces ()
fall for eye candies ()
has a best friend (X)
wanna be sometimes...
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"Hey. It's Chris Mclain here. Again. With my new reality series: Total Drama Bermuda Triangle! For 9 weeks it'll be total drama for our new cast members! How exciting! And now we're on this killer island to make it even more-" "HI CHRIS!!!"-Unknown... "Who..?"-Chris. "Your first new cast member!! Mayla Moreen!"-Mayla. "Ohhhhh...yeah. Of course!! You're gonna have so much fun here!"-Chris. "REALLY?? YAY!!"-Mayla. "Yo, Chris. It's Phil."-Phil. "oh look, duncan's twin..."-Chris. "Oh look, there's everyone else!"-Mayla. "Hey, hi, what's up!!"-Everyone else. Phil and Mayla leave their boats to meet...
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The Hunger Games. A battle to the death between 24 teens ages 12 to 18 from each of the 12 districts of Panem. In the center of the districts lies a shining Capitol, where its residents are free of all worry and can watch us die in peace. My name is Courtney Banks. I am 16 years old and I live in District 12, the smallest, most run-down district where u can starve to death in comfort. Most everyone here is poor, except the three Hunger Games victors who live in the lap of luxury in the Victor’s Village. One of the victors is very old and is usually drunk but the other two, who won 26 years...
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I sit on my bed with all the lights in my room turned off. I guess I like sitting in the dark when I think. My dark eyes fill with tears, the memories of me and Trent stick painfully in my hart-, hart even though we are over . I start sobbing and the tears run fast down my pale cheek. I hug my knees, wishing I had someone sitting beside me on the bed. As the night progresses on and I sit still on my dark blue bed, I keep trying to deny the fact that what I need is a boyfriend to fix what has been broken of my heart.

The volgende morning I got up and change my clothes. I picked out a black Paramore shirt,a...
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Crap and The Meeting

The phone rang, waking Courtney up from her wonderful dream. It was about a hot criminal and he was—

No, he is not hot! No, it was not a wonderful dream! Courtney’s denial side screamed in her mind.

Courtney tiredly searched for the phone in the dark. She accidentally knocked off her alarm clock off the nightstand. At least it didn’t die under my hands every damn morning.

She pressed the button and put the phone on her ear. “Hello?” she mumbled drowsily.

“What’s this I heard about a hot criminal coming in through your window, kissing you?” a voice she knew oh-so-well...
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